Born In The Saddle - Quicksil...

By CalmOnTheSurfaceX

11.4K 792 132

At age nine Jenna Michaelson's whole life was already mapped out - future world and Olympic three day eventer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Book 2

Chapter 25

657 42 41
By CalmOnTheSurfaceX

The wait for the Open class to begin was agonising. There was still half the start list to go in the Intermediate, and then at one they were taking a break for lunch. My insides couldn't take it.

I tried to keep myself busy, to make the time go quicker, but it still seemed to move slower than usual. Amber had returned to her normal bubbly self as soon as she'd crossed the finish line. She was now wolfing down her second cheeseburger. We'd both starved all morning, since we were too nervous to eat. But Amber's appetite had now returned with a vengeance. Mine hadn't. I was even more of a nervous wreck than when we'd arrived.

After brushing Blaze down and letting him rest, I'd gone back out on my own to have a closer look at the Open course. It really was massive. But Blaze could do it, that I was confident of. I was the problem here. I had to focus this time or I really would be putting the two of us in serious danger.

Near the end of the course there was one particular combination that had me worried. Fence 22 was a set of three large roll tops, but they were all set at different angles. If we were together and positioned well it would be possible to ride like a dart straight through, taking a single stride between each fence. But there was no margin for error. If we were slightly off course from the first we'd never make the distances between the other two parts. There was an alternative route, but it was so long and windy it would absolutely kill any chance we had of winning.

'Jenna! Jenna! Quick they're announcing the results.' Amber called at me as I wandered slowly back towards the rings.

'In first place....' Started the announcer.

There'd been so many entries in the Intermediate that rosettes were being given out all the way down to tenth place.

'I got a double clear, hardly anyone got round the cross country without faults. I might get a rosette.' Amber jabbered nervously.

'In second ....'

'Calm down Amb's.' Said Clay. 'I can barely hear the announcer.' Amber was fidgeting terribly like she had itching powder down her jodhpurs.

'And in third place....Amber Warner riding The Lady Phoebe.'

Amber stilled at the sound of her name. 'Third?' She said simply like she couldn't take it in.

'Yes, third.' I beamed and pulled her into a hug.

Amber bounced around the showground for ten straight minutes after that. 'This was our first Intermediate you know.' She gushed at anyone who caught her eye. I couldn't help but laugh as I watched her flit from one person to the next, showing them her rosette, whether she knew them or not. The only way Clay and I managed to calm her down was by waving another Cheeseburger under her nose.

I kept checking my watch every couple of minutes willing for the time to pass. Clay was talking to me but his words weren't going in. His voice was like background noise, my nerves going into serious overdrive.

'I can't do this. It's too big. I can't.' I whispered.

'Rubbish!' Clay said sternly, taking on the forceful tone he always used in the arena.

'But...' I started to mutter only to be cut off by the sound of a familiar voice.

'Jenna Louise Michaelson. Your father would give you a clip around the ear if he heard you talking like that.' I turned to see Joe striding towards us, Maggie trying to keep up by his side, and the little yappy twins, Scrap and Rusty, bouncing around on the end of their leads.

'You came!' I gasped shocked, but relieved to see them.

'Course we came. You don't think we'd miss this do you? Only I'm afraid we're a little late, car trouble.'

Amber rushed up behind me and hugged them both.

'Look, look I came third.'

'Oh goodness dear, that's terrific. We should have been here but the car broke down coming out at the top of Salter Hill.'

'Don't worry about it, not your fault.'

'How did you get here?' I asked as it suddenly occurred to me that Joe no longer had a licence.

'Your mum picked us up.'

'Mum's here!' I half yelled in shock. 'Where is she?'

'Hmm, not sure.' Joe turned back and looked around. 'Well, she's around somewhere. Anyway that useless hire car broke down so we had to wait for a tow truck to get us back to the yard.'

'So how did you get here?' I asked, still confused.

'Connor brought us.'

My eyebrows near leapt off my face at the sound of his name.


'Yep. We left him parking up. Ah, here he comes now.'

I looked passed Joe's shoulder and saw Connor striding towards us. I gulped at the sight. How is it possible to look so good in a simple pair of jeans and black Hunter wellies? And yet he did. Girls and their mothers alike did double takes as they passed him. But he didn't seem to notice as he made a beeline for our little group.

'So how's it going?' He asked.

'I got third, look.' Gushed Amber and waved her yellow rosette in his nose.

'That's terrific, well done. Jenna?' He turned and looked me straight in the eye for the first time in days.

' could have gone better. I messed up on the cross country.'

'But it doesn't matter, right Jen. That's in the past.' Clay added firmly. 'You're gonna put it right in the Open. Yes?'

'Yes.' I answered uncertainly.

I was just about to head back to the box to retack Blaze when I spotted my mum marching towards me. Her face looked like thunder. She was seriously pissed. Oh god, she must have seen the size of the fences - she's not going to let me ride.

'Mum? What's the matter?' My heart sunk as she grew closer making her look even more angry by the second.

'What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong.' She growled. 'That snooty cow Meredith Wickham. I've never met anyone so patronising in my life. To think I actually used to consider her a friend. And the daughter. Urgh, don't get me started. You better go out there and knock that girl off her high horse darling.'

'Yes ma'am.' I grinned and saluted mockingly.

Amber helped me prepare Blaze and I was just about to climb on when the tanoy announced a hold up on the course. There'd been a faller, and it must have been pretty bad as there was going to be a delay. Terrific, I didn't think it was possible to get any more nervous.

Amber took Blaze out of my hands and led him around for me. I darted inside the box because I was feeling so sick I was worried I was about to pass out.

'You ok in there?' Came a voice that was able to make my heart somersault without any additional assistance. Connor climbed into the small living quarters and smiled softly as he found me pacing around restlessly.

'Hmmm. Yes. I'm fine.'

'Really?' He cocked an eyebrow. I did my best to smile back but even my lips were shaking. I was completely freaking out.

'No. Ok. No, really not fine.' I garbled. 'I can't do this. I was nervous before someone fell off now I'm terrified. I mean it must be bad right, otherwise they wouldn't be taking so long.'

'If that's the problem you needn't worry.'


'The lad was fine. He got straight back up and walked away. It's taking so long because the horse leant on the fence and broke one of the pins holding it up. The course builders are having to replace it.'

This news helped alleviate some of my anxiety, but not a lot.

'Good, ok, right.'

'How can I help?' He asked gently.

'You can't, thank you, but you can't. I'm just....'

'Panicking?' He smiled.

'Yes. Panicking. But it'll be fine. As soon as I get on I'll be fine. I just...I need something to take my mind off it....something to........' And then he kissed me. It took me totally by surprise as he took a step forward, completely closing the gap between us, and then sunk his lips against mine.

'How about that?' He whispered when we finally broke apart. 'Did that help take your mind off it?'

'Uh-huh.' I answered in a daze before the biggest grin spread across my face. Connor's eyes shone brightly as he smiled back.

'Jenna?' Amber's bright, lively voice called out just before her head appeared in the doorway. 'Oh, sorry.' She added as she saw Connor with his arms still around my waist. 'Erm, you're on.'

The warm up ring was much quieter than before, but that may have been helped by the fact that Tiffany was prancing around taking up all the space, and careering stupidly close to anyone who got in her way.

The pony she was on looked like it was on rocket fuel. It danced around energetically, spending more time in the air than it did on the ground. It's shiny chestnut coat was already drenched in sweat. But it's talent was obvious. It flew over every obstacle like they weren't even there.

Blaze and I warmed up steadily. And I did everything I could to keep us at the opposite side to Tiffany. The other competitors started to thin out until we were the only two left still warming up.

'Number 60.' Tiffany was called to the main ring. She harshly kicked her heels into her pony's sides and tore passed us like she was already out on the course.

'Good luck Jenna.' She said icily. 'You'll need it.'

I ignored her, refusing to even watch as she raced round the jumping in a record clear.

'92 you ready?'

'Are we ready boy?' I patted Blaze on the neck and he shook at his bridle like he was nodding at me.

'Ok, here we go.'

I could hear Amber, Connor and the others shouting good luck as we cantered into the arena and started our round.

The showjumping was bigger than before, though it still seemed tedious in comparison to the cross country. But if we were to have any hope of winning we needed a clear. Blaze clipped the fourth fence and I twisted my head back to see it rock a couple of times before settling back in the cups.

'Come on boy, concentrate.' I gave him a gentle tap with the whip on his shoulder to wake him up. But finally the last fence came up and we were clear. I turned him towards the stick pile out of the arena and then we were surging forward into a gallop as we headed into the trees.

The first half of the course vanished quickly behind us as we galloped at full speed, only checking back to a canter to face the fences. Blaze was eating up the ground again but he seemed even more focused than the last round. He was having the time of his life. Finally he was faced with a challenge as the large, wide fences tested his ability. But he met the challenge head on and powered over each jump with confidence. He bounded into the deep water fence with so much enthusiasm the water sprayed up and drenched us. But it didn't matter, we were clear.

Two thirds of the way round the crackle from a nearby speaker announced that Tiffany and her ride 'Majestic Kingdom' were still clear, but I pushed the distracting noise away. Until suddenly I spotted her in the distance. She may have been clear but she couldn't have been going that fast, we were catching her up.

We slowly pulled her in, and as we got closer I could see her pony looked exhausted. Tiffany had flown out of the arena like she was riding in the Grand National and she was paying the price now for going off too fast. Kingdom wasn't fit enough to stay the distance. And yet he was trying the poor thing. Tiffany was flapping furiously with her legs but Kingdom could barely respond.

She must have sensed us nearing, she turned and looked back at us over her shoulder, kicking her heels once more.

Although I was tiring fast too. The tension and stress of the day adding to my physical weariness. It's just as well Clay had Amber and I running. Otherwise, I think I would have flopped off back by the first open ditch.

We were nearly home. But there were still a couple of big questions to face first. The main one being those three scary roll tops. And they were coming up fast. Blaze and I soared over a wide ditch but in the distance I latched on to Tiffany who was readying herself at the first of the three jumps.

She was going straight. I knew she would. She'd spotted Blaze and I hot on her heels and she'd know that meant we were up on her time. She couldn't afford to take the long route. No one had cleared the direct route, most choosing not to even risk it and taking the alternative.

But Tiffany was too proud to show weakness. Kingdom leapt with a grunt over the first, popped in a cheeky extra stride to scramble over the second, but he couldn't make the third. He just didn't have enough impulsion. He ground to a halt and the underside of his neck banged across the top of the fence. Tiffany was nearly ejected over his head but managed to cling onto the saddle. She pushed herself back, looking dazed and a little shocked, only to be yelled at.

'Get out of the way! There's another horse coming through.' Called the fence judge.

I would have loved to see the face on Tiffany at that moment as she was rather rudely told to clear the course. But Blaze needed my focus. I flexed the reins bringing him back on his hocks, locked my eyes on the very centre of the first roll top and then kicked. We were dead centre, Blaze landed his forelegs on the perfect stride and then took off. As he landed his focus was already fixed on the next element, which he flew over and then the third.....and we were clear. I wanted to leap out of the saddle and fling my arms around his neck at his brilliance but we still had four fences to go.

The sunken road seemed insignificant as we bounded through like champions, and then we were galloping for the finish. Blaze was blowing hard, but he didn't slow down as we crossed the line.

'You did it!' Yelled Amber, running forward and patting Blaze furiously. I stood up in the stirrups to get my weight off Blaze's back and puffed hard trying to catch my breath.

'I can't believe it. You were amazing boy.' I gushed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I slid out of the saddle as the others caught up.

'Well done kiddo.' Beamed Clay. He took the reins out of my hand and Amber trotted off with him to look after Blaze. I wanted to follow and help but I was dead on me feet, barely able to hold myself upright.

Connor came forward and gave me a hug and a cheeky wink that made my heart thump against my ribcage. All I wanted to do was stand in his arms but then mum stole my attention. She pushed forward and wrapped her arms around me. She kissed my cheek and then pulled back to look me straight in the face. Gathered tears made her eyes sparkle but her voice was steady when she said, 'You're dad would have been so proud.'

A lump formed in my throat and it hurt to swallow. But it was worth the pain. She was right. My dad would have been proud. And I knew it.

The remaining crowds started to move towards the officials tent as the results filtered through.

Tiffany had been eliminated as Kingdom refused to jump again after his stop. She stomped off the course and threw the reins at her mother before locking herself away inside her flashy horsebox. They'd left soon after but a large crowd was still hanging around waiting for the prize giving.

I fidgeted nervously as the officials took forever, sorting through a load of paper work and result sheets from each fence judge. We'd gone clear. And we must have been fast the way we'd caught Tiffany. But I wasn't sure that was enough. There were a few much older riders who'd gone early and seemed able and confident. It could be close.

Finally, the head judge stepped up to the mic. The little Hoxley group held it's breath but none more so than me. I was so desperate to hear my name, I couldn't believe how much I wanted this.

'And first place goes to...' The judge paused, milking it as best he could. There was silence around us as everyone waited.

'....Jenna Michaelson and Silver Inferno.'

I released the breath I'd been holding and staggered back in shear relief. We'd won. Blaze and I had proven ourselves. Taken the first rung on the long ladder of making our name.

The prize giving flew by in a blur of clapping and coloured ribbons. But it wasn't until later when Amber and I were alone with the ponies that it really started to sink in.

We stood quietly letting Blaze and Phoebe graze for a little bit before we were going to head back to the yard.

'I can't get over how well today's gone.' Amber broke the silence.

'I know what you mean.'

'I wish we could do this everyday.'

'Maybe one day we will.'

'Hmmmm. So, what happens now? I mean, what are you gonna do when you go home?'

'What are you talking about?' I asked simply. 'I am home.'

The End

**********Thank you to every one who's read Born In The Saddle. I've loved reading your comments. Hope you'll come back when Jenna and Blaze gear up for a new adventure in Book 2 - Flying Start. Bye for now xxx**********

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