Star Wars Parent Scenarios

By TLotiel

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Star Wars Parent Scenarios. Includes: -Obi-Wan Kenobi -Kylo Ren -Rey -Poe Dameron -Finn -Qui Gon Jinn -Boba F... More

When You Were Born
Deciding On Your Name
Your First Birthday
Who They Look Up To/Idol/Role Model
Meeting Their Other Parent/Grandparent
First Friends
First Jedi Mind Trick
Darth Maul Catch Up

Your First Word

3.9K 81 19
By TLotiel

Obi-Wan Kenobi-

You and your father were relaxing, something rare for your father but he still made time for you.
"P-" You tried to say. Obi-Wan looked at you with confusion. "P-"
"Go on, you can do it, you can do it,"
"Pa!" You said happily. Obi-Wan lifted you in the air and hugged you.

Kylo Ren-

Kylo was getting ready to leave your room. He had to meet Snoke. He was nearly at the door when...
"B-" He paused at the door.
"Be- Be-" You struggled. Kylo turned to face you.
"Ben!" You said happily. Kylo walked towards you. "Ben!" Kylo smiled, not caring that it was his old name, not caring how you even knew it. He picked you up and hugged you tightly, spending another half an hour with you, not caring that you made him late for his meeting with Snoke.


Rey had brought you with her to get some food.
"That'll be one portion,"
"But I have a child!" Rey protested.
"Doesn't matter, one portion," Rey sighed and took the portion and started walking away.
"Foo-" You started saying. Rey looked at you hopefully.
"Go on, you can do it," she encouraged.
"Food!" You said. Rey smiled. She hugged you tightly.
"Here deary, you and your little one need this more than me," An older woman held out a portion of food.
"Are you sure?" Rey asked, hesitant to take it.
"Yes deary, for free, no deals, no conditions," the woman said. Rey took the food and smiled.
"Thank you," she said.
"Food!" You said gleefully. Rey and the woman looked at you, both thinking you were adorable.

Poe Dameron-

"Hey, (Y/n), have you seen my wrench?" Poe asked. You stared at him in confusion. "Stupid me! You don't know what a wrench is!"
"Wr..." you started. "Wen..."
"Come on (Y/n), you can do it, your daddy believes in you," Poe encouraged.
"Wren... wrench," you said happily.
"You did it!" Poe picked you up and hugged and kissed you. "Daddy is so proud of you, you should be proud! You're so clever! I love you (Y/n)!"


FN-2187 was screwed. You were probably going to die now that Nines had found out about you. You were praying that Phasma would find Nines' tale stupid and pathetic and she would tell him to her back to training. If only that would happen.

Phasma walked in on Finn holding you.
"FN-2187, explain yourself," she ordered.
"Well, erm, well, er, Captain Phasma-"
"Phas-" you begin to say, copying your father. All attention turned to you. "Phasma!" All was silent.
"That was her first word," Finn said quietly. Phasma turnes to him.
"FN-2199! There is no baby or child in FN-2187's quarters! Report to my office immediately!" Phasma shouted as she left Finn's room. Finn had gotten away with it, at least it wasn't Kylo Ren. Finn shuddered at the thought but he just picked you up and hugged you, thanking you for your first word getting him out of trouble, and it probably wouldn't be the last time it happened either.

Qui Gon Jinn-

Qui Gon had begun training you with the Force, but unlike the council, he knew your strengths and weaknesses and he knew when to stop. For example, you still hadn't spoken your first word but you could call a small lightsaber to your small hand.

"I wished you'd say something," Qui Gon said wishfully. You just sat by him. "Just one word would do,"
"Okay, Father," you said. Qui Gon didn't think that you'd actually said that but once he realised it was you, he wouldn't release you from his giant hug.

Boba Fett-

It was one of those days when Boba was fighting, again. Boba was tired and he had battled with someone else earlier that day so when he was narrowly avoiding bullets, he was actually grateful. But then one hit him.

It stunned both of you.
"Dad!" You shouted in fear. Boba's opponent fled. He ran rowards you and hugged you which surprised you, he wasn't the hugging type. But either way, you enjoyed the hug, even if your Dad had a bleeding arm and some of the blood had gotten on you.

General Hux-

What started as a joke now turned into a full competition on whose word you word say first. Hux said it word be 'Dad', Kylo had said it would be 'Ren' and your mother had said it was going to be 'First' followed by the word 'Order'. Kylo and Hux had dismissed her but when you started stuttering syllables, the competition had spread and Stormtroopers and officers has started betting on it.
"D- d-" you spluttered. Hux's attention immediately snapped to you.
"Ren! Alys! She's going to say 'Dad'!"
"R-r-r." Ren smirked.
"F... F... First Or... Order!" Your mother, Alys, laughed at the two men with slack jaws.
"Serves you right for dismissing me!"

Han and Leia-

When you first started to speak, Han was determined for it to be something strange and began to say weird and long words you didn't understand whenever you were trying to talk. Sometimes he would say it in the middle of a conversation when you were trying to get someone's attention.

When Luke entered Han and Leia's house, you walked over to him and pointed to his belt.
"Lightssss," you said. Luke just stared at you in confusion before Leia rushed in seconds later.
"Did she just say a word?"
"Lights...aber!" You finally exclaimed. Leia's happy expression fell as she saw Luke's mini fist-pump.
"I've got to go find Han," Luke said, excusing himself from the rage of his sister.

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