Does It Still Hurt?

By Razia101

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Copyright© He held me and asked "what's wrong?" I looked at his beautiful forest green eyes and smiled and s... More

Chapter One: Welcome To Forest High
Chapter Two: Hello Beauiful, I'm Xavier
Chapter Three: Im Your What?...
Chapter Four: Starbucks
Chapter Five: Thinking Out Loud
Chapter Six: The Smile Is Fake, The Tears Are Real
Chapter Seven: You Wouldn't Understand
Chapter Eight: My Story (Part One)
Chapter Nine: My Story (Part Two)
Chapter Ten: Truly Beautiful
Chapter Eleven: Have Fun For Once
Chaper Twelve: Broken... Again
Chapter Thirteen: Hell Broke Loose
Chapter Fourteen: Oh Hell No!
Chapter Fifteen: The Punishment
Chapter Sixteen: The Game
Chapter Seventeen: Audition
Chapter Eighteen: There's A Bump
Chapter Nineteen: Girls Night!
Chapter Twenty: Pack Doctors
Chapter Twenty One: "Im Sorry"
Chapter Twenty Two: Gone
Chapter Twenty Three: Lucy's Funeral
Chapter Twenty Four: The New Beginning
Chapter Twenty Six: "Its Coming!!"
Chapter Twenty Seven: "There's A What?!"
Chapter Twenty Eight: Surprise
Chapter Twenty Nine: Amulet
Chapter Thirty: Intruder
Chapter Thrity One: Ross?
Chapter Thrity Two: Secrets Hidden
Chapter Thrity Three: Golden Eyes
Chapter Thirty Four: Parents
Chapter Thirty Five: Moving Out
Chapter Thirty Six: I'm Back
Chapter Thirty Seven: Captured
Chapter Thirty Eight: Time Stood Still
Chapter Thirty Nine: Moon Goddess
Chapter Forty: Second Wish
Chapter Forty One: Thank you
Chapter Forty Two: The Big Question
Chapter Forty Three: Forgetful
Chapter forty four: Graduation Day
Chapter Forty Five: Official Prom

Chapter Twenty Five: Hugs Give Me Life

470 35 7
By Razia101

{Serenity's POV}

As the teacher called my name I looked up looking at her wrinkled old face. "Yes?" I asked having a hint of sass in my words.

"So Ms Adams,  if you weren't so busy doodling you might have caught up to what we were talking about".I looked at her as she pointed to the board.

"Um yeah of course. How else would I be passing with a 95" I said a little confidently.

"Okay then since you think your better than everyone else, you don't mind answering this math problem" Ms. Baker said with a devilish smile.

"I didn't say I was better-" then she cut me off.

"Okay then come one over" I got up off of my seat walking, I felt stares everywhere around me. I looked over to my right as I saw Rosalina looking at me. She gave me smile and held up a piece of paper that read 'you can do it'

  I smiled and nodded at her, that's all I needed one of my best friends telling me that she believes in me. No matter how crazy I can be sometimes.

I got to the chalk board, grabbed the chalk Ms Baker held out for me and rolled my eyes at her. My back faced the class as I looked up knowing how to do this equation like it was tattooed to the back of my brain.

My hand kept moving as the chalk left its mark on the board. Did she seriously think this was gonna be hard? I know I could pass this class with a 100% but I don't like to show off as much when it comes to being a genius.

"DONE" was all I shouted and sat back in my seat.

"That only took me 2.5 minutes, your welcome" I said with a wide smirk on my face crossing my arms, I swear I saw steam coming out of her ears as she stared at the bored.

"Oh yeah I also did the courtesy of fixing your mistake you made on the question Ms Baker." I said everyone's heads snapped back staring at me as Rosalina leaned away from her chair to fist bump me.

Saved by the bell I got up and was the first to walk out. I waited out the door as Rosalina walked out. "Oh sorry I didn't know it was you Einstein" she said slightly bumping into me.

"Ha ha ha, very funny I cant help it that I'm such a genius" I said putting my hands up as a joke.

Rosalina laughed as we were walking down the hall. "God I missed your laugh" as I said that it was Rosalina's poker face back like usual.

"Sorry I didn't mean to-" I said touching her arm. She looked at me and said.

"It's not you" then she looked straight ahead without talking. I looked over at her direction then saw why she looked so blue. It was Xavier, staring back at her.

It was like they were in slow motion looking in each others eyes. The time was moving fast but they weren't. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from Xavier's glance and walked her to her locker.

"You ready to watch me make the team?!" I asked excitedly.

"Of course I am, you ready to kick some ass?" She asked me while smirking.

"Hell yeah!!" I screamed. She laughed. I was starting to miss her laugh. We went and got the other girls, I told them to sit on the bleachers as I get ready.

I put everything on from my T-shirt  to my cleats on. I was ready I put my short thick black hair in a pony tail.

You make it, or not but at least you die trying. I walked out the change room and onto the grassy field. The nets were set and all the girls were called in the middle of the filed as she yelled. I ran into the middle as I heard what she was that we had to share the field with the boys because they already had a team assembled, and they had a game tomorrow.

I just rolled my eyes obviously girls were treated less. You didn't see the girls team on their tryout day. I could see all the guys staring at the girls. I could tell they were trying to make us seem less.

My eyes made contact with the one person that made me feel wanted. Blake, he smiled at me I just stared back with no reaction. He's not gonna be my weakness I need to focus on this tryout. I looked away but didn't want to.

He looked so cute with his uniform showing all his muscles. And his perfect smile and perfect black  hair similar to mine. The tryouts just started off with scrimmage. Coach wanted to see how we did under pressure, she knew we already know how to pass a ball around but she wanted to see if we could play.

I was open so many times my heart beat growing louder, and faster. No one was passing me the ball. I didn't want to seem like bitch and interfere and get the ball... But that's exactly what I did.

I ran forward  and kicked the ball away from my own team member. Hey if I wanted to be on the team I had be noticed, and aggressive. I could hear the girls screaming and cheering for me. I smiled and just whispered

"It's go time" I aimed and kicked the ball as hard as I could the ball went flying.

You know this is the part where the ball goes flying into the net and everyone cheers and girls are carrying me on there shoulders. But it wasn't... The ball went over the net all the way to the boys field.

"Shit!" I screamed I was so angry if we had the full field and not had to share it with the stupid boys that would have went in.

All of the sudden the ball went flying and hit one the guys in the soccer team in the head he immediately collapsed.

"Oh my god, did that just happen?!" I asked myself shocked. The girls just stared at me with open mouths so did coach Springer.

"Well what are you looking for? Go over there and apologize!!!" coach yelled at me

I ran as fast as I could to the other end of the field. I felt my adrenaline growing weaker. I fell onto the field to see the man that stole my heart. Blake.

"Oh my gosh, baby are you okay?" I asked as my knees were digging into the grass. My hand was over his heart I don't know if I was shocked but I couldn't hear his heart beat. I just stared at his lifeless body beads of sweat still remained on his perfect face.

"Please tell me your okay?" I asked touching his face.

His eyes opened, as a smirk played on his light pink lips. "Got you" he said getting up he pulled me up with him.

I was so glade he got up if he kept on playing his little joke I felt like I was gonna cry. Images of Lucy was still fresh in my mind. I was so scared. "Hey you okay baby?" He asked touching my hair arm.

I pushed his hand away from my arm "no, you ass hole. I was so scared, how could you do that to me after what has happened with Lucy and stuff" I said feeling my eyes going blurry.

"I'm sorry baby, it was just a j-joke" he said stuttering. He pulled me in his embrace. I think now he knew how serious it was.

I smelled his fragrance in slowly, I gave up and hugged him back. I felt calm as soon as his body was against mine. "I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear which left chills down my back.

"Its fine" I whispered my voice was muffled against his jersey. An awkward silence played, we just kept hugging each other like we haven't seen each other in years. Finally be broke the silence with those very words that melted my heart.

"I love you Serenity" he said still hugging me. I felt like a fan girl right now.

Even though I was still in his embrace I could feel he had a smile on his face waiting for my response.

"I love you too Blake" I said smiling like a kid that just ate all the cookies in the cookie jar. I felt warm with him near me. Those words didn't just make my day it made my life.

"Serenity get your ass back here!!" I heard coach Springer yell. I let go and awkwardly stood in front of my boyfriend.

"Kill it" he said putting out his fist for me to fist bump it. 

I smiled and gave him a fist bump. "Thanks" I mumbled. I turned around ran back to where all the girls were in a huddle and coach in the middle. "Okay.girls, the team will be posted up in 30 minutes in front of my office" she said adjusting her baseball cap.

I was so nervous I know I'm not gonna make the team, I did so bad I kept repeating to myself. I didn't even want to look at the paper I already knew my name was invisible not on that paper. I kept practicing  on the filed kicking the ball in the net I'm pretty sure an hour past. I was just bummed out so I was letting my stress out by killing the net. 

Suddenly I was tackled onto the ground with a very happy Meghan. "Meghan what the fuck?!" I said as my face was touching the grass.

She hugged me harder as I saw the girls run in the field. "You made it, you little shit" she said suffocating me. I didn't know If I was really happy that I made the  team or really mad that Meghan called me and I quote 'little shit'

I hugged her back "did I actually!?" I asked excitingly.

Rose nodded with a huge smile plastered on her face. I was so happy, you know I would have been even happier if Lucy was here too. A frown formed on my face. Rosalina helped me up.

"Com'on I know who your thinking of. She would be so proud of you S" Rosalina said interlacing her arm in mine. I smiled she understood me.

We walked off into our cars and since I didn't bring my car Rose drove me. Before I got into the car Blake called my name. I turned around to be indulged in a big hug.

"Congrats babe" he said still hugging me. His hugs were giving me life today. That's how my day ended, perfect.



Hey beautiful people. So sorry for the slow updates. Hopefully you guys are still reading. FYI I have so much more ideas for what will happen next!

Make sure to check out my new book I just updated chapter one. Its called "Careless World" If your about the gang stuff, romance stuff like that, Then you will love the book. Check it out mannnn!!.

If you guys have any new ideas for does it still hurt? totally PM ME??

Also if you guys want to make story covers or a pic for the new chapter on how you think Rosalina looks totally get in touch with me.

If you guys want the chapter dedicated to you just comment something and you'll get a dedication!

Love you all make sure to Vote and comment. Love reading what you guys have to say.

XoxoRazia101 ✌❤

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