Mob Adventures

By YsaLisaRules

671 36 21

A group of mobs gather together in order to hunt down Herobrine. Together, they will encounter some problems... More

Friendships and Companionships
Entering The End
New Experiences
The Dare
The Ruler and The Knight
Finding Bea
Getting To Know Bea
A Fun Time
Adlaine's A/N
Nightmare Or Dream
Meeting him again...
The Quest For The Nature Goddess
Nature By Our Side
Another Day For Training
The Beast Inside
The Journey
Prepare For The Ride
Into The Nether
Nether: The Battle

Nether: The Arrival

17 1 0
By YsaLisaRules

(DC's PoV)

I went through the portal and the next thing I knew I only saw netherrack in front of me. We all came through the portal one by one. I decided to explore a bit. Herobrine's castle was thousands of blocks away in front of us. Although, It was still visible from our position. I looked at the monsters dwelling this realm. Ghasts flew everywhere. Pigmen walked around with golden swords. Blazes bathed in the bubbling lava. I felt something clinging on my leg. I looked down and saw Purity.

"Hey Purity." I said and Purity meowed. I patted Purity's head and she purred. She ran back to Cupa, who was behind me.

"Hey DC." Cupa said.

"Hi Cupa." I greeted back. I looked at everyone and they had smiles on their faces. "Am I the only one who's scared around here?" I asked and Cupa held my shoulder.

"Oh DC. We're all ssscared. Jussst trying to be posssitive. It isss gonna be a long day." She said and a smile crawled up my face. Cupa put her arm on my shoulders and she gave me a smile. Purity climbed up my head. I chuckled.

"You ready guys?" Endie asked all of us. We all stood in fear. Endie rose her hand up, expecting a high-five. "Uh. Guys? C'mon! Think positive!" Endie said but we weren't ready.

"We're... just not ready." I said and Endie looked at me. 

"Yeah..." Cupa said. "It'sss too dangerousss for us mobsss. I mean... He'sss an immortal mob. I jussst don't think we have a chance of winning." She added

"I think we should just-" Wither's sentence was cut by Endie.

"Give up?! So... What's the point of our journey here?! What's the point of collecting all this stuff?! What's the point of our sacrifices?!" Endie asked. "When you first came to me... You told me that we would have a journey of a lifetime and... It has been an adventure. I am willing to die trying than to give up. I will fight!" Endie said and she flew above the lava. 

"Endie!" Wither said. Endie stopped in the middle and looked at us.

"I'm sorry, Wither, but I'm not giving up just yet!" She shouted "I know you're scared but think about it. Would Bea want us giving up? Would all our friends want that? If you were in Bea's frightened and scared position... You would put all your hope and trust in your friends." She added and she went straight for land on the other side of the lava. "I hope you come to your senses." She said and left. We were all confused. 

"I'm with Endie here. I'll die trying." Nat said and she began walking around the lava. She drank a swiftness potion and ran to the castle. 

"Wither?" Will said and Wither just stood there. "I'm sorry. I guess... Our plan and expectations didn't get to be achieved." Will said and he ran across the lava. Wither sighed and sat down. Me and Cupa sat down. 

"What now?" Cupa asked.

"I don't know." Wither said and I looked down. "Heh. What happened to us? At first... we were so positive. Now, We just gave up." She said and Cupa stood up. She moved netherrack, with her telekinesis, and made a path way across the lava. 

"I don't know about you guysss but... Endie isss right and ssso are the othersss. We came all thisss way and for what? To give up? No. We have a missssssion. Our friend isss trapped inssside that cassstle. Won't you do anything for a friend?  I certainly would. Ssso... Either you're with me or not... I'm going." Cupa said and I was still scared. "DC. Wither. Don't be ssscared. Have hope and Never give up." She said before Cupa and Purity ran across the path. Wither nodded and I looked at her.

"C'mon DC. We got a friend to save." Wither said as she held a hand out. I sighed and took her hand. We, then, ran across and in to the castle. We saw Endie and the others hiding behind pillars. Herobrine's throne was right in front of us, but it was empty. 

"You've come to your senses, huh?" Endie asked Wither and I. We nodded. "Glad to hear that. Now... Shall we get this started?" She asked and we went along with our plan.


I was thinking that they would have an argument. Buut... No idea and plus it would make this book longer than expected since next weekend, I'll be posting a new book. So... I'll be updating M.A. a lot of times this week. Hope ya enjoyed! Till next time...

Goodbye and Peace out *Snap*


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