Life isn't Perfect (Edit in p...

By CharmOwl27114

491 33 11

It was time to change fate. she's done with all the waiting and her friends decide to push her towards a bett... More

Life isn't Perfect (New Version)
Chapter 2 -- Sing with me.
Chapter 3-- Electrical shock and annoying guys
Chapter 4-- Amusing you say? (Part 2)
Chapter 5- The Resolve and her sweet side
Chapter 6 - Trapped and Shooting Skittles
Chapter 7 - Awkward Situations and Amazing answers
Chapter 8 - Jealous Jackass and Jumping Jellybeans
Chapter 9 -- Sweet like candy (Unofficial)
Chapter 9 -- Sweet like candy

Chapter 4-- Amusing you say? (Part 1)

39 3 1
By CharmOwl27114

A/N: Heres the next chapter! hope you enjoy. sorry for the wait. :) OH! it\s only part one because:

1: theres no internet at home

2: Hectic week, NCAE'S (which I need for college), feeding program for the adopted children, Feild trip, checking of exams.. then we're going to watch a play for educational purposes. soo.. I AM REALLY SORRY. I'm uploading the next part as soon as I can! PROMISE.


Chapter 4— Adorable

A mischievous smile tugged at my lips as I pushed through the double glass doors of the library, but before I could do anything else I was pulled into a bone-crushing hug by my favorite librarian.

“Anna, dear!” Mrs. Bernard, stood there beaming at me once she had let go of me, “It’s been such a long time since I last saw you.” She said in a quiet voice.

I answered in the same tone, “Yeah. I saw you three weeks ago.” Mrs. Bernard worked at the Public library near my house during summer.

“You grow up so fast!” She gushed, “And you have a boyfriend!”

I grimaced, “Whatever Jason’s been telling you, please don’t believe him. He is not my boyfriend.” I told her. My black shoes made no noise whatsoever on the carpeted floor while I walked towards the ‘Teen Fiction’ section.

She looked at me in confusion, “Jason? He’s in California last time I heard from him. I was talking about that strapping young lad behind you.” She looked over my shoulder, and so did I. Ranier Williams was leaning against one of the wooden shelves, looking at me as if I was the most interesting person in the world.

“Oh. You’re still there.” I turned back to Mrs. Bernard, “Jason’s back from California.”

Mrs. Bernard shot me a disapproving glare, “Anna, don’t be so rude to your friend.”

“Acquaintances.” I corrected her.

Williams tilted her head, “I thought we agreed to be friends?” I internally groaned, we did, just forty minutes ago. I counted.

“You know what? Why don’t we break that agreement? I don’t think I can handle being your friend without ripping your head off.” I told him in a low whisper. I grabbed ‘The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer’ from the shelf and started to skim through it.

It seemed so interesting; I placed it on the nearest table and continued my search. “You know honey, sometimes you become friends with the people you least expect.” Mrs. Bernard informed me. I scoffed, friends? With Ranier? Sure that would have made me jump in joy just a few months back, but all it did now was make me gag.

“Well, I better get back to work. I don’t want to get fired.” She turned to walk away but not without saying, “Sometimes, you end up being more than friends with the person you least expect to.” She hobbled off, a sly grin on her face. I think I puked a bit in my mouth. Gross.

My hands roamed the shelf, looking for suitable books. I didn’t stop until there were at least five thick books on my table. I sat down on the plush red sofa, making myself comfortable. Williams sat across from me, his head resting on his right hand; His eyes were burning a hole on my face again. Determined to ignore him for an hour or so, I read the descriptions and first pages of all the books I gathered, so far I was choosing between ‘The Witch of Portobello’ and ‘The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer’ I decided on the latter later on.

I read and read until I reached half of the book where one particular paragraph caught my attention,

“You're the girl who called me an asshole the first time we spoke. The girl who tried to pay for lunch even after you learned I have more money than God. You're the girl who risked her ass to save a dying dog, who makes my chest ache whether you're wearing green silk or ripped jeans. You're the girl that I--" Noah stopped, then took a step closer to me. "You are my girl.” 

I sighed dreamily, hopefully someday, someday, when I’m in college or something that one guy would say words as sweet as those to me. When the guy said ‘You are my girl’ I seriously fell in love.

I fall in love a lot with fictional characters. Those sweet and endearing guys who just sweep you off your feet? Yeah. I just love those sorts of characters.

The bell rang; I hopped off the soft chair and made my way towards the checking out counter where Mrs. Bernard stood. I handed her the book and my library card, she took  her stamp and marked the date of return on my library card and the book.

She cocked an approving eyebrow at me, “Oh wow, you survived.”

“What?” then I realized she wasn’t even looking at me, she was looking behind me. I looked too out of curiosity.

You have got to be kidding me.

A certain green-eyed boy looked amused again, he stayed? He actually stayed for an hour and watched me read? I thought it was creepy but I was sort of surprised that he managed to just sit there and not talk.

“I actually enjoyed my stay.” He chuckled, his voice rang loud and clear; he was speaking the truth. But why would he enjoy his stay if he just sat there and stared at me while I read?

Mrs. Bernard smiled kindly at me and handed me the book, she tugged on my sleeve and pulled me down so that our heads were both bent above the desk.

“You better get him to be yours before anyone does sweet pie.” She whispered seriously. I rolled my eyes, giving her my last goodbye then walking out the library.

“Leave—“I started, but Ranier cut me off.

“I think you’re adorable when you’re reading.” I blushed, “I’m going, don’t worry. Sorry for annoying you and flicking you multiple times.” Well sorry doesn’t cut it dude! I yelled at him in my mind, “—with a rubber band. I have Computer Science next.” He bid me adieu and went on his way.

“Yeah! You better walk away armpit face!” I yelled.

Well I wish I did, but there’s a possibility that I destroy my dignity whilst doing that. So, all I did was wave my hand and went on my own way.

I’ve never really met a guy who could just sit there and not complain while I’m reading. I’ve only brought a few guys into the library to try and finish a project, but they always fall asleep and I end up doing all the work myself. I try and try to walk but I was too busy thinking about one thing.

He told me I was adorable.


That one compliment sent my heart fluttering in my chest. Oh God, hearts don’t flutter; especially not for an irritating guy like John Ranier Williams.


Lunch came, and I walked begrudgingly to the cafeteria where there was a 99% chance that I might bump into two of the most irritating people in the school.

“Anna! Over here!” a blonde haired girl called me from a circular table. I jogged over to them, sitting in between Patricia and Alice. Sherlene was seated to the left of Tricia and Sheena sat next to her.

As soon as I sat down someone tapped my shoulder, oh please let it be someone who isn’t infuriating… I turned around, expecting to see a pair of green eyes or hazel ones. But boy was I wrong.

April stood there, dark sea blue eyes looking hesitant, her red hair swept into a neat ponytail. I grinned, “Hey April.”

“Uh… W-Would you mind if I sat with you?” She stammered. A blush colored her cheeks, standing out on her pale porcelain skin. She wasn’t new here or anything; I wonder where her friends are. I didn’t mean that to sound rude or anything… I’m merely wondering how she survived this shark infested sea without getting bitten.

My friends looked skeptical, eyeing the bruises on her face. I was about to reply and tell her that she could but then Alice being bubbly as she was beat me to it.

“Yeah, sure! You seem like a cool girl. I’m Alice Capri by the way.” Alice chirped, held out her hand and made space between me and her to let April sit down.

April looked a bit shocked at Alice’s enthusiasm but took the seat; she started to take bites out of her pepperoni pizza.

“Sherlene Castellan.” Sherlene reached her hand out for April to take; April took Sherlene’s outstretched hand and introduced herself, “April Hale.”

“Your last name is Hale?” I narrowed my eyes jokingly, “You never told me that! I thought we were friends.” I scooted away from her, giving her my fake ‘I’m mad at you’ look. We all laughed, joked and ate together for a while until someone had to ruin it.

“Hey Belle!” an overly enthusiastic male voice sounded from behind me, “Mind if I sit with you?”

“Yes actually, I do mind.” I told Jason, turning back to my food.

“Come on. That’s not the way you should treat your boyfriend.” He said. A shocked gasp came from my friends, I just rolled my eyes.

I turned around once more to glare at him, “You are not my boyfriend! There are thousands of girls in this school! Go annoy someone else.”

Patricia scooted aside to make room for Jason, Traitor! “Oh come on Anna. You told us he’s your long lost best friend, he’s just teasing you.” She said. Jason sat down, so now I was squished between him and April.

“But Belle really is my girlfriend. Before I left, we made a pact, promise or deal whatever you want to call it. I specifically told her that I’d return before her birthday if she promises to be my girlfriend when I return.” He told everyone around the table.

“Well, I’m breaking the promise whether you like it or not.” His eyes turned dark, and for a second I was actually scared.

He seemed to be taking deep breaths, “Anna, you know I don’t like broken promises.” He told me, “Don’t be such a hypocrite; I know you hate broken promises even more than me.” Uh-oh, he called me by my first name, it means he’s probably mad at me.

“I know Jay, but it’s just a promise I can’t fulfill... If you haven’t left and became a butt face, I could’ve accepted to be your girlfriend in a heartbeat. And besides, we were children back then.” I smiled softly at him; he seemed to have calmed down.

All of a sudden he had his happy demeanor again, “If you don’t want to accept my offer, I’ll just do it the old fashioned way.” What was he talking about?

“I’ll just have to court you until you want to be my girlfriend.” He gave me an evil smile and started to eat.

“Are you gay Jason?”  Jason started to choke on his food upon hearing my words.

He gave me his ‘Are you crazy look’ and said, “I tell you that I want to court you and you assume that I’m gay?”

“Yes, because you’re sitting at a table full of girls. You’re too enthusiastic to be a straight anyways.” I smirked, taking a spoonful of Mashed potatoes then shoving it into my mouth.

His eye twitched, “I am not gay!”

“How many girlfriends have you had?”

He looked away, “None.” Then he looked back at me, “How many boyfriends have you had?”

“None.” Wait a minute… I know why he wants me to be his girlfriend! “You want me to be your girlfriend because you’re just desperate right?”

“NO! I really do like you Belle, ever since I was three you were already the girl I set my eyes on.” A blush crept up on his neck and a chorus of “Aww’s” echoed around the table.

I just rolled my eyes, a blush also coloring my cheeks. Patricia and Sherlene stood up, gathering their trays then bidding us goodbye. We waved at them as they exited through the wooden doors of the cafeteria.

I twirled the cap of my bottled water around, thought swirled in my mind.  I think you’re adorable when you’re reading. The same sentence played over and over in my head, I shook them off.

How was I going to face Williams? Especially when we have the next class together? I can imagine it already, Williams sitting there, smirking as I stutter words. But then again, he won’t be paying attention to me, not now since Ariel Maynard perfect girl sits beside him.

“—she always spaces out like this, don’t worry.” I heard Alice say frankly. I snap back into reality, realizing that Alice and April were conversing about me.

“What?” I snap once I notice Jason staring at me.

“Nothing, you just look really pretty.” He smiles, I grimace. Unlike Williams earlier statement, Jason’s words did not distract me, make me blush or make me happy in any way. It was just a compliment; any one would be flattered when someone who’s not an old friend of theirs complimented them, right?

The five of us (Me, Jason, Alice, April, and Sheena) stood up, gathered out trays, dumped into their respective places and left the cafeteria. Jason parted from the rest of us and headed to his next class.

To say that I wanted to throw up would be an understatement when I entered the class; two people (Ranier and Ariel) were flirting shamelessly. Alice and Sheena took their seats as did April and I.

“You look beautiful today Ariel.” I heard Ranier say, there was a squeal and Ariel replied, “Thank you for the rose.” Ranier Williams probably pulled a rose out of somewhere and gave it to her.

They continued to talk to each other; Ariel was in the middle of talking about her trip to Paris during the summer when April slipped a note under my hand.

Are you okay??’ What sort of question is that?

I took my pen and scribbled quickly, ‘Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?’ She cocked her head to the side, a small smile playing on her lips.

‘You know, the disgusting flirting going on behind you.’

‘What about it?’

‘Are you okay with it?’

‘Again, why wouldn’t I be?’ They can flirt all they want, I don’t care. I shouldn’t care, right?

‘Don’t you have a---‘ The note was all of a sudden taken from her hand by Williams, he wore a triumphant smirk on his face. The note was crumpled in his hand, but just when he was unraveling it I yelled something embarrassing out.

“Ma’am, Williams took my notes!” My eyes bulged and both my hands covered my mouth. Some guy near the middle row snickered, “How old are you? Ten?”

Williams did not give the note back to me; instead, he tucked the note in the pocket of his brown slacks.

My TLE teacher Mrs. Dawson looked at us through her glasses, “What is going on?” Seriously, I had this teacher when I was in freshman year and she’s still oblivious to her students.

“Nothing ma’am.” I replied breezily, absent mindedly playing with the tip of my ponytail.

Her eyes narrowed but then she turned back to the whiteboard and continued to write our lecture.

“Give it back.” I hissed to Williams.


“Damn it! Give the fudging note back!”

He raised an eyebrow, “Fudging?”

“I don’t curse that much.” I scowled; at this rate it would be permanent on my face, “The note!”

“I said no.”

“Putek naman oh!” I exclaimed in a different language.

“What sort of language is that?”

“It’s Filipino.”

“You’re an Asian?”

“Quarter Filipino.”

Someone cleared their throat, both William and I’s head snapped towards Ariel, “R, I think you should give the note back.”

“But I’m curious.”

“It’s not yours give it back.” Ariel scolded, pointing a perfectly manicured finger to Williams, Ranier grumbled something but gave me the note back.

“Thanks.” I faced the teacher again. April was now head down on the desk, sleeping.

I rolled my eyes, “April.” I poked her once, “April!” I poked her again.

“April stop dozing off! I got the effing note back!” I slapped her head and she mumbled incoherently.

“Five more minutes.” I bit my lip; she might get in trouble if she continues to sleep like this.

An idea popped into my mind, an evil and mischievous smirk tugged at my lips…


A/N: Pathetic attepmt at a cliffhanger, but yeah. :))


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Me: Do you like her?

Ranier: Do I like who?

Me: Ariel!

Ranier: Of course I do, that's why I'm courting her!

Me: ANNA IS BETTER! *slaps some sense into him*

Ranier: *Falls to the ground unconscious*

Me: I think that slap was too hard.... *Drags Ranier's body to the nearest closet and locks it there*

BYE! \m/

Oh. and I've never read "The unbecoming of Mara Dyer" my friend has, and she sent me a link to the quotes :)) I'm planning to read it once Im allowed to.

she says its awesome.

she says she wants to stay anonymous because... she is the ever mysterious girl. XD *cough* (crazy person) *cough*

if this is in ITALIC. i just copied it from my word file... so please dont hate me.

BYE. :)

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