Chapter 12

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  "Can you please explain this to me?" I cried out in frustration as Troy paced back and forth. I sat on the couch of his fathers house, which was more of a mansion.

  "Well, I'm a werewolf. I know you've always been told werewolves were from fairytales, but that's what humans believe. The only humans to know about our kind is usually just the mates of werewolves. We keep our kind secret for our protection. You were not supposed to find out like this," he explained.

  "Why did that guy try to attack me?" My question was simple, but Troy's eyes became dark at the mention of the attack.

  "He tried to attack you because we are mates and since my father is the alpha of our pack, I'm the next alpha. He tried to hurt you to get to me," he told me. He saw my confused expression and he became flustered, "The alpha is the leader of the pack, and well, you know how humans have 'soul mates'?" I nodded. "Mates are basically just the shortened version of that. I know I sound crazy, and you most likely don't feel the same way as I do, but I really like you, Mary. Werewolves have strong feelings for their mates, even if they've never meet them before."

  "How do you know I'm your mate?"

  "My wolf told me, and haven't  you felt the tingles when I touch you?" He put his hand on my shoulder. Right away a series of tingles sprouted over the place under his hand.

  I sighed in relief, "I thought I was going crazy!"

  Troy shook his head and laughed at me.

  Then a questioned entered my mind, "Why were you outside of my house the other day?"


  "The other day, the day that other wolf attacked me."

  He blushed, "Oh, I was just guarding your house just incase of something like that happening."

  "Thanks for saving me, twice," I hugged him.

  "You don't have to thank me, I would hate myself if something happened to you," he admitted. I laughed a little, but I could tell Troy was being dead serious.

  "I have to go back home soon, I have to feed Ty," I whined after Troy explained a few more things.

  "I'll bring. If you see a few wolves out, it's because I sent them to guard your house," he informed me.

  Troy drove me home, my parents must've already been asleep because all the lights were off. I snuck into my house, but not before kissing Troy on the cheek.

  Once I entered my room, I flopped onto my bed. Troy trusts me. I'm his mate. I don't know how I feel about that, but I guess I could get used to it.

  I think I'm okay with the fact that Troy can morph into a huge wolf, but it's still weird to me. I thought over this many times before I got up and took out Ty.

  I played with Ty for a while before saving him and going to sleep, but a certain werewolf was in my dreams.

I'm going on a cruise so I don't know if I'll be able to update!!! If I'm not able to, then I'll write really long chapters once I get home!! And thanks for the 100 reads!***
•••What is your dream vacation?•••
~~~~Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day~~~~

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