Chapter 10

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It was Monday today. So that meant I had to go to school, which in not excited about.

As I was walking down the street, a red car pulled up beside me. "Why didn't you wait, I could've just picked you up," Troy laughed. Troy's face was almost completely healed, which was weird, but I didn't question it. Some people healed faster than others.

"Too late," I laughed and then he told me to get in the car and ride with him. I listened because I was lazy and tired.

"See, what did I say!" I heard Jackie squeal as I entered the gym with Troy. Troy smirked and I blushed.

"No, she's wrong!" I exclaimed. Troy nodded along with my statement.

I sighed with relief, thank goodness they weren't going to keep pressing the matter, at least for now. Troy sat with us in our spot and he had his arm around me. He joined in on our conversation, too.

At lunch, Troy sat with us instead of with his usual table with his group of friends. He hadn't left my side all day, besides during class.

After school, he drove me home and stayed until it was dark. We did the usual thing and watched movies, but he looked uneasy the whole time. He always kept his green eyes wandering around the room as we sat on the couch.

That night, something compelled me to look outside. At first, I saw nothing, but then movement from where the fence and forest met.

A large black wolf, larger than the normal size, blended into the darkness, but something caught my eye as I studied the creature.
He was huge, like three times the size of a regular wolf and he had piercing green eyes. They reminded me of Troy's, except animal like. The wolf must've felt my stare because he backed into the cover of the forest.

I sighed, such a marvelous animal. I've never seen a wild wolf in this area , I didn't even think they have ever been spotted here. I guess he's just passing through.

I told Ty goodnight and ran downstairs to make sure the doors were locked. I made Jeff and all the staff go home while my parents were working out of town.

"Crash!" something fell downstairs waking me up fast. My eyes roamed my room for a weapon because the first thing I thought was :"Intruder alert".

My eyes landed on a softball bat from when my parents put me in tee-ball. My hands quickly found it and I wrapped my fingers around the stick.

My breathing was harsh as I fought to keep it quiet. The soft thuds of my footsteps echoed through the house. I could here heavier footsteps in the main hall so I followed the sound.

The sound led to a man who was at least 7 foot tall and was bulkier than a weightlifter on a millions different steroids. I ran to him with my bat raised, ready to knock the living day lights out of him, but he turned around. I let out a war cry, and swung the small, aluminum bat with all my might, but the man easily caught the bat.

My eyes widened and I did the first thing I thought of, I ran to the kitchen, well I tried to. The intruder grabbed my arm and then my other one. I struggled in his grasp, but he wasn't loosening his grip as he pushed me to the front door. He inserted a gag in my mouth, but I wasn't going to give up that easy.

The man tried putting a white cloth over my face, but I reared my foot up and slammed it where the sun doesn't shine. He dropped my arms, so I ran to my closest escape. The front door was wide open. It became my escape plan. I made it out the house and glanced behind me, but the man wasn't chasing me anymore. Instead of a man behind me, there was a ginormous brown wolf.

He growled, making me gulp. Did he attack the man trying abduct me? I didn't get much time to dwell on what happened to the man because the wolf pounced on me.

My head hit the ground, hard. I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes as the wolf closed in on my neck. I waited for a few milliseconds, but instead of my neck feeling pain, my arm received it.

My eyes shot open and darted my arm. A large gash decorated my upper arm. I raised my other arm to it and tried to push as hard as I could on it. My focus left my arm as snarling was heard from behind me.

I whipped my head that way to find the brown wolf, but he wasn't alone. The black wolf stood over him. The were fighting. The brown wolf looked like he was losing. He had cuts everywhere and one of his paws looked oddly shaped.

Once the brown wolf passed out from either blood loss or exhaustion, the black wolf jumped off of him and limped to me.

His eyes were mesmerizing. The green looked darker than what they looked from faraway, but as soon as that thought passed my mind, the turned lighter again.

The wolf nudged my hand, my good one, away from my wound, but it didn't budge. My hand stayed rooted in its spot: protectively over my cut. The wolf licked my hand, removing some of the blood from around the wound.

My vision started to blurry, though. Black dots danced in my vision as I fought the urge to not close my eyes. I didn't want to pass out, even if this wolf did just save my life. Two new smaller wolves, a grey and another brown one, made their presence known, but they just drug the unconscious brown wolf into the woods. And that was the last thing I saw before my vision blanked and I collapsed.

•••What is your favorite show?•••
~~~~Could have been me by the struts~~~~

Everything Has a FirstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora