Everything Has a First

By meg9833

498 20 39

Mary discovers a whole new part of the world most people don't know about, but what will happen? Read to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

14 0 4
By meg9833

  "The rogue attacks are getting worse," the alpha informed the pack. They all murmured and chattered about what to do.

  "Hey, Jackie," I skipped to Jackie's side in front of the school. There was a guy with her. A smile crept to my face, "Well, who is this?"

  I suspected it was her mate, but she soon confirmed it and introduced us. I hung out with them until Troy snuck up behind me and wrapped his arm around my stomach.

  The birds whistled around me as I sat in a clearing in the woods. Birds swooped over my head. Squirrels ran up and down the trees playing tag. The crickets chirped. A few distant deer could be heard, too.

   But it all stopped in a less than a second. A twig snapped and I snapped my head in the direction. A man around 40 walked from the trees.

  I stood my ground with a straight face.

  "Well, hello there, Mrs. Mary, future Luna of the pack," he smirked. I cringed on the inside, but I didn't let it show. He was a werewolf, he could kill me any moment.

  "What do you want?" I sternly asked.

  He chortled at me, "What do I want? I want to prove myself to my own alpha." He paused as I eyed him, "You have two choices. Choice one: come with me with no fight. Choice two: I kill this boy and take you forcefully."

  Another man, a little younger, came walking out with an unconscious boy in his arm. The boy couldn't be older than five years old.

  "Leave the boy," I warned, "And I'll come with you." I formed a plan in my mind, it probably won't work, but I have to try.

  The man dropped the boy. And then the first man roughly grabbed my arm. He followed the second man away from the clearing.

  The men joked about stupid things and talked loudly about how easy it was to get me. I smirked in my mind.

  We walked for about ten minutes before the man's grip began loosening. I made sure to make my face look defeated, but I was not giving up so easily.

  I began taking wider steps, but slowly widened my gait. When the man began laughing, I jerked my arm away. My legs moved faster than ever as I ran through trees. I went through the toughest spaces.

  "Get her!" I heard the first man yell. I heard their clothes ripping and then loud footsteps behind. They shifted.

  I pushed myself to go faster as I ran towards the clearing. The wolves caught up to me quickly. I glanced behind me. One was brown and rust colored while the other was grey with white. They were both only half the size of Troy. 

  "AHH!" I screamed as the brown and rust wolf slammed into me. I landed on my arm making me whimper in pain. My arm was hurt and my side also felt damaged.

  The wolf growled in my face while it pinned me down. The other wolf looked as though it was laughing. My face was blank as I stared into the wolf's, the one on top of me, eyes. His eyes grew angrier every second, most likely from me not showing any fear.

  The wolf moved his snout closer to my face as he showed every single of of his sharp teeth. 
I laughed at him. I must be going crazy, or its from the pain.

  A cry rang out. The wolf jumped off of me and then I heard snarling of a new wolf. A wolf I knew very well: Troy.

  I tried to moved my neck to see what was happening or even sit up, but quickly stopped as searing pain ran through all of my body. I wanted to curl up into a ball, but it hurt to much. I squeezed my eyes closed tight, but it even hurt to do that.

  Tears ran down my face, but I couldn't even wipe them away.

  The snarling faded, replaced with a ringing noise. My eyesight also left me, only black was to be seen. And then soon, all of my senses were gone, I was unconscious.

  "-have to be patient, Troy. Doc said that she'll wake up at any moment," some one whispered. I could feel a hand in my, barely grasping it, but I could feel it. It was Troy, I could feel the Sparks.

  The door opened and then shut.

  "I love you so much," Troy murmured. He kissed my head and sat on the side of the bed.

  I wanted to scream it back to him, but my mouth wouldn't move.

  I tried to say it, but nothing came out.

  "I love you, I love you, I love you," I attempted to say it, but still my voice was absent.

  "I-I- lov-ve you-u," I croaked out on what must've been my hundredth time. I could feel Troy's hand leave mine and then it found it's way to my face.

  "Mary?" Troy asked breathlessly.

  I pried my eyes open. Troy's face was in front of mine. He grinned and plastered several kisses around my face.

  "I have to get doc," he ran out of the room.

  Troy came back into the room followed by what I assumed to be the doctor.

  He wore a white doctor coat and had matching hair and a short beard.

"Welcome back to the world, Mary," Doc chuckled.  "Do you remember what happened?"

  I started to shake my head, but the motion sent a sharp pain down my spine.

  That seems to jog my memory, "Yes." My voice was hoarse. "How long was I out?"

  "Two weeks. You have a concussion, a sprained neck(that's possible right??), a broken arm, and three bruised ribs." The doctor told me.

  I glanced to Troy. He hasn't stopped smiling yet.

  A thought struck my mind, "The boy. That boy is he fine?"

  "He's done perfectly fine, he just is sporting a large, blue bump on his head.

  I smiled, "Can I see him?"

  "Hey buddy, what's your name?" I asked the blonde  haired, blue eyed boy who sat by my side.

  His smile was wider than his face, "My name is Jerome."

  "Nice to meet you, Jerome. I'm Mary." I smiled at the boy. Troy grinned at the both of us.

  "Where's his family?" I questioned as Jerome slept beside me.

Troy shrugged, "He's from another pack. We are guessing the one that tried taking you."

  "What's going to happen to him?"

  "He's probably going to go to the pack's foster care system."

  I looked down at the innocent boy. He didn't deserve that. "Can he stay with us?"

  Troy looked at the boy, "I can ask my father, but I'm not sure what he'll say."

"Sleep tight, Mary," Troy kissed my head and quietly walked out of my hospital room.

"Did you ask your dad?" That was the first thing I asked Troy when he came in the next morning.

Troy nodded, "My father said we can do a trial, but it might not work out since we are so young."

"Thank you," I leaned up and kissed Troy.

Jerome sat on the floor and played with some action figures. He made noises as he made the two toys fight.

"So, when can I leave?"

"Doc said later today if all the testes are good, but you have to keep the cast and neck brace on for a while. You also can't do anything that requires much effort." Troy informed me.

I groaned, "So I have to sit around and do nothing?"

"You'll have Jerome to keep you busy."

I smiled and nodded. I was ecstatic to have Jerome. It was weird to think I'm basically going to be taking care of a kid at seventeen, but I can't change my age nor will I let the boy be alone.

I have a new fish, a betta, but I need a name!! Its a male. His head and halfway down his body is jet black, but his tail fins are blue that fade into purple and green.

If you have a name suggestion comment, and I'll shout you out!!!**

•••Freshwater fish or saltwater fish?•••

~~~Nobody Puts Baby In the Corner by Fall Out Boy~~~

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