Second Chance At Life. Second...

By IrishShewolf

339K 12.2K 824

Katie Knight found her mate at the age of 16 and were madly in love. But when he dies after a rogue attack he... More

Second Chance At Life.Second Chance At Love
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Six

18.3K 589 20
By IrishShewolf


I sigh. "Back to training Damien." I give him a look to carry on and he nods albeit reluctantly .I take Charlie's hand enjoying the warmth and sparks I feel when we touch. I ask him to take me somewhere where we can privately talk. He walks me to his office and we sit down comfortably on the couch in the middle of the room.

Charlie looks at me expectantly but I've got other things on my mind. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I want to tell you about my past. I know you found out how I met my kids but you don't know the full story. It all ties in with Alpha Jake also." He nods and squeezes my hand in comfort.

"When I was sixteen, I found my mate Austin. He treated me right, taking me out on dates and buying me gifts. I was in love with him and him with me. We were so happy." I gulp audibly.

"He was killed along with my pack when a group of rogues suddenly attacked. He died protecting me. I held him in my arms while he took his last breath. Before he died though he made me promise to find someone to love me, to start a family so I can have a future." Sobs rack my body.

"I promised him but I was broken when he died. I ran rogue for six months. I was weak and not in my right mind." I look at Charlie to see him looking pained. "Then...I was attacked by the same rogues that killed Austin and my pack. I wanted to kill them, those sick b@stards but I was too weak and couldn't fight back!" I shout. I clench my fists in anger.

"They beat me, cut me and raped me, leaving me for dead." I whisper. Charlie growls loudly grabbing me gently and placing me on his lap. He nuzzles my neck breathing my scent to calm his wolf. I shiver when his nose rubs the spot where his mark would be.

"I dragged myself to a nearby hospital. They thought I was in some kind of accident." I laugh bitterly. "I walked around the woods and decided that, enough is enough. I've had enough." Charlie sucks in a breath when he hears that.

"I walked into a clearing and that's where I found my kids. My little angels." I smile softly. "When I found them I knew I had to take care of them. My wolf became protective over them so I decided to call them my own. They were happy when I found them. Someone who could finally protect them."

Charlie hugs me and I savour his warm embrace. I feel safe and happy in his arms.

"We became a close knit family and I trained them well. Soon we met the Silverclaw pack. We helped train them and that's how word spread. We stayed with Alpha Jake for a couple of months. We got really close with his pack. They treated us like family. Alpha Jake loved my kids and asked them to call him Uncle instead of Alpha." I smile at the memory.

"Jake has a sister, Alison. We became best friends but when we had to leave I promised the pack we would return. The pack was devastated to say the least. They wanted us to join their pack. My kids loved it there. It took a while to convince them that we needed to leave to train other packs. They eventually gave in." Charlie smiles down at me.

"What?" I ask curiously, my eyebrows furrowing. He turns me around so I'm straddling him. I blush.

"My wolf and I are proud to call you our mate and the future Luna of the Blue Blood pack.We love you and your children so much." He cups my cheek.

"Yes I was heartbroken when I found out you couldn't bare my pups but as long as I have you and those amazing kids out back who are training the pack...then I am one happy Alpha." Tears silently fall down my face.

"I love you and my pack loves you. Do you accept me as your mate?" He asks nervously. I nod frantically and he gives me one of his breathtaking smiles.

I see his eyes change colour to show his wolf has taken over. My wolf responds by taking over too. "Rose, can I please mark you? You are mine and with all those males arriving tomorrow- Mine!" he growls pocessively

"Yes Alex, I am yours. Mark me as yours." Rose replies. I tilt my head to the side. Charlie or Alex kisses me softly on the skin where my neck meets my shoulder. I bite back a moan as he leaves a trail of hot kisses. He sucks on the spot before I feel his canines against my skin. His jaws latch onto my shoulder and his teeth pierce my skin painfully.

I gasp at the sudden pain but close my eyes as pleasure soon takes over. Charlie licks the blood and examines his work. He smiles proudly and kisses me softly on the lips.

"I will announce you and your children as part of the pack tomorrow when the Silverclaw pack arrive.We can celebrate by having a BBQ.The pack will love to finally meet their Luna." He grabs my hand pulling me out to the backyard.

The training has finished already. Charlie kisses my cheek and leaves to talk to his Beta so they can organise everything for the arrival of the Silverclaw pack. I stand on the top step and I watch my kids play with each other. I notice pack members watching them too, smiling fondly at them. Maybe they will accept us into the pack?

Josh spots me and comes sprinting over. Sometimes he gets so excited that he doesn't watch where he is going. Like now, he doesn't see the mighty rock protruding out of the ground. I run forward just as he trips and catch him before he face plants into the ground.

Pack members gasp as we both hit the ground with me on the bottom. I groan slightly from the impact. I have my arms securely around Josh. Charlie runs over along with his Beta Chris.They help me up and Charlie checks both me and Josh for injuries. I look down at Josh to see him eyeing Charlie skeptically. I laugh at his expression. I pick him up placing him on my hip.

"You know honeybee, if you keep doing that you will eventually give yourself a concussion." He smiles a toothy smile that melts my heart.

"But mummy!" He whines. "You are our hero. You saved me once you will save me again. My mummy the hero!" He states proudly. I sigh and place him down gently. Charlie puts his arm around my waist and I lean into his touch.

"Your kids are adorable." He whispers as he watches Josh run to his brothers and sisters. Rose takes over with my permission. "Our kids." She looks lovingly into our mates eyes. Alex responds with a huge grin and a passionate kiss.

We stop before it gets too heated. Once we have control of our wolves again I laugh at his flustered face. He smirks at me and steps closer. I back away and he catches me. He starts tickling me mercilessly.

"Kids!" I scream. "Help!" Charlie looks scared for a second. I laugh uncontrollably as he tickles my sides. Happy tears stream down my cheeks.

I hear an army cry and watch in utter amusement as the big Alpha is knocked off of me by a flying Dakota. He is then tackled by all of our kids. He laughs loudly and grabs Dakota, tickling her too. She screams and giggles.

He throws her over his shoulder and runs away with her laughing manically. I laugh along with the pack members. My kids surround him. He looks for an exit but doesn't find one. He tries to make a run through the circle but a silver glint catches his eye. He pouts and I roar with laughter. The kids had whipped out their daggers and demanded for him to hand over Dakota. He does willingly.

He places her down chuckling. "There you go princess." She smiles at the name he gave her. She cocks her head to the side.

"Are you our new daddy?" She asks curiously. I walk over to the kids who are now surrounding Charlie waiting for an answer. He looks at me and I smile. He looks back down at Dakota and then down to all the other kids. He bends down to Dakotas height.

"Well...your mummy is my mate and I love her very much. I already love you all like you were my own. So yes, I am your new daddy. You can call me that if you like?" I smile at his nervousness.

Dakota looks at Josh and then at the older kids. They nod enthusiastically and launch themselves onto Charlie knocking him to the ground. Again. They hug him tightly.

"Kids, off daddy before he suffocates!" I scold.

They jump off of him looking worried. He stands up grinning and walks to me. He hugs me and whispers in my ear. "I'm a dad!" I smile at the pure happiness in his voice.


We play outside with our kids for a few more hours. Our kids. I love the sound of that.

I turn to Charlie who has Josh on his lap. They are sitting on the ground with the older ones sprawled around them.

* "Charlie?" I mindlink him. I didn't know if it was going to work. He pops his head up off the ground and looks for me. He smiles widely when he spots me.

* "Yes love?"

* "Want to go for a run with our kids?" He turns to them and asks aloud. They immediately start screaming and jumping up and down in excitement. They haven't shifted in a while.

I turn to some of the pack members still outside, one is Beta Chris. "We are going for a run. We won't be long." I inform them.

They nod and answer in unison "Yes Luna." I smile at the new name. I'm going to have to get used to that.

The kids shift behind the trees. Charlie and I soon join them. I stare at Charlie in wolf form. He is pure black while I'm white with black paws and back tips on my ears, tail and snout. He rubs up against me and I purr in content. We turn to our kids who are waiting patiently in wolf form.We signal them to follow.

Damien stays at the back for safety reasons.We run around the territory and I watch the kids take in their surroundings.Charlie brings us to the edge of the territory to show the kids how far they can run before they have to turn back.

We run for about an hour and soon it's getting dark. We are making our way back to the packhouse when a voice in our heads screams "Rogues!" We run faster but I sense something is wrong.

I stop ignoring the calls of my mate. I look around for danger when I'm side tackled to the ground. I growl and jump up running at the grey wolf. His eyes are cold. I jump on him latching my jaws around his neck. He struggles but eventually goes limp in my mouth.

I hear a whimper from my left. I run into the trees and find Damien fighting a large black wolf. He is bleeding. A lot. Rose takes over and I see red. I tackle the wolf to the ground, rolling around snapping at his neck. I bite his neck but he puts his legs on my stomach and kicks me off.

I hit a tree and I try steadying myself from the dizziness that washes over me. When I see the wolf run for Damien who is now injured on the ground, I force myself up and knock him down. Before he can react I latch my teeth around his windpipe killing him instantly.

I stumble over to Damien and whimper loudly at the sight. He has a wound on his head and cuts on his sides and legs. A rustling from the trees has me on alert. I was angry. No pissed. My pup has been hurt and is now unconcious. Charlie comes barreling out of the treeline. He hugs me instantly. He bends down and gently picks up Damien.

I pick up the clothes Charlie dropped on the ground for me. I quickly change behind a tree and sprint after Charlie. We reach the packhouse and I notice no one is injured from the attack. Once our kids see Damien they whimper quietly. I run to them kissing them on the head and hug them tightly.

I wipe the tears that have escaped my eyes. 'He is going to be okay' I chant in my head. I walk into the packhouse followed closely by my kids. We follow Damien and Charlie's scent to the hospital part of the house. I burst through the door and run to Damien's bed side.

He is lying on a bed with his eyes closed as if he is sleeping. "Kids wait outside." They nod and close the door. Charlie hugs me as sobs rack my body.Tubes hang from Damien's mouth. The beeping of the heart moniter tells us he is alive.

The door opens and Merissa the pack doctor walks in. She bows her head at Charlie and me.

"Is he going to be okay?" I ask barely audible. She steps closer and my eyes change. I growl a warning. Rose doesn't want anyone near her injured pup.

Charlie rubs circles on the back of my hand which relaxes me slightly. Merissa steps back. "He has lost alot of blood and is now in a coma." I gasp as more tears escape.

"I don't know how long for. It could be only for a day, a week. We don't know. He is stable for now. His wolf has shut his body off so he could heal. With his werewolf healing he should wake up soon. We will moniter him closely." She bows and leaves.

I stare blankly at Damien lying limp in the bed. I grip the bedsheets as I shake with anger. I should have sensed the rogues. I should have noticed Damien was missing. If I had gotten there earlier, Damien wouldn't be here. My pup wouldn't be in the hospital.

I put my head in my hands. Charlie places a hand on my shoulder."This is not your fault."

"No." I whisper.

"No." I say louder as I stand up. As I reach for the doorknob Charlie stops me.

"I need some time alone."

I walk down the halls and to my room. I lock it and lie down on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling. More tears escape and I don't bother to stop them. It's all my fault. I'm a bad mother. I start to shake at the thought of Damien not waking up.

I take a deep breath and blow it out slowly. I don't know how long I sit there but eventually Charlie comes knocking on my door.

"Katie sweetie? Come out you need to eat!" He pleads.

I get up off the bed but instead of walking to the door, I walk to the window. I open it up and breath in the cold air. "No..I need to escape." I whisper before jumping off the balcony and running into the trees.


I arrive back from my run about a half an hour later. I had calmed down slightly. I jump through the window and open my door. I walk emotionlessly down the hall to where Damien is staying. I feel numb. I open the door and sit down silently beside my baby.

I watch his chest rise and fall. That along with the consistent beeping of the heart moniter are the only things that are keeping me from breaking down. He is alive. He will be okay. I hold his hand trying to comfort both him and me.

"Please baby, you must wake up. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to save you. I'm so sorry." I sob.

Tingles shoot down my arm as a strong hand is placed on my shoulder. I'm wrapped in a warm embrace and I breathe in my mates scent.

"It will be okay."

I don't know who he is trying to convince, him or me?

My eyes close on their own accord and soon I fall fast asleep in mates arms.


Hey guys!

Chap 6!Thanks for reading!

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Feedback wanted <3

Sinead xx

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