Liars Never Win

By OnceUponALittleMixer

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This is based on a dream I had. It was a flana dream but i don't want to hurt flana shippers so i'm turning i... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Why You?
Chapter 4: Mixed Feelings
Chapter 5: Breakfast Time
Chapter 6: Drive Through
Chapter 7: Home
Chapter 8: A Friend
Chapter 9: Dinner
Chapter 10: Big Plans
Chapter 11: Surprise
Chapter 12: Afterparty
Chapter 13: An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 14: Back To Normal?
Chapter 15: Another Surprise
Chapter 16: A Future
Chapter 17: Robin

Chapter 3: Deep Love

363 20 1
By OnceUponALittleMixer

Later that night:

"So, my love. Where did we left off?"
Graham said smirking.

Regina slowly walked over to him.
"I think, we left off right here." She said, looking into Graham's eyes while she started to unbuttoning his shirt.

"Hmm, just as I thought."

He pulled Regina closer to him. She was still able to unbutton his shirt. His hand went to Regina's head. He slowly brought his lips into hers.  She accepted his kiss. Graham pused her against the wall, grabbing her by her waist to pull her in a kiss again. Regina's breathing started to fasten.

Regina pulled Graham's shirt off.
"Are we getting a bit impatient?"
"For god's sake, yes."
Graham looked in Regina's eyes. He saw her dirty look. He also saw her worries.

Regina saw his look.
"Graham, don't. Just distract me."
Graham picked her up, kissing her.
"I will, Regina, I will."
"Don't let this take too long, huntsman."

Graham saw the tears welling up in Regina's eyes.
He lead her to the couch. Regina's giggles. Her cheeks slowly turning red. Graham starts undressing her, as Regina does at Graham. The pile of clothes on the floor starts to grow.

"You really have no idea how pretty you are, do you?" Graham says within between the kisses.
Before Regina can answer he starts kissing his way down. Cheeks, chest, belly, and so on. Regina gasps.
"Oh my god, you didn't just do that."
Graham smirks: "I just did my queen."

And with that, regina poofs them to the bedroom. To have a lovely night together ;) 🌮

So sorry for the long time between the chapters! I was stuck and this is still rubbish but next chapter will be better and longer!

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