By Red_rose23

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What happens when the person who you thought you knew was the opposite of who you thought. What happens when... More

The Visit
The Last and Final Practice
Author's Note
Andi and Kim
May The Best Guardian Win
Hide And Hex
The Final Exam Part 1
The Final Exam Part 2
The Final Exam Part 3
Seeing You Again
Just Us Wits
You, me, and who?
Phandi? Or Landi?
A Disastrous DateZ? Part 1
A Disastrous DateZ? Part 2
It Was An Accident
Emma's Secret
Truth Of Fate
Best Friends Never?!
Hurtful Exercise
Being Broken
Broken Trusts & Promises
Already Broken
Fixing What's Broken
Truths And Lies
The Big Event
Missing Guardians
Cave Master
Secret Truth
My Last Dying Breath
Tough Love
Rocky Relationship
The Secret Of Life
Marriage Proposal
All Over Again
Old Friends
When I Say, "I Do"
Loving You, Always
Author's Note
Finding The Chosen One
Where's Emma?
Emma's Past
The Big Rescue
Mother Or Foe?
It's Me Against You
Back To Back
Just So You Know
Love Is The End...

Together Again...

459 18 4
By Red_rose23

Jax's POV:
I started to get my conscious back as I woke back up. What just happened? Who knocked me out?
As I was getting up, all I hear is someone calling my name, and the voice, it sound so familiar.
"Jax! Jax! Jax, wake up!" She yelled, as I woke up and stood up, where I saw Emma leaning her hand against a transparent glass, where she is sealed in. I quickly ran to her, but I couldn't get in. I tried breaking the glass, but it just won't break.
"It's hopeless," a familiar man said. "The glass is made of magic. You can't break it. No one can."
I looked at him and said, "I can try."
I kept punching the glass, but it's no use. It just won't budge.
I looked at her as she looked at me and I leaned my hand against the glass, where Emma placed her hand against the wall against mine.
"Jax." She called my name followed by me saying, "Emma."

I couldn't stop myself when I begun to break the glass by punching it as hard as I can.
"Give up already." The guy with the mask stated. "When it comes with Emma, I will never give up."
He sighed in annoyance as he took off his mask and toss it to the ground when he turned me towards him for me to face him, I was shocked to see who the man behind the mask is as he punch my face to know me out.

"Jax!" Emma yelled in concerned as he knocked me out that caused me to collapse in front of him.

Andi's POV:
Jax's taking a bit too long. He was out there half an hour ago. I'm getting concerned.
"Have you seen Jax?" Luke asked me as I told him back, "yeah, that's what I've been wondering too."
"Where could he have been?" Luke asked one more time as we all looked around us.
"Somethings wrong." Jessie stated. "Jax wouldn't be taking this long, unless he's been captured by the enemy."
"Oh, come on, Jessie?" Emily said. "Jax just took off few days ago without telling us."
"Thats different!" Jessie stated, as me and Luke finally came in between them and said, "come on, guys. You're wits. Stop acting like a child!"
"I'm afraid Andi's right, you guys," Luke agreed. "The chosen one is captured and her boyfriend is missing."
"Husband." I corrected him.
"Right." He said. "My point is, we have to find the chosen one, and we have to do it quick before it's too late."
"Too late for what?" I asked as he hesitated to respond, "-uh, it's nothing you should worry about, Andi."
The moment he said that to me, I couldn't help but feel that he's hiding something from me, and I don't think he's ever planning on telling me. But I am gonna find out what it is. One way or another. But since I'm already in a relationship, I have to talk to him first, before jumping into any conclusions.
"We'd better get going," Luke stated.
"Uh, Luke," I called him as he face towards me and said, "yes, Andi."
"Can I talk to you for a second," I stated as I walked away from the group and Luke followed me, asking, "Andi, what's up?"
"Somethings up," I immediately stated when I looked at him as he asked once more, "what do you mean?"
"I know you enough to to know that you're hiding something from me." I said.
He sighed and said. "Andi, please. I can't-I can't tell you. This is something you can't be involved in."
"If my best friend is involved," I said. "Then so will I."
"Andi," he said slightly annoyed. "Please, stop it. You don't know what you are dealing with. This force of magic is something you don't wanna get involved in."
"Luke," I continued. "How many should I tell you this, I don't care what happens to me, as long as I'll find Emma and Jax."
I looked at him in the eyes, waiting for his response to tell me the truth that he's hiding from me, but instead, he looked upset and turn his head away and then I knew that he won't tell me the truth, no matter how hard I'll force him to.
I took a deep breath for what I am about to say with that sad tone in my voice as I spoke softly, "I can no longer be with you, Luke."
I immediately took his attention as he faced me and said, "what? Andi."
I continued. "I'm sorry. I can't be with someone who keeps secrets from me the way you always do."

"Andi." He said.
"I'm sorry, Luke," I finally said with my heart slowly breaking. "But-this is goodbye."

I walked away from him and he looked at me while I did when he said, "Andi, please, wait."
I stopped and said with no eye contact, "I'm sorry. It had to be done."
I walked away and when I walked back to the group. The qua are there eavesdropping, which infuriates me, but I'm too broken-hearted to do anything about it. So I just walked away to the river and took a breath as Jessie went after me and said when I toss a pebble at the river that bounced to the other side. "Andi."
"Jessie?" I said, facing her. "What are you doing here?"
"I overheard." She stated.
"You eavesdropped, Jess." I corrected her. "Which is invading my privacy."
"Yeah," she said and joked. "I'm not apologizing for that."
I sighed, ignoring her annoying comment. "I'm just worried that's all."
I toss another pebble at the river and continued, "about Emma, about Jax, about everything."
"Oh," Jessie said. "They're not the one you should be worried about."
I got confused and turn towards her and asked, "what?"
But instead, I was shocked wen I saw that Jessie was just a spell that someone used to pretend to be her, like a disguised spell.
I gasp in shock.

As I begun to scream loudly when the masked man cast a spell against me, so I wouldn't fight back. And it worked. But at least, my scream took the attention of my troopers as they all came running at the place where I was just in.
"Andi!" I heard Luke's loud voice when the man took me in his arm and used his magical powers to cast a spell to disappear right before their eyes. But I can't see with mine, because he cast a spell to make me see nothing but darkness. My only weakness. Anyway, that's the reason why I screamone?"

ed in the first place.

As soon as she lifted the spell, I finally can see and it surprised me to see Emma in front of me in that worried look she gave me, "Emma?"

"Andi," she said. "You're okay."

"Of course I am." I said to be tough as I stood up. "Do you really think that baboon could stop the likes of me."

"He's my father, Andi." She stated, which shocked me as I hesitated and stuttered to say, "oh, uh, well, he is a good baboon, Emma."

She chuckles as she stated with a slight smile, "don't worry, he's not my biological father."

"What?" I said in shock one more time. "What happened while I was gone?"

"Oh, a lot." She said as we both started to blabber our mouths, which was starting to annoy the masked man when he said, "can you both shut up! Can't you see I'm busy in thinking over the world?!"

I then face him and said, "you do know we're gonna stop you, right?"

He chuckled a bit while typing some codes in his machines while he said, "I'd like to see you try."

I face back to Emma and said, "come on, Emma. Break the glass."

She looked at me like I was crazy as she gave me that look as I questioned. "What? What are you waiting for?"

"Andi, I can't." She responded to my suggestion.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion as she then explained, "The glass is magic-proof. I can't break it."

"More powerful than the chosen one?" I questioned followed by her saying, "I'm sorry. I really am."

"What?" I said. "We have to try something. We just have to."

"Andi," she said. "There's nothing we can do. I'm sorry. I've tried."

"So we're just gonna do nothing?" I questioned followed by her stating, "Andi, there's nothing left that we can do. I'm sorry."

"You keep saying sorry and yet," I said. "You're doing nothing about it."

"What do you want me to do, Andi?" She asked. "As sad and disappointing it may sound, there's nothing I can do. I'm powerless against my dad."

I stood there speechless, not knowing what I'm supposed to do next as I didn't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm a Guardian. I should know what to do.

Luke's POV:

As quickly as I could, I immediately ran towards the scream that I heard coming from Andi. But when I got there I'm too late, I saw kids gathered around as they saw nothing but a keychain that belonged to Andi. I remember giving it to her on our date. She doesn't like girly stuff, so I gave this instead, I leaned down to take a hold of it as I take a closer look on it and softly say, "I'm too late."

I bet that the others my age heard me, because I heard Kimmy say to the kids, "why don't you guys head out for a moment."

"Yeah," Philip agreed. "We'll just have a quick chat with Luke."

"But-" Jessie said, but the blonde chick interrupted her saying, "go on already, Jessie. This is an adult business. Now, shoo."

Jessie rolled her eyes and walked away with the others.

"What's up?" I asked them, facing them as they all gave me that look as Ruby told me, "spill it."

"Excuse me?" I said confused.

"You're hiding something from us, Luke," Kimmy said followed by Cameron saying, "Luke, tell us what you are hiding. It's a felony to lie to someone who has authority of'"

"Of what, Cameron?" I interrupted him. "You're not even a cop."

"Tell us," Maddie insisted. "My friends are capture by some man."

I guess I don't have a choice. I have to tell them, so sighed and started to say, "you're right. You deserve the truth. After all, you guys are friends with the chosen one."

"That worked?" Philip said in shock followed by Maddie boasted. "What can I say, I'm awesome."

"Guys!" Diego said annoyed. "Can we focused, please."

"The kanay's right." Jimmy agreed as I was about to explain to them everything I know, but something stopped me when the surroundings around us started to change and we saw myself, a few years back. It was when Andi and I were sent to the office of headmaster agamemnon, when we got locked out and we both were hugging as Andi and I both screamed in terror and I felt a bit embarrassed when the rest of them saw that.

"So, what were you gonna say?" Jimmy asked once that eventful experienced happened, as I kept looking at that memory and I said, "just keep watching."

And so she did.

Once Andi and I part our ways to our own dorm rooms, I already was in my room, getting ready for bed, until my uncle Archer showed up unexpectedly. "Uncle Archer?"

"Luke, I don't have much time," he stated as I stood up worriedly as I asked, "Uncle, what's wrong?"

He explained a few details to me, and then he handed me slowly a USB for it that whispered in my ears, "this explains everything."

"But Uncle," I said. "I don't understand."

He opened the door and looked at me as he said softly, "keep it away."

"From who?" I asked followed by him saying. "From him."

"And he walked out my door and left." I told them. "That's the last time I ever saw him."

"Big deal!" Philip stated with that angry tone in his voice. "So what if your dumb uncle told you some big secret. what does this have to do with Andi?"

"Why you!" I got mad. "He's not dumb!"

"He sure is." He yelled as we both came face to face. "And besides, even if that USB can help us stop that man, we don't even have it!"

"Oh, yeah!" I said and got mad as I quickly punched him in the stomach as I clenched my fist and he bend down and I continued. "Well, I got it right here, and I am going to save Andi, not some emotionless guy like you."

We heard an unexpected evil laughing as the man with the mask showed up right behind us and said, "that's all I've wanted to hear."

We all faced towards him as he sued his magic to lift me up and he made both of disappeared, just like that.

Emma's POV:

JAx was starting to wake up and asked, "what? What just happened?"

Once he woke up, my dad appeared out of nowhere, but he's not alone. He has Luke with him as he toss him right through the glass, which made him trapped like the rest of us.

"Andi," he said so happy when he saw Andi safe and sound.

"Luke?" She questioned as she does not seem quite happy as he is to see her. "What are you doing here?"

"Quiet!" He yelled in anger, interrupting Luke when he was about to answer.

As Luke stood and told him as my dad was turned around. "You'll never get away with this, Howler."

It unexpectedly caught his attention as he turned his back towards Luke as he slowly take little stops towards him and said, "I didn't hear that name for a quite some time, Mr. Archer."

"But it it your name, isn't it?"  He questions like he know more things about my dad than I ever did.

"Well," He says. "Since you already know what I'm after. I guess there's no point of keeping it a secret."

"Then what?" He stated. "What are you really after, Howler?"

"To destroy." daddy stated. "The world."

"What?" I said in shock followed by Andi saying with no emotions. "No surprise there. We've dealt with bigger problems than that."

"But no has ever done it." He explained. "They wanted to rule the world, the magic realm, for power and riches. But I want to destroy it. Everything living thing in the world. Gone."

"You're insane." Max stated followed by me asking, "But tats still doesn't explain why you need us."

"Let's just say you're a step closer to what I'm really after." He said as I asked him, "what?"

He smirked at me when he looked at me and said, "like I said earlier."

"He pauses, "you're mother."

I panicked at what was about to happen and started to cry and I then turn tow Jax and started to cry on Jax's shoulders and he sais "don't worry, Em, we'll get out of this."

He chuckled. "Oh, yeah? and who's gonna help you? Your weakling of a sister? Or your useless of a father?"

He laughs as he get back to work and continued. "No on's coming to get you. It's all over. For you that is."

Philip's POV:

Everyone was shocked and every worried once Luke was gone.

"It's over." Katie stated. "He's got Luke. Now we have no information about the secret he's been keeping from us. It's all over."

"Not quite." I said as I made the rest of the group confused, until I brought out the real keychain of Andi's.

"Andi's keychain?" Maddie questioned. "What's that have to do with anything?"

"This is the USB." He stated which shocked everyone." I stated and explained. "Luke faked it."

"What!?" They all yelled in shock as they were alls surprised.

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