My Not So Bad Bad Boy {COMPLE...

By 27oreopandas

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"Nice foot work." a voice said. I lost control of the ball and tripped over my feet. I groaned loudly as my b... More

My Not So Bad Bad Boy
Chapter 1: New Life, New House... New Neighbors
Chapter 2: You Too Hot! Hot Damn!
Chapter 3: So Red It Would Put Rudolph's Nose To Shame
Chapter 4: AGAIN Don't Get Caught
Chapter 5: I'm Gonna Need You To Take Off Your Shirt
Chapter 6: Salva Me Maria!
Chapter 7: Flipping Dolphins in a Burrito
Chapter 8: Famous DJ
Chapter 9: Very Tight and Very Short
Chapter 11: I'm Not Like Him
Chapter 12: He Looked at Me Longingly ;)
Author's Final Note
Sneak Peek
Check It
Oh My God Guys!
Another Book!
I'm Sorry :(

Chapter 10:Are You Gay?

6.2K 237 156
By 27oreopandas

"No! We're the best twins!" Loggie exclaimed.

"No! We are!" Nehamiah objected.

"Shut it idiot." Both Liam and Jeremiah said at the same time as they smack the back of Logan and Nehamiah's heads.

"Hey!" The opposite twins said.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I'm glad both the soccer team and the guys are getting along. As expected, Sam was mainly talking to Beck about all the girls they slept with. At least, they were before I brought up Sarah, who by the way, was sitting right next to him. She got mad and punched his arm.

"Asshole." She muttered under her breath. I laughed. Grey was currently talking to the rest of the guys seeing as they were all quite boring and the same. Though, he was mainly talking to Benjie. Hmmmm...

Now I was over here with Jayden and Alex. Well, I was talking with him as Jayden just sent him glares. I rolled my eyes at him and continued talking with Alex. We were really getting along. I mean, we had the same interests and personalities. We both loved Cookies n' Cream ice cream and hated every green vegetable. We both adored little kids (which I found cute when he blush admitting this) and find heights terrifying.

"Then when we finally made it to the top it came crashing down. I think that was one of the only times I screamed like a girl." Alex finished telling the story and I was literally rolling on the ground and tears coming out of my eyes.

"Sure the only time you screamed like a girl," Jayden muttered. I ignored him.

"Ya, I remember going on the Twilight Zone of terror for the first time. I literally had my eyes closed and arms wrapped tightly around the rim. It was a horrible experience for a 9 year old." I said explaining my point of view of that oh-so-terrifying-ride.

He chuckled. I turned my head to the side and gave him a curious look. He smiled.

"I really like talking to you DJ." he said quietly. I couldn't help but blush.

"Ya me too." I say looking up at him through my eyelashes. Something changed in me and I think he noticed. I had a feeling, and I liked it.



"Well thanks for letting us come over and get to know you DJ. It was a pleasure to meet and have you part of the team." Alex said genuinely. I smiled at him.

"Well thanks for having me on the team and letting me have this opportunity Alex." I said reaching out my hand to shake his. He swiftly stuck his hand out only to wrap them around my waist. I stayed frozen for a second,  before I hugged him back.

"Shaking hands are for suckers. Your apart of the team, get used to the contact." He joked pulling away. I crinkled my nose. He chuckled at my reaction and waved.

"Goodbye D-" he smiled as he walked over. It all happened so quickly I couldn't help but laugh. He hadn't been paying attention and tripped over the stairs. He swiftly got up and laughed it off awkwardly. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"B-bye DJ." he stuttered and turned back around. I noticed him face palm himself. I giggled.

"Bye Alex." I called. I slowly closed the door and leaned against it. I unconsciously bit my bottom lip.

He's really cute.

And sweet.

Shut up.

"Muah! Muah! Muah! Someone's got a crush." Loggie said as I walked into the living room. I rolled my eyes at him and glared. Oh and don't forget about the blush.

"Shut up." I mumbled before sitting down next to Grey on the couch. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face in it.

"Aw, look! She does have a crush on him." Sam gushed. I just groaned but didn't pull my head up.

"O. M. Gee! She's growing up so fast." Liam said in a falsetto voice. He then turned to Logan and rested his head of his brother's shoulder.

"Our baby is gonna leave us dude." He sobbed. Loggie shook his head unbelievably and patted the back of his twin.

"I know! We better strap her to the chair."

~10 minutes later~

"Is this really necessary?" I asked. I was currently tied up to a chair with duct tape wrapping my arms and legs to the chair.

"Yes. Yes it is. Grey! Hit the lights." Logan demanded saying the last part darkly. Grey did as he was told and turned off the lights. It was pitch black. Suddenly a light was shinning on my face.

"Do you or do you not having feelings for the victim, Alex Grier?" Liam asked as he paced around the room in front of me. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know. I met the guy today, what do you expect?-"

"Silence!" Sam interrupted.

"We will be asking he questions here, girly." Loggie said in distaste. I glared at him. I am not girly.

"Let us rephrase this, shall we? Do you or do you not want to have any romantic relationship with this- this Grier?" Grey asked out of no where. I gotta give it to him. I didn't think he would partake in such foolishness.

But I sighed either way and mumbled incoherently.

"What was that D-bear? I can't here you?" Loggie said placing a finger to his ear.

"Yes, I may or may not find him attractive and think he's really cute... And funny and talented and very nice. So yes, I think I have a crush on him." I smiled just thinking about it.

"Hit the lights." Loggie demanded once more. Liam did the deed and light came back to the room.

"Untie her." He stated. Sam began taking off the tape around my wrists as Grey did so with my legs. Once I was free I quickly sat up and smack the boys over the head.

"Out of my house... Now!" I screeched at the top of my lungs. They began filling out one by one.

"Grey!" I exclaimed before he could leave. He stayed behind and shut the door after Jayden left.

I sat with Grey on a couch.

"So, what's up squirt?" he asked curiously. I sighed and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Are you gay?"


The ball was swiftly passed to me from across the field by Alex.

"Run Jasper! Run!" Alex exclaimed. I took that as my cue and sprinted down the field while dribbling the ball. I saw a defense headed toward me and I smirked. He tried to take the ball away from me, but I easily did a rainbow over his head and caught it back with left foot.

I continued making my way across the field as I neared the penalty box. I looked around me to see all of my team mates blocked by the opposite teams players and two headed toward me. I huffed in annoyance, but pushed myself harder toward the goal.

I bet you would like Alex's ball going into your goal...

Not the time brain.

I shook my head ruffly as I continued and was close enough to the goal.

"Shoot Assad! Shoot!" Coach exclaimed. I did as I was told and shot the the ball. The ball flew into the goal as the buzzer went off.

"That's it folks! The Kings Dale KINGS win the game 3:1!" The crowd went wild as my team mates rushed to me. I was embraced in a tight hug by all of them.

"You did it again DJ!"

"Holy crap! Did you see that?!"

"Yasss DJ Yasss."

The last one came from Benjie. No need to explain.

They all then let go to go and visit their own friends and fans that will congratulate them.
I smiled. This is where I belong. As I was about to go to the gray stands two arms were wrapped around my waist.

"Nice job Jasper." A voice quietly whispered into my now red ears. I shivered and turned around. I placed my arms to rest on his shoulders. I blushed more at the closeness and looked up at him.

"Thanks." I murmured still embarrassed. I looked down.

Holy mother fu-

"Hey look at me." He said silently placing his index finger to my chin. "You did good..."

Was the last thing I heard before I felt lips gently placed on mine.


I didn't even hesitate. I kissed him back almost instantly...

"Uh, Squirt?"

I got out of my daze. I looked around to find it dark and my head laid on Grey's shoulder. I blinked.

"What?" I croaked out. He gave me a concerned look.

"We were talking about my sexual orientation then decided to watch a movie. You fell asleep." He stated.


Guess that wasn't real. What a shame.

I coughed awkwardly and got up from the couch.

"Ya." Was all I could muster. Grey continued to look worried.

"Well I'm going to go." was what he said before I heard the front door slam shut. I sighed and dragged myself up the stairs. This little crush on Alex- who by the way I just met- is getting to out of hand. I seriously just dreamed of us winning our first game together then kissing. Like what the heck?!

I don't even want to have a crush. Not after what happened last time...

No. That will not happen.

I shook my head and ran my hand over my face unattractively. I decided it would be a good idea for me to start exercising again if I'm gonna be on the team. I changed into some track pants and a sports bra. I took my untamed dark hair into a pony tail and placed my black and orange Nike's on my feet. I check the clock to see it was 8 p.m. Oh well.

I grabbed my phone and headphones and walked quietly down the stairs. Mom and Ron are in their room doing God knows what and Nicki is over Jacob's and Jayden's house. Grabbing some money from the counter and my keys then opened the front door. I decided to run to a park that is just over 2 miles away and put it into the Maps app.

"Continue straight for 1.5 miles then turn right on Sheridan Rd. You are on the fastest track to your destination and should arrive there at 8:30 p.m." the stupid voice said. I blocked it out and decided to listen to some old fashioned Green Day.

"Don't want to be an American Idiot!" I smiled and pushed myself harder. Gotta love Billie Joe Armstrong. As I let his voice and the sounds of guitars and drums play, I ignored the world around me.

Apparently the world had other plans.

"Omgh!" I sounded as I fell on the hard chest of the other person. We were both lying on the floor and I had yet to look up. I'm pretty sure I attract accidents.

"Well, if it isn't J herself." the voice chuckled. I instantly looked up. A blush came across my cheeks.

And ears.

I smiled and looked back down. Suddenly a finger was placed on my chin making me look up. He smiled down at me.

"Hey, look at me." he grinned. I took a sharp inhale of air.

"H-hey A-alex."


"You okay there?" he asked concerned. That's the second time a guy has been concerned for me today. I'm on a roll!

I quickly nod my head, yes.

After bumping into each other- literally I might add- we decided to jog to the park together. We, were currently sitting on a bench.

He tilted his head to the side as if he didn't believe me.

"I don't believe you." he said as if reading my mind. I sighed and let out a sob. What?

No seriously, why am I crying.

His expression quickly changed from concern to panicked.

"Uh, uh. Don't cry. Please don't cry. Um, uh. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do! Your too beautiful to cry so- don't do it?" he continued. My crying quickly changed into laughter. His expression just went to confused.

"I can see you don't know how to deal with a crying girl?" I choked out still not recovered from my crying. He instantly just hugged me. I was tense at first put then relaxed into it.

"Not in the slightest." he murmured into my ear. He then pulled away, but not entirely. I was cuddled up to his side and his arm was draped over my shoulders and the other one being placed under my legs. Wait, what?!

"U-uh. What are y-you doing?" I asked as he lifted me up and place me on his lap. He looked down at me and pouted.

"I honestly don't know. I'm the youngest of 4 boys. I don't know how to comfort girls." he used the hand that was under my legs and scratched the back of his neck. Instead of making it awkward, I just cuddled into him. He relaxed more and held me.

"Why are you upset?" he asked hesitantly. I sighed and snuggled even further- if that's possible.

"When I was younger, I was abused." he took and sharp intake of breath, "And I'm not going to lie and say that I'm okay now, cause I'm not. While I was being abused I-i would cut m-myself. I'm not proud of what I did, but once you've done it, you can't-" I let out a sob. "You can't stop. Before all that happened I was the co-captain of the boys soccer team and dating the captain, Gabriel. H-he came over my house one day a-and caught my dad abusing me." I cried at the end.

Alex began stroking my hair and whispering soothing words in my ear.

"He didn't even try to stop it. My dad called him over to help, and he did. My dad sat there watching as he- he raped m-me!" I sobbed and sobbed. Not once did I stop. I got Alex's shirt all wet, but he didn't care. He just stayed there trying to calm me down and didn't judge or even complain. He just sat there holding me and listening to me.

SOOOOOOO, please don't hate me for having a guy take Jayden's place in DJ's love life. I needed more drama. SHIT Jayden is gonna be pissed.


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