Don't fall for him

By fiercegomez

121K 3.2K 404

Selena Gomez seems to have it all. She's beautiful, rich and popular. When she returns to college she finds a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

3.4K 107 23
By fiercegomez

I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPLOADED IN SO LONG I'VE BEEN SO BUSY WITH SCHOOL AND EVERYTHING!! I have no school on friday so I probably will be able to update thursday night or friday! But I will be on a lot less because of school sorry! :( I made a long chapter for you guys hope you all like it!!


Selena's P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open after blacking out a few hours ago. Or maybe it was days. Who knew how long it was since I've been here. Wait where was I exactly? 

I looked around the room I was in and my surroundings. I was in a windowless room with nothing but a table with a lamp on next to me. My head was aching and my whole body was sore. I sat up and tried to get up when I was jerked back. I looked back to see that I was chained to the bed. 

"What the fuck?" I muttered. I yanked at them but of course there was no use. 

"Hello?" I called out. My throat ached with thirst. "Hello? Is anybody here? What do you want with me?"

No answer. "Look if you're not going to answer can I at least get some water, I'm really thirsty. Hello?" God I was so stupid of course they were probably keeping me here to kill me. I gulped.

Was I going to rot in here for ever?

"Shut up, would you?" A familiar voice snapped at me. Why did that voice sound familiar?

"Wh-who are you?" I called back.

"I said shut up. No questions are going to be answered. For now." I then heard the sound of footsteps growing fainter and fainter and the door slamming.

I let tears spill out of my eyes not bothering to hold them back. I had no hope now. I would probably never see my family, my friends or Harry ever again.But I did all of this to keep him safe. I then thought of what was going on with them at this moment. Were they looking for me? Had they found my note to them yet? What would happen to them when I was gone? Would Harry find another girl? And my parents they would be devastated to hear the news that their only child was dead.

All those thoughts worried me so much. And the scary part was, that I wasn't even that afraid of my death. I was afraid of the impact it would have on the ones that I love.


Harry's P.O.V.

"So how the hell are we supposed to find her?" Demi asked.

"I still can't believe none of you told any of us about this. Especially you," Ashley glared at Taylor.

"What? Why me?"

"Because you're the worst at keeping secrets," Ashley accused.

"I still can't believe that your girlfriend is a hot superhero man why do you always score the best ones," Niall chuckled. Demi gasped and glared at him. "Oh. Sorry."

"So the person who's doing this must know her," Liam said. "And she must know them too."

We were all sitting around a huge table in the kitchen discussing everything. It's been over 15 minutes and we still haven't found anything.

"Well you guys are like best friends with Selena," I said to Vanessa, Taylor Ashley and Demi. "Is there anything significant that happened here in New York?"

"Like what?" Vanessa asked.

I shrugged. "Anything important that happened to her here."

"Has she ever told you anything about when she visited here that stuck out to you? This could be really helpful," Louis said.

"I know that she visited here a lot, especially when she was younger. And her and Justin came here a couple of times too. His dad even lives here," Vanessa said.

"And Selena said they had their first kiss here too," Ashley added. 

"Well where did they have it?" Liam asked.

"Ugh, I can't remember," Ashley groaned.

"Well try, that could be a huge clue." Liam insisted.

"Well why don't we just split up into groups to find some clues," Vanessa said then frowned. "Wow I sound like Fred from scooby doo." Everyone chuckled except me. 

"Well what are we supposed to find?" I asked.

"I don't know anything, look we can't contact the police just yet, Selena wouldn't want us to," Vanessa said.

"Why not?" Niall asked.

"Because then we'll have to explain the whole situation to them, which we can't do," Vanessa explained.

"Okay um, Zayn you, Vanessa, Taylor and Louis work together. Demi you work with Liam and Niall. And I'll work with Ashley and Miley. Wait where is Miley?" I frowned.

"Oh shit she's still at the hotel," Demi noticed. "Let's just leave her there and tell her we're um, working on something."

I shrugged and nodded.

"Wait a minute who left you in charge?" Vanessa glared at me.

"Because she's my girlfriend," I snapped.

"But she's my best friend," Vanessa countered.

"Vanessa, just let him be in charge, we need to find Selena," Taylor insisted.

"Fine." She hissed.


Miley's P.O.V.

"I'm baaack," I called as I opened the door to our hotel room with some chips, and drinks and candy for tonight. I stopped in my tracks as I let the door slam behind me.

"What the fuck? Where is everyone? Hello?" I called out.

Hmm. Something isn't right. I pulled out my phone and dialled Demi's number.

"Hello?" Demi answered on the 1st ring.

"Uhh yeah hi. Where the fuck are all of you?" I demanded.

"Oh. Um, sorry we forgot to tell you. We're um, planning a surprise for Selena and Harry and forgot to tell you sorry. Can you just wait there we'll be back soon?" 

"How could you forget to tell me? Fine just come home soon," I said before hanging up and tossing my phone on the bed. I rolled my eyes then gasped when I saw what was in front of me.

"Holy shit," I muttered as I stared in the mirror in front of me. There was an address written in red lipstick across the mirror. "Shit, I better clean that otherwise I'm going to get charged for that." I groaned. Wait why would someone write an address in my mirror? I frowned. It definitely couldn't have been one of the girls. I bit my lip, curious to go see what the address lead to. I jotted it down in my iPhone and made my way to the lobby.

"Hey Annika! Can I please borrow your car for a second it's an emergency," I said to the thin brunette.

"Oh um sure," she said shocked by my question. I smiled. Of course never say no to a popular girl. "Here's the keys um, just give it back as soon as possible. It's the silver mercedes parked near the front of the parking lot."

"Got it, thanks," I said taking the keys from her hand and rushing out the door and rushing to the parking lot. As soon as I found the car I made my way in and put the car in gear. May be jumping into a car, and going to find an address that was mysteriously written on your mirror wasn't the best idea but hey not like I had anything better to do.


Vanessa's P.O.V.

"Should we just drive around town and look for her?" Louis asked.

"Are you serious? That's the stupidest idea ever. We're in one of the biggest, and most populated cities in the country," Taylor rolled her blue eyes.

"Okay then do you have a better idea of how to find her?" Louis snapped.

Taylor stopped for a second. "Umm... No but still your idea sucks!"

"Hey guys come on they're are no bad ideas we just need to pitch in and help together," I insisted.

"That's what I'm trying to do, but Taylor keeps turning them down," Louis complained.

"Because your ideas are stupid!" Taylor exclaimed in frustration.

"Well I'm putting more effort into it than you are," Louis snapped. "You've just been filing your nails the whole time!"

Taylor gasped. "Um excuse you, I'm thinking while filing my nails you idiot." She turned to me. "You know what I'm done, I"m going to be in my own group I can't put up with this moron I'm done." And stormed off.

Zayn burst out laughing. "Well that was very... dramatic."

"Yeah, believe it or not, that relationship that she just ended with you was one of her longest ones," I muttered.

Louis shrugged. "Whatever we don't need her not like she was much help anyways."

I gasped remembering something. "Remember the time you, Ashley, Taylor and Liam were in the hospital?"

"Of course, that was like 3 days ago."

"Yeah okay, well Harry told me that someone stopped by the desk to visit Ashley and Taylor while they were resting and left a note for Selena."

"Okay and?" Louis asked.

"Hey we can somehow get into the security cameras at the hospital to find who did it," Zayn said.

"I was just about to say that," I said shooting him a glare. "Let's go there now and find their security cameras."

"How will we get there?" Zayn asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Selena's family owns like 5 cars here, I'm sure she won't mind if we use one." I said with a wink.


Miley's P.O.V

I pulled up to a small house in a secluded area. I frowned. Really? That was it? I was expecting some fancy mansion or may be a secret entrance to the lost city of Atlantis not some weird house.

I stepped out of the car and looked around. My eyes landed on a green subaru. Weird there was only one person I knew who drove a green subary. Although there was no way they could've been here and if they were why would they somehow break into my hotel room to write their address down. I made my way over to the car and gasped in shock when I saw the license plate. How the hell could his car somehow end up here?


Selena's P.O.V.

I've been lying down chained to this bed for hours. Having no idea how long I would be here for, if I would ever see my family, or my friends, or my love again. I blinked back tears. 

Remember show them that you're strong.

And suddenly the door flew open causing me to sit up immediately in shock. I gasped as I saw the man, who I knew well in front of me. "L-liam? What?"

He rolled his eyes as if he was expecting that reaction. "Don't worry I'm not going to kill you," he muttered.

"What the fuck is going on? Was it you all along?" I shuddered.

Liam (A/N Liam H not Liam P:) shook his head. "No, I'm just working for him. What would I wanna do with you?" He muttered

"Who's he?" I demanded.

"Sorry I've already said too much," he apologized even though he didn't sound sorry.

"Who  are you working for? Tell me!" I demanded. He unchained me from the bed. "Why are you unchaining me?" I frowned.

He shrugged. "No point in chaining you to the bed when you can't get out anyways," he gestured towards the windows which were barred.

"Who are you working for? Who is "he?" I asked pleadingly.

"You'll find out soon enough," he said closing the door behind him and locking it.


Zayn's P.O.V.

"Okay one of you guys needs to distract that guard so I can sneak into that room and get into the security cameras," I said.

"You do it," Vanessa told Louis.

"Why me?"

"I don't know, because you seem like someone who would be good at distracting people," Vanessa said.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine." He went up to the security guard and began asking him a bunch of questions the security guard looking more confused every time.

"Okay now's our chance," I grabbed Vanessa and we both snuck through the door. I turned the light on and found the computer where the security footage was on.

"Which camera is it?" I asked.

We both scanned the computers screens. "That one!" Vanessa pointed to one of a lady at the front desk, at the entrance. "But I don't know how to rewind back."

"That's okay I do," I said. 

"Wow you're really good with this computer stuff," Vanessa remarked.

"Thanks," I replied. "Found it." I played the clip then groaned. "Their face is covered."

"Ooh I have an idea, go to the room they were in, I remember the number it was 112, and look to see when she put the note in there," Vanessa suggested. 

I looked for the right room for a few minutes. "Found it," I said and played the footage.

Vanessa squinted. "Who is that?"

My mouth dropped open.

"I don't know who that girl is," Vanessa said confused.

"No you don't but I do."


Selena's P.O.V.

Why the hell would Liam be doing this to me? Did this have anything to do with him breaking up with Miley? I gasped. What if Miley knew about this too. I shuddered at the thought of my best friend secretly plotting against me. I got up and looked around the room then something outside caught my eye. Was that Miley? I gasped and went to the window. So she was working with him. Why else would she be here?


Miley's P.O.V.

I looked around the house from the outside. What if Liam had come to New York to surprise me and just broke up with me to make the surprise even bigger. A huge smile spread across my face. Should I go see him now? I made my way towards the door but something caught my eye from inside the house. Wait was that Selena?

"Selena?" I called out as I rushed to the window. Selena was staring at me with a shocked look on her face. She was inside the house, but the windows were barred which meant she couldn't get out from there.

"What are you doing? Do you know about this?" She demanded looking hurt.

"What? Know about what? What are you doing in there anyways?"

"Know about Liam basically kidnapping me," Selena crossed her arms over her chest.

"What do you mean kidnapping you?" I asked.

"Look it's hard to explain, it's a long story, but you have to tell me the truth. Do you have anything to do with this?" 

"Okay I am so confused. I went back to the hotel room, saw that nobody was there, so then I called Demi, who said everyone was planning a surprise for you and Harry. Then I saw someone had written on the mirror with some kind of lipstick this address so I borrowed Annika's car and followed the address. When I saw Liam's license plate and car here I thought he planned a surprise for me or something."

"Well he didn't," Selena said. "Look you need to get me out of here but don't tell the others. Your ex boyfriend is a psychopath helping another psychopath who wants to hold me captive for some reason."

"Wait who is it?" I asked.

"I don't know yet he wouldn't tell me. I know it's dark outside but try and find a way around the house somewhere to get inside and get me out of here," Selena pleaded.

"Selena I need to call the police," I said pulling my phone out.

"No! No you can't!" Selena insisted.

"Why not are you crazy?" I widened my eyes. 

"I'll explain why later, look just do what I told you to do. Try not to make a lot of noise and just use your phone as a flash light got it?" 

I nodded feeling nervous. Why would Liam do this to Selena?

"Be safe okay?" Selena told me.

"I'll try," I replied

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