Crossed Lines

By uncxnstrained

120K 3.5K 654

Melony moves from South Africa, following her dreams of trying to make a name for herself. She meets Zayn alo... More

HI :)
The sequel ❀


2.7K 88 9
By uncxnstrained

Friday night comes around and my excitement can't be tamed. Zayn said it's a proper date and that I should dress nice. I decide on wearing a red number, it hugs my body perfectly but not too much, it reaches just above my knees, so its elegant and sexy all at once. I pair it with black heels and light make-up with my hair curled. Shortly after, Zayn arrives looking as immaculate as ever in his tight fitting black suit.

We're at a restaurant and I must admit, It's beautiful with high ceilings and extravagant chandeliers, with candles and beautiful decorated tables. I've been to my share of fancy restaurants but none can compare to this one. We get to the front where a petite blond is standing and she smiles as she sees us approach but her eyes linger on Zayn for a while.

"Good evening Mr. Malik." he nods while putting his hand on my lower back. Zayn must be a regular here since she already knows him. "Your table is ready, I'll lead the way." she smiles, hardly glancing my way. She walks us to our table and leaves shortly, telling us that she'll send a waiter to our table.

Shortly after we sit a waiter comes, and to my luck it's a guy. I don't think I can handle anymore girls ogling my date, I sound petty, I know.


Seconds after we sit, a young boy comes to take our order.

"Good afternoon, I am Jay and I'll be your waiter for tonight." he places menus on our table "Would you like to order drinks?"

"Some wine?" I direct my question to Mel, who looks up a me, then she glances at the waiter to nod with a smile on her face. I think it's the first time he's actually taken time to study her features because he can't keep his damn eyes off of her. He gazes at her face then his eyes move lower to her chest and her body. She's oblivious the whole time.

I'm about two seconds from bashing his damn face when he seems to realize that he's staring too long, he glances at me and I scowl at him. Yes, she's mine. I order two glasses of wine and dismiss him before I lose my shit. Trying to hide my annoyance I glance at Mel at she studies the menu with an adorable frown on her face. I've been in bad mood today due useless meeting with useless people wasting my time and money. It's like people made it their personal goal today to piss me off.

But looking at Mel from across the table, with that adorable frown and slight pout, my irritation seems to fade away. She's been doing that a lot lately, whenever I feel like this I call her and we talk about pointless things really and it's mostly her talking about her day or why she's mad about greys anatomy or some other series but it puts me in a better mood nonetheless.

"What?" she asks and I realize that I've been staring at her.

"Nothing, you're just beautiful." I say earnestly and she looks down with a sheepish smile which makes it impossible to hold mine in. I like seeing her so shy, it just proves to me that I have an effect on her. "So how was work today?"

I don't think she realizes but her eyes light up immediately and her smiles grows and it really is amazing to see how she loves what she's doing, to see so much passion in a person, it truly amazes me. For a moment, I wonder if she ever lights up like this when she talks about me, if she ever talks about me.

She goes onto a full discussion about one patient that finally opened up, leaving details out because its "confidential" she talks about how she almost fell in front of almost the whole staff during a meeting. I can't help but smile at how cute she is when she rambles.

The whole night consists of us talking and learning some new things about one another. We order food and the waiter still stares at her every time he comes to the table. Melony doesn't notice, she damn smiles and thanks him every time he comes around. When the bill comes, I'm relieved because I won't have to be annoyed at the men staring at her the entire night.

After I pay, we head for the car and the reason why I postponed yesterday was so that she could sleep over. I haven't asked her yet but I really want to spend the night with her, she hasn't really slept over since we decided on being whatever we are. We get in and it's now or never.

"Are you busy tomorrow?"

"No? "she thinks for a while then shakes her head.

"Can you sleep over tonight?" I ask and a look of uncertainty crosses her face.


Of course, I wouldn't mind sleeping over but I know that something is bound to happen and we're going to have "The talk" and I don't know how he's going to feel about it. Zayn is a man after all, and I'm scared he might lose interest in me after he finds out. It has to happen sooner or later. Might as well be today.

"But I don't have extra clothes."

"We'll work something out." he says.

"Okay." I sigh.

Minutes after we arrive at Zayn's place and he helps me out of the car. We make it in and we head straight for his bedroom because we're both kind tired after such a long day.

"Here." Zayn throws his shirt and boxers at me with a smirk "There's a new toothbrush in the bathroom" I nod and head to change in the bathroom.

I come out of the bathroom with the intentions of making fun of Zayn's 100 hair products but stop dead in my tracks when I step into the room.

Zayn is standing with his back to me with only his briefs on, rummaging through his drawers. I watch as his muscles ripple with every move he makes, his lean but ripped with wide shoulders and narrow hips. He has one tattoo on the back of his neck and the rest of his back is free of tattoos. His skin is a beautiful golden color, it looks so smooth and soft.

Good heavens!

He turns and spots me eyeing him, he has a smug look on his face but my eyes don't stay long on his face as they move down to his torso. My breathing slightly picks up as I watch every line and dent move. He has a deep sculptured V-line that disappears into his boxers, which hang dangerously low on his hips. He has a few scattered tattoos along his torso. Looking at him in a suit, you would never guess that he has this many tattoos.

"See something you like?" he asks breaking me out of my thoughts. I release my lip only now realizing I was biting it.

"I've seen better." I say to mask my embarrassment and he laughs.

"Sure you have." he says smugly and he eyes me up and down, where his shirt lands mid-thigh. I didn't wear his boxers because they were simply just too big.

I ignore him and climb into bed and he follows after. "Want to watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure as long as it isn't one of your sappy movies" and just for that I choose the fault in the stars. I laugh as Zayn groans out loud.

Settling in bed, Zayn pulls me to his body with me lying on my back and his one arm draped over my stomach. He makes it hard to concentrate on what Augustus is saying while he draws light patterns on my stomach, nuzzling his face in my shoulder.

He kisses my neck but I pretend like it's not affecting me at all, my heart is hammering in my chest. He kisses me again and hums while my breathing becomes shallow.

"Zayn, I'm trying to watch the movie" I say feebly.

"Mel, I haven't kissed you properly in almost a week" his breath fans on my neck as he whispers, causing me to slightly shiver. He turns me around so that I'm facing him and he pushes me flush against him.

"You kissed me just Wednesday Zayn."

"That wasn't even a proper kiss, it lasted like two seconds" he says deeply. He starts trailing kisses from my neck to my jaw.

"Zayn the movie is- "

"I don't really care about the movie right now." he says and his lips attach to mine.

It takes me about a second to respond to his slow but feverish kiss. His hand moves to my neck as he deepens the kiss. His tongue moving slowly with mine and his mouth as always molds perfectly with mine. He moves his hand to my butt and lifts me so that I'm straddling him without breaking the kiss.

"Come here" he mumbles with his hands on my behind as I weave my hands through his dark soft hair. He moves his hands to my thighs, kneading them. His lips leave mine and he starts kissing my jaw and neck again. One of his hands moves to my hip and the other to my neck to tilt my head sideways to give him more access to my neck. I move down a bit to sit more comfortable, which causes him to groan.

"Zayn." I say breathless as he mumbles against my collarbone, grazing it lightly with his teeth. I sit up and put my hands on his warm shirtless chest. He moves his hands to my hips, lifting his shirt on me as he goes. It feels too good to stop.

My breathing hitches as he presses me down on his hard on and he slightly moves my hips back and forth to create some friction between our bodies. I bend down to kiss him again, also pressing our chests together. His mouth immediately molds with mine again. His grip on my hips tighten, which causes me to moan and my hips involuntarily start to move faster against him, he grunts and in a swift motion he flips our bodies so that he's hovering over me.

He starts kissing me hungrily and his hands move to remove my shirt but I stop him. "Zayn" I say inaudibly but I clear my throat and say it again "Zayn" I turn my head but he just kisses my neck again "Zayn stop" I say reluctantly

He stops but only lifts his head. "What's wrong?" he asks huskily.

"I -uh... we can't" he just lifts his eyebrow waiting for me to explain. But his lips distract me for a while since they're a dark shade of pink and swollen from kissing.

"I'm still a- uh" I stutter but he smirks as he realizes what I was about to say.

"A what?" he looks amused. I scowl at him because he knows what I want to say, he's doing this on purpose! I push him off me and he just chuckles.

"Zayn stop it." I try to move away from him but he just grabs my hand and pulls me to him.

"Don't pout baby, I'm sorry." he says with a huge smile indicting that he's actually not. I still pout because he still looks amused for some reason. "are you really a virgin though?"

I give him a blank stare and he chuckles again. I narrow my eyes at him and he winks, which causes me to scoff. He grips my chin and plants a soft kiss on my mouth "I" he kisses me "am" he kisses me again "sorry" and another kiss "okay?" he kisses me one last time. And I fail to hide my smile as he pulls away

Zayn lifts me up to sit on his lap again and I squeal. I take is hands and play absentmindedly with his fingers on his chest as it moves slowly up and down.

"So no guy has ever touched you?" I shake my head still looking down.

"Besides kissing, no." He lifts my chin so I can look at him.

"How were you not tempted though?" he asks honestly

"I guess I always wanted to wait till marriage I guess, I was tempted tons of times but it was more important for me not to lose my virginity then giving in." I shrug but I'm nervous because as I said those words, I could see that his thoughts were running a thousand miles per second, but he quickly recovers.

"Good." he says with a smirk "I'm glad no guy has ever touched you yet." he says smugly.

"Oh and who says you will?" I smirk back at him.

"Because I have the same effect on you that you have on me..." he trails his finger lightly in my inner thigh causing goosebumps to appear all over. "See?" he says, I just roll my eyes and climb off of him. I turn the movie off since we we've missed half of it anyways.

"Look, now you made me miss my movie." I pout at him. Zayn rolls his eyes but pulls me to his side since he's still on his back and I put my head on his chest.

"Sorry babe, it's not my fault though." he says and kisses my temple.

"Yes it is Zayn, you distracted me."

"I'm not the one who came into bed with only a shirt on" I scoff.

"Yeah because you're only wearing damn boxers"

"Because I always sleep like this"

"Well so do I." I say and begin tracing his tattoos on his skin. "Why do you have so many tattoos?"

"Why do you breathe?" he answers.

"That dramatic huh?" he chuckles.

"I don't know really, once you start, you can't really stop."

"Do they all mean something?"

"Most of them yeah." I hum in response, followed by a yawn "Tired Ms. Reed."

"Yeah, it's been a long day Mr. Malik."

"Sleep then baby." is the last thing I hear along with Zayn's shallow breaths as I succumb to a well needed rest.

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