The Mark

By Dream-Writer

1.3K 100 28

Victoria is not like every other girl in her day of age. She has just turned 18 and has gotten the job as a r... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
Chapter 15


357 26 18
By Dream-Writer

My World is called Earth. You may have heard of it or you may not have. It is a strange, fearful, exotic, and yet a wonderful world. With all the advancements for curing disease, designing weapons, getting people places faster, space travel, and most importantly seeing how to advance the human body. Changing it making it more powerful. Giving it abilities it could not do before.

But in order to get these advancements to the human body. Scientist must test their experiments on humans to see if they are safe and won't harm the body. But it is difficult to find a human willingly to be a gini-pig to these scientist. Therefor the government has started making laws. Forcing people to do it, these people if they do not meet the requirements that the government has put forth. They will be chosen for the experiments. Forced to have needles stuck in their body. Have their body be in extreme pain, watch their body transform or fall apart. No one wants to be one of them. Some even rather die than be one of the ones chosen for the experiments.

We all know that it's for the better of the world but we would rather stay the same then be forced to make this planet better. But we do not have a say in the matter. Only the government does and if they think you're a person worth testing an experiment on they will get you and put you in their lab. From then on you will not be considered a person with human rights. You will be considered a thing. Because you would then belong to them. The government would own you. You will be forced to bear the Mark of ownership.

The mark of ownership is when the government puts four black dots on the palm of your left hand. A strange thing happens to those dots, they start to grow into a pattern on your hand. The more they experiment on you the longer the pattern gets until it starts climbing up your arm until it reaches your neck. There it will stop, that's when you're released or they say you will be. No one has survived that long yet and been sane. So if you're not supposedly sane they keep you even longer.

The government calls this type of people The Marked. Due to the mark of ownership on their palm. Once you have been marked there's no way to get the mark off until it's finished its course of marking you.

You may wonder how I know so much about this. It is because my older brother Luke has been made into a Mark. You see the government put out a list of laws you must obey. If you don't they will take you and make you a Mark. My brother disobeyed two of those laws. Here are the laws that the government has put forth.

Law 1.  Don't leave your city you were assigned without permission

Law 2. Only do the job you have chosen. Do not switch jobs unless requested to by your Congressman.

Law 3. Do not help others with their job if they are lacking completion.

Law 4. Always reach your day's quota.

Law 5. Do not disobey or harm your Congressman.

Law 6. Do not harm, lie or steal from other people.

Law 7. Do all that you are commanded to by the Congressman.

Law 8. Tell a Congressman if one of the other people have broken one of these rules. If you don't tell but it is found out that you knew and didn't tell. You will be punished the same as the person who committed them.

These Laws Are made to protect you and your fellow man from harm and unruly acts, laziness, selfishness, treason, and disobedience. If you break three or more of these laws. You will be removed from your environment and made into a Mark. Thank you for your corporation. Signed The Government.

Those are the laws. You can see they purposely made them easy to break so they can get people to test experiments on. My brother Luke broke Law 2 and Law 3. They both are basically the same thing. He was just trying to help. He's always helping people. He can't stop it. Now because of it he is Marked and there's nothing that I can do about it.... Can I?

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