Chapter 11

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  The entire week, Troy never left my side, only when he had to go home. No one noticed my cut, and I did my best to hide it. My parents were due to come home today, and I was not looking forward to that.

  They would have my head on a platter if they found out I've been hanging out with Troy, and he bought me a bunny. I couldn't careless, though. They needed to stop judging and to calm down.

  Troy invited me to hangout with him in the park today, but I had to decline because of two very rude people, my parents. I had to tell all the maids and servants to come back, too. M

  "Welcome back," I heard a few people greet with fake happiness as I texted Troy that I had to go.

  "Hey," I greeted them, but kept the talk to the minimum. At least that's what I tried to do, but my parents pulled me back into conversation as they told me about the newest guy they were setting me up with. An heir to a huge business that made well over a million dollars.

  The date was set for Wednesday, but I planned on showing up then ditching. I didn't want to date a snob.

  I agreed to the date and blanked them out, adding the occasional yes or laugh. As they walked away I looked to Jeff, asking what they said. He explained to me about how they were talking about their trip and how they couldn't wait for my date. I rolled my eyes at that, thanked Jeff, and then went to my room.

  I told Troy about the arranged date, and he seemed upset by it. He asked me all I knew about the guy, making me suspicious, but I shrugged it off and told him everything I knew about him, which wasn't much.

  When Troy asked me the guy's name, I explained how I didn't know anything besides what I told him. I had their dates often, but I've never really had a real boyfriend. The most I've had was a guy who my parents set me up with and they thought we were dating for a month.

  I've never had a date with the same guy. It was always not in my interest, but my parents still forced me onto other rich kids.

When Wednesday rolled around, my mom's maids dressed my. My mom forced me, I didn't have much of choice.

When I finally left my house, I was dressed in an expensive peach dress and my face had at least a ton of makeup. It was thicker than an inch and as flawless as a model's.

The boy I was set up with, I was told, was already at the restaurant. We were to meet him there.

My parents led me to a waiting area. A boy, a little older than than me, stood there with an older man and older woman. I assumed the older people were his parents.

My mom and dad walked up to the older couple and greeted them, but I stayed behind a little.
My parents forced me to shake their hands and be nice with them. The boy introduced himself as Wilson. They all tried to bring me into conversations with them, but I didn't budge. I answered in only one word answers and only when spoken to.

Once everyone finished their dinner, Wilson announced, "Mary and I are going for a walk." I was forced out of my seat and outside. Someone, not naming any names-cough-Wilson-cough- is pushy.

He dragged me out side, but he soon lead me away from the sidewalk. We got closer to the forest and I panicked, I struggled against his grip, but he only tightened his hold on my arm.

"Ouch! I think you're bruising my arm!" I cried out making him squish tighter.

A voice I immediately recognized rang out, "Let her go!" I turned my neck to see Troy standing behind us. His eyes had changed, they grew darker. They went from forest green to almost charcoal. I stared at his eyes, but his attention was on the guy holding my wrist.

His eyes burned a hole in the guys hand, but he didn't flinch.

"Let her go!" He warned again. I could tell this would be the last warning he's going to get.

"Why would I do that?" Wilson taunted. He pulled me closer to him, but Troy lunged at him. Wilson was under Troy, getting his face pummeled. He tried to fight back, but it was no use.

Just when I thought it was over as Troy got off of Wilson and started over to me, but Then something that only happens in dreams and movies happened. Wilson morphed into a grey wolf.

"Look out!" I screamed as the wolf charged at Troy.

Troy turned around just in time, but I gasped as he also turned into an even larger wolf. But he wasn't just any wolf, it was the black wolf from the other night. The one that saves me from the wolf.

It was Troy who saved me. Troy was the wolf, and there he is saving me again.

The wolves scuffled, but it was clear who was winning. Troy was always on top, wearing down the smaller grey wolf who was stronger than he looked. The grey wolf, Wilson, bit at Troy's neck. Troy batted his snout away and went for the kill instead. The black wolf bit the grey one's. The wolf slowly stopped moving.

Troy morphed back into a human and came running to me. He crouched down to my level, making me notice I was sitting on the ground. He wiped at the tears on my cheeks. I didn't even notice I was crying until he did that.

"I'm sorry," he whimpered as he wrapped me in a tight embrace. I nodded into his chest.

"It's not your fault," I cried. It wasn't his fault at all. He saved me, twice now.

  "No, I could've protected you better or something! Now you are crying!" he told me. I knew he felt bad, but none of this was his fault.

  I shook my head, "No, stop thinking that way."

  "But I could've done something!" he beat himself up. I shook my head again, there was no way he was going to believe me. He picked me up and held me with one arm supporting under my knees and the other under shoulders.

  We arrived to his car, which was parked on the side of a dirt road in the forest. He put me in the passenger seat and buckled the seat belt. He ran to the drivers side and he began driving.

•••What's your favorite food?•••
~~~~Demons by Imagine Dragons~~~~

    Guys, my friend, FOBsessed_killjoy8 , made a new book called crumbling stone, you should check it out! It's a bvb fanfic, but you don't have to know them to understand what's going on in the story.***

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