The Heart of Alexander

By kendeldon

92.7K 3.4K 399

Based off true events tells a story of Roxana, a Bactrian Princess held captive under Alexander the Great. Sh... More

Author's Note
Chapter One - Invasion
Chapter Two - Imposter
Chapter Three - Fighting the Enemy
Chapter Four - Betrayal and Betrothal
Chapter Five- Secrets
Chapter Six- Day of Doom
Chapter Seven- Hostage
Chapter Eight- Upon The Lash
Chapter Nine- His New Mistress
Chapter Ten- Potions and Poisons
Chapter Eleven- Monsters
Yet another message
Chapter Twelve: Snakes
Chapter Thirteen- The Desert Flower
Chapter Fourteen- Jealous Ambitions
Chapter Sixteen- The Monster's Madness
Chapter Seventeen- Beneath the Surface
Chapter Eighteen-Negotiations
Chapter Nineteen- The Desert Queen
Chapter Twenty- Philotas
Chapter Twenty One- Schemes and Vows
Chapter Twenty Two-Intoxication
Chapter Twenty Three-Sister Wives
Coming Soon!
Kill Him with Kindness
Chapter Twenty Four- Rebels
Chapter Twenty Five- Mercy and Grace
Chapter Twenty Six- Equals
Rant Time
Chapter Twenty Seven- On the Battlefront
From a Broken Heart
Chapter Twenty Eight- Life and Death Without Joy
Back and Pumped
Chapter Twenty Nine- Legacy and Love
Question and Answer Time!!
Chapter Thirty- Conquerors
Chapter Thirty One-Bucephalas
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty Two- Unstoppable Queen
Chapter Thirty Three- Queen of Savages
This is Not an Update
Chapter Thirty Four- Turning Back
Chapter Thirty Five- Deceit At Its Finest
Chapter Thirty Six - The Heart

Chapter Fifteen- Among the Stars

2.2K 97 4
By kendeldon

Yes, yes, yes, I know that this is from Game of Thrones and that's not what Roxana and Alexander look like but that's how I imagine he will treat her when you read the ending of this chapter. Mature scenes ahead. Yes I know it isn't as detailed as most smut but I didn't feel like going deep into detail this time. Soooo enjoy and don't hate me for the ending. o.o

I was thrown into the room, shooting the king a dirty look. I pulled myself off the ground, dusting off my gown. He tried to touch me, but instead I pushed him away. Just that action angered him more as he backed me against the wall, grasping my wrist together and holding them above my head.

"Do not test me, my wife. You belong to me now. If I see another man with you, I will cut off his manhood and feed you his remains," he threatened with a growl.

"Then what were you thinking of doing with that village girl?" I spat. As I struggled in his clutches, his grip suddenly became unbearable. I cried out from the sharp pain.

"Now, how about we finished our wedding feast without anymore embarrassments, shall we?" he growled.

His lips brushed my neck and I stiffled a moan. I could feel him smile against the nape of my neck. His hand went up into my hair, ruffling it as he bit and sucked the flesh there on my neck. He then released me, leaving me in a stunned state. He chuckled at my flustered appearance.

"Now the men won't question," Alexander opened the makeshift door, abandoning me in the doorway.

Alexander did that... to cover my embarrassing jealousy? Why would he care if I made a fool of myself? I despised the way he toyed with my feelings just as a lion would toy with its prey.

Theti and Ebony came to me, bright smiles on their faces. I was tugged back in the village home. I was distraught when Ebony yanked off the brooches that held the material together on my body. I held the material close to cover myself.

"Roxana, you must undress. It's time for your nuptial bath with your husband to signify the gods acceptance of your marriage," Theti said softly.

"I am not exposing myself to every man only for them to look at me like a piece of meat," I protested.

"It's Macedonian tradition, desert flower. You must," Theti pressed.

Alexander really is trying to make a fool of me. I sighed, feeling trapped before my marriage even started.

I stepped out of my robes and Theti opened the door. Instead of dancing like drunkards like before, all of Alexander's soldiers stood along together to make a pathway for me. I saw the men's stares, yet they were not hungry like I had presumed. Instead, they looked to me with awe as if I were a goddess. I walked slow and alone, following the pathway of men out of the village. Somewhere in the midst was a lake. I saw the moon shimmering on it and in the middle was my husband, a depiction of perfection from my naked eye.

His curls began to wisp around atop of his head, framing his face. Alexander's broad shoulders bulged with muscles and were covered in old scars; scars from his life of war. His muscles traveled throughout his body, going down his chest until his flesh disappeared beneath the rippling water. My eyes traveled back up to meet his. They darkened as his eyes raked over me. Now isn't the time to become afraid, I said.

I stepped into the pool of glistening water. The water was cold to the touch, sending a shiver up my spine. Can't be afraid, I thought, fear is a weakness. The water was now up to my knees, submerging my legs into the darkness below. All the while, I kept my gaze on him. I was now married to this man. I was his. I had no choice on the matter, but instead, it was my turn to act. I was now the queen of Macedonia and the rest of his empire. I had complete control over his army, his cities, his reigning kingdom. If I played his game wisely, he would be at my mercy long with the rest of the world. I smiled at the thought. I guess I'll just play along with his game a little longer, I spoke to myself.

I reached him at last. I took his hand and in turn he tilted my chin up so I could see him and he could see me. He smirked and nodded his head to the priest.

"With this, the gods bless this sanctification of marriage. You are now husband and wife, king and queen," The priest announced.

With one breath, we both went under together. The water washed us clean of our past life and lovers. The gods allowed for us to be married, but at the same time, it felt like they were abandoning me.

The soldiers cheered when we breached the surface. I blushed and shivered from the chill in the air. Alexander smiled victoriously and took my hand in his. As we reached the shore, Alexander's stallion stood there awaiting us. I was placed atop the horse and Alexander climbed on next behind me. Hephaiston fetched him the reigns and together we went back into the village to a home lit with torches.

Once we reached the house, I was suddenly lifted from the back of the stallion. I stared into the eyes of the devil, a monster. He picked me up bridal style and carried me inside, kicking the door shut with his heel. I clung to him, my arms wrapped around his neck, fearing he would drop me. My husband took me to his palette which was covered in animal skins for us. I didn't want to be here in the cage his arms and our marriage created.

"You can't escape me. If you run, I will hunt you down to the ends of the world. You are mine now," he whispered by my ear, as if he were reading my mind.

Alexander stroked my skin, sending shivers racing up my spine. As he planted his wet lips on my neck, I couldn't help but think back to his words. I couldn't run even if I wanted to. My family and my home would be on the line and at his mercy. Everything I worked for would go to waste. I had to pretend to be his good wife for now. At least until I take over his reign. I smiled to myself.

"You are my bride now. Let me pleasure you," he nipped at my earlobe once more.

I will never let a man, nor a beats like him, take my freedom. I dug my nails deeply into his skin as his warm breathe soothed my neck. A cynical smile crossed my lips as I deepened my voice and whispered into his ear.

"I will never truly be yours,"

My lips crashed into his like a wave. He growled against my lips, his tongue seeking entrance into my mouth. Our lips bruised each other's as our tongues danced around, fighting for dominance. He tried pushing me back down onto the palette, but this time I wouldn't allow no such thing. If I had to be his wife and lover, it would be on my terms.

My hands flew up to his curls as I climbed ontop of him. He looked at me, befuddled by my bold actions. I was proud of my courage. For once, I stumped His Majesty. I smiled triumphantly and kissed him again, my hands travelling down to his broad chest. He groaned in approval and stared at me lustfully. Gasping, he gripped my hips and positioned me on his lap. We kept our eyes locked on each other's as he cupped my breast in one hand, kneading it and squeezing. I stiffled a moan, wanting his touch, yet frustrated because of it. This isn't going as planned, I thought, I'm falling into his trap. He chuckled and I looked down at him, my brow furrowed in confusion.

"Looks like your plan didn't work, my queen,"

Before I could protest, he flipped me over beneath him. I looked to him in shock before he molded our mouths together. How odd it felt when I realized our lips, our bodies, our pasts intermingled and fit perfectly. The hard kiss became passionate, blossoming desires I had never felt before. How it scared me, being so effected by this man.

Our kiss broke, leaving us both breathless. His hands were now fisted in my hair and before I knew what was happening, a sharp pain sent me crying out. My eyes flinted up to Alexander's in panic. Another painful thrust came and this time Alexander's hand came down to cover my mouth. I began to cry silently as my monster of a husband took my innocence from me. I pleaded with all my might in my head for the pain to stop, for such torture to end.

As Alexander grunted and continued his assault on my body, I looked up to the small window where I saw the moon placed high up in the sky. At that very moment, the sky began to cry with me. I felt as though the moon and the sky could feel my pain, my agony. How I wished to be able to be placed high among the stars, far away from the hurt this world has brought to me. I wondered if Kiro was placed up with the stars as well, crying with the sky. No, I thought, Kiro is dead and in the ground as I am left in hell. I cried until I had cried the rest of my tears. At that moment, I sunk deep into myself, imagining myself among the stars and far away from the clutches of Alexander.

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