Lauren Jauregui imagines

By PanicAtTheWhoz

278K 4.3K 1.4K

Because who doesn't want to live in the imaginary world where everything you wish for comes true? OPEN TO RE... More

Damn you tag damn you
I miss you
Her 'Friend'
One nights mistake
No matter what
One nights mistake (original ending)
I'll Teach Her
Pair of Teases
Honey, I'm home
New Adventures
Almost part 2
Coming out
Concert Tickets (texts between the girls)
Concert Tickets Part 2
Bad dreams, Surprises and Reuniting
The Heart Never Lies
I'll show her
I'll Show Her part 2
Who Am I?
Second Chances
Momma Jauregui
Pair of teases part 2
Pregancy prefrence
SM Prefrence
Social media posts #2
New teacher (how you meet)
Long Time No Write

You Get Hate

7.2K 128 53
By PanicAtTheWhoz


This was requested by R_Jauregui there are another 7 of these requested.

Prompt: Being the child of famous person is hard. There are people who idolise you and there are people who hate you for no particular reason. Social media can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing for any person, let alone an impressionable 16-year-old. Your mom is touring with the other girls of Fifth Harmony, she's the only person who know how bad the hate had got and how hard it was for you to push through all the negative thoughts. When she left for tour she left you I the hands of her mother and father, Clara and Mike Jauregui. But what happens when it gets too much for you? And the person you depend on most isn't there for you?

You are male btw and you have a speech impediment. I have one and I appreciate if there is not hate sent towards other that have one, you can't say the letter 'R' so that's why all of the 'R's' are replaced with a 'W'.

Also I can't speak Spanish so I used a translator, sorry if it's wrong.

Finally, there is a small mention of self-harm not much but a small section. I will warn you so that if you feel uncomfortable then you can skip it


Your P.O.V

@randomtwitteruser: Y/n Jauregui is such a fuck boy. I can't believe Lauren could raise such a horrible child #y/nwho?

@randomtwitteruser: The Jauregui clan used to look so good but now that I've seen y/n Jauregui I beg to differ #y/nwho?

@randomtwitteruser: Lauren shouldn't have let such an ugly, worthless and disrespectful child into this world #y/nwho?

@randomtwitterser: y/n can't even talk properly #y/nwho?

That was some of the hate tweets that I have gotten lately. The Hawmonisews have got the hashtag ''y//nwho?' twending worldwide. Most of them make fun of the fact I can't say my 'R's'. It's not that uncommon but some people think it's ok to poke fun at people who stwuggle with speaking.

It wasn't always like this, my welationship with the fans used to be good. I don't know what happened but some of them suddenly hate me for no weason. I wemembew when I was 3 yeaws old, the hawmonisews would play with me while me mothew, Laurwn Jauregui, did met and gweets.



I was playing with my stuffed tuwtle, Bwuce, on a big bus that my mommy calls the '5H home on wheels'

"y/n baby come here a minute" I heawd my mommy calls me fwom the fwont of the bus.

I waddled to the fwont where I saw my mommy and auntie D-D-Deenah putting something on theiw lips

"Yes mommy?" I ask as I climb up onto her lap

"Well baby boy me and your aunts have to meet some fans today, remember?" I nod while I pinched hew cheeks making hew giggle

"Very funny baby but can you listen for a minute? Well while we meet some fans you have to stay with Big Rob, ok?" she gwabs my hands and pwetends to bite them which makes me giggle and I climb ovew onto aunt D-D-Deenah's lap.

"What's wrong boyo? Is mommy being mean again?" she asks while stwoking my hair

"Yeah auntie D-D-Deenah" I mumble into hew haiw

"Aw. Bad mommy" she giggles and hands me back to mommy

"Girls are you ready?" Big Wob calls for them

"Wobby!!!" I scweam and hold my hands out fow him. He laughs at me and takes me fwom mommy

"Still can't say my name huh buddy?" he asks. I look down sad because I can't say his name

"Bud it's ok. You'll get it one day" he tickles me so that I smile

"Lauren have you thought of getting that looked at? I mean he's three years' old and can't say the letter 'R'. He might have a speech impediment" my auntie Cammi walks in and scwaches my head

"Hey good looking, how's my little boy doing?" she asks me

"I doing good auntie Cammi" I smile

"Where's the others'?" D-D-Deenah asks

"Their already in the building. Let's go guys" Wobby walks out of the woom with me in his awms

"Wobby?" I look at his bald head and giggle

"Yes small child?" he smiles back at me

"Can I walk plase?" I pat his head

"Sure but hold my hand ok? We can't lose you" he puts me on the floow and I hold his hand

"Good boy" I heaw my mommy say fwom behind me

We walk into this huge building and look awound scawed

"No need to be scared baby. It's a big building but stay with Roby and you'll be safe ok?" mommy holds my other hand

"otay mommy" I look at her and see her smiling down at me

"I can hear them from here" D-D-Deenah laughs


We've been standing hewe watching mommy and my aunties met with the fans

"Wobby can I go and play with the fans?" I ask

"but I don't know if your mommy would like that" he fwowns at me

"I pwomise that I stay by thewe" I pointed the just behind the cuwtain

He sighs "ok. Stay where I can see you" he lets go of my hand as I go and play with the fans

"Aw you are adorable" one the them says

"Lauren your son is so beautiful. Can I take him home?" anothew yells

"No no. My boy is my boy. No one takes him away from me" my mommy picks me up and spins me awound making giggle and the fans scweam

"Come on baby. You can take some photos with us" 


Your P.O.V

*self harm mention*

That was one of my favouwite memowies befowe evewything went bad. That leads us to whewe we awe now. Me on the toilet with a wazow in my hand. I've done this befowe. I doesn't huwt so much, I still have the scaws fwom the last time I did this. I held the wazow ovew my wist but befowe I could I heawd someone shout fwom downstaiws.

*no more self harming*

"Mijo? Come down for a moment" my gwandma, Clawa, calls me

As I walk down the staiws I think about why things got so bad. Why do the fans hate me? What did I do?

"You called?" I say as I weach the bottom of the staiws

"Well your mom called and told me to take you out for the day. How does that sound? Me, you and grandpa?" she asks

I thought about it. It was a good idea howevew, this means that fans can hate my face to face othew than online thwough

"No. I'm ok thanks fow the offew though" I politely decline

"Nieto (grandson) it's not good for you to stay up in your room all day" I heaw my abuelo (grandpa) speak fwom behind me

"B-B-But the hate" teaws fowm in my eyes

"Aw bebé niño (baby boy). Why didn't you say anything?" my gwandma holds me in hew awms and sits mr dow on to the sofa

"I told mom but it's getting worse" I cwy onto hew shouldew

"Mi niño (my boy), what do they say?" my gwandpa hugs me and sits down next to me

"They- they- they make fun of me because I can't pwonounce wowds pwopewly" I cry even hawdew

"Está bien (it's ok). Don't listen to them. They're just jealous of you. You're good looking, speak Spanish, you're doing amazing in school." Gwandama whispews in my eaw

"She's right, you know? You are making us all so proud. Chris thinks you could be the next him in volleyball" my gwandpa laughs

"Then there's Taylor, she admires how strong you are. Having an impediment isn't easy but you're doing everything you can to push through with it and live your life. Your aunts think that you are the most amazing young man that has ever lived. Me and your grandpa admire you. We love yu for who you were and who you've grown up to be." My gwandma weasuwwes me

"Last but not least me" I heaw my mom's voice

"I love you for who you are. You're such an important part of my life. You're everything to me and I don't know what I'd do without you" She wushes ovew to me and embwaces me in a tight hug

"Never ever ever listen to what they say baby. You are ore then they could ever be" I heaw Cammi say

"Haters gonna hate but lovers are gonna love"


a/n ending sucks I know. I couldn't think of an ending. Sooo how was it? Please vote and comment! Also sorry for any mistakes

65 votes 30 comments

I have a part 2 for:

Pair of teases


New Adventures

Vote for which one you want uploaded next!! Comment the name of the imaging and I'll start writing asap

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