Hetalia: The New Generation {...

By ChelsR

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It is said that in a kingdom in Japan, there were two samurais that served the king and queen have two childr... More

Chapter 1: Long-Lost Sister
Chapter 2: Memories
Chapter 3: A Comforting Kiss
Chapter 4: Who was THAT?
Chapter 5: The Allies
Chapter 6: First Mission
Chapter 7: A Red Thread
Chapter 8: The Escape Plan
Chapter 9: The Sacrifice
Chapter 10: A Born Coward
Chapter 11: Are You Sure?
Chapter 12: A Phone Call
Chapter 13: The Letter
Chapter 14: The Party
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: The Yandere and the Diary Holder
Chapter 17: Nordic Buisness!
Chapter 18: Brothers, Forever
Chapter 19: Father and Daughter, Rivals?
Chapter 20: An Old Friend
Chapter 21: Surprise Visitors?!
Chapter 22: Lord and Butler
Chapter 23: A Bloody Cupcake?
Chapter 24: The 2ps!
Chapter 25: Alchemy
Chapter 26: Kuro vs. Maria
Chapter 27: Kiku and Maria vs. Oliver and Alex
Chapter 28: Birthday Plan
Chapter 30: Tears
Chapter 31: Meet the Micros!
Chapter 32: Emotions
Chapter 33: Last Minute Set-Up
Chapter 34: Happy Birthday!
Chapter 35: A Key
Chapter 36: Are You Alright?
Chapter 37: The Past
Chapter 38: Missing
Chapter 39: The Oni
Chapter 40: The Jack Of Hearts vs. the "King" Of Diamonds
Chapter 41: The Keys
Chapter 42: Ambush From A Shinobi-Samurai
Chapter 43: The Fullmetal Alchemist
Chapter 44: Help From The Colonel
Chapter 45: Pocky Game
Chapter 46: Pocky Game(Part II)
Chapter 47: Bad Apple
Chapter 48: Sudden Attack?
Chapter 49: Help
Chapter 50: Save Her By A Kiss?
Chapter 51: The Little Prince
Chapter 52: The Panda Hero Arrives!
Chapter 53: The Queen Returns!
Chapter 54: She Returned?
Chapter 55: The Jokers
Chapter 56: Prisoners
Chapter 57: Goodbye
Chapter 58: Confession
Chapter 59: Set-Up
Chapter 60: The Matsuri
Chapter 61: The Romanian Vampire
Chapter 62: A Private Conversastion
Chapter 63: 千本桜
Chapter 64: Intai-go No Sai Shūshoku No Oiwai
Chapter 65: My Perspective
Chapter 66: One Happy Family
Chapter 67: 夢花火
Chapter 68: Our Mirai

Chapter 29: Distraction!

37 1 2
By ChelsR

"Guys. It's only 3 days before their birthday. Someone needs to distract them." Alfred said.
"Alfred is right, da-ze! We can't tell the two that we're organizing a party for them, da-ze!" Yong Soo pointed out. Kiku and Kuro exchanged determined glances. Feliciano grabs his brother's arm with a happy face.
"Ve~ Me and fratello will distract Maria and Ivan!~" he said in his Italian accent. His brother, Lovino, scoffed at his brother's idiotic idea.
"Tch. You can't distract mi amico d'infanzia nor the vodka bastard. You're just going to spoil the party plans."
"But you two are scared of Ivan, da?" Viktor said in a evil voice, making the Italian brothers shiver in fear.
"Yeah, Kiku?"
"Can me and Kuro-san distract them? Kuro is not afraid of Ivan-san and we can both handle them. Is it ok?"
"Thank you, Alfred-san." Kiku and Kuro's distraction of Maria and Ivan has started! They arrived at Kiku and Maria's house, which is just near Tokyo.
"Maria-chan? Ivan-san? Are you in there?" Kiku knocked.
"Da! We're in here."
"Ivan, if you dare hurt my 1p's imōto, He will kill you for sure if you don't open this door." Kuro threatened.
Ivan opened the door and Maria was happy to see them.
"Nīsan! Where have you been?" Maria tearfully asks Kiku. Kiku and Kuro are a bit nervous for the distraction of the birthday boy and girl.
"W-Well, I attended the world meeting today."
"What? I thought there are no meetings in the war, da?" The Russian and the Japanese can't believe that there was actually a world meeting during the war.
"Anyways, Let's play a game of cards?" Kuro asks the two. Maria smiles happily at his suggestion.
As they play the first round of cards, someone called Kuro.
"Gomen. It's my phone."
He stands up and walks outside the house and answers his phone.
"Moshi moshi?"
"Hey. It's me, Li Xiao. How's the distraction going on? Is it going well?"
"Hai, Li-san. Currently we're playing a round of the game of cards."
"Ah, Xiéxié. Sensei here is a little worried about Kiku. Is he alright?"
Kuro sighed. "Hai, he is. Li-san."
"Don't tell Maria about the plan I told you about with Kiku. If she finds out, you're dead. Got it?"
"Ok. I'm gonna tell everyone that the distraction is going well."
"Thank you. I'll hang up now." Kuro hangs up the phone, and looks at the afternoon sky.
"This house brings a lot of memories back, huh? I should tell her our past instead of confessing." He thought, smiling. He turns his head a little bit.
"Guess they're looking for me."
He walks back inside and saw that Ivan had won the first round.
"Who called?" Maria asked.
"No one important. It's my turn to play cards with you, Maria." Kuro replied. He places his trump card, the King of Diamonds. Maria puts in her trump card next, the Queen of Clubs. The next card Kuro places is the Jack of Hearts. Maria hesitates for a moment and picks the Ace of Diamonds. Kuro picks out his last card. He picks out and slams his third card, the Queen of Hearts. Maria then picks her third card, the Jack of Spades. Kuro picks and slams his last card at the table: the Joker.
"A One Pair, Maria. I win." Kuro said. Maria just stares at his cards.
"How about we play, da?" The Russian "cheerfully" asked Kuro.
Kuro smirks at Ivan with a murderous look.
"If I win, you will have to treat Maria as a princess. If I lose, I will be your butler for today. Deal?"
"Ha. Deal." Kuro places his first trump card, the Ace of Hearts. Ivan places his King of Diamonds. Then Kuro placed his Jack of Hearts. Ivan placed his Ace of Clubs. Kuro places his Jack of Hearts. Ivan then places his Ace of Spades. Kuro places his last card: the King of Hearts.
"A Full House. You will treat Maria as a princess just for today."
Ivan sighed. "Da. Da. I will." But he got cheerful for a minute.
"Princess Maria, what do you need?"
"May I have some green tea prepared?"
"Sure! I will be back for a second, Your Highness." He bowed and went to the kitchen to prepare some tea.
"He used his amazing card skills to beat Ivan in just a simple game. It's very interesting that he didn't tell me about it.." Kiku thought to himself.
Kuro was giving an non-emotional face for a second.
Ivan arrived a minute later with a cup of green tea and gave it to Maria.
"Here's is your tea, Your Highness~"
"Arigato!" Maria drinks it.
"It's really good, Ivan-san!"
Kiku stared at Kuro for a second. His face was changed into a sad-looking face.
"Kuro-san, are you alright?" Kiku asks.
Kuro's eyes left a single tear.
"Hai. I am."
"You don't look alright.."
"I don't? Ah, gomenasai." He wipes his tear.
"Hm..I wonder what has gotten into him."
If anyone was wondering what names I gave for the Asian Family, here you go.
China - Yao Wang
Japan - Kiku Honda
Hong Kong - Li Xiao
Vietnam - Kim-Ly Nguyen
South Korea - Im Yong Soo
Macau - Cheng Lien(accidentally typed Wang for his last name..)
Taiwan - Xiao Mei
Thailand(If I include him) - Tai Yoduswan
And that's it. I don't know any more countries that belong in the Asian Family, please tell it because I think I have some names for them just in case. Anyways, the card game was literally based off by Cardverse. The words "One Pair" and "Full House" are based by a song by GUMI of the VOCALOIDs, Poker Face.(Hence the picture at the top.) The lyrics that include it are: "That way, that way, the devil is here. You're playing right into my hands; I WANT YOU. One Pair? Two Pair? No, is it a Full House?"
"Admin! Admin!"
What, America?
"I heard that Austria knows how to play the song "Canon Rock" in the violin!"
Oh, really?! Tell him to play it for me in the next chapter, ok? AND DON'T FORGET.
You'll be dead if you forgot to tell it to him. Tell him. NOW!
So, ja ne~
~Admin Chelsea and America -.-||

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