War of Love

بواسطة sizzlingblacky

3.6K 140 33

"It all started with a fight.." Ishaani Karthik hails from the nation where culture plays a major role. Born... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23


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بواسطة sizzlingblacky

"What should I do to make this pretty lady spend time with me?" I turned around to find Chris leaning over the rail of stairs.

"Chris" I moved towards him as he did the same.

"What are you doing here? Alone?" He said the last word stressing.

"I am not here alone. Girls are having coffee" I pointed the cafe.

"Oh. Didn't you have?" He asked me.

I shook my head, "I had something to buy. I'll have at home"

He pursed his lips as if thinking for a second before grabbing my hand and walked towards the cafe, "Won't you introduce me to them?"

"I don't think that's a good idea Chris" I made a break as he was literally dragging me. And more than that I don't want to be teasing topic of weekend. Especially Cindy would make a fuss out of it.

"Why? Do you think I'll steal away your friends?" He querried now standing opposite to me.

"No I just thought the opposite" I gave him a small smile. But he looked pretty serious. I said that just out of fun. What's there to be serious about?

"Why?" He asked me out of blue after minutes of staring. Well I didn't expect that track of question from him.

"Because your'e too cute" I ruffled his hair trying to be funny again. But he gave me no expression. I think we both are on different platforms today.

"So now I am cute?" He left my hand and stood too close to me, his eyes never leaving mine. God why is it so hard to breathe right now?

When I look at him all I can see is a cute little boy whom I want to be best friends with. Because I myself have no idea where my heart is?

"Come on. And stop making a scene?" I pinched his nose and took his hands in mine on the way to cafe.

"There you are" Kath started but stopped in the mid as all three heads fell over Chris. And then to my hand in his.

"Ishaani you have a boyfriend?" It was Cindy. I shook my head frantically removing my arm from his at once.

"We're good friends" I finished as Cindy sat again from her exaggergation.

"Hello ladies. I am Chris Waters" He leaned forward to them.

"Hello Chris. Ishaani has said a lot about you" Cindy shook his hand while my jaw dropped. I gave her a glare while Chris beamed at me.

Cindy gave me a smirk for which I glared at her more. I don't know when she'll stop playing cupid for me.

"Did you all have coffee?" I tried to alter the mood.

"Yeah. We just finished" Kath stood up next to me.

"Actually. If you all don't mind I'd like to have coffee with Ishaani. Since she didn't have with you" Chris barged in again taking my hand.

"Ofcourse" It was a simultaneous reply from Cindy and Kath while Shivani gave a smile.

"It's settled then" he turned and gave me a big grin.

"I'll be back soon" I ushered to Kath who was smiling ear to ear since I reached with Chris here.

"Take all your time" She whispered which was definetly heard by him.

"Well that was pretty embarassing" I sat down on the chair opposite to him after my friends left us.

"Not really. I like them" He replied with a smirk.

"Ahn. Which one?" It was my turn to smirk now.

"You are very naughty Ms.Karthick" He shook his head smiling. It was nice to hear him say my maiden name properly. Many American people struggle with that.

"Not really Mr.Waters" After placing our orders, I decided to ask him about his family. Since I know nothing of him yet he feels so close to my heart.

"Tell me about your family Chris"

"Already eager to know about your in-laws huh?" He asked for which I am sure my eyes would have popped out.

He burst out laughing seeing my reaction gaining attention of others in the cafe, "Chris" I half yelled at him.

"Just kidding. My family is a small nest Ishaani. Dad Mom me and my younger sister" I nodded my head so he continued.

"Dad and Mom work in seperate firms. My sister is in her last year of high school. But its mostly them acting as high school sweet hearts" He commented about his parents.

That got me interested, "Why is that so?"

"They always act lovey dovey. You know but I do envy there relationship. Thier love still binding them together" I could imagine the scene in his home.

"Wish I could have that" I said without consciousness.

"Why aren't your parents love each other?"

"No they do love each other. But thier marriage was a arranged one by my grandparents. They didn't even love each other when they got married. So it will be a special occasion if dad shows his love for my mom openly infront of us"

"Oh is that so? Are you worried about that?" He asked looking at my frowned face, placing his hand over mine.

"Sometimes. But what worries more is that I am afraid if I will be pushed into a same kind of life" Words slipped out without my concern. These were my deepest fears burried deep in my heart.

"It will happen only if you permit Ishaani. This is an independent world. You get to choose whom you gonna live with" Chris looked slightly annoyed now. Maybe I am boring him with my not so crazy life.

"I am sorry to tell you all these and make you irritated Chris"

"I am irritated yes. But not with you. Just the thought of you marrying someone without love" His words held honesty.

"I can't help it"

"Yes you can. And you will. Mark my words Ishaani. You will fall in love and you will go all extends to keep that love with you. You will fight the world for it" Chris still looked serious. His words really made me take a double look at him. It really made me happy.

"Ahn. So when did you become a foreteller huh?" I asked him trying to change the mood.

But his response took me offguard, "Just now. Yeah and I forgot the best part. The person you fall in love with will be me"

I was still looking at him jaw dropped when he started laughing again. God this man is unpredictable. " You still dont know the difference between a joke Ishaani?" He asked standing up. I punched his shoulder a litle harder this time for making fun of me.

"Aww that was cute" he ruffled my hair for that giving his best smile. Its hard resisting that pretty face.

We both walked out of the cafe when it was pretty dark and the time was seven in the evening. We have spent an hour in a coffee shop.

"Let me drop you home" He said more like a statement than a question.

But I shook my head. I don't want to bother him, "My apartment is not that long Chris. I'll walk"

"Did I ask you a question?" He looked serious now. I shook my head slowly after which he grinned.

"Come on. I don't want any thugs bothering you on the way" he said as we slid into his car.

"It's not that late" I mumbled composing myself. He turned around and gave me a blank look for which I smiled like an idiot to release the tension.

He sighed finally and drove towards home. What surprised me even more was he never asked me directions for my home.

"Hey did you stalk me?" I asked him suddenly which made him jerk his head.

"What? No. Where did you get that?" He asked hiding his smile.

"How come you know where I live?" I was still confused.

"I work in the mall near your home remember. And I found the apartment using your eyes. They gave me directions" he responded casually as I bit my lip. That was embarassing.

"Ha ha" I laughed out loudly hiding the blush but in vain.

"You are so cute Ishaani?" He ruffled my hair again.

"Hey why don't you come in?"

"I'd love too. But I have to go home soon. Dad's coming home after a month" His eyes glinted pure happiness.

"That's great Chris. Have fun then" I jumped out of his car.

"Hey Ishaani why don't you come to my home sunday?" He asked as I stopped and leaned over his window.

"Your home?" I asked him taking a second look.

"Yes my home. Dad's home after so long. It'll be very fun" his eyes were still glinting with happiness.

"And my sister is very cute"he added.

I gave him a big grin. It's not such a bad idea."Sure why not?"

"Thats great. I'll pick you up sunday sharp 10"he was still smiling. I nodded as he pedalled his car back to the road.


I climbed the stairs two at a time and reached home. After fitting the key I rushed in search of Kath.



"Katherine?" I searched her all over the house. Atlast she came out of the bathroom holding her phone in the hand.

"I'll call you back Ivan" Great she had been talking to Ivan. She ended the call and came by my side.

"What is it Ish? Any problem?" I searched for words to fill. How can I tell her about Ivan? I have to find whether its true first. Not that I doubt Chris. I want to be sure.

"Ishaani? Are you okay?" Kath yelled at me.

"Yeah I am fine Kath"

"Then why the hell did you call me that many times. So that I had to end the call with Ivan"

"I thought you were not home" Thats the best you can come up with?

"I think you need some sleep hon. We'll talk in the morning" She guided me to my room and closed the door after her.

I changed into my pajamas and jumped on my bed. I can't sleep so I sat cross legged and thought of what to do? Who can help me in a situation like this?

I scrolled my phone for contacts as if I had informants who had been here so long can help me.

My eyes stopped at the name Zoe. Wait she's a local and she's in her second year. She might know something. I dailed her number straight away.

One ring..

Two ring...

And at the third ring she picked her phone. I opened my mouth to say something but the deep male voice at the other end stopped me.

"Hello" Wow what a sexy voice! Shit. Is she with her boyfriend?

"Is Zoe there?" I asked like an idiot.

"Yes. But may I know who is speaking?" His voice held deepness and a bit of authorative feature.

"I am Is--" I was cut off my Zoe's voice in the back.

"Hey what are you doing with my phone?" Then there was a series of mumbled sounds. Finally Zoe took hold of her phone.

"Hello. Zoe here" I sighed in relief but I missed that deep voiced man.

"Hey Zoe. Its me Ishaani. We mey at the mall today" I tried to introduce me.

"Hey yeah. Sorry I forgot to save your number. Did he bother you?" She asked out of breath. Seems like she's talking while running.

"No. Who was that?" I asked her.

"My arrogant brother who thinks he's the one responsible for me" I bet she was glaring right now. I could imagine her doing that.

"That's a good thing" I replied while lying down on the bed. I knew he was a responsible person by his voice itself.

"Good thing? Do you really know what you are talking Ishaani?" She nearly yelled at me. Oops did I touch a nerve?

"Sorry" I apologised soon.

"Hey don't. I am sorry for yelling at you like that. It's just he gets into my nerves too much" she came back to the calm mode.

"Uh huh" I murmured afraid she'll burst open again.

"You know the utmost is he never lets me date anyone" I myself felt sorry for her. Seems like the good opinion I had of him is not so true.

"Oh I am so sorry Zoe. I can understand your problem"

"You can right?" She asked in her childish voice. I muted my smile for that.


"Hey I forgot to ask you. Is anything important you called? I got sidetracked" she finally reached out my thoughts.

"Yeah I need to ask you something"

"Hmm go on" she was enthusiastic. Kath peeped open my door at the same time.

"Hey Ish. Wanna have dinner here?" God great timing. She realised I am being in phone, "Oh your'e on call"

"One moment Zoe" I said to Zoe and jumped out of my bed.

"No Kath. I dont really feel hungry"

"Oh good night then. Tell Zoe I said 'hi' " She replied and went to her room. I locked my door incase she comes in again.

"Zoe?" I asked her on the phone.

"Yes. I am still here and I heard Katherine's Hi" She replied.

"Yeah. Hey Zoe please dont think of me as a weirdo"

She giggled at my pleading, "No I wont. Tell me what is it?"

"I want to know about Ivan Scatty" Finally I dropped her the question.

"Why?" Her question struck me. What will I tell her? Should I tell her the truth?

"I mean its weird just like you said before. Of all people you asking about a drugee" I clutched the phone tightly as her words registered my mind.

"I have my reasons Zoe" I know I am being harsh but I need to know the truth before my best friend gets hurt badly.

"Oh. Well I don't know much about him. But I have seen the college records of him. He's not a good person to be friends with Ishaani. I think he got arrested once" So what Chris said was true. I am a fool to doubt him.

"Thanks Zoe. Your help means so much to me"

"I dont think I did anything"

"No you did a lot to me. Your data will help me save my best friend. Can you get me a copy of his records?"

"Ofcourse I will. I can understand that someone you know is in trouble. I'll definetly do it for you" She agreed to help me at once.

"Thank you so much Zoe"

"You owe me one" She replied playfully. But I'll do anything to repay her.

"Sure. Anything for you" I replied yawning. Surprised I noticed the time past midnight.

God I shouldn't keep her awake any longer, "You should sleep its nearly midnight"

"Yeah I am feeling sleepy too" She was yawning now.

"Thanks again. Good night to you and your sexy voiced brother" Shit did I really say that?

"I am so sorry that wasn't supposed to come out" I am such an idiot. Drooling over friend's brother whom I haven't even met.

"Uh huh. So you like my brother's voice?" Zoe was back in her teasing mode.

"No" I replied too quick which psychologically means what I said wasn't true.

"Whatever. But you know what I'll keep this in mind. Good night sweety" She giggled as she ended the call.

Phew... This was one hell of a day...

The first thing I need to do in the morning is have a talk with Kath.


Hello all...

I actually thought of completing CLHT first and move back to WOL. But I missed Ishaani a bit so that I had to write her love story.

So as I always say. Pls do Vote and Comment guys. You know what, your votes and comments are the things which makes me write again.

So please do that.

Love ya all

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