First Jedi Mind Trick

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Obi-Wan Kenobi-

Obi-Wan scanned the cantine for potential subjects. He spotted a man at the bar trying to pick a fight.
"Try that one," he told you. You raised your eyebrows, questioning his decision. "Go on."

"Oi, move," the man said to you. "Want me to fight you instead?"
"You will not fight anyone," you said, waving your hand slightly.
"What?" he asked. "You're not one of those weird Force-believers, are you?"
"You will not fight anyone," you repeated. You stood your ground but he then relaxed.
"I will not fight anyone."

"And you will leave this cantina," you added.
"And I will leave this cantina." The man then plodded out of the cantina. You turned around see your father with a smile on your face.
"Well done, (Y/n)."
"Thanks," you said as you hugged him.

Kylo Ren-

"Grandfather, can you teach me how to use the Force?" You asked shyly.
"Isn't Ben helping you?" asked Anakin. Hesitantly, you nodded.
"But he only teaches me how to get into people's mind, I want to know how to use Force Lightning and the Mind Trick," she sighed. For a moment, Anakin flickered and Darth Vader stood in his place but you didn't seem to notice or care. "Could you teach me?" Anakin reappeared at your request of help.
"Of course," he said, smiling at you. "Shall we start with the Mind Trick? It can only be done on weak minded people but you've got Stormtroopers to try it on."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked anxiously. Anakin nodded.
"It was your idea originally," he said. Nodding, you walked around the corner and faced the Stormtrooper.
"You will let me inside," you ordered. The Stormtrooper was unresponsive. You began to repeat yourself but the Stormtrooper moved his head to look down at you.
"I will let you inside," he said as he stepped aside. You entered to room too see a giant throne-like chair. You walked towards it, admiring it.

The doors opened behind you.
"How did you get in here?" You turned to see your father without his mask on; his mask was held by his side in his hand.
"I told the Stormtrooper to move," you said quietly. He walked over to you and kneeled so you were the same height.
"He wouldn't have moved if you just ordered him."
"With the Force," you added. "I used the Mind Trick, Anakin taught me."
"Have you done it before?" Ren asked curiously. You shook you head and he smiled. "Well done, (Y/n), but you can ask me to teach you, I won't be annoyed. I know Grandfather has been teaching you."
"I know," you said. You wrapped your arms around your father.
"I have an idea," said Kylo. "Who would you like to annoy? General Hux or Captain Phasma?" You laughed and quickly answered.


Rey had scavenged a piece of a ship that was rare in the galaxy. Yesterday, Plutt had offer fifty portions for it so Rey was eager to trade it for the well needed food, however terrible the food was.

Confidently, Rey walked up to Plutt with you in tow, and the ship part in her bag. When she reached the counter, she slammed the part down and Plutt stared at it.
"Three portions," he said. Rey's face morphed into anger.
"What? It was worth fifty yesterday!" The blobfish man shrugged.
"You will give my mother fifty portions!" You demanded. Rey turned to you and shushed you. "You will give my mother fifty portions!"
"I will give your mother fifty portions," droned Plutt. You cheered and clapped your hands in excitement. Fifty portions were dumped on the counter and Rey wasted no time as she swept them into her bag. Grabbing your hand, she quickly pulled you along wih her as she began to head home.

Poe Dameron-

As a child, you didn't understand why you weren't allowed with you dad in meetings. They claimed it was for your own safety but you were a child and people didn't hurt children. Except for the Empire and the First Order but you weren't important to them.

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