Make It Be(lie)vable...

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I woke up beside my uncle in Magnus' apartment. I must have fallen asleep whilst we were talking yesterday. My uncle was sat up looking at nothing in particular and stroking my hair. He was treating me like my mother did when I was a baby. I swear Luke acted more like my mother than his own brother...

He instantly knew that I was awake, probably because of my change in heartbeat so he got up and told me to get changed as he briefly exited the room. I told him about my bag turned bracelet yesterday so if you're wondering if he's a mind reader - no he isn't...

 I told him about my bag turned bracelet yesterday so if you're wondering if he's a mind reader - no he isn't

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I rubbed the stones on the bracelet. Rub middle-right stone. Trace infinity sign. Rub middle-left stone. It was a lot more complicated than my ring but it was more secure. My bracelet formed and I instantly stuck my hand in it, grabbing out a fresh set of shadow hunting gear. I took a quick shower before changing into my clothes and as I was putting my jewellery on Luke came in.

 I took a quick shower before changing into my clothes and as I was putting my jewellery on Luke came in

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"Sit down on the bed Luke, I'll change your bandages." He did as I said and instantly removed the soaked-in-blood bandages and started replacing them with new ones after I had used the alcohol to clean his wounds.

Once that was done, he put on a shirt that Magnus gave him and we met the others at left for the police station.

Clary was walking side by side with Luke, leaving me to walk with Jace.

"What did he mean by niece?" Jace suddenly said. "Exactly what it he means, Luke was Lucian Graymark before he was Luke Garroway. He was my dad's younger brother."

"Wow. After all these years, I never knew you had an uncle."

I laughed as he grasped my hand, "To be honest, I didn't know I had one either."

With the ice broken, we carried on talking lightly over small topics, ignoring the topic of him and Alec completely and we acted like the children we used to be.


When we got to the police station, we congregated at the front of the station. "All right, cards are on my desk. It shouldn't take long." Jace went to stride forward and said, "All right."

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