Arrange Marriage To My Ex-Bes...

By MasMicBibbles

29.6K 279 53

Nathan and Lilian have been best friends ever since they started to walk, the pressure of high school has tor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Ten

1.8K 23 9
By MasMicBibbles

Chapter Ten


All the girls giggled and awed as Nathan smiled shyly and walked back to his seat. I looked behind me where Claire was clinging to his arm and looking at him sweetly. He just smiled and nodded but he wasn't even looking at her.

"God... She is such an attention seeking hog!" Nikki whispered from beside me looking in the same direction.

I laughed humorlessly as class went on.


The day was over and I was just about to get in my car when I spotted Kyle and Nikki waving wildly at me.

They ran over to me while holding hands, I found it cute how Kyle made sure there was so no cars before letting Nikki run a head of him.

"Lilly! Can we ride with you?" Nikki asked, almost pleadingly.

"I thought you two were riding together?"

Kyle rolled his eyes, "Yeah we were this morning and we also picked up Nate but now he wants Claire to ride with us-."

"And I refuse to be in the same car as her!" Nikki interrupted in anger.

Suddenly Kyle's car pulled up beside us, the window of the passenger side rolled down and showed Claire's impatient expression. Nathan leaned over to get a view of us.

"You coming man?" he asked completely ignoring my existence right now.

Kyle and Nikki looked at me helplessly, I rolled my eyes but nodded in agreement anyway.

Kyle smiled, "Sorry mate, catching a ride with Lilly."

"Ew. Why?" Claire jumped in looking at me in disgust.

"Why not? Lilly's cool." he shrugged.

"Yeah.. But it's Lilly..." she gagged.

Nikki leaned down and looked at Claire right in the face, "Look sweetie, we honestly have no other choice. We don't wanna ride with you so where gonna hitch a ride with Lilly. So why don't we just all agree that your ugly, fake and smell of sex." she winked before moving to stand beside me.

Claire's face turned smug to unamused, well she kinda deserved it...

"Nikki... That wasn't very nice..." Nathan said looking at her disappointedly.

Nikki raised her eyebrow, "Does it look like I give a fuck?"

He sighed and looked up at Kyle, "Tame your girlfriend."

Kyle laughed whole heartedly, "I try but she bites."

"Can we go now?" I asked.

Nikki hopped in the front as Kyle went in the driver's side, well I guess I'm sitting at the back then.

"Hey Lilly." Claire whispered.

"What?" I asked impatiently.

"Come ride with us." she smiled... like a real freakin' smile. Am I seeing things?


"Because they'll probably be kissing and doing other stuff that you might not want to see..." her voice trailed off as I looked in Nathan's direction.

My heart broke in notice that he wasn't even paying attention, he sat there with a hard face, just staring off into space.


"Um... no thanks." I said just as I was about to get in the car she speaks.

"Look... Lilly, today i realized how I've been so bitchy to you all this time and now I want to put the past behind us so we can be friends." she smiled apologetically.

Beside her I watched as Nathan turned his head to our conversation -as if he was listening the whole time- probably wanting to hear what I would say next.

I chuckled humorlessly, "How can I put the past behind me if it's always gonna be there." I said, nodding in Nathan's direction.

I got in the car before she said a word. Did she really think I would put the past behind us after everything she did?

"Let's go." I said and we drove off.


"Oh my gosh I remember this place!"

We stopped in front of a school that we all use to go to. The only reason why I remember this place is because when I was in grade 1 I killed the class fish by feeding it grass... he will be remembered... wait, what his name again?

"Yeah, my little bro goes here." Kyle said as we all jumped out of the car.

We walked into the school and the familiar smell of muffins from the cafeteria made me remember how I use to come every morning to pick the warmest ones.

I followed the smell as if it was dragging me to it.

"Lilly?" Kyle and Nikki called at the same time, I could hear them following me but i was to busy caught in a trance.

"Lilly?" a familiar sound called out and I instantly responded.

"Shane?" I gasped I ran across the hall to him and gave him the biggest hug.

You see, Shane use to volunteer here for extra credit, he was a Junior while i was in 8th grade. Shane is completely hot, he had a cute little Mohawk with one of the sides colored blonde, he had those big black piercings in his ears that usual guys in a band would get. He was fit and built and his personality was just amazing.

Everyone fell in love with him but I think I fell the hardest. This guy was everything to me, but of course it was just a crush. He's taller now and he changed his clothes but all in all he's still the same Shane that I met when I was 13!

"Shane? Like is that really you?" I laughed still in his arms, my legs were wrapped around him so he was basically carrying me.

"Yeah, I'm just older." he laughed.

"How old are you now?"

"21." he smiled.

I looked at him in awe, "Wow you got hotter." I smiled and climbed off him to fully check him out.

"You know... I'm single." he winked.

"And I'm still 17." I laughed.

He raised his eyebrow, "Well you grown up too! Look! You have boobs now! I remember you use to be as flat as-."

"Okay." I said raising my hand to stop him, "I get it." he laughed.

"Shane?" Nikki smiled. Oh no.

Shane's eyes lit up as he saw Nikki walking towards him. Shane always had a thing for Nikki, even though she was 13 she caught Shane's eye, it was probably because she had developed quicker than the other girls.

"Hey." he breathed he enveloped her in a hug that would have broke his girlfriends heart, if he had a girlfriend.

"Long time no see." she smiled.

"I know, you look beautiful as always." he smiled sweetly at her. I'm guessing some feelings are coming back...

I left them to go look for Kyle who probably went to pick up his little brother. I found him walking towards me with a little kid who looked about five clinging onto his hand.

I gasped, "He's so cute!" I gushed.

The little boy smiled up at me as he hid his face behind Kyle's hand. The little boy had short blonde hair with big brown eyes, like bambi eyes. He had high cheeks bones with a tint of red.

"This is Taylor." Kyle smiled as he looked down at the little boy.

"Hi." I smiled, "I'm Lilly."

"Hi." he said quietly as he grabbed onto Kyle's leg.

"Why don't you take him to the car, I'll go get Nikki." I said before we parted ways.

Right as I turned around the corner I saw something that I kind of expected. Nikki was against the wall with Shane in front of her, they weren't doing anything but it looked like he was going to kiss her.

"Oh shit." I whispered, I couldn't let this happen.

I walked back a little and made my steps louder and started singing, so they know I was coming. I turned the corner and this time Shane was away from Nikki but there was a huge bulge in his pants that was hard to ignore.

"Hey Nikki! We gotta go." I said, she hesitated before walking quickly past me.

I looked at Shane and it seemed like he has adjusted himself because I don't see the bulge anymore.

"Bye Shane." I walked up to him and gave him a hug which he returned.

He pulled away but not completely, his arms where still wrapped around my waste and It felt kinda weird.

"Bye." he whispered before giving me a light playful peck on the lips.

"Hmm. I like your virgin lips." he said as he looked at them.

"Shut up." I giggled as I walked away.

As I walked away I couldn't help but think of Nathan...

*A week later*


I turned around to see Nikki eagerly twitching her head to the side.

"What the hell are you doing?" I mouthed

She rolled her eyes and pointed at the direction she had twitched her head and that's when I saw them.

Just outside the window was Nathan and Kyle standing there working out. I guess it was there gym since they were in muscle shirt and baggy shorts.

I couldn't help but gawk in awe as I watched Nathan's muscles tense as he stretched them. He stood tall, stretching his arms as he talked to Kyle about who know what. Then he did something that took my breath away... He took off his shirt! I watched as his chiseled abs were glistening under the sunlight.

"Jesus Christ." I said.

"Correct Miss Moore, It was Jesus who had resurrected that day." said Mr. Wittman and continued writing on the black board.

I sighed in relief, thank god I'm in religion class!

I turned back to Nathan and anger boiled inside me, Claire was all over him! She touched him in ways that any guy would like... what a slut!

After I rejected her 'Let's make up!' speech, she's been making my life a living hell! She's been all over Nathan and kissing him and hugging him... thing that I should be doing! What is he doing about it you ask? Nothing! He stands there non-chalantly and takes it! He just fucking takes it!

I sighed, well I guess we know who got over us first. I honestly don't think I have the strength to get over someone like him no matter how many times I accused him of anything.

I foccused my eyes on Nathan again and for a split second he looked at me. Can he really see me?

My heart tore into a million pieces as he grabbed Claire's face and kissed her forcefully, which she automatically reacted to by pushing her body eagerly against him.

I turned away in disgust, I could feel a pair of eyes on me and I knew it was Nikki's but she'll probably get it out of me later.

As if on que the bell rang and everybody quickly rushed out while I took my sweet precious time grabbing all my books one by one.

"Shane called me again." Nikki said from beside me.

Oh that's right! I found out what happened between the two when I came around the corner. Apparently he really liked Nikki but he thought I had a gorgeous body and wanted to do it with me. We both decided to ignore the guy, I mean who just says that?

"He turned into an asswhole." I said as we walked to our lockers.

"He was always and asswhole. He was just nice to us because he had no 'Experience' that time." she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Did you see what Nathan did-."

She cut me of with her hand, "Oh I saw everything."

We put all our things in our locker as we talked before getting interrupted by Kyle.

"Hey beautiful." he smiled down at Nikki before giving her a passionate kiss on the lips.

"You guys are so cute!" I gushed. I admired their relationship, they had something I wanted.

I sighed and grabbed my money from my bag and shoving it into my pocket when somebody gently crashed into the locker beside me.

I was surprised to see Nathan with a smug smile, "Hey."

"Hi." I said before turningto my locker.

"Look, I honestly hate this. Please can we just talk?" he pleaded.

I turned to Nikki for help but found that she was already walking away with Kyle.

I guess I had no other choice, "Fine." I sighed.

He smiled gratefully and grabbed my hand which sent gazillions sparks through my body. He dragged me to the library and he we sat at the very back where no one could see us.

"Look I know what happened in Australia happened but can't we get over it? I mean were acting like baby's not facing up to our problems. Please? I miss having you fun little annoying ass around." he winked.

I laughed whole heartedly, I guess if I can't be with him I can be his friend.

"Alright! Let's put everything behind us." I lied, there is no fucking way I'm putting everything behind us.

"Good." he smiled, "Come sit with me at lunch then." he said before getting up and waving me to come along.

We walked side by side out of the library, I've been earned unwanted stares as we headed to the cafeteria.

"Why are they staring?" I asked as I edged a little closer to him which I thought was better than standing a meter away from him.

He leaned down and whispered back, "Well you are walking right next to the most hottest person in this school. There's no doubt people would stare at you too."

"Wow your an asswhole."

He laughed, "I just technically complimented you!"

"Well if you wanted to compliment me you could have said, 'Why is everyone looking at you? What kind of question is that? Your amazing, you have a hot body next to my boring and plain body. Why wouldn't they look at you?'" I said trying to mimic his deep voice as we grabbed our food, earning weird looks from the cafeteria lady.

He looked down and glared playfully, "I don't talk like that."

"Yeah you do."

"No.. I'm pretty sure I don't."

We argued till we got to a table where Nikki, Kyle and a bunch of Nathan's friends are already there.

"No I don't."

"Yeah you do."

"I don't sound that gay."

"Are you calling my imitations gay?"

"No. You just made me sound gay."

"Well that's because you are gay."

"I'm pretty sure I'm not gay."

"Prove it."


"... No... Wait don't! Never mind!"

"You guys are so cute!" one of the girls on the other side of the table said.

I think I knew her, she was one of those popular girls that hung around Kyle and Nathan a lot. She wasn't a slut but she dressed like one, i heard she was really nice though.

"What?" I asked.

"You two! You guys are so cute!" she smiled.

Before I could say anything Claire walked up behind Nathan and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I know right? Me and him are so perfect for each other."

The girl who I think was called Abby looked at her in confusion, "You guys are together?" she asked.

"Yeah." she nodded and scooted on the other side of Nathan giving him a kiss on the cheek. "It's not official yet but where getting there, right baby?"

He grunted and shrugged and kept eating.

"Ugh isn't he sexy? He makes me so wet!" she laughed.

"Can you not fucking talk like that? People are eating here!" said Nikki who was sitting in front of me.

"Well who invited you here anyways?" she asked.

"I did." Kyle said from beside Nikki, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh..." realization crossed her face and she slapped on a fake smile, "Then I guess it's okay."

Nathan sighed from beside me and turned his body to face me but that's when Claire noticed.

"Baby? What are you-." she cut herself off as she saw who was beside me.

Anger boiled in her, "What the fuck are you doing here?!" she yelled.

"Eating." I said obviously pointing to my food.

"No shit! What are you doing HERE."

"I invited her to sit with me." Nathan said in an annoyed voice.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because she's my friend and if you don't like that then feel free to leave."

She gasped but he didn't turned around, she walked away crying and everyone just watched as she ran out the cafeteria.

"I thought she'd never leave!" Abby smiled and continued eating.

I turned back to Nathan who was smiling at me, "Truth or dare?" he asked.


Me and Nathan have been playing for an hour and he was getting pissed because I would always pick truth.

"Just pick dare dammit!" He yelled.

"If I pick dare can we stop playing?" I asked.

"Yeah." he nodded eagerly.

"Then I pick dare."

He smirked, "I dare you to kiss me."

I gasped, and I wasn't that only one surprised. Everyone stared at him in shock but he was looking at me waiting for an answer.

"Do it!" Nikki yelled.

"Yeah kiss him!" Some guy from the table beside us yelled.

Suddenly cheers and people were yelled out things like; "Kiss the fuck out of him!" or "Male sure you use that tongue!" or "Just kiss him already!"

I shrugged, it was just a dare. I grabbed his neck and pulled him to my lips. The feeling of his soft and warm lips against mine was amazing! I loved it! He eagerly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto him, making me straddle him. I locked my legs around him tightly, I love the feeling of his arms roaming through my body.

Cheers and whistling were thrown at us, wow they really liked this kind of thing.

Too soon to say but he pulled away making me whimper. He smiled at my reaction, "I pick dare." he said.

I laughed, "I dare you to kiss me again." I said.

He chuckled before kissing me softly.


Rough week! I had so much homework and projects to finish. Boohoo :(

I'm feeling like Chinese tonight :D what do you think? Haha. Im craving noooooodles!!

Okay bye my little Tasty Dumplings Panda's <3

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