Nearly All I Wanted

By xxWorthlessDreamerxx

16K 347 250

Hayley has everything she could possibly want. A good home, great friends and family, Taylor, her awesome boy... More

Nearly All I Wanted
First Day Part One
First Day Part Two
First Day Part Three
First Day Part Four
Home, Sweet, Home
I'm Sorry
Could It Be!?
I Think I Like You
I Can't Do This.
I Hate This Feeling
Watch Out Darling
I'm Back
The Aftermath
The Perfect Date (According To The People On It)
Happiness (Or Is It?)
I Need You
I'm Gonna Get Ya
Just Tell Me
Just You And Me (Appropriate Version)
Just You And Me (Lemon Version)
Meeting The Friend and New Songs Revealed
A Song For You
Random Chapter
All About Taylor (I came up with this title btw)
What's Happened
Author's Note

Well, What Do You Know?

431 8 19
By xxWorthlessDreamerxx

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating any of my stories. I want you all to know that for every story that I have created, I have a draft for. Idk when they'll be posted but hopefully, this one is first. If not, then it will be my tayley fanfic that's posted next. My andley, I forgot what I wanted for that story and I'm in writers block. High school started back in August and this little freshman is having a hard time keeping up because I just don't feel like doing my work sometimes. But, I'll try my best to stay ahead so that way I'll have more time to write and keep you guys updated. Idk if this chapter is going to be short or long. If it's short, I'm very sorry, if it's long then, yay! So I'll start this chapter now.

*Hayley's POV*

I woke up wondering what time it was because the light shining through the blinds are bright and I move to where they are out of my face. I move closer to Brendon laying my head on the side of his chest while his arm is wrapped around me bringing me closer to him.

I started playing with the bed sheets that were wrapped around me and started thinking about last night.

I lost my virginity to Brendon, my car cra ex is going back to the looney bin, I have the greatest family and friends in the world and I have to go pee now.

I pryed myself from Brendan's grasp and put on one of his shirts. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a wreck, my lips were still red, I look like I haven't had proper sleep in a while, and my hickey he gave me last time was still there. Great. I look like crap. Luckily, today is Saturday and we're on break. I think it's thanksgiving break but I forgot. But what the hell if we are then we are. If we aren't then we aren't. Plain and simple.

When I was finished in the bathroom, I went back in Brendon's room and saw him still sleeping. I swear he is a heavy sleeper. I crawled into bed and looked at him sleeping. Perfect lips, perfect face, perfect everything. He was just right. Not too muscular but not too scrawny. Just the perfect amount of muscle and his abs. God his abs! They are just wonderful. I kissed his forehead and he stirred.

"Oops. I didn't mean to wake you." I said whispering while he leaned in to kiss me. The kiss was soft and gentle and perfect.

"That's ok. I got a chance to wake up and see my beautiful girlfriend." He said still groggy.

"Hey! I know what we can do. We can make waffles!" I said jumping up and running out the door. I ran back in his room and said seductively, "Well come on sexy, those waffles aren't gonna make themselves."

He laughed and put some boxers on and walked downstairs with me.

We were in the midst of eating our waffles when the door rang.

"I'll get it!" Brendon yelled.

"Not if I do first!" I yelled also.

We both ran to the door and when Brendon opened it up, I had my arms wrapped around his waist and his right arm around my shoulders. At the door was none other than....

(BOOM! Giant cliffhanger! Who's at the door? What do they want. And what I tell you that this isn't the end? Ooooooh mind-blowing O.O all jokingness aside you you should continuing reading)

*Taylor's POV*

I'm at my house with Gabrielle and she would not shut up about makeup and magazines and I'm just tired of it. I'm gonna break up with her and I have to do it soon otherwise I'm gonna kill myself out of agony.

"Hello? Taylor? Are you even listening to me?!" She asked upset.

"No. No, Gabby I'm not. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of us and God, I hate you. You ruined my life you clouded my thinking with your whorish clothes and seductive voice. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in this mess right now!" I yelled frustrated getting up.

"No T! Don't you dare try to put your own mistakes on me! It was you who chose not to tell Hayley what you were doing. You could've left but you didn't. So it's your own fault!" She protested angry.

"My- my fault?! Gabrielle, are you fucking crazy? If you wanted me so bad then why did you leave me?! Why'd you go if you wanted me?" I screamed.

"Because you were in love with Hayley! I never stood a chance! You two were in love and I left because I had to. You broke up with me because you thought we were too different. Well news flash honey: I broke up with you first so ha and another ha! I could never compete with her so it was time for me to leave. I always loved you and when you didn't love me back, that broke my heart. I hated you for that. I just can't believe you went from the most popular girl in school, to a person nobody knew about. Till now." She yelled breaking down crying.

"Gabs, why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because I couldn't. T, I- we need to break up." She said looking into my eyes.

"Ironic huh?" I asked chuckling.

"Ironic how?" She asked defensively.

"I was just about to break up with you." I said.

She looked at me and nodded.

"Gabby, do us both a favor; get the hell out of my life. Maybe that way, we won't kill each other next time." I said looking at her.

"Ok." She got up and walked out of my house. "Goodbye T." She said before walking out of my life. Now, to make things right with Hayley.

I drove to Hayley's house and asked Erica if she's here and she replied with a simple, "She's at Brendon's house."

"Do you know where that's at?" I asked.

"What do I look like? A map?" She told me.

"Never mind. When you see her tell her I need to talk to her." I said walking away.

"Not a messenger!" She shouted.

I got in my car and called Spencer to see if he knew where Brendon lived.

I found out Brendon didn't live to far from Hayley's house. I drove there and knocked on his door. When someone answered it I found Brendon in his boxers and Hayley in his shirt with a hickey on her neck.

"Tay, what are you doing here?" She asked her voice low.

"I should ask you the same thing. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with my boyfriend. What do you think?" She shouted at me.

"Why are you yelling? I just came here to see if you were here but, I see you're busy. How could you?" I shouted back.

"How could I what?" She asked angrily.

"How could you let a lowlife player take advantage of you like that? If you were with me,"

"If I were with you? I was with you, you stupid fucking bitch! I trusted you and you betrayed that trust by making out with that trick! Why the hell did you even come here?! (bet you were that line's from)" She shouted at me.

"To tell you that I'm still in love with you! I've always been in love with you, I never loved Gabrielle! Maybe I kissed her because I missed you. I could've gone to see you but I was afraid that your dad was gonna rip my head off. I missed you so much and I needed you. But when I saw you in the arms of him, I couldn't stand it so that's why I stayed with her. So I could forget about you. But now, it's too late. You already gave it up so there's no way I could take you from him. So goodbye Hayley. I hope you have fun." I said walking away.

"Tay," She said running to me. She gave me a hug and whispered, "take care." And with that, she left to go back inside.

*Hayley's POV*

T is still in love with me. He said that in front of me and Brendon. We had an argument in front of Brendon. He knows I'm not a virgin anymore. And the sad part about it, I think I'm still in love with him.

"Are you ok?" Brennie asked me.

"Yeah I'll be fine. I just need some time to think." I said sitting on the couch.

"Hey, come here." He said sitting next to me, wrapping his arm around my tiny frame.

"Don't worry about what he said. You still have me and I'm not going anywhere." He told me kissing me.

"Thanks. I'm really glad you're here with me." I replied kissing him back harder.

I crawled on top of him and started straddling him. He started massaging my thighs and I moaned in his mouth. I felt his erection and I broke the kiss and smirked. He pulled me back down to his lips and I started grinding against him. He moaned and then his lips left my mouth and started sucking and kissing and biting my neck. I moaned really loud and pushed him off my neck and took his shirt off. He took his boxers off and I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next.

It was like one in the afternoon when we woke up and had sex again. But in the shower. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get pregnant soon so, I asked Brendon one of the most important question in my life as we were lying in his bed.

"Brennie, what's gonna happen if I ever get pregnant?" I asked looking at him while playing with his shirt.

"I don't know, Hayles. But, what I do know is that I'm gonna be there with you every step of the way." He said looking at me.

I nodded and kissed his neck, still playing with his shirt.

"You know," he started and I looked up at him. "if you want to take the shirt off, by all means do so. I don't care." He said smirking.

"Shut up." I said smiling kissing him.

There was a knock at the door and Brendon and I got up to go get it.

"It better not be who I think it is." He said to me while walking down the stairs.

He opened the door and there stood a fucking hottie with black hair and blue eyes to die for.

Bonjour! Je suis désolé, je n'ai pas mis à jour cette histoire. J'ai été incroyablement bondé alors j'espère que c'est assez long. Je vous ai gardé gars qui attendent trop longtemps et je mettrai à jour You Are My Everything. Je promets que je ne sais pas quand. Alors, au revoir et n'oubliez pas de basculer et d'écouter de Black Veil Brides!


I'm sorry I haven't updated this story. I've been crazy busy so I hope this is long enough. I've kept you guys waiting too long and I will update You Are My Everything. I promise I just don't know when. So bye and rock on and remember to listen to Black Veil Brides! \m/ \/

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