Turning Tables (Jikook)

Da jikook_9795

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Jimin is not a vain nor a conceited person, but he knows he's talented and good-looking. This is why he audit... Altro

Chapter 1: How it all started part 1
Chapter 2: How it all started part 2
Chapter 3: BTS
Chapter 4: Destiny
Chapter 5: A Day Of First
Chapter 6: Its for the fans
Chapter 7: Facade
Chapter 8: Let Him Know
Chapter 9: Confession part.1: A little too much
Chapter 10: Confession part.2: A night of neglect
Chapter 11: Confession part.3: Endgame
Chapter 13: Realizations
Chapter 14: Second Chance?
Chapter 15: A Brand New Heart
Chapter 16: Questions
Chapter 17: The Kim Of Seokjin
Chapter 18: Bonds
Chapter 19: Old Times
Chapter 20: Best Friends
Chapter 21: Jealousy
Chapter 22: Cold Shoulders
Chapter 23: Wrong move
Chapter 24: Alien (tries) to strike back
Chapter 25: The Kim Of Taehyung
Chapter 26: Jungkook returns
Chapter 27: The Matchmakers part.1
Chapter 28: The Matchmakers part.2
Chapter 29: Plan No.1: Meet Me At The Porch
Chapter 30: Plan No.2: Double Date?
Chapter 31: Plan No.3: Kidnapped
Chapter 32: Feelings
Chapter 33: Jikook
Chapter 34: Date (For Real)
Chapter 35: Guilt
Chapter 36: The Truth part.1
Chapter 37: The Truth part.2
Chapter 38: Its Over
Chapter 39: The Aftermath
Chapter 40: Self-Deception
Chapter 41: Resolution
Chapter 42: Gone
Chapter 43: Finale: True Love
Chapter 44: Epilogue: After All These Years
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New book

Chapter 12: Revelations

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Da jikook_9795

Author's POV:

Jimin?! What happened?

Jungkook ran as fast as he could to reach the studio, not caring about the vehicles rushing around him anymore. When he reached the building, he ran to the dance studio, stepping on the blood droplets on the floor. He bumped into the staff that was carrying the props that wounded Jimin's arm moments ago.

"Hey, Jungkook, what's up with Jimin?" the man asked. Jungkook was unable to answer. "His had a very bad wound when he hit the props while walking out of the building, but he didn't seem to feel it. He didn't even care – he actually stared at nothing." When Jungkook heard those words, he felt guilt building up inside him. He can't stand it anymore, so he entered the dance room and locked the door.

"What's happening? Is that really his snapback? What happened to him? Where is he?" Jungkook panicked inside the room, pacing back and forth repeatedly. "Probably he is with Tae-hyung and Jin-hyung now. But, what about the wound? Where is that guy?" Jungkook was already losing his mind, not knowing what to do. The floor was already wet with sweat and tears both from Jimin and Jungkook. He felt his knees weaken. He was about to collapse when he heard his phone ring. He managed to make it to his bag to answer the phone before his legs gave up.

10 messages, 3 missed calls
"H-hello? Yoongi-hyung?" Jungkook asked. He was stuttering and shaking because of his endless crying. After all, he's just 17.

"Jungkook? Thank god you answered at last! Go to the hospital now! Jimin's hit by a car! I'll be waiting for you by the entrance." Yoongi said through the phone. After hearing what Yoongi said, Jungkook tossed his phone to the bag and carried it. He ran to the exit of the building and called the first cab he saw once he was out.

Once he reached the hospital, he quickly headed inside, not even paying attention to Yoongi who was asking him something. He just noticed Yoongi when he realized he didn't know where Jimin was.

"Where is Jimin, Yoongi-hyung? Where is he?" Jungkook asked while still sobbing.

"Follow me, he's in the emergency room." Yoongi said while he hurriedly headed to the ER.

The two of them half-walk half-ran along the halls of the big hospital, trying to get to Jimin as soon as possible. When they got there, Jungkook ignored all other members and rushed to the closed door of the emergency room.

"Jimin? Where's Jimin?! Bring him to me! Jimin!" Jungkook screamed while trying to pound at the door to open it, but to no avail. Tae then stood up and pulled Jungkook by the collar and threw him.

"What did you do to him, Jungkook? What did you do?!" Tae asked furiously. There was no hiding it. With what Jungkook did, he just let loose all the evils in Tae. Jungkook was unable to answer. He just looked around him. Everyone is sad, some are even crying. Hoseok is crying beside Jin who is also crying. Namjoon is sulking in the corner, with Yoongi who is staring at the floor. It's needless to say that Tae is also crying.

"ANSWER ME!!! What happened?" Tae screamed, shocking all of the other members and prompting Jin to stand up.

"I-I don't know. He left me in the studio and..." Jungkook explained. Tae was about to shout again when Jin grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from Jungkook.

"What did you say? Left you? You're the one who always left him! You left him hurting in every way possible. Jungkook, he loves you! He loves you so much! All of his efforts, you just ignored them! All of his confessions, you rejected. He confessed to you twice! You rejected him twice as well! Do you know how many nights he spent not sleeping, thinking about you, thinking of a way to make you accept him? The night he took you to the fountain, you went home ALONE!!! You left him there to cry his heart out. He fell asleep crying, not even touching the food that he bought and Jin hyung made. And now, here you are, telling us HE LEFT YOU?!" Tae exploded in front of Jungkook and everyone. Jungkook just stood there, tears falling ever so fast.

"I'm so sorry, hyung. I'm sorry." Jungkook said while sobbing hard. He was trying hard to catch his breath in between words. Now that the whole group knows about how Jimin feels toward Jungkook, they just felt all the more saddened. Now, everything makes sense. The way Jimin looks at Jungkook. The way Jimin fills Jungkook's bowl with food in every single meal possible. Why Jimin was very kind to Jungkook, even kinder to him than to all the other members COMBINED. Why Jimin feels sad every after he was alone with Jungkook. It all made sense to them.

"What really happened Jungkook?" Jin asked. Jungkook took a deep breath before he started.

"Well hyung, it all started when you and Tae left the two of us to buy food. When you left, Jimin-hyung started to practice again. While he practiced, I left him for a while to buy us ice cream. When I returned, he confessed to me again." Jungkook stopped when Tae tried to talk, but Jin put his hand in Tae's mouth. "Keep going." Jungkook nodded.

"He asked me if he even have chance." Jungkook continued, but Tae successfully cut him.

"And what did you do?" Tae asked.

"Well, I ignored him, but when he grabbed me by the shoulder, that's when I lost my control."

Tae asked again. "Tell us, what exactly did you tell Jimin-hyung?"

Jungkook took in all the courage in the world he can find during that time before he started narrating. He really didn't want to repeat the words he said, because more than how it make him feel guilty, it also hurts him. He was aware of how painful the words he said were to a person, let alone to Jimin who was sincerely in love with him. But he had to tell them. Even if they'll hate him forever.

When he was done, Tae suddenly rushed up to him and attempted to hit him square in the face, but luckily, before it hit him, Jin was already up to stop Tae. Jin had to wrap his arms around Tae, just to hold him back from killing the maknae.

"You stupid, insensitive piece of shit! Do you even know how much those words hurt, even just for a normal person?! Jimin-hyung is in love with you, and you didn't just reject him! You made him think that HE WAS THE MOST USELESS, PATHETIC THING IN THE WORLD! You not only took his heart away from him, you DESTROYED IT! Well, let me tell you something – you may be handsome, but you are the MOST STUPID PERSON I've ever seen. I'm not even sure if you're really a person!" Tae's words rang across the whole building. If only his voice had a higher pitch, the windows could've exploded right there.

Jungkook's tears just kept falling the whole time Tae was giving his lecture. He was afraid of Tae, but he was more afraid of what might happen to Jimin. He was about to answer when the doctor swung the door open and came out.

"Doc, what happened? How's our friend?" Namjoon asked. The doctor smiled at them before speaking.

"Don't worry, he's safe now. All we have to do is wait. He's been transferred to room 103. Just call us if something comes up." The doctor explained. All of the members rushed to the said room and entered it, finding Jimin lying on the bed with a nurse setting up the equipment.

"I'll be leaving now. Please call us if something happens. We'll be periodically monitoring him." The nurse said to the members before leaving the room.

Everyone settled down on the sofas inside the hospital room. They all looked relieved, except for one person, who just kept crying since he got there. Jin, who was previously holding Tae to prevent him from hitting Jungkook, let go of Tae when he noticed Tae was finally calm after knowing Jimin will be alright. It turned out to be a mistake to do so.

Tae relaxed for a while after Jin released him, but he suddenly rushed to Jungkook again. Again, he was held back by Jin.

"Tae, stop!" Jin said to Tae.

"No hyung, I won't hit Jungkook. I just want to tell him something." Tae replied. After some moments of arguing with eye contact, Jin eventually released Tae again and sat on one of the sofa with the other members.

Tae approached Jungkook and talked to him face to face. "You know what Jungkook, you are LUCKY. You're lucky to have someone as compassionate as Jimin-hyung to love you. You are lucky he fell for you, even though you don't deserve him, not one bit. But, right now, you are the luckiest shit that nothing happened to Jimin-hyung. Because if something actually happened, you are going to pay for it." Tae said to Jungkook. Jungkook couldn't answer. Everything that Tae said was true. Jungkook is lucky.

"Yes hyung, I know." that was all that Jungkook managed to answer.

After Jungkook said that, Namjoon, who was still a bit confused, decided to talk about everything. "Ok, guys, since we are all here, Tae and Jungkook, you need to explain everything – how did it get here, what happened, how it started. Everything." Namjoon said, prompting Jungkook and Tae to take their seats.

Tae was the first one to talk. "Jimin-hyung said he met Jungkook the first time when he auditioned for BigHit. At first, he thought he only found Jungkook attractive. But as the events turned out, Jungkook also auditioned for the same company. He thought he already forgot about Jungkook during the training, because we rarely saw him. But when the group formation came and he knew that he was at the same group with Jungkook, he didn't know how to feel. Time went by, and he just found himself become very fond of Jungkook and blushing whenever they had any contact. It's is then Jimin-hyung realized he was falling for Jungkook. The nights that you saw me and him in the porch, we're actually talking about his feelings for Jungkook. That became our favorite spot." The members listened to Tae attentively, paying attention to the details he was giving.

"Keep going, Tae." Hoseok urged Tae to continue.

"There were lots of times that he doubted his chance of having Jungkook to like him back." Tae continued. Jungkook suddenly looked up, but immediately returned to bowed-down position.

"There were nights that he stayed up, crying over Jungkook. At first I was confused how come Jungkook never noticed. Now I know why. He doesn't care." Jungkook's tears began falling again on the tiled floor as Tae continued his story.

"But you know what, he didn't give up. All because of his dying love and my pressuring. You see, I don't want him to give up, because I want him to be happy. There's a very slight chance for him, so I pushed him toward continuing to pursue Jungkook, even though he is hurting, because I THOUGHT it will make him happy in the end. I thought wrong." Tae ended. The members looked enlightened after the long story telling. The things that happened in the past and the things that are happening now just made much more sense to them. Jungkook, on the other hand, was releasing a river of tears. It is weird how his eyes don't run out of tears.

After a few moments, Namjoon started again. "Ok, thanks Tae. Now, Jungkook, it's your turn to explain your side of the story."

After a few inhale-exhales, Jungkook opened his mouth to start. "I remember seeing Jimin-hyung in the corridor that day when the two of us both auditioned for BigHit as idols. I bumped into him when I was on my way to the audition room. I didn't that much attention to him though, because I was already running late for my appointment." Jungkook stopped to look at the members for a while. He saw Tae looking at him with a look of disapproval.

"When the training days came, I thought he didn't make it, because when I entered the room during the first day of training, I looked for him but I didn't see him. After the talk, I continued looking for him. Well, I saw him, and that was our first formal introduction to each other. When the training started though, I forgot about him, because we are busy and I didn't see him in the building. When the groupings were announced, I didn't even think of him as being my band mate, much less my roommate."

"So how did you feel when you knew you were in the same band?" Hoseok asked with curiosity written all over his face.

"Actually, I was quite happy about it, because I already knew him. Then, it started. I noticed him being too fluffy and clingy to me. Not that I don't like it, but I feel awkward when he does it. It was just way too much for just random skinship. So I started trying to avoid him. When he becomes too clingy, I tried to do something to make him go away. It just... doesn't feel normal to me." Jungkook stopped when he realized what he said can mean something else. He just shrugged the feeling away.

"There was one time that he didn't initiate the contact. Remember the fan meeting we held last time?" Jungkook asked. The members hummed and nodded in confirmation.

"Well, I was the one who initiated the fluffy thing that we did. The time when Tae-hyung called us 'love birds', I was actually the one who started it, because I was really in a good mood that day. Actually, I did all of that for the fans, because I think the fans liked how cute we looked."

"Well, Jimin didn't like the fact that you did that for the fans, Jungkook." Tae said to him. Jungkook gave a confused look at Tae.

"What do you mean, hyung?" Jungkook asked to Tae.

"Did you know Jimin cried a lot about that? That night, before you went to bed, you told him that was for the fans, right?" Jungkook nodded. "He cried that night. When I came to your room, I accidentally touched his pillow. It was wet with tears. He doesn't deserve that, Jungkook." Tae said, he looked away. Jungkook can already feel his tears building up again.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know that - "Jungkook said but he was cut again by Tae.

"THAT'S THE POINT! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" Tae shouted at him. Jungkook was unable to keep his tears anymore and he let them flow again, for the nth time today.

"Hold it, Tae! Be calm! Let's listen to Jungkook first. Jungkook, keep going." Namjoon said, making Tae look away, trying to calm himself down.

Jungkook nodded and continued his story. "Then started all his confessions. There were three of them, the last one resulting to this." Jungkook said as he looked at Jimin, who was lying on the hospital bed, motionless, as if he was really dead.

"The first one was in our room. He confessed to me when we were about to go to bed. I ignored his confession, because I thought he wasn't serious. Actually, I was very sleepy that time that I didn't bother to analyze what he said to me. He was about to say something, but I cut him to tell him to tone down his clinginess to me, because it was quite irritating sometimes." Jungkook explained to the members. Their poker faces suddenly turned to a more of like annoyed. They didn't like the story of Jungkook.

"I was oblivious of his feelings back then, because I still couldn't register that he likes me. I don't believe it. I didn't until the second confession, when he took me to the dancing fountains, with food. He was very prepared. The food smelled very delicious. But unfortunately, we didn't have the chance to eat it together. He confessed to me before we ate. This time, he really said it all to me, straight to the point." Jungkook stopped, and checked the faces of the members before continuing. He hesitated, because what he saw were faces filled with annoyance, confusion, and other negative emotions.

He took a deep breath and continued. "I rejected him." He paused, and checked at their faces again. Tae wasn't looking, but his hands were clenched into a fist.

"I told him I just can't see US. There's no US. Then, after that, I immediately forgot about everything, trying to become the real me again. Fortunately, it was easy for me. Apparently, it wasn't the case for Jimin-hyung. I see him every day, just sulking in our bed, not leaving. Not even to eat, or drink. Tae-hyung just brings him the stuff he needs. I wanted to talk to him – to make him want to live again. But I can't. I'm afraid. I'm sorry. Then, this... this... thing... happened... I-I am sorry..." Jungkook said as he ended his story.

The members all looked distressed after the story. The word 'unbelievable' was written in their faces. The room was silent for a few moments until Namjoon spoke again.

"Jungkook, you had it wrong this time. You messed up, Jungkook. No, you fucked up." Namjoon said, not looking at Jungkook at all.

"I know hyung, I know..." Jungkook replied as he let tears fall from his eyes one last time that day.

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