Captured! [Book 2 of The Deni...

By AmorAuctor

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Captured! Book 2 [Sequel Of Denied!]
1: Good Girl Or Bad Girl??!
2: Princi Poop!!
3: The Result!!
4: Keep Reminding Me!!
5: A Step Forward!!
6: Angry, Very Angry...
7: My Stupid Retarded Boys!!
8: Stop It!!
9: Happy Birthday Mase!!
10: Hello And Goodbye..
11: Hate.
12: Moving On..
13: Down To Business..
14: The Good News Or The Bad News??!
15: Let's Get Packing!!
16: Guess Who's Our Roommate!!
17: Burn, Baby, Burn!!
18: His Return..
19: Turned
20: Try Me Out
21: The Climb
22: Start Talking..
23: The Game
24: Captured! Part 1
25: Captured! Part 2
26: Captured! Part 3
27: Captured! Part 4
28: Well, That Was A BLAST!
29: Some Explaining..
30: Ready To POP!
31: Her Name...
33: Our Wedding

32: Haunting You...

1.4K 16 8
By AmorAuctor

Sorry, This Is A Filler..

The End Is Near But There Is Another Book When Rosaline Grows Older...

The Title Will Be Revealed In The Next Chappy.. ;)

Remember When Mase Was Talking To Lucien...? Just Keep That In Mind.. :P

Chapter 32: Haunting you…

“You told everyone I was dead?!” I screamed, clenching my fists.

“I thought you were…” Hade mumbled looking down, but then his eyes widened. “YOU’RE HAUNING US!! FOR REALS!!”

I raised an eyebrow.


“In hell?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“Where else are you gonna end up?” he said casually rocking on his chair.

I growled and chased him. How am I gonna end up in hell? I’m such an angel! I bet that’s what my job is gonna be when I die…an angel of awesomeness.


“I’m not dead!” I yelled, still chasing him around the counter.

“Yes you are!” he argued shouting.

“Are we really arguing whether I’m dead or not?!” I screamed throwing my arms in the air.

“Yes!” he said exasperated. “Please Roxy…you have to understand…you’ve left this Earth, you are dead”

I froze, thinking. He’s handing it to me on a plate…might as well have some fun.

I grinned deviously mentally.

“Oh my god…” I breathed out, obviously acting. “I am dead…”

Hade sighed. “You understand now…good, don’t let the angel hit you on the way out”

I raised an eyebrow. “Angel?”

“Yeah, Angel Rosa…you’re friend…the hot one. The one that you always talk to…she’s your guardian angel when you were alive dear Roxy” he answered, looking up dreamily.

I bit my lip to stop bursting out laughing. He thinks Rosa, his mate, is an angel. Right…

“You’re right Haden…thanks for informing me of this…” I said wiping a fake tear. “Goodbye brothers…”

I walked backward while waving my hands and arms like noodles, which my two stupid brothers bought; they hugged each other while crying. Once, out of the kitchen I rolled my eyes and ran to my room, to see the cot already built and Mase cradling Rosalie.

I sighed and jumped on my bed.

“What’s up?” Mase asked while placing Rosalie in her cot and jumping on the bed next to me, using his elbow to keep his upper half off the bed.

“My brothers are idiots” I said crossing my arms.

He chuckled. “Tell me something I don’t know”-

“They think I’m dead”

His eyebrows furrowed. “What?”

I shrugged. “Hade’s told everyone I’m dead”

“What? How? Huh? Why?”

“How am I supposed to know? And he thinks Rosa is an angel…Rosa’s his mate by the way…not our Rosa, the other Rosa” I said, and then a light bulb went off in my head.

“I don’t wanna know—on second thought, whatever it is—yes” Mase said.

I grinned. “Right…I need to make a call…”


“I can’t believe you made me wear this!” Rosa shrieked, pulling on her flowing white dress.

“Oi! Careful, I have to return this back to Jade! She’s gonna go mental if she finds it in shreds!” I said, making her spin.

She crossed her arms and pouted. “Why am I dressed as an angel again?”

“Cos Hade thinks you’re one” I answered, inspecting her face for any emotion, she blushed!  “And, he thinks I’m dead”

She giggled, giggled?

“He’s your mate enit Rosa?” I asked grinning, while putting some mascara on her; yes I know how to use it!

She sighed and nodded. “Yup, but obviously he doesn’t know, and thinks I’m a stupid angel…Roxy, an angel!”

I chuckled. “Yup, that’s Hade for ya”

She blushed at hearing his name.

“Dude, you’re like a lovesick puppy” I said rolling my eyes.

“Well, unlike you…I actually embrace it” she said smiling.

I grabbed the white wings and gave it to her, to put on. “Just put these on…angel”

She rolled her eyes and put them on. I grabbed a tiara and some glitter. I threw the glitter at her hair and placed the tiara on top. It actually looked quite good.

“Do I look angelic enough?” she asked doing a little twirl.

“Umm…put these on” I said handing her some white ballet stilettos.

She rolled her eyes but put them on. “Is it good now?”

I grinned. “Awesome! Now…Mase?!”

“Done!” Mase said with some rope hung around his shoulder and some glitter on his top, and paint, with a pencil on top of his ear. He also had a glass of blood in hand…his lips were red and I resisted the urge to jump on him.

Okay, I have to admit though…he looks freakin’ hot in his builder outfit…

“Great!” I exclaimed, clapping my hands together while tearing my gaze from Mase to Rosa, I’ll handle him later… ;) “Let’s get you into position, have you got the map of the vents above?”

“Yeah” Mase said handing me some blueprints.

I opened them and tapped the place that was circled and written in capital letters ‘LIVING ROOM!! THE ANGEL PLAN, MWA-HA-HA’

I looked at Mase with a ‘WTH?!’ look. He just shrugged and walked to Rosaline.

“Okay…um, let’s get you into position” I said grinning.


“Shush!” I whisper/yelled smacking Rosa on the head.

“Ow!” she whisper/whined rubbing her head. I smacked her hand.

“Don’t touch!” I whispered.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, pouting.

“I’m gonna call my bros…one sec” I said, giving her a grin.

{Hmmm…Mase? The whole thing is ready right? No mistakes or anything...?} I asked, I have to make sure…

{Yeah, everything is cool, I’m actually in the basement, tell me when to tamper with the lighting} He answered, I could hear the excitement in his voice.

{Right…okay, do you have the baby monitor with you?} I asked, have to make sure of this too.

{Yeah, Rosaline’s asleep, I could hear her snoring} He replied.

I smiled and then cut the conversation. But-

“Crap Rosa!” I cursed, still whispering.

“What’s up?” she asked, slightly alarmed, but she whispered it.

“I don’t have the mind link thing with my bros…” I whispered.

“But you have it with Kane” she answered.

“Oh yeah…” I said grinning. “Thanks”


{Roxy?! I knew you weren’t dead!} He said excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. {That reminds me, how the hell did that get into Hade’s mind?}

{Cos you were giving birth…} He replied. {And how’s mini-Roxy?}

{She’s awesome! Her name is Rosaline} I answered.

I got a nudge from Rosa, hurrying me.

{Right, I gotta make this quick! Who else knows I’m not dead?} I asked, rolling my eyes. Why is Hade so dumb?

{Ummm…Zane, Vince & I…The rest pretty much think you’re gone} He answered; I can imagine him scratching his head.

{Okay, just get everyone in the kitchen…and don’t give it away that it’s an illusion…Hade thinks Rosa is an angel} I said.

{Illusion? Angel?}  He asked.

{You’ll see…} I said. {Tell Zane & Vince too!!}

I cut him off and faced Rosa.

5 min later

{We’re in the kitchen} Kane said.

{Awesome! Watch the magic!} I exclaimed, bobbing up and down.

“It’s time!” I whisper/exclaimed to Rosa, still jumping.

“Right…stop it! I can’t believe my future brother-in-laws are gonna see me in this…” she mumbled.

“Hey! I’m your sister-in-law!” I whispered.

“Awkward…” I sang, still whispering.

“Right…is the rope tight?” I asked, tugging on the transparent rope around Rosa’s waist.

“Yup” she replied.

“Right…one sec” I said, grabbing the bloody axe. “You got the plan?”

“Yes” she replied. “Okay!”

{Mase, make the lighting go on and off then run in the kitchen!} I said. Suddenly the lights switched off.

Mase’s P.O.V

I grabbed the plier and twisted the wires slightly, my clothes had some grease and dirt on them which I think Rox found hot… The lights turned off and I grinned, grabbing the remote, it controls when to turn them off and on.

I ran to the kitchen and rolled my eyes when I saw what Hade was doing.

“I LEFT A TORCH HERE!! WHO STOLE IT?!” he yelled, rocking Eric back and forth.

“Haden, calm down…see what the loss of someone close does to someone, get a grip man” he said, in sympathy.

I rolled my eyes and hid in the corner while squeezing a small little bottle at the bottom of my eyes, my fake tears. I pinched myself, but it didn’t am I gonna look like I’m crying?

I shrugged and walked back into the kitchen, seeing Hade being rocked by Eric, both crying…

While the rest of the brothers had masks on their faces…such a good idea!

I was going to walk back out when Hade yelled my name. “MASON!”

I turned around facing them only to be attacked in a MAN hug by Haden & Eric.

I could sense the rest of Rox’s brothers, the more sensible and the ones who have a brain, grin.

I was also attacked by Mack hugging me from behind, they were all crying.

Why is my brother so stupid?

I coughed and they stepped back. Right…

I crossed my arms and wiped the fake tears, I leaned against the counter.

The lights started to flick on and off and I felt someone behind me, squeezing the hell outta me.

“What the hell, man?!” I yelled, grabbing Mack from behind me and throwing him to Hade.

“He even…talks…like Roxy!” Hade cried, holding onto Eric, Mack soon joined.

I rolled my eyes.

Some angelic music came on and Rosa came gracefully down from the vents upstairs, she had her arms flowing slightly so she looked angel-y.

She stopped mid-air and smiled. “Greetings, brothers of Roxy, Mack, Kane and her mate, Mason”

“That’s…her!” Hade exclaimed, jumping up and down and pointing at Rosa. “That’s the angel! Hello!”

Rosa blushed but kept her posture. “Well, I am here to inform you of grave news…Roxy has escaped hell”

“I knew it!” Hade yelled, doing a happy dance. “She was gonna end up in hell!”

I clenched my fists, my Rox is an angel!

“I can feel her!” Rosa screamed. “She’s near; you must take cover cos she will”-

She got cut off by Rox jumping down from the vent and holding an axe with blood over it, her clothes were ripped and she was wearing all black.

“Ahhh!!” Hade screamed like a girl, jumping into Zane’s arms…Zane dropped him on the ground and Hade started to jump up and down, trying to get a hold of Rosa.

“YOU WILL DIE!!” Rox yelled, putting the axe in the air and charging at Haden. How the hell did she get an axe?

“I DON’T WANNA DIE!! I’M TOO SMART & HOT!!” Hade cried, tears were streaming down his face…he actually believed this.

I looked at Mack & Eric who seem to have caught on…their faces were filled with relief and happiness, with some amusement.

“REALLY?!” Rox growled.

“YES!” Hade yelled.

“Then tell me!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU THINK I WAS DEAD?!” Rox yelled, dropping the axe on the ground and helping Rosa get down.

We were all on the ground right now, crying. How the hell did Hade believe this?

“Huh?” Hade said, confusion dripping on his face.

“I’m not dead, doofus!! Look!” Rox exclaimed, touching Hade.

“ROXY YOU’RE ALIVE!!” Hade screamed, engulfing Rox in a hug.

I rolled my eyes. Finally…











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