[2] Hell and Back | d. winche...

By graciewr

70.4K 2.3K 195

The night Stephanie Cale died shattered the Winchester family, Bobby Singer is even struggling to hide it. So... More

The Final Note


3.3K 108 10
By graciewr

"Cas." Stephanie squeaked, her gaze unwavering as she took two steps forward, hooking her arm around the Angel who just remained very confused, his feeling written all over his face.

"Stephanie wha-" She pulled him to the window, jerking his body as he came with her, the force causing her to wince slightly with the arm she had recently dislocated. The two brothers remained stood where they were until Sam raised an eyebrow, looking down at the towel and back up with an awkward glance, his eyes darting everywhere but his brother.



"Lucifer." The brunette said again, her tone slightly aggravated for a moment, her jaw momentarily setting. "He's behind Dean he-" Her voice had composed itself, soft and now a whisper. Just as she had found the words to say what she needed, to the one person who could truly help, the devil made his was across the room. How he got to her so quick, Stephanie didn't know but he was by her side, circling her like a predictor does its prey and Castiel could sense this, the way her face changed and her figure grew rigid.

"I'm presuming he is no longer beside Dean?"
Stevie nodded, biting her lip.

"Cas!" Lucifer commented, whooping with his fist in the air in enthusiasm. "Long time no see!" The blonde dragged out his words and folded his arms, standing now as if connected to Stevie's side sending a cold and unwelcome shiver sparking up her body.

Cas didn't say another word but placed his hand on her forehead, lifting his wrist so his fingers softly leant against her head.
Unknowingly, her eyes slipped shut and a familiar fuzzy feeling spread through her, the pain she hadn't realised was causing her discomfort disappeared. Stevie had become accustomed to the pain numbing parts of her body, it being there since the first night she remembered back on earth. So now, as Cas banished it, she felt an unknown weight be lifted from her. The angel hissed, his hand snapping back. When Stevie opened her eyes, she still felt the presence of the devil at her side and as her eyes briefly flickered to her right, he flashed her a grin.

Cas didn't speak, he just let his forehead crease until he looked up and instead of seeing the brunette hunter who's face was no longer an odd mix of bruised colours but fresh and reenergised-almost glowing; he saw the brother he had wished so hard to dismiss.

"Lucifer." Castiel, bewildered, still found the strength to state his name without a care. In Stephanie's defence, Cas was more experienced to his presence than she was. Like a hologram, Lucifer disappeared from Cas's sight but remained as ever visible to Stevie. "I-" Cas shook his head, suggesting they sit down, this time including the Winchester brothers as he spoke but of course, all three of them dismissed him and continued to stand. "It's like Lucifer is using you as a vessel but-not your body." The brothers exchanged a look, Dean still undressed.

"He's real?" Cas glared, questioning Dean's knowledge.

"Of course he is Dean." Dean sighed, nearly growling.

"He's here?" He re-stated and Castiel shrugged muttering 'I don't understand.' but nodded, looking back at the increasingly pale brunette.

"You're damaged, but not physically. Lucifer found he could use you as a vessel and I presume, to drive you out of it, so he could use your body until he found another." The hunters sighed, Stevie found her balance didn't remain much longer and she resulted to sitting down.
They all knew Sam was Lucifer's true vessel, from the first apocalypse they had all experienced, separated and unknowing.
It was only when they were reunited and they discussed past events they found out information such as this, so it wasn't a surprise that Lucifer may have chosen Stevie if this were all true.  Sam was caring, almost too much. If Stevie was broken by Lucifer, her mind turning into a cage of torture more than it had already become, Sam would offer to take the pain, without a second thought. As would Dean but considering Sam is the true vessel, Lucifer's plan would have the capability to force him to agree. Deranged black mail.

"How do we stop it? Get him out Cas."
Dean stepped towards the sitting brunette, aware he was jumping to conclusions without caring for the full story. Why couldn't they just be okay? They had already been through so much.

"It's not that easy-"

"I don't care. Do it-"

"Dean." Stevie shushed the male to let Cas continue and he slumped in the seat opposite her, not able to sit still, Dean reached out for the hand resting on her knee, wrapping his fingers around hers. He just wanted to hold her.

"If we just pull Lucifer right out, it could shatter her. Her memories, everything would merge into one and no one can take that amount of pain, Dean." Dean glared, not to anyone in particular, unaccepting of the truth.

"She's strong." The male muttered and Cas sighed, not wanting to reinforce the facts.

"She can't Dean." Silence followed until the Angel spoke again.

"Lucifer could be the only thing keeping her alive."

Sat in silence, Stevie hummed a tune she hadn't heard for a long time, content at such an innocent action. Her fingers tapped on the fake wood beneath her, creating the beat her head was craving while she muttered the lyrics beneath her breath. The hunter was waiting for Dean, They'd planned to go find a place that sold burgers considering their last long awaited food trip was disrupted. Stevie didn't ignore the Devil as he started to hum with her, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the rough sound as they both sang along, making the song from the silence. Castiel had made it clear that they couldn't stop her seeing him and Lucifer had made it clear he didn't want to leave-he was enjoying inducing her insanity far too much.
Now, Stevie had come to the conclusion, mere hours after Sam witnessed her slight breakdown, to stop despising Lucifer's company. There was no mistaking Lucifer was still trying to twist her mind in on itself but at least now Stevie didn't feel as pressured when ever he even entered the room. The wait crushing her when he spoke was no longer there, thanks to Castiel, she no longer had such immense fear around him. It was a waiting game, that was all. A waiting game until Cas found a solution-which he would. Lucifer could kill her with the twist of his finger and yet she knew he needed her there, so that was another reason to not cower at the sight of him and lastly, she was a hunter. She needed to grow up and deal with this. Stevie would fake her bravery until she found it.

"So, where are we going for lunch?"
Stephanie looked up between her eyelashes, silent at his question until Dean appeared from the bathroom, hair messy and scattered as he pulled his head through the neck of his shirt. Stephanie smiled to herself, even flashing her teeth at the blonde sat in front of her, getting from his seat and adjusting the sleeves of his shirt. The brunette pushed outwards so her seat slid back, allowing her to exit the chair but a hand slipped around her waist, pulling her up before she was even able to stand up herself.
A laugh left her throat, the arm keeping her feet off the ground until Dean turned the female and allowed her feet to connect with the floor, a soft hum leaving her mouth.

"Where'd you wanna eat?" Dean barely said the words, pulling the hunter closer to him so she could hear him.

"Anywhere with decent cheese burger."
He nodded, an arm against the bottom of her back, just above the waistline of her jeans and he pressed her closer to him. He hummed a 'yes' and questioned if she wanted anything else, his forehead now pressing against her own.  Dean was worried about her, he always was. Since she came back, anything she did worried him; he couldn't lose her again, he physically couldn't handle it and they both knew it, even though it was completely unsaid.
They would both go to hell and back for one another and one of them, already had.
"I need pie." Dean's head fell backwards, a laugh leaving his mouth and creating a smile on Stevie's face-she adored that sound. The sound of his honest, careless, genuine laugh. 
It was heaven.

"This is why I love you." Stevie pressed herself harder against his chest, sliding herself up on her tiptoes as his hand cupped her cheeks, grins on both of their faces.  He'd never said that, the words she knew were there but  were never said. Dean didn't need to say it but hearing it, out loud, Stephanie couldn't help but glow.

"I feel like I'm interrupting something." A voice stated and the hazel of Stevie's eyes flickered to the left, Dean's arms unenthusiastically relaxing.  The hunter sighed, resting her head back on the male's forehead. His arms staying around her waist.

"Lucifer, huh?" The male's jaw set and when she muttered a confirming reply, he looked to where her eyes had been and Lucifer, as Stevie watched, beamed at Dean, watching the aggravation in his eyes.

"Let's go." He said to her softly and with a defeated sigh, Stephanie nodded, turning in his arms as he kept an arm around her waist as they set out to the door only for Dean to knock her balance. Twisting her to him rather harshly. Stevie didn't know how to react and was pleasantly surprised when a hand pulled her to him from beneath her chin and Dean pressed his lips against her own; her hands instantly went to his face, cupping the stubble lining his chin and pulling his head to hers, it played out longer than they meant it too and even as Lucifer spoke between them, Stephanie kissed the other hunter harder. His arms wrapped back around her waist and snaking slightly up her top, the black material exposing her back as it happily raised.

"Maybe we should g-" Stevie stopped herself, shaking her head and practically jumping on the male, "Nah."

Dean stepped back to adjust his grip on the female only for the crook of his knees to bend against the back of one of the motel bed and they fell with a thud against it.  Stephanie's hair fell between them, like a shield around their faces and she grinned, now leaning against the male's chest and practically straddling him. Stevie's face was obviously flustered and she was proud that it was, Dean's was also tainted red and she swatted his chest after once last peck on his lips.

"Actually you're right." Dean's eyebrows furrowed as she clambered off him, his lip pouting subconsciously and a whining tone underlining his voice.

"What-why-" Stevie pulled herself from him and chuckled, grabbing his leather jacket that was dropped on the arm chair. 

"Let's go."  She chimed, mimicking his words and he sighed, throwing his head back onto the bed, groaning as he rolled over and pulled himself up. Lucifer was stood leaning on the doorway, his eyes slightly uncomfortable and his usual smirk wasn't there. Stevie couldn't help but snort, pulling the motel door open, back in one of Dean's arms.

Even the Devil can get uncomfortable.

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