Meant To Be?

By Sophia893

94K 1.5K 175

Having been missing for almost a decade, Lilianna Fray doesn't realise her significance to the shadow world... More

One Door Closes...
...Another Door Opens!
We're Off To Find The Warlock...
Who Am I?
Conflict Between Past & Present
Simon Saved
Back In Action
This Is Who I Am...
Return Of Thou Memories?
The Fiery Short-ish Lady That Scares Everyone!
I Can't Believe You Lied To Me!
Facing The Dragon
The Beginning Of The Split
Familial Relations Just Got Clearer
Make It Be(lie)vable...
Escape From The Life I Thought Was Mine
Intruders Always Bring Bad News
My Princess Dreams Came True!
Sisters No More!
The Arrest of Isabelle Lightwood
The Best Take Downs Ever...
I Can't Believe We're Looking For Another Warlock!
Marital Surprises
Our Horrifying Ending...

The Switch In Perspective

2.2K 47 2
By Sophia893

Izzy, Alec and I stayed in Izzy's "cell" room whilst attempting to think of plans to get her out of this stupid trial.

"All I know is, we gotta get you out of here." Alec stated before turning to us and asking, "All right, who do we know in Idris?"

"The only people who care are Mom and Dad." Izzy sighed, giving up hope. "But they're under suspicion themselves."

"Uh, what about Lydia?" Alec piped up confidently.  

"Lydia?" Izzy asked in disbelief.

"Yeah." Alec said in his 'duh' voice. I kept quiet, hoping they'd hash out all their anger so that we could finally get some actual planning done.

"Why do you keep going there? She is prosecuting me. You said she had no choice." Izzy said angrily.

"She doesn't." Alec quickly defended her.

"Everyone has a choice, Alec." Izzy said, standing up. "I made mine. Let me just get through this without losing my self-respect."

Okay, even I have stuff to be angry about... Can't really deny it. I nodded in agreement with her before saying, "Let's not forget the drugged wine she gave me!"

Alec tried to defend her even more and said, "Look, I know you don't want to believe this, but Lydia said she would help if we can give her a way to do it. Maybe I can get her to delay the trial. And bedsides we don't even know that she was the one that drugged you."

We both scoffed and spoke at the same time, her saying, "Why? So I can sit here, playing computer solitaire, while they find something else to blame me for? I'm just a scapegoat to the Clave. They want the Cup." whilst I said, "Alec, she was the one that gave me the drink in the first place! She didn't stop insisting until I took a drink from the bloody cup and even after that, she ordered me around afterwards... You know that I hate not being in control of my actions."

"So let me buy some time to find it. And Allie, we'll find the answers to your questions later. We'll deal with them together as a family later." He paused, taking a deep breath before cautiously glancing at me before tentatively saying, "Hey, Jace and Clary..."

"Disappeared through a door to God knows where. Allie said they're lost forever. And so is the Cup." Izzy said despondently as she sat back down on the couch.

"What if I was wrong? I can't find Jace because I weakened our bond," I said hesitantly, flinching slightly at his name, "...but that doesn't mean he can't be found, or that he can't find us. We need more time. And plus..." I added slightly, nudging her softly, "I still have a bond with the cup, I'll be able to locate it eventually..."

"You're grasping at straws now?" she sighed at us. Alec and I gave each other a knowing look before we knelt on either side of her as Alec said, "Izzy, listen. I'm your big brother. And Allie's practically become our little sister. Please, let us help you for once!"

She chose to ignore him and instead turned to me, "The Inquisitor will be arriving soon. You best leave if you don't want to get caught."

I looked at her hesitantly before turning to Alec. He nodded in agreement so I got up. I kissed both of their cheeks before saying to them, "If you need me, then just wish for me to be there... I promise I'll be there. I love you both and I'll be at you-know-who's if you need me!"

With those final words and final hug, I grabbed my stele and opened a portal. I gave them one last smile before stepping through into Magnus' apartment. 


Jace's POV

Upon our arrival through the portal, we crashed into the Jade Wolf Chinese Food restaurant.

My eyes were shut in pain but I vaguely heard what was going on around me.

"We need help!" Clary shouted.

"Clary, what happened?" I heard Simon question. What's he doing here with the wolves?

"We thought we found Valentine, but he was already gone." I heard Clary reply.

I groaned as another spike of pain hit me. "Michael Wayland?" I heard Luke question.

"Valentine took my mother with him, but we found Jace's father." Clary explained from beside me.

"What? I thought Valentine killed Jace's father." I heard Simon ask.

"He tried. Hello, Lucian." my father spoke from beside me.

Their conversation continued and I kept seeing white lights and then flickers of blackness. After a few moments, the darkness cleared slightly so when I looked up, my eyes adjusted to the sight of an angel. She's here? Has she been here the whole time? Has she forgiven me? "Lissa?"

That seemed to shock the person in front of me. The look didn't match the angel's beautiful features. What in the angel is going on? The vision soon cleared as the figure above me began talking. I frowned in disappointment at the realisation that she wasn't really here. "Clary? Where's-" Lissa? was the last thing I thought and said before the world blacked out from around me. 


I was in and out of consciousness.

"We're gonna need to call her you know!" I heard my father say.

"No. My niece doesn't want to see him right now..." Luke replied. Lissa? Why are they talking about her? Why won't she come see me? Are we that broken that she'd let me die?

"You need to get her here. He needs her here. If she isn't here he'll die!"

I groaned at that admission and Luke said to me, "Jace. Help is coming!" He turned to my father before whispering, probably hoping I wouldn't hear him, even though I did. "We'll talk later. Be with your son. I'll call her. Let's just hope she gets here..." With those final words, he walked away, phone at his ear.

"Hey, Jace. I'm so sorry." father said to me.

"Sorry? Why?" I immediately groaned back.

"What you saw... What you thought Valentine did to me... it shaped your life. That wasn't the way it was supposed to go. I'm so sorry. You lost your father then you lost your parabatai the following year... I could never forgive myself for what happened to you."

I wheezed before breathing out, "Am I wrong to want to kill him?"

My eyes starting fluttering shut, "Many have tried." he said.

I looked him in the eyes before vowing, "I'll succeed. I swear." Before I gave into the feeling and shut my eyes. 


"Where is he? How's he doing?" I faintly heard an angelic voice say.

"Not well... Thank you for coming..." a man said - my father?

"I would have come no matter how much we were arguing." The girl paused before continuing softly, "Excuse me but who are you? You look familiar..."

"Michael Wayland, Jace's-"

"Jace's father..." the girl said, "But you're dead..."

"No. Valentine captured me, I'll explain it to you later. Right now my son needs you..."

"Okay" I heard rustling before a hand engulfed mine. The same girl started whispering to me, "You're gonna be okay Jonathan Christopher. Everything's gonna be alright Jace. Constant as the stars above. Always know that you are loved. Et Usque In Aeternum Semper."

I opened my eyes and dazedly stared at the figure in front of me.

"Lissa? You're here?" I choked out. 

"I'll always be here Jace. Always." The angel stroked the side of my face and kissed my forehead, "Shhhh, Jace. Go back to sleep. I'll be here by your side until you are better. I love you... Always remember that."

I shut my eyes and fell asleep once again.


Alicia's POV

I arrived back in Magnus' apartment through a portal to hear Alec say, "Done."

"Done? What did you just agree to Alexander?"

"He just agreed to give me his bow and quiver in exchange for representing young Isabelle at her trial."

"She's in good hands then. Can I do anything to help?"

"NO!" they both screamed. I stepped back at their sudden shout and Magnus carried on to explain, "The most important officials of the shadow world are going to be at this trial which means you need to be furthest away from that trial. If you are seen, they will not let you go. So do not show up! Do you understand?" 

I went to argue but Alec's glare made me pause and nod.


Jace's POV

Clary and Luke soon arrived and Clary announced, "We couldn't even count the demons."

Luke sighed and said, "Yeah, but we still gotta get Jocelyn out of there."

"That would be a suicide mission." I said as I paced up and down the restaurant.

"Doesn't have to be. I have the Cup. Demons have to obey me."

"That's what Valentine wants. He knows you'll do anything to save your mother. He wants you to take out the Cup and use it." father said.

"And if I do?" Clary said nonchalantly. She's being too cocky for such an important mission. I know I'm cocky – I have a reason to be after all – I'm one of the best shadowhunters of our generation but she hasn't even been properly trained yet... She still doesn't take the situation seriously. I love her, really I do but the whole shadow world is at stake here...

"He'll take it. And he'll kill us, too."

"Let him try." she said standoffishly. I really don't like it when she does that.

"You can't Clary. You can't use the mortal cup. No one can." Luke said finally.

Clary spun around and shouted at Luke, "I've used it before and I can use it again." I rolled my eyes, Okay. I can understand why Alec gets annoyed with her at times, she's being a brat.

"No you can't..." a voice said at the restaurant entrance.

We all spun around to see- 


"Luke" she said with a smile before gliding over to hug her uncle.

"Hello Michael..." she said to my father before going over to him and hugging him.

She then walked back over to Luke and hugged his side, not letting go.

"Like she said Clary, you can't use the mortal cup. Only its guardian can use the power of the cup." Luke said.

"But it makes no sense, I used the cup before. I've controlled demons before!" The red-head shouted her reply before silencing and speaking out in a contemplating voice, "Maybe I'm an exception..."

"No Clary... no one. And I mean no one is an exception to the rules. Raziel made sure of that when Gabriel made the new line of shadowhunters." Father said, nodding in agreement with Luke before he said, "Plus, you shouldn't be proud of being able to control demons..."

Clary flinched at the reminder before saying, "I don't get it. I used the cup before. I used it at the police station! How could I have used it if no one but Lily could actually you know- use it?" I swear to god we are just going round in circles.

"My name is Alicia." Lissa grumbled in reply before continuing, "The guardian has complete control over the cup, he or she can therefore give their permission for an individual to use the cup." she explained logically. "For example, who do we know was stuck with the cards in the station for the whole day that day? Yes, who do we know was stuck with the cards in the station and could control the cup? Hmmmm. I wonder?" she finished off sarcastically.

Clary flinched at her sister's cold tone. Lissa just turned to Luke, "Why am I here Luke? Why do you need me?"

Luke gently pushed Lissa away from him before looking her in the eye, "We found Jocelyn."

For once, the visionary was speechless. Her mouth was open in an O shape. She opened and closed her mouth, trying to think of a response before the most unexpected thing left her mouth, "Why couldn't you have found her tomorrow? Why today?!"

This time, it was Clary's turn to speak coldly, "I'm sorry we couldn't fit into your busy schedule princess but I want my mother back. I know she isn't your mother anymore but you could be a bit more sympathe-" 

"Oh would you shut up Clarissa!" she hissed before continuing in a calmer tone, "No. It really doesn't suit my time right now. I am busy right now. I have to be ready should anything happen..."

"Well something is happening! We found our mom. Sorry, my mother..."

Clary went to continue but Lissa put her hand up, "Izzy's been arrested and her trial is going on right now. I'm sorry if I'm worried over the fact that she can be stripped of her runes and exiled over your actions and not towards Jocelyn who is perfectly safe because Valentine won't put his hands on her because in his own twisted way, he loves her..."

Wait. What? When the hell did this happen?!

"Izzy's been arrested?" I hissed. "When did this happen?"

She finally looked at me, "Yesterday. Why do you think I was so desperate to find you?" she scoffed before saying, "We wanted to exchange the cup for her freedom but you had the cup and you were missing so that plan was forfeited..."

She shook her head and looked down. Silence consumed us.

Lissa looked up after 5 minutes, "Whatever. I'll help Izzy from wherever I am, whenever I can. Let's go get Jocelyn..." 


Alicia's POV

The five of us walked towards Renwick's with relatively small talk. I admit, it was probably very childish of me to not talk to Clary or Jace but I couldn't help it, I was still mad at them. I mainly talked to Luke and on occasion, Michael if I was in the mood to chat.

"Are you sure you wanna fight an army of demons in a dress, heels and crown?" Luke questioned me for like the sixth time. I sighed in exasperation and shared smirks with Michael.

"That's the sixth time you've asked that Lucian..." Michael said, showing his smirk to the werewolf.

Luke shook his head and said, "I'm just saying, wouldn't it be uncomfortable wearing that stuff? Plus your legs are exposed quite a bit..."

"Hah! I knew that was the reason." I giggled at the revelation, jumping up to hug my uncle's shoulders before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, "I can run in heels uncle" bending my knee and lifting my fit up towards my bum, lightly tapping my shoes, "and the only males in my presence are you, my loving and overprotective uncle, Michael, a grown adult that wouldn't think such things about me and Jace..." I said smugly.

"Yes. Jace is here. He could be looking." Luke said suggestively.

Hah. Yeah right. The only girl he has eyes for is Clary. I shook my head with a laugh, "Nah. Jace wouldn't look at me like that... He has at least some respect for me and our friendship."

"You here that son? Stop looking at her legs!" Michael shouted to someone behind us... We turned around to look at Jace and he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. At his look of fright, the three of us burst out laughing.

The gravity of the situation settled us as we approached Renwick's, calming us down from our laughter. Okay this is a simple mission. Get Jocely-mum. Get out. Simple. Yea- not.

Clary soon separated from us. I hope she gets her out because I don't want to die today. And even if I do, if I hope we've gathered her enough time to get mum out of there.

The three men and I walked towards the entrance as Luke said, "This doesn't make any sense. There were a thousand demons here last night."

You sure it wasn't an illusion?

"That's what he wants. He wants to draw us in, force Clary to use the Cup." Michael rebuffed.

That could be true too...

Several shadowhunters, circle members I assume, then rushed out of Renwick's and charged at us.

We met them with our seraph blades or fists, in Luke's case. I heard several "Watch your back!"s from my companions as we defended one another. I got to admit, it didn't take too long until we defeated all the circle members. It was a bit too easy, if you know what I mean...

"I forgot how much fun this was." Michael said as we walked towards the entrance.

"Graymark!" A voice shouted from behind us. We spun around to see another circle member. "Where are your claws?"

"I don't need special powers to kill you, coward." Luke spat back. Go Luke! Nice comeback!

"Don't bother with that. It only lights up for real Shadowhunters." The man said cockily.

"Find Jocelyn. I got this." Luke said determinedly, turning to us quickly before returning his gaze on the enemy.

I went to walk forward to stand by my uncle but Jace and Michael stopped me, "No. We need to find Clary. Now."


Hey guys!!!

I just wanna say thank you to the guys who are re-reading this to see the edits I've made.

Not that I'm disregarding the new guys...

If you guys are new to this story, I'd like to say thank you for reading and WELCOME to the DESTINED CHANGE series!

Please comment and tell me what you guys think so far or show your love by hearting this story.

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