AcademyX- School For Gifted C...

By TannerSSmith

60.1K 2.9K 579

Joel Collins, a young man of only 16 has his life changed from ordinary to extraordinary after an incident th... More

Just Another Day
Not So Normal
Everyone Needs Friends
My Powers Awaken
The First Fight
Big News, And Big Trouble
Class Time
The Vanishing
Friendly Fight
Tradgedy Breaks Us All
Secrets Revealed
A Day On The Farm
Back To School
New Dimension
Doing Whats Right
Taking Risky Paths
The Facility
Meeting The Mastermind
War On The Inside and Out
Decisions and Choices
Going Back
When Everything Crumbles
The Bars That Hold Us
Almost There
The Things That Hurt Us Most

The Woods Bring People Together

2K 102 24
By TannerSSmith

We walk through the clearing leading into the woods. It's beginning to get dark, but it's already much darker than before because of the trees that the shadows cast down. This place is so creepy, and I already regret coming, but I have to help them. The walk is mostly silent except for the sounds of cracking twigs and occasional bird chirps. Everyone else seems afraid as well. Clara especially, she jumps at every little sound, and I can see that she's shaking like an old lady's hands. I can't imagine how it would be to be taken out here, like Kaitlyn and Jackson. I guess I'll try to lift everyone's spirits by saying something, anything.

"Hey, how's everyone doing?" Kameron asks.

"I'm fine, but what if we can't find them? Do we even have any idea how to get back in case of an emergency?" Clara asks nervously.

"I'm sure we will find something soon. I mean how far could they be?" Adam says, trying to make the young girl feel better.

Out of nowhere, we hear a loud, high pitched, yet far, scream in the distance. The group runs towards the scream. After about 5 minutes of running we come to a small clearing. Paw marks and claw marks covered the ground. Clara gasped and we all looked over to her. In front of her was a small puddle of blood. I hope it doesn't belong to one of my friends. Behind us, we hear some one yelling, yet this time, it doesn't sound scared.

"Guys wait! Sorry I didn't come at first. I was, I was just scared" the voice says.

It was Damon. He must've came after us to help.

"Hey dude. I'm really sorry" I say to him, feeling very sorry about leaving him behind.

"Don't sweat it. I probably would've done the same. Now let's get going guys" Damon says.

Damon walks over to the blood and examines it.

"Do you think this belongs to them?" Damon asks.

Let's hope not, I think to myself.

"Over here!" Kameron says.

We turn to see Kameron pointing at a small narrow path between some trees. There are more prints in the path. Half way done the path we find more blood on the ground, just drops this time, but blood is still not a good sign. Up ahead we see another open space. We rush in quickly. Kaitlyn and Jackson sit tied up against a tree. We run to their side. They have worried eyes, but they say nothing.

"What's wrong?!" Damon yells in an attempt to get some answers, but all he gets are concerned looks. Suddenly Kameron screams and falls to the ground. We realize immediately that he's hurt. Damon scrambles over to him and rolls him over. He's unconscious and bleeding badly from a wound on his back. Everyone becomes very alert, all except for Kaitlyn and Jackson who are still tied up and not speaking. A tall, black, cloaked figure walks slowly out of the trees.

"Why have you come here?" The figure asks.

"To get our friends! Now who are you?!" Damon asks.

"I'm Kal, Kal Sutton, and your friends belong to me now, so you can go. Enjoy the rest of your day now children" the figure says.

"They don't belong to you crap for brains! Why won't they talk?!" Adam says.

"Because I told them not to. They obey me and me only" Kal says.

Clara steps forward, gesturing for Damon to step back.

"Please Mr. Kal, please let my friends go. Why are you doing this? Can we trade somehow?" Clara asks.

"Aren't you a sweetheart? They are stuck in this mess after coming here, into my woods, looking for a girl" Kal says back to Clara.

"Marianna. Was that her name?" I ask.

"Yes, and she belongs to me as well" Kal replies.

Damon pushes Clara back and jumps forward again.

"And just where is she at?! Why can't we have our friends back?!" Damon asks, loudly.

"She is dead. You won't be seeing her again" Kal says.

"How could you?!" Clara asks.

Damon lunges forward towards the man with a ball of fire in his hands. Just before striking him with the flame, the man disappears and then reappears behind Damon. He blasts Damon with a ball of dark energy, throwing Damon a couple feet away. Suddenly everyone knows what must happen. Me, Damon and Clara stand ready to fight.

"Foolish children. You think fighting me is gonna help you? Even if somehow you do manage to beat me, those 2 will never again speak or do anything on their own, and Marianna will remain dead, forever" Kal says.

Damon throws a ball of fire at him, this time hitting him in the chest. The man flys backward, colliding with a tree. Kal stands up slowly and starts hurling the dark energy orbs everywhere. The orbs crashing into trees, rocks, and the ground create a large cloud of smoke. I start to choke and can hear the others choking as well. Behind me I hear the sound I recognized as a tree falling. The smoke starts to clear and I can see what's happening. A tall tree is falling and about to land right on top me. Just as I prepare to be crushed I feel a force hit me hard. I open my eyes to see Kameron grinning at me, and then he falls back to the ground, panting heavily. A tap on my shoulder confuses me as I turn to see Kylee smiling, and looking back at me.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask. "You are gonna get hurt. You need to go now!" I say.

"No, I'm here to help" Kylee says.

Kylee kneels down and directs her powers onto Kameron's wound. He sits up slowly, confused why he's feeling better, but as soon as he notices Kylee, he realizes why.

"Thank you" He utters before dashing off to help the others. I turn to Kylee.

"Now you have to leave" I say.

"No! I can fight" she says.

"All you said was that you were a healer and I don't believe healers have any damaging powers" I say.

"I lied. I didn't want you to know what my powers really were. I thought you would think I was weird" she says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because my powers are angelic. I have the ability to heal, but I also have the power to fly, create and use orbs of white energy, and I can project bright light out of my hands" She tells me.

"Why did you feel I would find you weird because of that?" I ask.

"Because I'm the only student at the academy that is in the special class" she says.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Well you are a mental, and I'm a special. Also I figured you would be afraid to be around me" she says.

"And why is that?" I ask her.

"I'm the only special because they are being killed. Someone is killing the specials. Just 2 weeks ago, the only other special besides me had been found dead in her room. I thought maybe you knew about that and didn't wanna be around someone who was hunted" she tells me.

"I had no clue, but I'm not afraid to be around you, in fact I will protect you" I tell her.

"You're sweet, but are you sure you can that?" Kylee asks.

"I'll try with everything in me" I say.

"Thank you, but enough talk, we have to go help"  she says.

We come to find Clara unconscious, Damon gone, and Kameron racing around dodging the orbs. I notice Damon in the mans grasp.

"Put him down now!" I demand.

"Never!" Kal says.

Kylee hurls a white orb towards the large man. When it hits him he flys back and throws Damon. I focus on Damon as hard as I can, and I can feel an imaginary hold on him. I lower him to ground, setting him down on his feet.

"Thanks, but uh, what's your girlfriend doing here?" Damon asks.

"She's not my girlfriend" I say, slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah okay" Damon says with a sarcastic tone.

"She's not!" I say.

"Yet" He says giggling quietly. Suddenly a large black orb flys past me.

"Watch out you two!" Kylee says.

I notice Clara and Kameron helping up Kaitlyn and Jackson, still gazing at nothing and staying completely silent. We throw everything we can at the man. Fireballs, stones, and white orbs. Finally he's hits a large tall stone very hard. This time not getting up. I look over to where I last saw the others, but they were gone. We walk over to the mans body. Just as we reach down to pull back his hood, his body vanishes and turns to smoke. Confused, we turn and head back to school. When we get back Mr. Hall, Clara, and Kameron are standing by the doors waiting for us. As we approach nervously, Mr. Hall walks forward saying something with a very shocked, yet proud expression.

"Alright everyone. I'm proud of you guys for saving your friends, but you can't do this. This time I'll let you off with a warning, but next time there will be serious consequences. You could've been killed, or hurt, like Kameron was" Mr. Hall says.

"What about Kaitlyn and Jackson?" I ask.

"They are in the medical center right now. They seem to be in a trance, but Kaitlyn is hurt pretty bad. She has a gash on her arm that seemed to be inflicted by a poisonous knife" Mr. Hall says.

"Oh my god!" Damon shouts, then runs quickly into the school.

"I'll excuse you children now, but remember to stay out of trouble" Mr. Hall says.

Kylee and I chase after Damon through the doors of the academy. When we get into the medical center, Damon rushes to Kaitlyn's bed side. She's asleep but he begins to talk to her.

"Kaitlyn, please get through this. Please do this for me. I care about you so much" Damon says.

Damon tears up, then leans down and kisses Kaitlyn's forehead. Her eyes open and she looks over to Damon. Kaitlyn pulls Damon in and kisses him. They gaze into each other's eyes as me and Kylee walk out of the room. We walk down the hall silently. I decide I'll say something break the silence.

"So the cure to the trance is a kiss?" I ask.

"I guess it is" She answers awkwardly.

"Does that mean someone is gonna have to kiss Jackson too?" I say, laughing hard at my own joke then realizing it made her laugh too.

We turn and look at each other.

"I know someone else who could use a kiss" she says.

After saying that, we lean in and embrace each other in a kiss. It was my first kiss, but it was good. She makes me so happy. We walk down the hall separating at the end to go to our rooms. This was a long, scary. Exhausting day, I think to myself as I watch her walk away. It ended great though. I turn and head down the hall toward my room. Glancing once more back at Kylee.

I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. I hope people are enjoying the whole story. Did you like the romance? Comment your opinions and w'ell see what's happens. Updating tomorrow with Kaitlyn's, my actual friend, help. Byeee!

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