I Can't Believe We're Looking For Another Warlock!

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With the chaos of the wedding, I didn't feel like I should be at the institute with all the shadowhunters there, shadowhunters that wanted me to return to Idris.

So I stayed away.

I kept myself at Magnus' apartment and received occasional phone calls from Izzy asking me about how we could make Alec's wedding the best one that has ever happened in all of history. Those were the times that I felt like a normal girl again. Any spare time I had, which was a lot now, I'd be reading the books that Magnus gave me to help me with my powers or reading on how to be a good monarch.

I was doing that right now actually.

Right at this moment, I am reading a book about the traditions of weddings. Apparently, it was common to have arranged marriages even in today's society. I guess the shadow world is still behind on customs. It was also common for the Heir to the Throne to be given an arranged marriage but from what I know, mom and dad hadn't even thought of it. Actually, in my memories they were both pretty against it...

 Actually, in my memories they were both pretty against it

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"Allie let's go..." Magnus' voice suddenly pierced through the silence of my bedroom.

I looked up towards the door frame to see the High Warlock.

"Good you're changed and presentable." He said, surveying my outfit approvingly. "Let's go..." he said as he walked forward, waving his hand and causing a portal to form in the doorway.

I got up from the bed and placed the book back on the shelf.

"Where are we going Magnus?"

"The institute. I'll answer your questions later..." he said dismissively before saying, "...for now, let's go" and with a big push, I went flying into the portal. 


I landed on top of a familiar blonde shadowhunter when I exited the portal.

"Ooof!" he said as we toppled over.

"I'm sorry!" I yelped. I went to get up but my disorientation just made me collapse on him again. "Sorry!" I practically screamed in Jace's ear. "Sorry... Oh my-" Why couldn't I have collapsed on Alec or even Lydia? "Magnus I'm gonna kill you..." I swore.

"Now my dear..." I heard the glittery man titter, "...threatening someone isn't a good way to start the morning..." I heard Magnus chuckle from above our tangled bodies.

I glared at the amused warlock until he helped me get up. "Thank you..." I said as I took his vacated seat at the head of the table.

"Hey!" he said indignantly.

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