Boyish love (kakashiXoc)

By loversofnaruto

562K 18.9K 2K

When a kid suddenly appears in the academy.. She is stuck with girls swooning over her, boys envying her and... More

Academy.. And fangirls... Why!?
Intro's and favourote book
Survival exercise
New mission
Little sister?
Icha cha fans
Bets and dramaticness
Training in the hidden mist
Cold night alone..
In bed with my warm but weird sensei
Zabuza dead time to go home
Sparing and talking
Wierd but awesome team
How is a giggle adorable?!
The books and his place?!
Blushing friends
I feel safer in his arms
Embarassing moments 101
Old enemy and another thing in common
Embarassing my sensei!
Da hokage knows and new mission?
Truamatic experinces relived from a soul
Weird conversation
Flash backs~!
Mom-like mitsuki
Almost to the destination!
The lord and his grandchildren
Festival kisses~!
He's so adorable when he's jealous~!!
Bath house teasing
Sexually aroused?! Cause of me?!?!
Old old friend
A childish but smart game part 1
A childish but smart game part 2
Perverted date!
Emotions brought back
Just before the third exam!
Attack on the leaf
After the fight.
My uncle? Well hes..
Getting caught!
His past is relatable to mine
Pain and love
His kisses are AMAZING
Please just trust me sakura
"I love you"
My sensei is VERY weird
Two wrongs make a right, right?
Welp! The team knows!
The moya brothers are very annoying
Dirty trick
"Does kakashi want me?"
So very close
Morning with a goofball
Moving in with goofball~!
My self proclaimed personal pervert, orishu
Toshiro's request jiraiya's offer
Last mission for the day!
Take me
The start of a tortureous sensetaion~!
Everynight should end with something like this..
Im a caterpillar!
Mini story part 2
Time together
Get sasuke back mission failure.
Finally alone
Almost time
Bye for now

Mini story part 1

3.3K 92 0
By loversofnaruto

Hi guys, When I was writing the previous chapter I thought. What if both kakashi and Mitsuki were both sent back in time and met eachother again? So, it'll probably be couple of long chapters. Enjoy~
I look up, I was strapped to a bed? What the hell?! How the flip did I get here?! I look around confused, where the hell am I? Where's kakashi??? Hmm I hate this now.. I want my goofball.... Badly.. I look around nervously, I had clothes on, thank god. My chest unwrapped in bandages, I wince a little it hurt.. The ropes digging into the space underneath my breasts.. Damnit.. I heard running.. Oh god.. Why do I have a overly weird feeling about this?? Hmm... Kami help me.. The door Infront me then flew open leaving me blinded by the light.. I blink a few times, closing the eye that was closer..
"Can someone please explain what the flipping hell I am doing here?!" I growl annoyed, I saw a figure block the light.. An anbu member? I begin to struggle,
"Calm down" it was a guy.. Where do I recognise that.. Oh flip?!?!! The hell!!!!!!!!! GOD HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME!! I turn my head away from the anbu member and pout.. I felt a hand on my shoulder that turned my head back to wards him
"Shut up, and keep quiet" he growled, I look at him, the eyes behind that mask.. I know who he is.. Kakashi...but he looks so much- THE FLIP!!? REALLY?! I frown and wait for him to cut the ropes,
"Here just untie my arms and I'll do it you Baka!" I shout annoyed.. He did as he was told, untying my arms, I then swiped the kunai from his and carefully cut the bandages that were tied tightly around my chest. I then sit up, spinning around and looking up at him
"What's your problem Hm? Is this really how you act on missions?" I ask quietly, he just turns around and begins to walk away, I sigh " you could at least tell me your name so I can remember it.. You know if I ever get taken again..." I whisper, he looks back at me, his coal black eye showing nothing but seriousness, I sigh.. I kinda miss that goofball now.. I sigh and look around as he lead me through the woods.
"Your real name..." I say quietly.. "Or should I take a guess?" He looked back at me unamused. I sigh and look down at the ground "scarecrow... Is my guess" I say, he looks back at me with a unfazed look
"Wolf, is my name" he growled at me, I sigh and look down
"Okay.. I get it.. I get that your wolf......didn't know you could be so cocky.." I mumble the last part making him glare at me
"Hurry up, it'll take about a week just to get back to the leaf" he says coldly, I need to know how old he is.. He looks like he's about.. 20? Which would make me about... 10? No that wouldn't work would It? I'm 16 he's... 26... Actually that would be right..... So this is six years ago.. Okay then.. Um..
"Could I at least know one thing about you?" I ask, he growls at me and slashes back at me, I moved backwards
"why do you want to know anything you annoying brat?!" I sigh..
"Because.. I'd like to know at least one thing about the person who saved me..." I say rubbing my arm.. "Plus....." I then look back.. No.. I can't relive what happened! I... "Yamako..." I whisper looking back, he just watches me
"Yamako?" He asks
"Yes! We have to go back and-"
"We can't, we need to get back to the village"
"NO!" I shout annoyed, he glared at me. As I began to run.. Come on.. I know I shouldn't be doing this but.. I have to.. I don't want to be alone.... I could hear him moving quickly. He then appeared before me
"You'll stop" he growled grabbing my arm. I frown at him and rip my arm from his grip
"I TOLD YOU I WONT WAIT UNTIL MY LITTLE BROTHER IS KILLED ALRIGHT!" I shout. By this time my father had already committed suicide after my mother died when zuri was only 2, Misaka should be wondering where I am.. It I can't go to her. Not when I know what will happen... I sigh and begin to walk
"What's so important about this Yamako kid?! Hell just die anyway!" I freeze.. Twitching.. My gloves were on, okay, you wanna play?!
"YOU WANNA PLAY TAG HATAKE?! HUH?! ILL FREAKING ELECTROCUTE YOU UNTIL YOU DIE!" I shouted angrily, charging up the gloves and taking out the pole, charging it with electricity. Swinging it upwards and getting into my fighting postion. My eyes changing.. "YOU.. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO EVEN TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT MY BROTHER" I growl, I couldn't injure him to much... I couldn't kill him.. I was just frustrated.. Yamako... I sigh closing my eyes and making my pole disappear. Turning around and keeping electricity at my hands
"You dare try and touch me you'll be electrocuted got it?!" I shout, he seemed shocked as I start moving backwards, I frown.. I then stop, he had kept up well.. I felt a hand on my shoulder
"You'll stop. Now" I freeze.l the tone he used.. "And how do you know my last name kid.."
"One, I'm not a kid,
2: I've met you before" I say, I was so tempting to poke him in the chest and send electricity into him.. But I didn't "the village hidden in the blossoms ever remember that?" I say, he then blinks at looks at me
"Your?" I roll my eyes
"Your naive for an anbu" I say jumping down from the tree, he stares at me making me growl
"You Baka!" I shout, I began to grumble curses.. As I ran forward.

I walk around where the hell is mitsu?.. And where the hell am I? I look around until a kid banged into me. I was in my anbu uniform.. Oh geez this can't be when I first met her..
"Hey! Zuri!" A girl's voice shouted, I look at the girl that.p ran into me.. No way... Oh geez this can't be happening..
"But Misaka!" Zuri shouted.. I look up.. A young woman.. Stunning green eyes and white hair just like zuri and Mitsuki.. The woman walks up to me
"What's a leaf anbu doing here?" I watch her.
"Passing through" I say quietly honestly., Mitsuki looked adorable here in this time, not that she didn't look good in current time but wow... I look around again
"You have somewhere to stay?" Misaka asks, I look at her and sigh
"No sadly" I say.. My anbu mask on, it was completely out of character for me when I was anbu but.. I kinda want to meet mitsuki's parents.. Zuri grins up at me
"He can stay with us! He's the anbu Mitsuki-San knows!!" Zuri shouted. Grinning
"Okay then" Misaka says signalling me to follow Zuri holding my hand making me smile a little.. Where Mitsuki is.. I just hope she isn't with me when I'm with my team... Misaka leads me to a large house,
"It'll just be us since the oldest, Kano isn't around, Mitsuki should be home soon.. " Misaka explains I look around, the place is really big.. But... Ah.. Sakura and Toshiro died.. Probably before now.. I can't ask about that.. It'll bring out a bad aura. I look around and sigh, sitting down on the couch beside Zuri, a little boy with black hair then ran in and grinned
"We're home!" He shouts, he then looks to me and pouts "mitsuki-San!! Your friend is back!"
"Who-" I smile and give her a weird look.. "Oh.. Kakashi... Hi?"
"Hi" I greet quietly.. Misaka smiles a little
"Zuri, Yamako... Why don't we go outside and train"
"Yeah!" Both kids shout, I look back at them Misaka giving me a wink making me sigh
"So.. Your house is nice.."
"It is.." Geez this is getting awkward.. Hmm what would I usually do.. Something weird.. Of course, but she barley knows me in this time.. Ugh why is this so annoying.. I look to the pictures on the table.
"That's a lot of photos" she looks to the table and smiles
"Yeah.. Family members and all" I get up and take hold of one.. Hidan..?
"That's my uncle. Hidan. He doesn't live here anymore,. He ditched my mom when they were kids"
"How should I know?" She asks, gah! You idiot she's only 8 or something! I sigh and set it down, lifting my anbu mask up to actually look at it.
"So.. How old are you?"
"8 why?"
"Oh, no reason.. You just seem a bit smarter then a normal 8 year old is all" I say, God I sound like and adult.. Well I am 18 in this time.. I sigh and take hold of another photo, a man and a woman
"That's my parents.." Her father looks so much different then I imagined.. He looked so much younger then I thought he would.
"He and my mom were 16 when they had Kano, why they look so young" I nod my head slightly.. I look back at her..
"You have any friends?"
"Why ask?"
"Your siblings seem to have them.." She looks down to the ground
"Since I'm a prodigy the other kids think I'm to powerful to become friends with or something, thinking their not good enough" I sigh. Geez.. I think for a second before walking up to her and putting a hand on her shoulder, she looks at me kinda shocked
"Don't worry, I'm sure someone will like you, trust me" she looks at me
"How are you sure?" I look at her and smile
"Cause I like you, ever since I first met you, I've liked you. Your just so nice" I say smiling though most of that is true, she grins
"Well yeah! I got it from my mom!" She says cheerfully, I smile at her
"Sure you did" I say, she then smiles and looks away nervously, she then moved forward, hugging me, I blush a little and smile., letting her
"Thank you..." She whispers she then freezes.. I look down at her confused
"What?" She just grins and snuggles closer
"Your so warm~!" She coos making me smile and hug her back..
"Yeah..." I whisper.. I sigh and stand there, her in my arms.. I then hear someone giggle making me sigh.
"Wow.. Nothing changes" I mutter quietly Mitsuki lets go of me and blushes.
"Misaka! Really?!" She shouts, I chuckle lightly at the two and sigh, well at least I now know how Misaka may act towards me and mitsuki's relationship, that's not to bad.. Mitsuki then frowns and goes closer to me.. I smile a little.. I know I shouldn't be so open to her but I can't help it.. I love her so much.. Even in this time she is attached to me.. I sigh and look to Misaka
"Come on, can't you be supportive?" I ask, Misaka blushes and frowns
"Wow.. Just wow" Misaka mutters walking off, I smirked
"Better get her out Hm?" Mitsuki looks at me with a pout..
"It's cold" she mumbled making me smile
"Ah fine come here" I say leaning down and embracing her.. She began to giggle as I lift her up higher and hug her.
"Better?" I ask, she nods.. Geez Misaka then calls us in for dinner? I sigh, walking into the kitchen with Mitsuki, Misaka grins and sighs
"Kano should be home any minute from his mission"
"IM BACK!!!!!!" Someone suddenly shouted, Mitsuki grinned and ran out of the rom followed by the other two younger ones, I smile
"Very excited" I comment, Misaka smiles
"Yeah they always are when Kano gets home" I get up and peek through the door way, only to see Mitsuki, Yamako and Zuri ontop of a guy with long black hair and green eyes.. Something tells me I'll like my stay here.. For now at least..

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