Life Of A Prostitute (Ziall H...

By BriannaLynnC98

222K 10.7K 3.3K

It's not something people plan on doing nor is it something people happily do. It's a way of survival. Zayn M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 21

6K 315 103
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

I spent the first few hours after Niall left to work just reading my book that I had been getting into. It was pretty good, especially because it had little notes on the side that Niall had left from when he read it. Some of the things he underlined made me laugh because he found them funny or things that he thought were cute. I found those more interesting than the actual book. The more I got into the book, the more I felt my heart melt for him. At one point, it started speaking of a little boy that didn't want to go to school, and Niall put a a small note saying he would like to go to his classroom if he were his teacher. I had to put the book down and take a moment because that's all Niall wants out of anything.

I think he would be a great teacher. He would care about his students and if he was helping them learn in the best way possible. Being a nursery school teacher would be something that would make Niall such a different man. He would be so much happier than he is now. I see that look in his eyes when he has to go to work. All I want to do in the morning is give him something to smile about when he has to deal with something that will take the smile away. That's why I did what I did this morning because I knew it would make him happy to know he's loved. Last night I know we both felt the love between us, I just figured I should keep the love going and show him this morning.

I think the most amazing part about doing stuff with Niall is that it doesn't feel like a chore or a job. It feels like we both do it for pleasure and love. Also the amount of fun it is to get him worked up and watch him fall. I was glad he understood why I didn't want to bottom. Especially after all the times I've done it and all the nightmarish memories that come with doing the intimate action. Even if I've been away from that part of my life for a while, the more it tries to sneak up behind me and wrap me up with something that I know now I'm better than. Niall has showed me I so much better than what I put myself into. But even with that, I still can't get rid of the way I feel towards the memories that pop into my mind.

Sometime between setting the book down and just thinking, I fell asleep. My dreams were weird because for once it wasn't a nightmare. I still wasn't used to having dreams, but having Niall next to me always made it feel safer. This dream was about my dad. It was a memory of waking up on my fourth birthday to have him in my room giving me a present that turned out to be a Power Ranger action figure. That day we both stayed in our pajamas watching the telly, but it was special to me I guess. Of course, my good dream of happy times with my father had to be ruined by the memories of my mum that day. My parents fought with each other because she was drunk. I went into the kitchen to see what they were yelling about, but that got me a beer bottle smash into my little arm that was ment to hit my father. I'll never forget how my dad picked me up and ran with me out of the house as blood dripped down my arm. He took me to the hospital to get thirteen stitches then out for ice cream, but the ice cream just melted in its cup because I felt so confused about what happened that made my mum act the way she did.

I sat up on the couch with a cold sweat going through my body. My hand went to the spot on my arm that was a small bumpy scar that was covered by tattoos now. My heart was beating slightly as I tried to fix what was rushing through my mind. Now is when I wished I could just call Niall up and hear his voice even for a second because it would make me feel better. I moved my hands and got up to go change out of my now slightly damp clothes and splash water on my face. I got into the bedroom and got one of Niall's favorite t-shirts on even if it was a little short on me. I also got some jeans on instead of sweats then went out to the small balcony that was off the bedroom. I took in a few deep breaths and just looked out at the cars driving on the street. I smiled when I saw Niall's car pull up. I didn't know how long I had taken a nap for, but I didn't really care because I got to have my Niall back now. I stayed on the balcony and waited to hear Niall come into the flat.

"Zayn, where are you?" I heard Niall yell through the flat. I walked to where I had heard him. He had his back turned towards me while he kicked his shoes off. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck. He laughed and turned his head to me to kiss me.

"I love you." He mumbled into my lips. He turned in my arms and let me kiss him slowly for a few minutes before we both separated to look at each other. He smiled, but his smile looked like he had a bit more on his mind than he could cover. I kissed his nose and pulled him into the living room so we could sit on the couch. He took off his belt that had his gun and a few other things that I didn't really like to see on him. He curled up to me as best as he could in his police uniform.

"You're home early." I pointed out to him, hoping that he would start to talk to me. His blue eyes looked at me and I could see he was trying to think of words to actually tell me even if he didn't really want to.

"I was going to put my two weeks resignation in, but when I went to my dad he lost it on me. I told him I didn't want to be an officer anymore and he said he didn't want me to be his son anymore. But before that, I got on my brother's nerves so he sent me and my partner back to the station early. He's being very reckless in his detective work, so I pointed out that he needs to start at a certain point and narrow down the problem from there. He got mad because he knew I was right then sent me away from him like a child. I just really knew I needed to resign because it was getting too close to getting me in trouble with you, but he wanted me to go check in with our father to get on a different assignment. My idea of assignment was to quit but my dad didn't like that. Greg even threw a few colorful words my way once he found out. However, him and his wife still invited me over for dinner anyway. It's probably because Denise, his wife, is trying her hardest to mend our relationship. Do you want to come with me?" Niall asked me. I took a second to think over the fact he wanted to resign, but the fact spending dinner with his brother was something possible overruled anything else. I shook my head immediately because I remembered my last encounter with Niall's brother and it wasn't one I'd like to relive. Niall sat up and looked at me seriously.

"Why not? I promise it will be over really fast. It's either we go there or we end up going out to dinner with my patrol partner who also wanted to get a bite to eat." Niall said, but I could tell he wasn't in the mood for catering to my needs. He was still wanting to make someone proud of him and have someone that was impressed by him. I just wished he knew that I was proud of him and would be even more proud if he could just stand up for himself. I was proud to hear he tried to quit today, but I guess hearing your father say he would disown you if you quit probably takes away any courage there was.

"He doesn't like me very much, is all. I think we can go though. It will be fine. Plus, I haven't met your nephew you always talk about." I said, trying so hard to hide the fact I didn't want to go. He smiled at me and told me to get ready in some nicer clothes so we could go to the store to get some of the good beer to take with us. I just bit my tongue and listened to him because I was actually really nervous about the way tonight was going to end up.

After we both got dressed in some nicer clothes, we left the flat to get to the store. Niall wasn't talking as much as I hoped he would be, but I could tell he had too much on his mind at the moment. Once at the store, he went to the alcohol aisle and I went to the small toy section to see if I could find something for Niall's nephew to make him like me. From the way Niall talks about him, you would think this Theo kid was his own. It's really cute to see him talk about him, so I just wanted to see if I could find something for this special little guy. I found a cool dinosaur that made sounds and walked so I took it over to Niall. He was on his phone still looking at the beer so I just silently walked over to him.

"Liam, I have plans tonight... No, I don't think that will work out either. Look, we can talk about it tomorrow. I'm sure we can sneak off for lunch and Greg wouldn't notice a thing. Have a good night." Niall said in the phone with a small smirk. I looked down at the dinosaur in my hand and felt a weird feeling of mistrust go through me, but then again I'm just a jumbled up mess because of where we're headed to. Niall turned around and reached out for the dinosaur.

"I wanted to get it for Theo." I mumbled. He nodded and walked over to kiss my cheek. I turned my head last minute so he would kiss my lips. That got me a real laugh from him and made all the negative feelings leave me. I kissed him a few more times before we knew we had to get going.

The drive to Niall's brother's house wasn't very far. It was a nice house and nice community, but I still didn't want to be there. Niall was feeling the same way, I could tell from the way he would squeeze the steering wheel and how his soft lips would always let out long breaths. I reached over and placed my hand on his leg to calm him down. It helped him for the most part, but other than that I could see he was so incredibly tense. He remained that way as we walked up to the door and knocked. I kept my hands to myself and told myself that he was my friend tonight, not the man I loved. That wasn't allowed tonight.

"Uncle Niall!" A little boy yelled happily once the door was opened by a pretty blond woman. She smiled at Niall as he picked up the little kid that was probably three. He kissed him up and made him laugh. It was actually really scarry how much they both looking alike. If I didn't know any better, I would think that was Niall's son. We Niall pulled my inside and nodded to the blonde woman.

"Zayn, this is my sister in law Denise. Denise, this is one of my best friends, Zayn. And this little guy is Theo." Niall said as he tickled the little kid. He reached out to poke one of my many visible tattoos on my arms.

"I want to color it!" He giggled happily. I smiled and pulled the dinosaur out of the bag before I turned into a human coloring page.

"As much fun as getting colored on would be, I think a dinosaur is more fun to play with. I got you this. I think it's pretty cool." I said, handing Theo the toy. He took it and immediately started pressing the buttons on it that would made it make sounds. He mumbled a small thank you, but he was too far fascinated by the toy to really care. Niall set him back down to go play and carried the beer into the kitchen where his brother was. He looked at me with cold eyes then to Niall. I immediately knew that this was going to be a long night.

All through dinner I had a cold stare directed at me from Greg Horan. Niall seemed to notice and slipped his hand in mine half way through the meal. Denise tried to keep a conversation going with Niall, but Niall was becoming almost as uncomfortable as I was and was loosing interest in what was actually being said to him.

"So, Zayn. Where do you work?" Denise asked me. That question made Greg chuckled coldly and lean forward into the table to look at me.

"Yes, Zayn, where do you work? I believe it was in sales, correct?" Greg asked me. I shook my head and felt like punching this guy right across the face because he didn't need to be doing this to me. Niall's hand that was in mine held it tighter for comfort and to control me.

"Zayn is actually an artist. He's not a starving artist, if that's where you were going next, Greg. He has allot of his work here and there. He's really amazing." Niall lied for me. Greg's smirk melted off his face after his brothers comment and he looked over me like he was wondering if he had the right person he was accusing of being a prostitute. He did, but I didn't want him to know that.

"That's very interesting. Maybe you can give Theo a lesson or two on how to color on paper and not the walls." Denise laughed to me. I laughed and little and felt my stomach turn just from the tension that had been going through my body. I excused myself to go to the restroom, but one I was in there it took everything I had not to just cry or climb out the window. I couldn't take this anymore. I know before I couldn't trust Niall because he was a police officer, but his brother is the police officer that feels he has power and power is an ugly thing. I took a few more deep breaths before walking out of the bathroom, but I was met with Greg standing by the door.

"I'll put this bluntly, stay the fuck away from my brother. He doesn't know about your past, obviously. He doesn't know you somehow got away from this disgusting crime. Get the hell away from him and maybe then I won't turn you in. Who am I kidding? I'll turn you in either way." Greg said. I just walked away from him with my heart beating heavily because I could feel in his words he ment what he said. He just didn't know that his brother did know about me and the only person he'd be hurting if he turned me in is his brother. But something tells me he wouldn't care.

A/N: an update!!! Yay!!! What language would you like to learn if you had to choose another language to speak that you don't already know!?!??!?!?!?!?!??! (I already speak English and a bit of Spanish, but I would like to learn French haha) Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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