Crossed Lines

By uncxnstrained

120K 3.5K 654

Melony moves from South Africa, following her dreams of trying to make a name for herself. She meets Zayn alo... More

HI :)
The sequel ❀


3.3K 90 50
By uncxnstrained

I wake up feeling surprisingly normal. It's a good thing I decided not to drink too much. Thankfully, I'm not hungover. I wake up and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and splash my face with water to wake me up a bit then I walk over to the kitchen to make some coffee. I find Cate sitting in the kitchen drinking water.

"How is the hangover?" I ask smirking.

"I hate hangovers."

"Well then stop drinking so much."

"Well sorry not all of us are professional drinkers." she says.

"What you just said made no sense to me, such people don't exist. I don't even think that term exists."

"Well you're standing right in front of me right now, aren't you?" I laugh and shake my head "and talking about last night..." I have a feeling we're going to talk about Zayn.

"What about it?"

"Are you sure you want to start something with Zayn?" and just like that our playful banter turns into a serious conversation. "I mean I want you to find someone and be happy, but Zayn has been playing with your feelings from the very start. I don't want you to get hurt" she adds when I don't answer.

"I don't know." I sigh. "I'm not jumping into anything right now, I'll just see what happens I guess, no need to worry."

"I know I'm just trying to look out or you." she says, I sense bit of apprehension, but decide to let it go.

"Anyways enough talking about Zayn for now, what do you want to do today?" I don't feel like talking about something I'm not sure of myself.

"We can go shopping for things to decorate the apartment or your room, I haven't really done anything because I was worried you wouldn't like my 'style'" she says shrugging

"Sure, let me go take a shower first then we can go."

Before taking a shower, I decide to check my phone for messages, a few from my brother, friends back home and my parents but one in particular catches my eye. It's from Zayn and my fingers immediately go to his name.

Zayn: Hi.

Just a simple text like that and my stomach is already doing somersaults. I greet him back and the next conversation flies by because he literally takes second to reply to me. I like it.

Me: Hi :)

Zayn: I hope you are feeling okay.

Me: yeah I'm doing okay thanks, you?

Zayn: I'm alright. I want to see you today.

Me: Won't be free until later though, I'm going to run a few errands.

Zayn: I'll get Jake to pick you up to come to my apartment. Be ready at six.

"Mel are you almost done?" crap, I totally forgot what I came in here to do. Damn Zayn! Without replying I quickly run to the bathroom hoping Cate doesn't see.

"My feet are killing me" I complain as we throw our tired bodies on the couch "how is it possible to shop that long. Sunday is supposed to be my resting day"

"At least we got a lot of stuff." We ended up buying clothes, perfumes and other things we don't actually need. We literally bought anything and everything we liked. There goes my budget for this month.

"What time is it anyways?"

"5 pm I think." Cate replies. Damn I almost forgot about Zayn. I practically jump off the couch and I rush to my room to get ready "did I miss something?" she follows me and stands at the doorframe.

"Jake's picking me up in an hour and I'm not ready yet" I panic "I don't even know what to wear Cate!" Cate just stands there looking amused and if I had time I would slap that look off her face.

I don't even know if this is a date or not, he did say I'm going to his apartment. After refreshing a bit in the bathroom, I decide on wearing a black short jumpsuit with a gold and black belt, with black heels. This will have to do. I quickly do my hair and decide on not wearing makeup. I don't like it that much anyways- yes it makes me feel prettier but my face always breaks out after I take it off. The perks of having sensitive skin. By the time I'm done with everything, Cate lets me know that Jake is outside. I say goodbye to Cate and make my way to the car.

These nerves are eating me alive because I don't really know what to expect, Zayn didn't really give anything away. I get in the elevator with Jake, he presses a few numbers and we get to the top floor it seems. The elevator finally stops and to say I'm amazed would be an understatement. Usually the elevator leads straight into the apartment but he has an additional door before you can enter. His place is extremely big, never mind beautiful. I'm almost too scared to step inside.

When the doors open, the first thing I see is Zayn standing there, wearing blue jeans and a tight black t-shirt. His beauty looks so effortless. The place is beautifully decorated, much like our apartment, with mostly black, white and gray, It's way more spacious than ours, and he has a large window overlooking the city beneath him.

"Ms. Reed, you look beautiful." he greets with a barely noticeable smirk. I'm wondering if maybe I imagined it.

"Zayn." I greet knowing he probably thought I'd use his surname. "thank you, you don't look to bad yourself." I say and he just smiles at me.

"Come in please." he gestures further into his place "Thank you Jake." he dismisses as he puts his hand on my lower back. Jake nods and turns to walk in a different direction.

"You hungry?" he asks

"Not really" I say since me and Cate ate at the mall a while ago.

"Wine?" he asks and I nod. He leads me to the lounge while he goes to get the wine I'm assuming.

Zayn returns with two wine glasses and sits next me but leaves a little space between us. He hands me one glass and looks at me intently. I could get lost in his eyes forever, there's just something about them that pulls you in and demands you to pay attention to them. I could drown in them. His stare is unnerving, it almost feels like I'm bare, like he can see every part of my soul and body, even my inner most hidden thoughts.

If his eyes could do all that, then you probably wouldn't still be sitting here! my subconscious snarls and I mentally roll my eyes at her.

"I called you here because I want to talk you." I just nod and he sighs before carrying on.

"I told you that we wouldn't work it out, and I still stand by that." he says and I swear if you listen close enough, you could hear my heart, along with any sliver of hope shatter to pieces. "I know that you want a relationship for the long run, and I don't know if I'll be able to give you that, but damn it Mel. I can't stay away from you and I'll be the first to admit that I'm a selfish man for asking you to stay with me regardless but I don't care because I know what I want."


"So you want me, but?" I ask, slightly confused. I don't know what to make of what he's saying.

"I do want you, but I don't want titles as of yet. I want to see where my infatuation leads, then we can see what happens."

"I- I uh" I stutter as I try to come up with something to say.

"Just try it my way, it would be a lot less complicating and if it doesn't work out, you can leave." and I still don't say anything "please, think about it." he says and I'm pretty sure it is the first time he has ever said please to me.

"Zayn, one of us is bound to develop feelings along the way. Something tells me that It's going to be me and I don't want to get hurt"

"Look I can't promise that I won't hurt you, every relationship has that risk but the last thing I would do is to purposely hurt you in any way." if his words had failed to persuade me, then his eyes most definitely do the job. He looks so sincere and it may be out of stupidity or something else but I believe him. I could just try I mean, what do I have to lose?

Your dignity, your heart, time, shall I go on? My subconscious taunts. She really has to learn to shut up.

"okay." I truly hope I don't regret this.

"Good" he says as he takes my glass from my hands to place it on the table along with his. "Come here." he says and tugs on my hand to bring me closer to him. And within a second his lips are on mine.

His hand moves to the base of my neck and mine land on his toned chest. This kiss is slow, yet hard and soft at the same time. It's hard to describe but that's what I like. I like the fact that every kiss with Zayn so far has been different. A good different. I have kissed boys before but they have never been so intoxicating.

His one hand moves to my thigh as he deepens he kiss. My tongue moving along his with ease. Our lips move in sync and they fit perfectly together. If we weren't meant to be together then our lips certainly are. After a while we both pull away to catch our breath.

"So we're really doing this then, you'll be mine?"

"Yes Zayn." I say smiling

"One important thing though, I don't like sharing what's mine." he says with his face mere inches from mine.

"Okay Mr. Malik." I whisper. And his lips claim mine once again.

After making out for heaven knows how long we're seated on his couch with my head leaning on his shoulder. While looking around the lounge I see a beautiful painting and wonder momentarily if he really likes the painting or if his interior designer got it for him, if he even has one. And that's when I realize that I know nothing about him.

And you're already in a relationship or whatever you call this between you two. Classy Mel! - Well my subconscious sure has a lot to say tonight! But sad thing though is that she's right.

"Hey Zayn?" I call and he just hums in return "want to play a game?"

"Aren't we a little too old for games? And please just stop rolling your eyes at me" he says and yet again I just roll my eyes at him.

"We hardly know each other so how about we play 20 questions?" he stares blankly at me, as if contemplating whether he wants to or not "please Zayn."

"Okay" he huffs "Go"

"Okay, favorite color?

"Just kill me before we start." I scowl at him as I slap his chest, which causes him to laugh at me "you hit like a girl." and now it's my turn to stare blankly at him.

"Might be because I am one." I state flatly but with a smile on my face.

"Are you now?" he asks and I pout at him. He tilts my head upward to his and he kisses me again, but I pull away immediately and watch as a frown etches on his face.

"Stop trying to distract me Zayn." I say "plus you wouldn't want to kiss a 'boy' now would you?"

"No, but I would want to kiss you." he says and kisses me on the cheek "I'll play on one condition though"


"I get to kiss you as much as I want after."

"Deal." I say smiling. "Now answer my question."

"Okay black, yours?"

"I don't really have a favorite color, but most of my things are pink, so I guess it could be pink"

"Which movies do you prefer?"

"Ooh definitely horrors and romantic comedies and you?"

"Anything except the sappy crap you girls watch"

"It is not crap." I gasp. "Whatever, age?"

"26 and you're 24." I'm shocked.

"Zayn how do you even know my age? should I be worried?"

"No, and I have my ways" he winks. "I'm kidding, I was just guessing."

"Okay stalker, any hidden talents?"

"Painting and drawing I guess, you?" I didn't really picture him as the artistic type. It's refreshingly surprising.

"I don't know really I'm a jack of all trades I guess, I sang, did drama, athletics, gymnastics, arts and etc."

"Quite the over-achiever aren't we?" he repeats the words I said to him in his club and it automatically brings a smile to my face. "why'd you do so many things?"

"To keep myself busy and to prove a point I guess." I reply vaguely, not wanting to start that conversation. "Okay, what's your most embarrassing moment?"

"I don't have any, I'm perfect." he smirks and looks down at me "and yours?"

"There's a long list, I'm like the epitome of embarrassment." I smirk up at him.

"So are you going to live here forever or are you going to move back to South Africa?"

"I don't know yet. I guess I haven't thought about it" I shrug.

"I've always wanted to go there on holiday, without the disturbance of work but that never seems to happen"

"Maybe I'll let you visit with me one day?"

"It'll be slightly impossible since I always have work to do"

"It's the price you pay for being an over achiever, Mr. Malik." I smile at him.

"I guess so Ms. Reed." he smiles.

"So do you only have one sister?" I ask.

"Yes, you?"

"I have one brother." I say smiling as I think about my brother.

Zayn nods "Wine?" he stands up.

"No thanks I have work early tomorrow so I should be heading home actually" I say feebly. I glance at the time and realize that It's quite late.

"Okay I'll drive you home when you're ready, but before we leave you still owe me something Ms. Reed" he steps closer.

"And what would that be?" He replies by placing his lips once more on mine. It's a brief kiss but enjoyable nonetheless.

"Let's go then Melony."

"Ah so you do know my name."

"I would never forget it." he says and a zoo erupts in my stomach. It's become a thing for him, to use my surname instead of my name. honestly, I like it just as much as when he says my name.

I gather my things and we head to the car and it dawns that this is the first time I will be driven by Zayn, and for some reason it puts me in a giddy mood. On our way to the car, Zayn gets a phone call.

"Malik... oh hey Suzy" and he laughs after a few seconds. Who the hell is Suzy? "Okay... yeah, we know you can't stay away...same as always I see. Ok, I'll see you then." he says laughing "Bye" he says and puts his phone away.

He opens my door for me to climb in and I thank him. It's a sweet gesture but it does nothing for my curiosity. Maybe Suzy is one of his business partners, is it a girl?

"What are you thinking about?" Zayn interrupts my thoughts.

"Nothing really." I lie. Zayn grabs my hand, squeezes it a bit and holds it on my lap, the drive is filled with me babbling on about what I plan on doing for the week, I even tell them about how sweet some of my patients are and how stressful it is and he just keeps asking questions. I like the fact that he's interested in what I do for a living or what I want to do in my spare time.

"I'll see you during the week then we can go for coffee?" he looks down at our joined hands and I realize that absentmindedly I've been playing with his fingers, tracing lines or whatever it is I was doing. It's not long before he stops in front of my apartment building.

"Okay, how about Wednesday after you pick Zoe up?"

"I'll be busy then. Thursday 5:30?"

"Sure." I say as I open the door "bye."

"Bye." I'm slightly disappointed that he didn't kiss me again. I could never have enough of his kisses. I smile as I make my way to our apartment.

I step inside and I find Cate watching some reality show. Probably Geordie shore again.

"So how was your date?"

"It wasn't a date, but it was good, I had a really good time." I smile as I remember the playful conversations we had, and the amount of kisses we shared. It was a good night.

"I can tell from that smile." My smile grows wider. "I'm glad you did."

"Yeah, anyways goodnight, love you and I'll see you tomorrow"

"Night. love you." I prepare what's needed for tomorrow and within seconds of getting into bed, I'm fast asleep.

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