Fake It For Me (Rewriting)

By Paranilla

4.3K 154 38

(Undergoing another rewrite [even the rewrite is. Going to try and publish this]) What would you do if someon... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

936 9 5
By Paranilla

-Chapter 1

"Woohoo! We have the rest of the day to ourselves!" my sister exclaimed throwing up her hands. "They left last night for a meeting and they won't be back until this evening! We should do something exciting while they are gone and while we still have freedom."

I rolled my eyes. "You do know mom and dad will find out about anything we do, right? Just because they are at a business meeting right now doesn't mean that they won't know what happens. Any one of the housekeepers might reveal anything we do. Besides, I need to study for my math test."

"You're no fun!" my sister shouted and she started pouting. Great, now she is trying to make me feel bad. "You never try to have fun. You're always studying and trying to make good grades. No wonder no guy wants to date you."

"What do you mean by no guy wants to date me?" I asked glaring at her. Of course guys want to date me! I'm lovable, nice, and usually just focus on my school work and my part time job. Okay, now I can see where this is getting at. "Just because I don't do anything fun doesn't mean that no one wants to date me."

"Let's just not worry about it. You're just going to make me do something really boring."

"I can have fun Lindsey!" I stated. I can be fun sometimes.

"No, you can't have fun Amy. Your definition of fun is studying and doing math homework." Lindsey turned away from me. "I just wish we could do something really fun like having some friends over, a few cute guys, and doing some dancing."

I sighed. "Fine, you can have a party Lindsey but don't pin it on me. It's all your idea."

"What? You're going to let me take the fall for it?"

"What else should I do? You're the one whining about me not being fun and you want to do something so do it," I replied standing up. "I am going to look in my closet for something to wear and you're going to go look in your closet and leave me alone about my wardrobe."

Lindsey laughed. "You are going to dress in something from your closet? Are you kidding me? Your clothing choices are terrible and it makes guys want to look away from you. Please let me help you get dressed in something that won't make guys run away from you."

"You can't possible do anything to make me want to wear something that isn't in my closet," I muttered out crossing my arms.

"Wanna bet?"

Lindsey walked over to her purse and pulled out her credit card. I looked at her in shock. No, she can't possibly want to buy me some new clothes. She knows I love my clothing!

"We're going to go shopping for something more party appropriate since you own nothing worth partying in. You are going to follow me to the nearest store for some hot outfits," she told me with a smile of on her face.

"How long will we be out?" I asked pulling out my cell phone.


"I am going to call our butler in and have him go out and do some shopping," I answered and I dialed our butler's, Jake Witt, number. "Hello?"

"Yes, what is it Ms. Chambers?" Jake's voice asked and I looked over at Lindsey.

"I want you to pick up some food and some drinks because Lindsey is going to invite a few friends over. Please don't tell my mom or dad about this please. I'm counting on you," I said.

"Okay, I will do so. Do you wish for me to set up the place for the party?"

I gasped. "What party? I didn't even say a thing about a party."

"I used to throw parties while my parents were out when I was younger," Jake told me. "I will set up the place. Please, have fun outside the house. You're going to need to have fun. I know Lindsey is probably going to drag you to some store. Also, can please tell her I say hi?"

"Sure, I'll tell her that. Goodbye Jake," I said into the phone and I hung up. "Lindsey, Jake says hello to you."

Lindsey looked down. "Oh, he said that? Well, let's get out of here. Do you want to drive or should I drive? I just got my driver's license so I should break it in. What do you think? Do you trust me enough to hold your life in my hands?"

"Is something wrong with you? Umm...yeah, you can drive but only if you promise not to kill me while driving me to the store."

"Nothing is wrong with me and okay. We should get going now."


"How do these look?" I asked Lindsey as I stepped out of the changing room. "I don't feel comfortable in these but I want to know how they look on me."

Lindsey smiled and clapped her hands together. "The black dress is sexy and sparkly. You look amazing and those high heels are to die for! Hmm...we're missing something though. Oh, right! We're missing a necklace and some bracelets. You have to have some jewelry on you if you are going to look good for a party."

I looked into the mirror and looked down. Gosh, I didn't realize how important clothes were before. They can change how you appear to people.

"You should stay in those because at this store, we can wear clothes as long as we're going to pay for it and we are going to pay for it. Well, I am going to pay for it. You're going to have to deal with me treating you to a new set of clothing. I'm not done buying stuff for you yet."

"You really don't have to get me anything Lindsey. This store is pretty expensive and mom and dad aren't going to like you spending money on expensive things. Money doesn't grow on trees. You know we're not filthy rich. We only have money for a butler, a few nice expensive things, and a few more things that others may or may not have."

"They won't care as long as you actually wear the clothes and say that you need them. In this case, you do need them and they can't argue with that," she told me with a smile and she ran a hand through her blond hair. "So, how about we start looking at the jewelry here?"

"Sure, let's go looking."

I walked back into the dressing room and picked up my clothes. I closed the door and quickly changed into my normal clothes, which is made up of a black shirt and red jeans. I hope I don't have to dress like Lindsey every second of the day from now on. One Lindsey is enough.

"Lindsey?" I asked walking out of the dressing room and I looked around. "Where did you go to Lindsey?"


"Ah!" I screamed turning around. "Lindsey! That wasn't nice of you to scare me like that. You almost caused me to have a heart attack!"

"Stop whining and let's get shopping! You're such a downer. Hey, why did you take off the dress? You looked really good in it!" Lindsey crossed her arms and sighed. "You really must want people thinking you're some nobody. I try to give you some help you and you just toss it in the trash. What kind of sister are you?"

"Don't be like that Lindsey!"

Lindsey laughed. "Okay, whatever. I'm not mad about it. I don't expect you to want to change all of a sudden. Let's just look at some other clothes and accessories. I have to make you look like a cover girl before the party starts. We should stop by a salon and get your makeup, hair, and your nails done."

Lindsey held out her hand and I took it unsurely. I hope she isn't going to kill me with all the shopping and makeover type things. The last thing I need is a totally new look.

She pulled me out of the dressing room and dragged me over to a bunch of rings, necklaces, and bracelets. She looked at me and picked up a silver heart necklace. She held it up to me and starting nodding her head.

"I want you to have this necklace and some silver bracelets," she said as she starting picking up a few silver bracelets. "There! Now we just need a ring."

I looked over the rings and I stopped. "Hey, that one is perfect! It is heart shaped with tiny little fake diamonds on it!" I exclaimed. "It's so pretty."

"Also, it's so expensive. Can you help pay for it?"

"Why should I help? You said you were going to pay for it."

"Well, I would but it is very expensive. You have a job and you have a lot of money saved up. Can you please help me out?" She started pouting and I sighed. "Yes! Thank you!" She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. "Let's check these out and we'll look at other stores a different time. We need to get to the salon and start on your new look."

"How about we just work with my current look? I think I can apply some makeup and some nail polish to my nails without messing up. I can be as much of a beauty queen as you Lindsey," I muttered out and she shook her head. "If we go to the salon, we might not have enough for the party. So, do you want a party or not?"

"I really want to party so let's skip over the salon stuff," she told me.

We quickly checked out and I immediately placed the ring on my right ring finger. "It looks amazing on me," I said in slight shock. How can jewelry look so good?

Lindsey laughed. "You should really buy more jewelry Amy. You can make yourself look better."

"Do you think I'm ugly naturally?" I asked looking at her. "Do you think I'm not pretty normally or that I'm not good enough as a sister?"

Lindsey looked away. "Amy, I know I seem like I don't like how you like but I do like you the way you are. It's just that I hate seeing you not getting anyone to be around you. You have been treated so roughly by people despite us being richer than those people. Even though we're not rich like Hollywood actors, actresses, and singers; we have been seen as higher ups. I want you to get attention for once. You rarely got any in high school so I want you to get some now while you're in college."

"Thank you for that Lindsey. It's sweet of you to think that but I am happy being me. Sure, I want someone to pay attention to me but I want them to pay attention to me because I'm me. You're the type of girl who loves shopping and some guys dig that while some guys dig girls who love books who are hard working," I replied with a soft smile. "Anyways, let's just get going home."

Lindsey unlocked the car door and I placed the bags in the car. I heard my ringtone go off and I grabbed my phone from my pocket and looked down at it. I sighed and pressed answer.


"Hey, you're parents are back early," Jake's voice said from the other side. "They want you to pick them up at the airport."

I groaned. "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm not. You're going to have to forget your party plans. I did buy the food though, Should I say that you were going to throw them a welcome back party?"

"Do anything you want to Jake. You can even tell them the truth, okay?" I said and I looked over at Lindsey. "I have to go now Jake. Goodbye." I hung up and looked up at the sky. "We have to go and pick mom and dad up at the airport."

"Of course this happens," Lindsey said sadly. "Whenever we get the opportunity to do something fun together, it vanishes."

"Don't you mean that whenever you have the opportunity it suddenly vanishes?" I asked and she shrugged. "Let's just head to the airport. Do you know which way it is?"

"Well, there is only one they went to and that's the one they're coming back in."

I nodded. "Good."


"Do you see them at all Lindsey?" I asked and Lindsey shook her head. "Jake told me that they have touched down here and that we should pick them up. I hope he wasn't lying about it all. I would hate to end up here for no stinking reason."

"Maybe he did lie. Let's just go and find somewhere to sit. My feet are killing me." Lindsey turned around and I did the same. "I hope mom and dad will be happy that my feet are aching because of them."

"Ha-ha," I laughed out. "That's slightly funny Lindsey."

"It's not funny! My pain is horrible!"

I laughed a bit more and started walking towards the seats. I felt my foot trip on something and then I went flying forward. I felt something catch me and I gasped in shock. What in the world is going on here?

"Umm..." I looked up to see a guy looking down at me. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I began to pull myself away from his grasp and he pulled me back towards him.

"Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded. "Good."

I heard some screams and I looked towards Lindsey. Lindsey looked around and I started looking around too. What in the world is going on here?

"Oh, crap," the guy muttered out and he looked at me. "Don't move away from me yet."

"Umm...okay?" I said in confusion.

"Hey, she is stealing our man!" someone shouted and I heard a camera go off. Huh?

"She has her hands all over our Jason!" another person said and they started shouting mean things at me. What am I doing wrong to make these people hate?

"Who is she to him?"

"I have no clue."

I looked up at the guy. "Who in the world are you?" I asked and he looked down. "Why are those girls and some guys freaking out over you? Don't tell me I just ran into some person who happens to have some sort of crazy fandom and now my life is ruined, okay?"

The guy named Jason looked down at me through his sunglasses. "Listen, you need to get out of here before something bad happens," he whispered under his breath and I looked at him in confusion. "I don't have time to explain this so please go." He pulled me closer to him and touched my hair softly. "Stay safe."

He pulled away with a smile on his face and I looked at Lindsey. "Let's get out of here right now before I become fried toast!"

"Hey, who was that girl?" someone asked Jason and he looked at them.

I felt Lindsey grab my arm and she pulled me away as Jason answered the questions. Lindsey pulled out her cell phone and called Jake. "Hey, did mom and dad get a cab? Oh, okay. Thanks."

"Did they get a cab?"

"Yes, they did and we came all the way here for no reason," she told me.

"Yeah, we did. I wonder what was up with that guy."

"What about those girls?"

I shrugged. "I have no idea what is going on and I don't want to find out."

"Yeah, that's probably for the best."

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