Stay with Me #Wattys2017

By whiteflags330

840 98 10

The girl is Eliza Kelman, she's a music producer in Los Angeles and takes pride in her job. She loves to part... More

Prolouge//Cover Cred
Spin Offs


21 3 0
By whiteflags330

I woke up to the smell of breakfast, not sure what it is, but it smells awesome. I walked out of the guest room and to my kitchen wearing, red and white plaid pj shorts, my panda slippers and a shirt I don't remember buying, but it was red, had a dinosaur on it and said, "all my friends are dead." So, I was probably high when I bought it. I smiled at Haynes and he smiled back. He was wearing black pj pants and was shirtless, which no one ever complains about that. 

"Nice shirt." He pointed out.

"Thanks, I don't even remember buying it." I added.

He smiled and laughed a little under his breath, "That's because it's mine." 

"Oh." That makes a lot more sense, after all it's pretty big on me. 

Haynes served, pancakes, bacon and eggs, such a sweetheart. We ate and he stared at his phone, it looked like he was waiting for something. I looked over at his phone and saw nothing. I was super curious, but it felt weird to just ask. So, I waited and waited and waited. It felt like hours had passed by, but it was really just 5 minutes.

"So, you were going to tell me about your siblings?" I tried to make conversation.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm debating on something." 

I just looked at him, waiting to hear what it was. 

He looked at me and sighed, "I was thinking about quitting my job. I mean I hate it there, but I don't want to be the unemployed boyfriend." 

"It's Monday, so around 4 I could call Lewis and see if he could help you find a job. He is an artist after all." I pointed out. 

"I want to make sure I have a secure job before I quit. Or all that work was for nothing."

I smiled, "So, don't quit yet, go out with Lewis and I and find a secure job." 

He smiled at me with his stupid smile, "So, my older brother, Eddie is a lawyer and I barely ever talk to him anymore, but I heard he got a divorce. I didn't even know his wife." 

"And the twins?" 

"Actually, you'll meet all my siblings. After last night, my dad actually called me and said he was going to do a reunion. He said it was unfair that he didn't tell anyone of us about his wife."

"Not to mention, you weren't invited to the wedding."

"I know he's the same asshole that I grew up with, but I think I should go." 

"And I'll be your date! When is it?"

"This Saturday." 

"Perfect! Gives me time to go shopping." I winked with a smile.

He rolled his eyes and kissed me, "Oh, but first, we're getting a mattress for your room. We'll get change and then leave." 

"Fine!" I walked into my room. 

Okay, so I'm excited to meet his family, I never met one of my exes parents, unless they lived in their parents basement or they were drug dealers. Oh God, I should not bring that up this Saturday. Then again, none of them have really spoken to each other, at least from what I had heard. Maybe they're a lot cooler than Haynes is letting on. At least, Derrick and Amber seem to be the cool ones. I heard their names more frequently than the others. I don't even know the others names. So, I got changed into green skinny jeans, a black and white strip tank top, black converse and a silver dragon ear cuff. It's pretty normal, but super comfy. I walked into the living room to see that Haynes was ready. He was wearing ripped grey skinny jeans, a white shirt with paint marks on it, worn out and dirty blue converse and a wing necklace. This looks more artistic than Doctor Haynes. I'm going to admit, it's a lot sexier. I grabbed my wallet and car keys and we left. Yes, this time I was driving, didn't want it look like I was just using him for free car rides. We got to the IKEA and got out of my car. I stood next to him as we looked at the store with big eyes. You know the rumor, right? Any couple that goes in is destine to end up in a fight and I'm not sure we're ready for that. I hate fights. They are the God awful worse! But at least when we get out, it should be time to go job hunting with Lewis. Haynes and I held hands and took a deep breath. We walked in and hurried to the beds. 

"I care about you a lot and we won't get into a fight, right?" Haynes seemed super nervous.

I looked at the mattresses and pointed to the most comfy looking one, "I want that one." I wanted to hurry and get out. 

"But what if I don't think it's comfy?" 

"Better than a floor, " I rolled my eyes, but quickly stopped myself, "Wait. Lets try it, no need to fight."

He nodded and we tried it, we both liked it which was perfect, we went to cashier and then someone, me, got distracted. I saw a super cute dog and cat painting and thought it was perfect for my room. 

"Uh, what about my paintings?" He questioned a little annoyed.

"I haven't seen them. Plus it's soooo cute!" 

"You would choose cute over creative, okay whatever." He seemed jealous.

"Sometimes. You got a problem with that?" I questioned.

He nodded, "That's so stupid."

"Oh, so now I'm stupid?" See what IKEA does to a couple. 

"If you think that's good!" He raised his voice.

"Don't talk to me like that, you jerk." I added.

"Sorry if being a jerk means liking good art." 

"That cat painting right there, is good art, any artist should know."

"So, now I'm the stupid one?" 

I nodded with a smirk and evil eyes. 


"Yeah and I don't even know why I'm dating you if we're fighting over an adorable painting."

"Because I love you, that's why we're dating." 

I stopped and just looked at him. He did the same, but avoided looking at me and his face got all red. 

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