Forgetting Love (Dublin Siste...

By hayatkhan07

595K 37.1K 11K

They loved. They were married. They had babies. But why were they distancing? Samreen Ali was a loving wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 5

15.1K 1K 434
By hayatkhan07


"Everything looks fine Samreen for 32 weeks' pregnancy." The doctor pointed at the baby's head on the scanning machine monitor, "The baby's head is sized exactly right and if can you see there" she pointed again, "The baby is waving at his parents."

Laying back on the hospital bed, Samreen smiled at the baby who was moving vigorously. "Active baby," the doctor commented loosening her pressure of the scanning stick on Samreen's protruding stomach and then moving it away as the scan was completed.

Faraz had a soft smile and awestruck eyes as he had watched his baby moving around. He turned to his wife who was wiping the gel from her stomach. He offered his hand and she gratefully held on to it as she slowly sat up.

The doctor settled back behind her desk and started writing notes in Samreen's medical file. When Faraz and Samreen were seated across the doctor, Faraz asked the question that was on his mind for many days, "Doctor, I needed to ask whether it is ok to have sex when Samreen is suffering with pelvic bone gap?"

The doctor looked up from the file and smiled, "Of course it is okay. There is nothing wrong in having sex during pregnancy unless the pregnant woman is medically unfit. The pelvic bone gap is not a condition that should stop you. Although, it may become a little uncomfortable." The doctor eyebrows furrowed as if thinking, "you just need to find out the position that is the most comfortable for Samreen."

Faraz nodded thoughtfully while Samreen glared at him. He had been after her for the last few days but she was not giving in. She exhaled knowing now she had no more excuses.

The doctor glanced at both of them, "Any more questions then?" They both shook their heads. "Good then I will see you in two weeks' time." The doctor said handing the pink medical file to Samreen.

Samreen slowly strolled out the doctor office. Faraz followed her and then gradually he took her hand in his. She faced him and glowered, "You really had to ask that." She muttered.

He smiled sheepishly, "I needed confirmation," he winked.

"Pervert," she said under her breath.

He chuckled softly, "I heard that." Squeezing her hand, he whispered, "only with you."

She lightly smacked his arm, "Stop it, we are in public place." She stepped out of the Coombe Women's Hospital into the warm sunny late August morning.

"Why don't you go up to the car and I will pay for the parking ticket." Faraz's hand slid away from hers and he handed her the car keys, "Besides it will take you longer to reach."

It was difficult to walk faster now as she was growing bigger. She narrowed her eyes, "Faraz are you making fun of my condition."

He smirked, "No Sammy girl, I was stating facts."

"Fine make fun as much as you want." She huffed and made her way to the parking lot.

"Sammy, don't get angry." Faraz shouted after her but she never turned around.

Pregnancy mood swings, Faraz sighed as he inserted coins in the parking paying machine.

Once the payment was done he strode to the car and slid on the driving seat. He had one glance at his wife and he knew she was still angry, "C'mon Sammy, you can't be angry until now."

She was looking out the window with her arms crossed over her chest, "This is all your fault you know. I am in this condition only because of you. And then you make fun of me."

He gently touched her arm, "I was joking."

She squirmed away from his touch and then she turned around to face him. Her teary eyes angrily stared at him, "I am fed up of my condition and all you think about is joking."

His eyes grew wide, "Hey, you are the one being touchy. It was a joke. Relax will you?"

"Relax you say? I have back ache and pelvic bone ache. My feet are swollen. I have terrible heart burn and your baby doesn't cease kicking me. Would you relax when all this was happening with you?" she fumed.

He averted his gaze from her and started the car to life. No one could argue with a pregnant woman. It was better he shut up and let her go on with her outburst. Because he knew she was like a ticking bomb if he said the wrong thing she will explode and he will have to hear it all night until the next day. And he was in no mood for an argument. He pressed his lips in thin line and quietly drove to Nouman's place where Aileen was minding their children.

Samreen was on the verge of tears. She was always sore, whether her back, her feet or her pelvic bone. And on top of that her chores never finished. Now her husband was in a humorous mood. Well she definitely didn't want to laugh about her condition. She blinked several times gazing out the window, trying to conceal and control her tears. She didn't want to cry in front of him. He was never fond of her weeping. The tears always irritated him. She sighed but there was a time when he couldn't bear to see tears in her eyes.

It was late winter evening when the sun set was during the afternoons and it was pitch dark even at 6pm. After the day at university, she had been walking back from the bus stop to her home. It was a good five minutes' walk when she realized a man was closely following her. Her heart beat had thudded loudly. And despite the freezing temperatures, her palms had started perspiring. She gulped and anxiously looked around to find anyone in the deserted street that would help. But no one was seen in this dark gloomy winter night. Her footsteps sped, her mind racing how to escape. Her flat was only two buildings away. She could hear the footsteps behind her getting louder and faster. She inched closer and closer to her home. Her mind whirling with thoughts. She decided to rush inside and banged the door so the man wouldn't be able to enter the building.

Just as she was fretting what to do, she saw Faraz unlocking the main door of the building. She skidded up the stairs and nearly jumped at him. Clutching his arm, she pressed herself against him, using him as a shield she was trying to protect herself from her stalker. Faraz was startled and staggered back a step as someone had grabbed his arm. He was ready to push away the person when he realized who it was.

"Samreen?" he scowled.

She was heaving, trying to catch her breath. Standing between the door and Faraz, she glanced over his shoulder to see if the stalker was still there. "Please help me. I think he is still there." She whispered.

"Who?" his frown deepened.

"The man who was following me." She murmured again glancing over his shoulder.

Immediately, Faraz grew rigid, he pushed the door open and gestured her, "go inside and I will check."

She nodded and feebly let go of his arm. On shaky legs, she made her way to her flat. It took several minutes before she could unlock the door as her fingers were trembling. Her racing heart still not ready to steady down. She was breathing hard standing at the entrance of the flat. Unable to move.

Faraz came and saw her standing outside her flat's open door. He warily walked up to her and murmured softly, "Samreen" she didn't react.


There was no reaction.

He touched her back and whispered, "Sammy"

His soothing voice and is warm touch finally brought her back from the terrifying thoughts. Her eyes welled up and she looked up at him.

"Don't cry." He pressed his hand on her back, "Let's go in."

She walked in and slumped on the sofa unable to react to what happened. Tears of fear streamed down her cheeks. He got her a glass of water and gave her. With trembling fingers, she wrapped her hands around the cold glass and took a sip. When she had finished drinking half of the water. She set it aside on the centre table.

He sat there beside her not uttering a single word. Just being there for support. She needed that. She wanted his presence to feel secure. Her brother was working late tonight and she was too terrified to be alone.

"I am scared." She mumbled gazing down at her hands on her lap.

"Don't worry. No one will come in here."

She fiddled with her manicured nails and then hesitantly glanced at him, "Can you stay here until Bhaiya comes?"

He slightly shook his head, "I...I... I don't think that's a good idea."

She exhaled, "I know but...but..." she wasn't able to complete what she wanted to say. She didn't want to stay alone. She wanted him near so she felt secure. Embarrassed, she pursed her lips, "You are right. Sorry, it was foolish of me to ask."

"Do you have my number?"

She shook her head.

"What is your number? I will call you up and then save my number. Call me if you need anything okay? I am just next door. Okay?"  

She timidly nodded and then called out her number. And he dialled her number, leaving a missed call.

He reluctantly stood up and walked to the flat entrance door. He turned to her one more time, "Don't worry. I am here. No one will come near you or harm you."

"Thank you." She whispered, her moist eyes met his.

"Don't cry Sammy girl. I will protect you."

And then he left.

Her heart beat had picked up. He called her Sammy girl. No one had ever called her any nickname before. The endearment had brought warmth and calmed her inner turmoil. She went to her bed and lay down for a nap. A smile curled her lips as she recalled his husky voice,

"Sammy girl."

When they reached Nouman's home, both of them quietly climbed out of the car. Samreen waddled as fast possible in her pregnancy state to the door of her brother's home. She was still irritated. Faraz guardedly trailed after her.

Nouman greeted his sister with a warm smile and engulfed her in a hug, "How's my little sister doing?"

She sniffed trying hard to control her tears. If her brother saw her tears all hell will break loose. He was one protective brother, "I am good, just tired."

Nouman frowned and pulled back and scanned her face. Then he nodded uncertainly. She stepped back and went further into the house. Nouman perplexedly glanced at Faraz, "What's the matter with her?"

He sighed heavily, "Pregnancy hormones" he muttered under his breath.

Nouman chuckled, "We all go through it man." Then he grew serious, "But take care of her alright?"

This irked Faraz but he kept his lips sealed. He was trying his best to help her as much as possible. But he knew Nouman wouldn't understand his side, after all he was Samreen's brother. Faraz would go crazy if Nawal's husband was not taking care. Friend or no friend, his sister came first.

Samreen meandered to the children's bedroom where she could hear noises. Nouman's five-year-old identical twin girls were playing tea party with Liyaanah and Daniyal was trying his best to sabotage their party by grabbing the tea cups. Aileen was sitting on the bottom bed of the girls' bunk bed and was crocheting some new creation. Samreen entered the room and Liyaanah ran to her mother, "Mommy mommy," Liyaanah grabbed Samreen's hand and tugged her towards the toys displayed on the pink children's table. "We are having teeee palty. Safa, Marwa, me all girls having teee."

Samreen lips curled into a grin, "Aww that's lovely and what about Daniyal?" Daniyal who had recently learned how to walk was hugging his mother's legs.

Safa shouted, "No boys allowed." 

"Yes" jeered Marwa.

Aileen rolled her eyes, setting aside the crochet needles, the bundle of wool and the design she was working. "Girls he is your brother. Behave now."

Samreen let go of Liyaanah's hand and held Daniyal's hand instead. Together mother and son approached the bed where Samreen sank onto the Disney princesses bed linen. Daniyal climbed up the bed and buried his head in his mother's side. This clearly indicated, he was tired and wanted to cuddle up and sleep. Samreen rubbed her eyes, "I am tired." She yawned.

"How did it go?" Aileen eyed her sister in law.

Samreen closed her eyes, "Good all is well." Then she frowned her eyes still closed, "But Faraz annoyed me."

"What happened?" Aileen asked gently.

"First he asks the doctor about how safe sex is in my condition. Then he makes fun of my walk. I am honestly fed up. Sometimes he is so inconsiderate."

Aileen eyebrows raised, "Samreen it's difficult for him too. He is trying his best to take care of you, kids and on top of that his job."

Samreen slowly turned to her side, her head supported by her hand and she faced Aileen, "Yeah well I am no sixteen-year-old girl with bouts of energy. I can't keep up with his demands some time."

"What demands?" Aileen questioned taking Daniyal in her arms and slowly rocking him.

"Clothes ironed, good food cooked, endless house work and then on top of all that he is still wants to do it." Rubbing her face, she continued, "Honestly this pregnancy I feel my sexual drive has gone zero. So many times I have refused him. He gets grumpy next few days. We argue. We make up. We do it. Then he wants again, I say no, we argue and it's like a cycle all over again."

Aileen chortled, "It's alright we all go through this." She blushed then, "I was the opposite. During my pregnancy my hormones had become hay wired. I wouldn't leave Nouman for a minute. In the end, he was worried if something was wrong with me. He even checked on Google to see if its normal for a pregnant woman to be in constant need."

Samreen made a face, "Aileen please I really don't want to hear about you and bhaiya." She shuddered and pondered for a minute, "well then there is something wrong with me. Why am I being the opposite then?"

Aileen patted Samreen's cheek, "Don't fret yourself. It's natural, each pregnancy is different." She laid down the sleeping toddler on the bed and covered him with Disney Princess duvet. Grabbing Samreen's arm, Aileen enjoined, "Now stand up. I have prepared lunch."

Samreen pouted, "Can't I have food on the bed. I really feel like laying down."

Aileen, "No way Miss Lazy, stand up. I have gone through the same and I can see you have enough energy to eat with us all together."

Scrunching her nose in annoyance, Samreen stood up.

She never had any rest at all.


Stepping out of the bathroom, in her pyjama pants and loose t-shirt, she stood in front of the full-length mirror eyeing herself in annoyance. She had become too big and on top of that she had detected stretch marks on her hip stretching to her lower abdomen. There was a beep of the text message tone. Grabbing the phone, she clicked on the new message. It was from Faraz.

I am sorry.

Her forehead creased, why was he texting her when he was at home? Then there was another beep indicating another text message.

I love you.

She reluctantly smiled. When she looked up from her phone he was standing behind her. Their eyes met at the mirror's reflection. His both hands squeezed her shoulders, and his lips trailed from her cheek to her ear. He gently nibbled it and breathed in her ear, "Am I forgiven?" his lips sending tingles down her spine.

His fingers gently skimmed down her sides reaching for the hem of her t-shirt. Slowly, he rose the t-shirt up her protruding stomach, then over her black bra and finally pulling it over her head. He encircled his arms around her large stomach and kissed her shoulder, "Did I tell you? You are one hot mother."

She giggled all her anger dissipated, "But I think I have become too big this pregnancy."

"Says who? You look gorgeous." He glanced at the mirror, "Look at you." He winked, "One sexy woman I see there."

She ruffled his hair, "Stop flattering me. I know what you want."

"Is it working then?"

Whirling around, she wound her arms around his neck, "I think it is," she leaned forward. Their lips hairbreadth away, "I love you too." His lips crushed hers in a soul shattering kiss. His hands going down to the waist of her pants.

In seconds, he had devoid her of her clothes and gently pushed her to sit on the bed. He smirked smugly, "I did some online research and I found out the best position that won't hurt you."

Her eyes widened, "you pervert."

He laughed, "turn around now."

She gazed at him sceptically. "C'mon Sammy girl on your hands and knees." She started shaking her head but he urged her, "Trust me on this."

Half an hour later, both of them lay on the bed satiated and exhausted. Faraz curled his arm around Samreen's widening waist, "Now tell me, was it bad?"

She stifled her grin, "No it wasn't." She supressed her giggle, "actually..."


"it was very good."

He nuzzled her neck, "Finally the lady is happy."

She laughed and was still smiling when sleep took over her in within few minutes.

This is the last chapter we see of Samreen's pregnancy... next chapter will give some elaborate description of birth. If you aren't interested, you can skip the next chapter.

So what are your thoughts for this chapter?

Please do comment and voting, I am always waiting.

Until next time,

Assalam u alaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatuhu.

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