Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios

De KreepyKitten2000

977K 16.9K 13.9K

Let's face it, we all have wanted to date these hot, sexy countries. The shy and cute Canada, the hero Americ... Mais

Characters and Requests
Sup, I'm {Y-N}
Wanna Hang?
You what?
What Should I Wear?
Happy Birthday Germany!
My Lips Are Cold, Warm Them Up For Me?
Happy Birthday China!
Woah There Tiger
Back Off She's Mine
Happy Birthday Taiwan
Happy Birthday Austria
Aww, That's Sweet
Happy Halloween
Happy Birthday Turkey
Awe, You're So Cute
Your Kiss Is Cosmic
I'm Sorry
Happy Birthday Latvia!
Hey! She Doesn't Like You!
Vacation's All I ever Wanted
How Could You!
Are You Suggesting Something?
Is This Right?
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Meet Aurora
Happy Birthday Russia!
Happy New Year
I Wish We Were Together Right Now
Happy Birthday Mr. Awesome!
Where Art Thou {Y-N}?
There You Are!
Happy Birthday Australia!
Happy Birthday Netherlands!
Do You Believe In Magic?
Happy Birthday Greece!
Happy Birthday New Zealand!
Why Are You So Annoying Today?
Happy Birthday Japan!
Happy Birthday Spain!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Birthday Lithuania!
Quit Copying Me!
Happy Birthday Estonia!
You Pervert!
Happy Birthday Egypt!
Awe, Mah Baby's Jealous!
Happy Birthday North Italy!
Happy Birthday South Italy!
April Fools!
Hey Um... I Kinda Need Help
What's This?
Happy Birthday Belgium!
Happy Birthday England!
Happy Birthday Norway!
Happy Birthday Cuba!
Happy Birthday Denmark!
Happy Birthday Sweden!
Happy Birthday Hungary!
Cold Air, Dark Night, Warm Fire, Bright Stars
Happy Birthday Iceland!
Can You Actually Do This?
Nice Try There Sweetie
Happy Birthday Seychelles!
Happy Birthday Hong Kong!
Happy Birthday Canada!
Happy Birthday America!
Please Don't Leave Me
Happy Birthday Liechtenstein
Please Stop, You're Scaring Me!
Happy Birthday France!
Awe, What A Cute Family!
Happy Birthday Poland!
Don't Point That Out!
The Tears Are Coming!
Happy Birthday Switzerland!
Everything About You Is Perfect!
Don't Cry Sweetie!
Grandma... Please Stop (#/。\#)
Happy Birthday Korea!
Happy Birthday Ukraine!
Happy Birthday Belarus!
Happy Birthday Sealand!
Happy Birthday Vietnam!
Back To School!
Updates and Life

Happy Easter!

6.1K 143 25
De KreepyKitten2000


"Maple, wake up." You heard and groaned. "Too early Mattie." You mumbled and you heard a chuckle. "Alright, then I guess you don't want any pancakes." Your eyes shot open and you reached your arms out and made a grabbing motion with your hands, wanting him to carry you. He sighed and picked you up and began to carry you down the stairs. Setting you down at the table you saw that the pancakes were in the shapes of bunnies. "Oh, today's Easter." You said and Canada kissed your head. "Happy Easter." You smiled and began to eat the pancakes.

"Alright dudette, I've had someone hide 50 Easter eggs around my garden and house. It's your job to find them all." You gasped and looked at him like he was crazy. "50! That's a lot, and all by myself?!" He laughed and ruffled your hair before placing a headband with bunny ears on your head. "So cute!" He said and you blushed. "Oh! And I hope you know all 50 states!" He said before running off. You looked at where he was standing and saw an egg. Reading it you sighed. On the egg, it read Minnesota.

"Please Arthur!" You begged and Arthur crossed his arms. "It's childish, no." You pouted. "Please, big brother France always does it. It's a tradition!" Arthur looked at the colored eggs in the basket. "I just want you to hide them for me." He looked at your sad face before picking one of the eggs up. "Alright, close your eyes and I'll hide them." You smiled and gave him a kiss before closing your eyes

"A dinner?" You questioned and he nodded. "Shì, it's a reason to make a gigantic meal tonight-aru!" You giggled at his excitement. "Wait!" He suddenly said before running out of the room before coming back with something behind his back. "What's-" You didn't finish before something was placed on your head. Reaching up curiously you grabbed what was on your head and rolled your eyes. "Are these... Bunny ears?" He nodded and gave you a hug nearly squashing you. "Can't... Breath Yao!" You muttered and he let go. "Duìbùqǐ, now... Time to start dinner!"

"Please ma petite colombe?" Francis begged you and you blushed and violently shook your head. "N-Non!" You said and pushed back the that he had given you. "Just for a few moments." "No! I don't want to wear it!" "But it's just for me." He pouted and you looked at his face. "Francis..." You trailed off before sighing. "J-Just for a second." You snapped with a heavy blush on your face. Changing into the outfit you peeked out the door where Francis was waiting for you and you sighed, regretting it. You walked out feeling exposed he blushed at you before you quickly ran back and change out of it.

"Ivan! Come help me!" You called out to him and he peeked around the corner to see you trying to reach an egg that was on top of the bookshelf. He chuckled before grabbing your waist and lifting you up while you gave a yelp. You looked down at him and gave him a smile while you grabbed the egg and put it in your basket. He set you down and you smirked. "Hey Ivan." You cooed and he looked at you curiously before you took the egg and smashed it against his forehead and ran off, with him following you.

"Vhy are ve doing zhis again?" Ludwig asked as you and Italy looked around for eggs, you occasionally stopping to take a bite of the chocolate bunny that you had. "Germany! Germany! I-a found another egg!" He said and you smiled. Poking Ludwig's cheek you smirked. "Come on Luddy, lighten up. Be a kid again." You said and grabbed a jelly bean. "Open up!" You said and he opened his mouth before you popped the candy in his mouth. He chewed before looking down at you with a small smile and ruffling your hair. "Jou're so childish." He muttered and kissed your forehead. "But, zhat's vhy I love jou." You blushed at his words, not used to him saying them so casually and hugged him. "I love you to Ludwig!"

"Open-a up!" Feliciano cooed as he threw a jelly bean up into the air. You quickly moved to catch it and cheered when you did and chewed. "Nailed it!" You said and swallowed the gooey candy. Feliciano moved behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek. "You-a look belle." He whispered and you smiled. "Grazie Feli." You said and gave him a kiss. "Happy Easter."

"Kiku! I can't reach the last egg!" You said sadly as you desperately tried to reach the egg above you. He gently smiled as he watched you before grabbing a chair and setting it down. "What jerk would put an egg up this high!" You questioned as you got back down to the ground with the egg in your hand. He shrugged his shoulders while you smiled. "Well, that's the last one... Time to eat chocolate bunnies!" You cried out happily and grabbed one before unwrapping it and biting into one of the ears. Japan went for a creme egg and ate it as he watched you happily chew your chocolate. "Happy Easter Kiku." You said as you swallowed.

"Hey, Lovi... Wanna do something mean?" You asked as you spotted Prussia over by Spain. He smirked and nodded while you handed him a peep. "Go over to Prussia over there, and eat this in front of him." He chuckled and kissed your cheek. "I-a love how you think." He said and you watched him. Prussia looked at Lovino in horror as he bit the head off and you giggled. "Oh my god! I can hear Gilbird's screams!" You yelled out and laughed as the albino paled. You and Lovino laughed as Spain hit you both on the back of the head. "Stop being mean to Prussia!" He said even though he had a smile on his face as well.

"Toooooonnnnniiiii!" You cried out as you ran to the kitchen. You crashed into his back and wrapped his arms around him. "Ah! What is it princesa?" He asked and you shrugged. "Are the churros done yet?" You asked and he laughed. "Most people would want chocolate bunnies, or jelly beans for Easter." He said and you smiled. "While they are good, I like your churros better." "Gracias princesa." He thanked you and you kissed the back of his neck. "Happy Easter España." You said and kissed his lips as he turned around.

"You know, most people spend Easter at church, or at home or with family... Not in a bar." You commented as Gilbert laughed. "Kesese, ve spend it here because ve are awesome!" He contradicted and you rolled your eyes. "No, you're just weird. But that's why I love you ya dork." He smiled and kissed your temple before taking a sip of his beer. The waiter came by and set a dish of jelly beans down at your table and you giggled. "Alright, that's different." You commented but Gilbert popped on in his mouth before turning to you and kissing you, passing the jelly bean to you. You squeaked but took the bean and chewed it. "Yummy." You said and grabbed some more.

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