Te Wo Tsunaide - A Jyu Oh Sei...

By Midnight_Lilac

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Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Life [Edited]
Chapter 2 - Unknown Lands [Edited]
Chapter 3 - Planet Chimeara [Edited]
Chapter 4 - Top Chen [Edited]
Chapter 5 - Fight [Edited]
Chapter 6 - Scout [Edited]
Chapter 7 - Holding Back [Edited]
Chapter 8 - Thor in Trouble?
Chapter 9 - Bait
Chapter 10 - Reunited
Chapter 11 - Return
Chapter 12 - Expression
Chapter 13 - Strategy
Chapter 14 - Thor, The Beast King
Chapter 15 - The Dagger Pagoda
Chapter 16 - Escape
Chapter 17 - Earth
Chapter 18 - Home
Chapter 20 - Happy

Chapter 19 - Family

249 11 15
By Midnight_Lilac

Thor pov:

"Now this is what you call a vacation!" Heon Woo said in an excited tone. I noticed Jin roll her eyes at him as he didn't bother waiting for the rest of us and was the first to jump into the ocean water. The rest of us caught up and stood close to the ocean, letting the cool waves caress our feet.

"This is really nice." I commented as I reached out to hold Jin's hand in mine. She didn't hesitate to hold me back in a firm grip as she turned to me with a smile.

"Yeah....it feels so calm now." I couldn't stop myself from brushing her cheek with the back of my fingers as I looked into her eyes.

"Oi you two lovebirds!! Get your asses in the water! It's so cool!" Heon Woo called out from a good ten feet away and Jin chuckled again.

"C'mon Thor, lets go. Or else Heon Woo isn't going to stop yelling at us." She pulled me with her and we dove into the water. Just as Heon Woo said, the water felt amazing in this weather.

It has been about a week since we got to Earth. I have to say that Earth is really amazing. Even though it's a lot more underdeveloped in comparison to most planets in the Balkan System, its still a very nice place. Jin had explained how some things worked here including the seasons, the transport, and the basic lifestyle. Most of the people here were friendly and spoke to us well.

We had spent quite a long time on the day we arrived explaining what had happened to us to the two brothers. Well, Dawn and Jin did most of the explaining and the three of us sat silently just listening to their conversation. They were really shocked hearing the details of the Balkan System and knowing that the three of us were originally from there too. We kept getting strange looks for the next two days but we were accepted and treated fondly nonetheless.

They soon got used to having us around and whenever they were with us, they spoke in English so we could understand. We had learnt a few words of the language here. But it was difficult and it would take us a few years to get a full fluent hold on the language.

The day after we arrived, Jin had gone off on her own to take care of something. Dawn had told us that she had gone to her previous workplace to find out the reason why they were sent to Chimaera. I was anxious until she had returned thinking of all the possible ways she could get hurt for asking a forbidden question and actually returning here. But when she came back, I was surprised to hear that the precious head of her job had some underground influence that caused them to do forbidden experiments.

That had apologized to Jin and given all of us identity proofs so we could live like normal citizens on Earth. She no longer had to work as an assassin and I could see that she was glad for that.

After that, the two brothers had helped us rent out a small house just a two minute walk away from where they lived. Apparently it belonged to one of their friends and had no tenants at the moment. It wasn't a big place....it was just a moderately sized hall with an attached bathroom and kitchen. It also had a backyard with different kinds of plants, the name of most of which I don't remember.

Since there was only one big hall, we all had mattresses to sleep on usually rolled up in one corner of the hall. During the night, we would spread them out on the floor and sleep there together. It was homely with Jin sleeping between me and Dawn, Tiz on my other side and Heiza next to her.

We had also gone out to buy clothes and Jin and Dawn had been the ones to pick out clothes for all of us. We didn't get many clothes because we had to suffice with whatever money the Woo brothers had given to us. I honestly still cant get their names....Su Jin seems to be the only one that's easy to remember and pronounce.

Jin and Dawn were the ones who cooked most of the time because we didn't know the different kinds of foods that people ate here. We were so used to eating salads and salted meat but the dishes that Jin prepared everyday were out of the world. I had never tasted dishes with such exotic tastes before and the way all the flavors blended together was just amazing.

Jin and Dawn had both gotten jobs so they could earn money to sustain our lives here. Jin worked at a restaurant. Since she wasn't good at dealing with people, she took care of cooking in the kitchen. We had visited the restaurant once and I was called in once in a while to help as a waiter when the restaurant expected foreign customers. My fluency in English seemed to be useful at least a little.

As for Dawn, he worked at a dock. He was responsible for managing the goods that were imported and exported to and from other countries by ships. It was a tough physical job but living on Chimaera seemed to give us an advantage here. Heiza, Tiz and I also took on odd jobs that didn't need us to communicate much. So we were able to earn enough for our daily needs.

Today was a Sunday, apparently a holiday for everyone during the week. Deciding that we needed a change, we had come to the beach to just spend some relaxing time together. It was crowded with a lot of people but the overall atmosphere was cheerful.

I looked at Jin as she surfaced in the water. Her hair and clothes were sticking to her and I clenched my jaw slightly. She wore a pair of grey shorts that reached her mid thigh as well as a white half sleeve shirt that fell off her shoulders and showed most of her waist. Her wounds had healed pretty well, but there was still a scar that would take time to disappear. She didn't seem to mind that people could see it though.

I know we were at a beach and there were other girls who were wearing even scantier clothes than Jin but with her white shirt wet, her black lingerie was visible through the transparent material. I didn't like the fact that Jin was so exposed in front of other people besides me.

"Hey! Look at that hot chick! Damn, what a body!" I heard someone from the shore say. I didn't understand what they said but when I noticed the way they were eying Jin up and down, I figured out what thoughts they had in mind. It made me really uncomfortable.

I swam towards her as she moved her hair out of the way. I brought her to my chest with my arms on her back and waist. She had her hands on my bare chest and looked up at me curiously. "What's the matter, Thor?"

I frowned slightly before leaning down and kissing her with my eyes closed. She stiffened for a moment, probably not expecting me to do so. But she relaxed after a moment and pressed back against me. She brought her arms up and around my shoulders, holding my head in one hand as she parted her lips in response to my begging.

I rubbed my tongue against hers and she shuddered in my arms. She pulled away from my shoulders and I got the message that she was starting to get slightly overwhelmed by the kiss. I pulled away from her lips reluctantly and looked into her eyes. For the second time, her face was dusted with a light blush. I glanced at the two guys who were watching us shocked. I smirked at them and they glared at me before walking away.....disappointed.

I looked back at Jin and cupped her cheek still holding her to me with a hand on her lower back. The skin of her back was smooth and the fact that I could feel her bare stomach in direct contact with mine made me want to ravish her right here. But I knew I had to give her time.

She had progressed to the point where she allowed me to kiss her this way. But doing anything intimately physical was still out of question because I could see she wasn't ready.

"You're so beautiful, Jin.....honestly, I cant get enough." I mumbled, dropping my head onto her shoulder. She responded by wrapping her arms around my torso and resting her face in the crook of my neck.

"I love you, Jin." I mumbled out blissfully as I felt her heart beat against my chest.

"And I love you, Thor." I smiled. I couldn't even express how ecstatic it made me to hear her say those three words to me. I was so glad to have met her, to have taken the decision to come here to Earth with her. It was so worth it.

We pulled away and she leaned up to give me another chaste kiss before swimming to the shore. I made sure I was right next to her giving sharp glares at anyone who tried to look at her for longer than necessary as we walked to our stuff. Her lingerie was still visible through her shirt and the minute we reached our seats under the huge umbrellas, I took out a towel and wrapped it around her shoulders to cover her from others view.

"Thor, what are you doing?" She had a brow raised at me and I looked away embarrassed. She looked at her clothes realizing why I was acting this way and smiled amused. "You don't have to be so protective."

"I don't like people looking at you like that." I muttered out earning a chuckle.

"Where's Tae Hyun? I got us something cool to drink." The older of the brothers came walking to us holding a tray of drinks in glass bottles.

Jin looked around and I followed her gaze as she narrowed her eyes in one direction. Dawn was there, standing in front of a woman who looked like she was beating a child. The child had tears running down her cheeks but she made no sound as the woman hit her with a stick. I felt angry but even before I could walk to her and stop her from hitting the child, Jin walked past me to go there herself.

I followed her and the woman stopped beating the child to look up at us. She looked like she had already seen Dawn there and when Jin stopped in front of her too, she got a bitter smile.

"Su Jin, how nice of you to join us." Her voice was laced with irritation as she spoke. "You two have a lot of nerve showing up in front of me after all this time...."

Jin narrowed her eyes and Dawn took a step forward. "Grace....it is you, isn't it? Oh....how much I've missed you."

"Missed me? You missed me when you eloped with that child? How dare you spout such lies after you ran away two days before our wedding! You've been gone three years and you still have the guts to say you missed me?!" The woman yelled. I stepped forward but Jin put a hand on my chest stopping me from interfering.

"No Grace....you have to understand...." Dawn's voice was begging, broken.

"Shut up, you b******! You pedophile! To think you actually ran away with a child eleven years younger than you!! After giving me this filthy thing!" The woman shoved the child in front of her and the child fell to the sand.

More tears fell from the child's eyes and I noticed Jin's fisted hands beginning to tremble. A lot of people had gathered around us hearing the commotion and I was starting to get uncomfortable, even more so because I couldn't understand what they were speaking about.

"She....she's our daughter?" Dawn looked at the child with wide eyes and winced as the woman pulled her up again rather harshly. The child whimpered as she received a slap. She was shoved onto the ground again and she stayed whimpering with her head down. Tears constantly fell from her eyes leaving dark spots on her dress.

"No! This filth is your daughter! Not mine!"

"Omma? [mother?]" Another boy a little younger than the girl child came to where we were. A man was carrying him and the woman I figured now to be Grace walked to him completely ignoring the crying girl.

Grace looked back at Dawn. "Take that filth! Its a good riddance to our family....I don't want that thing when I have a real family to worry about. Its so disgusting to see you and Su Jin here....who knows what all you would have done with each other. How many times you've slept with her....!"

"GRACE!!!" This time, Jin yelled making me and several of our audience flinch startled. Grace along with the man and kid with her flinched as well at the volume and anger in Jin's voice. The child in the man's arms though, starting crying.

"You b****.....after everything Tae Hyun has done for you, after knowing how much I respected you and hoped for your happiness, you think you can say such things and I'm going to stay quiet?! What do you know about what happened to us in the last three years?! What the hell do you know about how much we had to suffer?! When you don't know anything, don't you dare talk shit about us! If it wasn't for Tae Hyun still caring for you, I would have ripped your tongue out!"

I noticed the two guys who had previously eyed Jin in a perverted way looked shocked and even a little scared.

"W-what are you saying?! You s-speaking like this is a-all the more reason to doubt you!" Grace stuttered out looking quite afraid herself. She was holding the boy protectively trying to guard herself from anything that Jin could possibly do at the moment. But I knew that even though Jin was harsh with words, she would never hurt anyone.

"Shut the hell up! If you even think....!!"

"That's enough, Su Jin." She was cut off by Dawn. She looked at him as he walked to the girl child and helped her stand. He dusted the sand off her almost rag like clothes and stood up to look at Grace.

"I can see you don't want to hear me out. Its fine....I hope you live happily, Grace. I can tell that man will take care of you. I will raise my daughter myself. I'm sorry." At Dawn's words, Grace gave a glare to him and Jin and walked away. The crowd around us too dispersed with whispers.

"Tae Hyun, how could you just brush this off?! How could you be silent when she was saying all that?!" Jin was still angry and I placed a hand on her shoulder. She only shoved it off though and walked to Tae Hyun. The child who was in front of us flinched and I could see so much fear in her eyes.

Why was Jin so angry? What had that woman just said? From what she just spoke, it looked like the woman had been insulting them. Jin was usually the type to brush off insults but for her to have reacted and yelled back with such anger.

What had just happened?

Su Jin pov:

I can't believe Grace actually said all that and Tae Hyun accepted it silently! What the hell was wrong with him?! its fine if Grace had said she felt betrayed and said she married someone else, but how dare she even think that Tae Hyun and I....! Damn it!

"Su Jin....it must have been tough for her. After all, we disappeared barely few days before our wedding.....and Grace was even pregnant at that time. I don't blame her if she feels betrayed or even jumps into conclusions." He said his eyes downcast.

"But she could have at least heard us out! And jumping into that sort of disgusting conclusion?!" I can't believe this! Why was Tae Hyun being so soft?!

"Please, Su Jin. Lets not talk about this now....we have to take care of her now." He said looking down fondly at the child.

Yes, she was his daughter. I could understand the immediate fatherly love and protectiveness that Tae Hyun felt for her. After all, I too felt protective of her because she was a part of my family now.

From the looks of it, Grace hadn't treated her well. I could see so many bruises and cuts on her arms and legs and I'm sure she had more under her dress. She wasn't even dressed properly....her clothes were rags. She looked so afraid and flinched at the slightest movement we made. It gave me a tight feeling in my chest....if she wasn't shown any love, she would end up like me. I didn't want that.....I was so lucky to have met Thor to learn about true feelings and true life. I didn't want anyone else to feel isolated like how I had been.

"Hey Jin, is everything okay?" Heiza asked as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah....who was that woman?" Tiz added making me sigh.

"That was Grace....the one Tae Hyun was supposed to marry before we came to Chimaera. And this....is his daughter." Everyone looked at the child and it only seemed to scare here even more.

Tae Hyun smiled and got down on one knee in front of her. She flinched, her eyes going wide as she trembled. She was probably frightened being with some strangers so suddenly....and being thrown away by her own mother.....

"Are you okay?" Even though Tae Hyun's voice was gentle, the girl seemed to get scared again.

She flinched and began to wail. "I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry! I did wrong!! I'm sorry! Please dong hit me! I'm sorry!"

Tae Hyun got flustered, not knowing what to do to calm her down. This was new to all of us. We hadn't taken care of a child before but feeling some sort of instincts rise from the pit of my stomach, I kneeled in front of the girl and held her shoulders gently. She froze up and opened her eyes widely to look at me. She was holding her breath in her fear.

"Ireum i mwo ya? [what's your name?]" I asked gently. She hesitated, but hiccupped a few times before answering my question in a soft voice.

"E-eun Soo."

I smiled and touched her cheek with the back of my fingers. "Ireum i yeppuda. I saram eun Tae Hyun ieyo, doh appa. Geurigo na, Su Jin, doh eonni ya. [you're name is pretty. This person is Tae Hyun, your father. And me, Su Jin, I'm your big sister]" I said gently and she hesitantly looked at Tae Hyun who was also smiling gently.

"A-appa do.....e-eonni? [f-father and....b-big sister?]"

"Kkre.....ije buteo, uri gachi salgoyeyo. Arachi? [that's right....from now on, we'll live together. Understand?]" I smiled as she nodded slowly.

As I stood, I picked her up in my arms. She winced, probably when one of her bruises hurt. She was extremely bony too....most definitely underfed. I turned to the others to introduce them as well.

"I saram da do uri gajog ieyo. Thor oppa, Heiza oppa, Tiz eonni, Heon Woo oppa, Jung Woo oppa. Uri gajog da. [all of these people are our family. Big brother Thor, big brother Heiza, big sister Tiz, big brother Heon Woo, big brother Jung Woo. Our family.]" I motioned to all the people here and she nodded again. She had relaxed a little making me smile.

"We should pack up for today. We have to take her to a doctor to make sure she's okay...." I said to the others and Jung Woo nodded.

"Okay, the rest of us will head back while you and Tae Hyun get her checked up."

"I'll go too." Thor said and I nodded to him. I handed Eun Soo to him and she looked slightly nervous.

I gave her a reassuring smile before walking to the changing room to get out of these wet clothes. We all took turns and as decided, Tae Hyun, Thor and I headed to the hospital with Eun Soo to get her checked up.

I was still pretty pissed off at how Grace had acted. It's true that she might have felt hurt but she could have listened to our side of the story. She doesn't know how much we had to suffer too!

I gave a deep sigh looking ahead. Eun Soo was in Tae Hyun's arms, still looking around nervously. At least she was okay....and at least there was one thing that would keep Tae Hyun strong.

"Don't worry." I looked at Thor as he held my hand, entwining his fingers with mine. "Everything will be fine."

I smiled and nodded to him. "Yeah, I guess it will be."

Feeling reassured by all the people around me, I couldn't help but trust Thor's words. Everything would be alright; I was going to make sure of that.


Girl in the pic is Tae Hyu's daughter. Isnt she cute? >3<




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