Hypothetically Thinking

By Babynie__

166K 6.8K 4.9K

To look deeper, you can take the meanings of theoretical to mean relating to or based on a theory, and hypoth... More

Note 1- Regrets
Note 2-New Things
Note 3--Suprise!!
Note 4- The Encounter
Note 5-- Delusional.
Note 6- Drunken Nites
Note 7- Terrors
Note 8-Quick Love
Note 9- Ai + Dee
Note 10- Visionary Love
Note 11- Regrets pt2
Note 12-Bad Things
Note 13-#hateaiden
Authors Note
Note 14-Later in life
Note 15- Miss You
Note 16- Allure of India
Note 17-You got me
Note 18-My Last
Note 19- Mistakes
Note 20-All Is Fake
Note 21- Incomplete
Note 22- Mixed Feelings
Note 23 - tables turned
Note 24- Cheater
Note 25- Failed
Questions and Answer
Note 26- Reunite
Note 27-Lovers Before Friends
Note 29- Fault
Note 30- Reminiscing
Update Schedule
In Reality
Amazon Review

Note 28- Savage Revenge

3K 136 155
By Babynie__

StrippedCocainee...is restarting her story so she said Hisan no longer dead...so Armondo, (Aiden's dad) was the one who died, imma edit that chapter soon.

3 Months Later.

"I don't feel good Aiden!" India cried as she clinged to the toilet, she's been vomiting up on and off for the last three days. She is three months pregnant, we just got the news last week and now she's sicker than a dog.

"Because your pregnant baby, that's why you don't feel good." I stood in the doorway and handed her a glass of water, she took it and began to consume it but then she threw it up and threw tatrum.

"My stomach hurt! Its hurts Aiden. It's so hot in here."

I picked her up from the bathroom floor and carried her to our bed, laying her down gently, trying to get her comfortable. She hates being nausea, and stomach pains. Every pregnancy kind of go like this dealing with her.

I wiped her mouth along with the sweat that formed from her forehead, then I rested my head on her bulging belly, but she pushed me off of her and rolled over to her side. It sucks that I have to deal with all these attitude and mood changes.

"This is all your fault. Your always getting me pregnant and you never pull out...I hate you. You did this to me." She sniffled and I chuckled at her dramatic statement.

"Well when I try to pull out, you wrap your legs around my waist tight as hell and tell me not to stop, so I just cum in you."

"I don't feel good, it hurt. I don't want no more babies." She exspressed in a pouting tone.

"Girl stop crying okay? Ima turn the air conditioner on and make you somethin to eat."

"I'm not hungry! It's so hot and I can barely breathe."

"Okay baby." I stroked her hair and she began to calm down and relax.. "Just go to sleep, calm down okay."

"Can you lay with me?"

She may throw up on my ass.

"Yeah baby." I got in the bed laying next to her, then she laid her head on my chest while closing her eyes, her breath blew againts my skin through my shirt, I continued to stroke her hair and after a few minutes she drifted off to sleep.

I reached over to the night stand as my phone began to go off, notifying me that I haf a message. It had something to do with money, so it's time to get whatever it i handled. I got slowly got up trying not to wake India, but K failed.

"Baby where are you going?" She moped.

"I'm going to get you some medicine, I'll be back. Go to sleep." I lied through my teeth as I put on my sneakers and made my way out of the room. When I got down stairs Jeremiah was on the couch watching television.

"A, where you goin'? I wanna come."

"Nah I'll be back. Stay here and take care of your mama."

.. .. ..

I stood outside of my father's house as the rain poured down from the sky, but I was protected by the roof above the door. I rung the door bell repeatedly, waiting for an answer. It was finally received when my little sister Malayia answered the door.

"What you doin' here?" I asked as while stepping in and closing the door behind me, I looked at her belly that's usually flat and noticed it was big. I know she's nine teen now and grown but that's my baby sister, I don't want her pregnant.

"Just here so Julia can do my hair. Uncle waitin for you downstairs."


I jogged down to the basement in my Uncle's man cave, I decided not to work for Uncle Fame anymore, because he put limits on the shit I do, but on my dad side that let me do whatever I need to make paper.

My three cousins Sirgio;Jaiten;Roy and my other little sister Aiyana, who's a stud all sat around the table drinking and smoking blunts.

"What's up?" I said as I gave them all a daps, giving them all a brotherly greeting, then I took Aiyana's blunt from her and began smoking it for my self then plopped down in the chair.

"Did you put in that shit?" She asked.

"Hush dyke. Hush."

"What's up nephew?" My uncle Fernandez greeted me.

"Nun, what you need?" I questioned as I blew smoke out from my mouth.

"Alright all you motherfuckers is gathered here today because we have problem. Aaron robbed one of my warehouses on Crenshaw."

"Well how you know it was him?" Jaiten asked,

"Peanut told me that his little boyfriend was bragging around town talkin about how they made all this dough."

"W-w-w-w-wait! B-boyfriend?" I said shocked "This nigga gay?"

"I'm afraid so." He responded he blew smoke from his mouth and chuckled. Aiyana and I looked at each other in disgust.

"Nigga caught a bitch ass attitude because I didn't loan him 11 racks on they wedding. I ain't with that gay shit, I'm not about to give my money up for some shit I don't even support, you know what I mean."

"I feel you, I feel you." Roy nodded his head.

"So his bitch ass robbed me for twenty racks and fifty pounds of coke. I don't want yall to kill him but do something to get all of mine that he has out of him. Yall got that."

We all nodded.

.. .. ..


iyana and I parked across the street in front of Aaron's complex and she sighed as she put out her blunt in the ash tray.

"He's our brother? Should we really do this? I mean that's our flesh and blood."

"We should do it." I ignored her emotions and pulled out my gun from the glove department and put it on my waistline.

"You ready?" I asked.

She shrugged and opened her car door getting out. And we both put on our mask and seen Sirgio and Roy, gesturing for us to come on.


"Aids? You really have aids?" Brandon asked me with tears in his eyes as we layed in the bed.

"Yeah...It's been a few months that's why I jaje sure we use condoms."

"Baby, that is--ugh. Who gave it to you."

"B, don't worry about." I ran my fingers through his afro as he shedded tears and laid his head on my chest.

"I'll be okay, as long I don't catch I'm straight. I can't wait to get married."

"Me neither."

All of a sudden our bed room door was kicked in five men in mask entered the room waving guns.

"Aye! Aye! What's--" I began to shout but was thrown off my bed by one of them and there boot was pressed againts my head.

"Where's the twenty g's?!" The one above me yelled.

"I don't know what your talkin about man, just let me go!"

I stained as I tried to look over at Brandon two of them were hovering over him with thier guns facing his head.

"What's his name?" One asked me.


"Oh alright, Brandon? Well if you don't tell us where the twenty g's at we takin Brandon out!"

"I do not know what your talkin about!"

"Just tell us where the money at and well be on our way!" A female voice shouted, all of the voices sounded familiar behind the masks.

"I ain't got no money!"

After ten minutes of them searching my house and harassing me and B. The one holding me down got fed up.

"You know what I ain't got time for this bull shit! Somebody come hold his dumb ass."

He let go just for another one to restrain me then he walked over to Brandon and held his gun over his head.

"Please don't." Brandon cried for his life. "Please don't do it."

He cocked the gun back.



Brandon's  brains and blood scattered everywhere and I began crying.

"Let me give you somethin to cry for nigga!" He walked over to me and shot me in my stomach and again in my arm,

"A! A! Stop!" The female voice screamed and police sirens were heard from outside.


They all put thier guns away and begin climbing out the back window, I cried at the fact that I was in pain and my lover was murdered by someone I possibly knew.


I ran into the house and went straight up stairs into the bathroom. I killed someone and shot my brother, if I was to get caught that's life but my Uncle is paying two million so it's worth it.

I turned the water on and splashed water on my face.

"Where you been? Where's my medicine?" India asked as she stood in the door way, leaning her head on the way.

"Somethin came up, my mama needed me to help her re organize her garage. I'm sorry." I lied.

"What's wrong why is your face all red? What's goin on?"

"Nothin India, damn!" I pushed her gently out door way and slammed the door.

India 🌺  🍃 
2 Months Later 

"You sure your gonna be okay here by your self?" Aiden asked as Ira was in his arms and I was tickling.

"Yeah, they need some daddy time with you and I need some mommy self to myself." I giggled.

"You want me to bring you somethin bag?"

"Taco bell would be nice."

"Alright I got, lock all the doors. I'll be back and call me if you need me."

"I will" I kissed his lips and hugged Jeremiah as he walked pass me.

"Yall be good and Aralyn pull your under shirt down."

"I got them."

I watched as they walked out the door, then into the car and I waved as drove off.

.. .. ..


stepped out of the bathroom after taking a long hot steamy shower, that relaxed my bones perfectly. Then I went into my room and unwrapped my towel off of me and began to dry off but suddenly I was turned around and pinned down to my bed.

I screamed as I seen four men in my room wearing mask.

"Please don-"

Before I could finish my sentence he covered my mouth and I felt him ramming something inside of me that was not a penis, it felt hard and sharp and the feeling of blood shivered down my legs, I yelled out of control but he hit me repeatedly in my face.

And they all attacked me and I didn't understand why, I just wanted to get out of the predicament but I couldn't.


"Yall stop running" I told Aralyn and Ira as we entered the house and Jeremiah held his mother's food.

"India! India! Where back!" I said in a childish tone "Fat girl?"

I got no response from her, the kids followed me upstairs and went in there rooms and I went in mine to see her.

"India?" I turned on the light and was shocked to see blood covering our sheets and covers.

"India!" I searched the room, angry and frightened, but found her on the bathroom floor unconscious and covered in blood..

"Indie?!" I laid her in my lap and looked at the bruises on her face and neck.

"What happen to mommy?" The kids came in the room crying and filled with  questions.

"Get out! Get out now!"

They obeyed and I felt her pulse and nothing was there. I piece of paper with spots of blood on it was on her thigh.

Yo bitch got aids now. Fuck with me and take mine and I take yours.

So....how was this chapter?

I got mojo back! I got mojo back! Oh behave!

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