Static Movements

By HamilObsession

1.6K 126 41

No-one managed to escape unscathed. As if they did. But John Green is still out there along with his supposed... More

Blurb and disclaimers


48 3 2
By HamilObsession

His hands glistened with sweat as did his forehead. Guilt edged its way into the pit of his stomach, making him feel physically sick. Everything was supposed to be fine but no. He couldn't even hold onto the shred of love and hope he had left because Phil was going to die anyway.

If Dan didn't do it then his Trainer would and make it one thousand times more painful.

He was done with being #11565. This scared man who had a disgraceful childhood, whom only longed for love, was stuck in a dreadful cycle. God, he wanted to be Daniel James Howell, aka Danisnotonfire, born on the 11th June 1993, aged twenty eight and completely infatuated with Philip Michael Lester. He needed that life just so he could remove the image of his twin sister being shot in the head at just five years old.

Who actually was he? This kid, whoever he was destined to be, just disappeared, evaporated when he was taken - was he taken? Given up? - to whatever that place was. But would he trade that? Would he still have met Phil if this didn't happen? Or would've someone gone in his place and then they would have fallen for that amazing man. Or, would his sister be alive and healthy because she grew up without the influence of her twin brother.

"One one five six five, are you there?" 'Dan's' Trainor demanded.

"Yes Sir, Trainor Sir," was his automatic reply.

"Do you understand your assignment, assassin?"

"Yes Sir, Trainor Sir. I must kill the man Phil Lester within twenty-four hours or he will be killed and tortured in front of me Sir!"

"Good. I hope to see you back at your post by ten am the day after. Mr Green has had his ten years and so have you as Dan Howell. Over and out assassin."

The call finished and Dan stood tall, his stance strong. Soon he wouldn't be Dan the internet superstar, he'd be someone else. A new character for him to kill with, but in his heart, he felt only love for the man he was going to murder.


Aunt Audrey was rushed off her feet. As the manager of the hotel, she had to cater for all her guests, but as Meg's aunt? Well, she was told to get out (which was a tad unfair) as she and her friends were busy.

It was a squeeze. Meg had been given a small back room with only the space for a bed, chest of drawers and a bathroom hidden away somewhere. The fangirl could hardly complain though. Just one week previously she had been writing a fanfiction about Joe Sugg, and here he was, gently strumming her ukulele. She was sure this was what dreams were made of.

"So, who are you in Sherlock characters?" Evan broke the silence. "I'm Sherlock, Dodie is John, Meg is Mycroft. Joe should be Lestrade and Phil?"

"He reminds me strangely of Molly Hooper. What?" Dodie exclaimed when Phil frowned. "Both of their partners, no offence here, turned out to be evil. If we are of course putting that guy as Moriarty."

"Ah yes," Phil mumbled. "The murderous suffragettes."

The five of them sat in silence for a couple more minutes before Meg spoke up without filtering.

"It's like a really fucked up fan fiction this," four heads turned in her direction. "Joe Sugg, Phil Lester, Evan Edinger and Dodie Clark investigating the resurrection of Dan Howell. I honestly doubt that you two," she pointed to Joe and Phil. "Would ever communicate with you," she pointed yo Dodie and Evan. "And here I am, the fangirl with four people teens across the world would long to see for just one second on the street. Joe I swear to God, if you want to play Luke, at least get the chords right!"

"I know, why don't you teach me them then?!" was Joe's response, handing thd ukulele back to its rightful owner.

Meg sighed. "Are we going to do something about the 'Dan' situation anyway?"

Phil looked pained. "It's the last day tomorrow. Can we just leave whatever it is we were going to do 'til after the panel?"

Joe glanced at his phone, furrowing his eyebrows when he saw Luke Cutforth's name appear. The two had shared minimal contact since that and only so when massive things happened, that could destroy the faltering sense of normality that they had so desperately obtained.

"I'll be erm, two seconds," he murmured, catching eyes with Megan and then guiltily pulling a cigarette from his back pocket, ignoring the 'No Smoking' signs dotted about the hotel.


"Me and Emma think that Dan Howell is alive," his words were quick and sure.

"We know."

The shock in Luke's voice was evident and expected. "What?!"

"Phil saw him with PJ Ligouri and I kind of figured it out."

"I just saw PJ and Tyler have a fight. They were talking about Dan and John."

"Fuck," Joe cursed. "Dan is with John. PJ and Tyler? This is bad, oh God do you think they're all working together or-"

Joe was cut off by another voice.

"Well done Joe.  You're smart. See you tomorrow."

And then it was gone.

The scars on Joe's chest began to tingle. Memories of a knife and the manic laughter of an insane writer infiltrated his mind. Shakily, robotically almost, he lifted the cigarette and inhaled deeply.

"What was that about?" Meg asked, frowning when she saw the cloud of smoke around Joe.

"Tyler and PJ. Luke thinks they're involved but it can't be true. Tyler knows what happens. We spent months destroying our robot selves."

"Joe, a-a couple of days ago, PJ was on the phone to someone, I think it was Dan. But anyway, he said he was going to kill Phil and-"

"I think you should go back home Meg," Joe dropped the cigarette and squished it with his foot. "This is dangerous and you're what? Sixteen? You need to leave."

"What? Meg's voice was small and timid. "You, you don't want me?"

"I'm sorry Meg, but please just go."

Meg felt tears arise. She'd trusted him and maybe there was a hint of something else. But then she realised. He'd called her Meg.

And only her friends called her that.


Holy fucking shit this chapter has 1000+ words so y'all better be happy!

The next chapter is gonna be full of action so yay! We're actually near the end now so that should be fun.


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