By Chingyonce

4.2M 232K 857K

"Take it! Just take it!" I demanded in annoyance, springing my whole body out as I tackled Harry from behind... More

Ch. 1 - You killed him with your bible
Ch. 2 - That jawline though
Ch. 3 - You got nice orbs
Ch. 4 - Inches deep in your mom
Ch. 5 - Yes Daddy
Ch. 6 - Catch these hands
Ch. 7 - Get wrecked son
Ch. 8 - I'm his good girl
Ch. 9 - Butt sweat
Ch. 10 - Obama care
Ch. 11 - Strictly platonic
Ch. 12 - Take my virginity
Ch. 13 - John Green but horny
Ch. 14 - Nice dick
Ch. 15 - I'm a good boy
Ch. 16 - Bathe in holy water
Ch. 17 - Stripper legs
Ch. 18 - Five dollar foot long
Ch. 19 - Your vagina is cheap
Ch. 20 - Mid-dab
Ch. 21 - Vanilla boy
Ch. 22 - Eh'm a barbeh gurl
Ch. 23 - Fuck-you-up cappucino
Ch. 24 - ¡Toro toro!
Ch. 25 - Lisa's Boy
Ch. 26 - Bad boy look
Ch. 27 - Happy
Ch. 28 - Short cake
Ch. 29 - Angry make up sex
Ch. 30 - You just killed Bambi
Ch. 31 - Every kiss begins with...
Ch. 32 - Vanilla chocolate swirl
Ch. 33 - Another one
Ch. 34 - Man Period
Ch. 35 - Tampon Basket
Ch. 36 - Stop
Ch. 37 - She Dead Now
Ch. 38 - A weem-ba-wah
Ch. 39 - Thank dah lord
Trailer (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Ch. 40 - James Bond
Ch. 41 - Balls not Udders
Ch. 43 - Woah Mama
Ch. 44 - Natalie's Straight
Ch. 45 - You're Adopted
Ch. 46 - First Love
Ch. 47 - Fanfic Logic
Ch. 48 - Olivia
Ch. 49 - Bad Boy
I'm Sorry
Real Sequel is up
New Story coming this Fall 2023
Tiktok for Updates

Ch. 42 - Stripper Penguin

62.4K 3.2K 8.7K
By Chingyonce

AN: Fun sneak peek at the end

Get zee kale chips he says.

Dey good por you he says.

"What is even up with that boy and kale." I murmured under my breath, looking for the bag of chips as I passed the rows of "healthy" snacks, cringing slightly when my squinted eyes skimmed over a bag of baked peas.

I let out a sigh of relief when I finally spotted the food I was looking for, my vision zoning in on one last bag of kale chips on the shelf besides the canned spinach as I reached my hand out for it.

My whole body stilled in surprise when my hand suddenly brushed against anothers making my eyes travel up to meet the gaze of a familiar looking middle aged woman who had reached out for the snack at the same time as me.

"Oh sorry." We blurted out in unison, an awkward smile spreading over my face as she let out a soft nervous laugh, both of our hands still holding onto the bag.

"I see you like kale chips as well." The brunette lady commented politely, her calm smile still in tact as I studied her face, wondering why she looked so familiar.

"Not really actually, they're for my homie." I informed with a small shrug, shifting on my feet awkwardly when the woman's grip on the bag of chips tightened making me do the same in return as our eyes locked and our smiles dropped.

"Well, since it's not really for you I'm sure your... homie, is it, wouldn't mind if you couldn't get him his snack." She said, her tone even and her thin lips slightly pursed as I raised my brows at her with a small smile.

"What makes you think I won't be able to bring him his snack?" I challenged causing her gaze to harden.

"Because I had my hand on the bag first." She claimed, tugging the bag of chips closer to her with me still holding on to it as I furrowed my brows and scrunched my face in confusion at her.

"Look ma'm, I don't really want to fight over a bag of kale chips." I told her with a forced laugh, plastering a small smile as I lightly yanked the snack in my hand towards me, causing her to tighten her grip on it as her eyes narrowed into small slits at my action.

"Me either, it would be quite childish wouldn't it." She said in a sickly sweet tone, her voice kind but her gaze hard as we both laughed lightly and smiled at one another for a few moments longer.

Before I could even blink she grabbed the bag out of my hand, whipping her body in the other direction, fast walking down the isle of food before I could even process what just happened.

"Ayo come back with my boy's chips!" I called out, running after her making her turn to me in shock before I jumped on her back, the both of us screaming and cursing at one another as she wobbled from my weight, bringing the bag out in front of her when I tried reaching over her shoulder for it.

"Are you bloody mad!" She cried out, almost toppling over as we crashed into the shelves of food while other bystanders gawked at us in shock.

"No I'm just really spontaneous and tend to act before I think which is kinda becoming a problem!" I yelled back at her, regretting jumping on the woman's back as she wrenched my hands off her shoulders causing me to fall flat on my ass.

The lady turned to me, one of the heels of her shoes snapping causing her to let out a loud scream of surprise as she wobbled back and fell into another customer's shopping cart, giving me the opportunity to sprint to my feet and grab the chips out of her flailing arms.

"Sorry about this! Here's twenty bucks to get new shoes if you want!" I said, trying to dodge her kicks as I tossed the money on her before I put the bag of chips between my teeth and pushed the cart, kicking it so it accelerated across the isle with the woman still screaming inside it.

I cringed when it crashed into a bin of avocados, the fruit falling off the display and burying the lady alive who was still stuck in the cart as I took the bag of chips away from my lips, placing my hand over my mouth in shock while a few employees and customers ran to her aid.

It was when I saw her head pop up from the pile of avocados that I released a soft sigh of relief.

"You bitch!" She hissed, pointing at me from across the hall as everyone turned to glare at me.

"Alright you ain't dead! Sorry again! Really! I am!" I yelled back, bringing my hands up before turning around and darting out of the isle with the kale chips in my grip.

I found Harry at the front of the store, leaning against the wall near the sliding doors looking down at his phone with a small frown before he looked up at the sound of my feet padding against the floor as I ran towards him.

"There you are? What the hell took you so long, I already got the rest of the groceries in the car-"

"No questions! Just run!" I panted out, stopping at the counter and running in place with adrenaline pumping through my veins as I fumbled with my wallet, dropping a bunch of loose change and coins onto the floor and counter as the cashier flinched.

"Keep the change." I wheezed when I realized I had probably thrown a good amount of coins out of my wallet before running back to a confused Harry, grabbing his hand with the one that wasn't holding his chips before leading him out the door.


"Oh I'm sorry, who was it again that told me they didn't need any help?" Harry questioned with a bored expression before a teasing dimpled smirk spread across his face as my knees began to wobble, glaring at him while he popped a kale chip into his mouth and chewed happily on it.

I made a strangled noise from the back of my throat since I couldn't open my mouth with the plastic bag between my gritted teeth, my arms shaking from carrying three plasic bags full of groceries on each of them as Harry continued to watch me struggle.

The curly haired bitch wouldn't open the fucking front door of my apartment.

I let out another wheeze, my eyes widening at him for emphasis on how desperate I was to get inside.

"I know I know you got me my chips and had to actually fight for it and even though you're absolutely crazy for that, I thank you. But I told you that we could just do a second trip and not carry all the groceries at once and what did you say?" Harry mocked, reaching out patting my head, ruffling his my dark hair as I narrowed my eyes and loudly growled at him.

"You said, and I quote, two trips are for pussies and proceeded to carry all the groceries to the elevator rejecting my help." He taunted as I let out a huff of annoyance, ready to collapse to the floor from exertion, the gravity of the grocery bags weighing me down.

I was now screaming through my teeth with wide eyes, stuck in place in front of my door with my knees bent, legs shaking and the bags hanging from my arms as Harry laughed and swung the key to my apartment around his long pointer finger, teasing me.

"Mmfth thmf hmm, mm fmth hmm!" I growled my threat through gritted teeth, still holding one of the bags in my mouth as Harry placed a hand over his chest in mock horror.

"Now that was just rude." He said, his smirk still in tact before he finally opened the door for me as I let out a cry of relief and shoved him out of the way, running straight into my apartment practically throwing the bags out onto the floor before collapsing to the ground next to them.

I was panting heavily, my cheek pressed to the cold wood floors as I heard the front door of my flat close before Harry's footsteps entered the room.

"Thank you again for my chips Nat." I heard him say, his voice genuine as he bent down to pat my head while I stayed there sprawled on the floor.

"Eh." I mumbled, closing my eyes for a bit until I felt Harry join me on the floor, his head resting against my back making me look up to find him leaning against me holding Carlos' laptop in his lap.

"You still putting in music for Carlos?" I asked, craning my neck to look at the screen.

"Yeah but look what I found." Harry chuckled in a mischevious tone before I heard the faint sound of overdramatic female moans coming from the computer.

"You found where he keeps his porn?" I laughed, not even the least bit surprised Carlos had that in his laptop as Harry lifted his head up, moving so I could sit myself upright as we both laughed and made fun of the ridiculously cringe worthy set up on the screen.

"Has someone been a bad boy?" The porn star lady drawled out, smacking a paddle against the palm of her hand as she walked around in her black leather barely there clothing.

"Has someone been a bad boy?" Harry and I turned to eachother, mimicking her in unison causing the both of us to laugh together before his phone in his pocket rang.

I took the laptop from him, getting out of the X-rated videos and into itunes, scrolling through the list of songs while Harry answered his phone.

"What? I can't understand you just slow down a bit- yeah just take a deep breath and calm down." Harry spoke into his cell, catching my attention as I pinched my bottom lip and watched him from the side before he stood to his feet.

"Be right back Nat, just gotta take this call." He informed me in a rushed tone, the both of us making eye contact before I nodded in understanding making him send me a small smile of appreciation as he continued to talk into his phone while he opened the front door of my apartment and walked out, closing it behind him.

I began to hum a tune under my breath, still looking through the music on Carlos' laptop before a random thought dawned upon me.

My story was due at the end of this week.

I had one last appointment scheduled with the editor and this was it, I was almost done with my book too.

I only had a few chapters left but I was still stuck on the ending, not knowing if I should keep it cliché and have the good girl and bad boy be together or have a twist at the end that no one would expect.

A knock at the front door interrupts my train of thought, making me get up with a small sigh, placing the laptop on the computer before answering the door.

I'm surprised when I come face to face with Liam, a cardboard box in his arms and a small tan colored girl in a head wrap besides him, holding what seemed to be a glass bottle of milk and a large sphere of cheese.

"Oh, hey Mr. Gray, what's up?" I can't help but laugh, leaning against the doorframe as Liam smiles, chuckling at the nickname I gave him while his face flushed a bit in embarrassment.

"Oh god please don't call me that. You have no idea how much I regret the things I said to you in that cafe that day. I swear I've changed." He grimaced, bearing a small pained smile as he took in a sharp awkward breath while I shrugged and nodded in agreement.

"Eh, it's all good man. What are you doing here anyways?" I asked, my eyes shifting to the small brunette next to him as I offered her a smile which she returned quickly, her coffee colored eyes bright with joy.

"Oh right! I'm sorry, I know this is random and we haven't talked since then and Georgia told me where your flat is but uh... well you see, I'm getting rid of my things. I'm done with the whole, you know, contract and uh, all that other stuff-" He rambled on, clearing his throat and shifting on his feet a bit before he brought his eyes back up to mine.

"I realized that you were also a dominant like me, or like- yeah so um... I thought you might want some of the stuff to try with that green eyed guy of yours." Liam offered, holding out the box to me, practically shoving it into my arms afraid that I might close the door and deny his offer.

"Oh wow- uh, okay," I began, fumbling with the object as I heard a few things rattle inside it.

"Now um, when you say stuff do you mean..."

"Sex toys and accessories, and even an outfit in there if you're into that." Liam quickly cut me off, looking flustered as well as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I know this is weird but you're the only other dominant person I know, I still remember all the things you told me that day at the cafe so I just, I thought..." He trailed off as I threw my head back and laughed at how weird this situation was.

Like hell I'm using any of this shit, but might as well take it off the poor guy's hands.

"Oh, this is Inga by the way, she brought you-"

"'Ello! I'm Inga. I bding you big goat cheese and fdesh llama milk yes. Good por bones." The girl next to him spoke up in a peculiar but endearing thick accent, a big smile on her face as she placed the circle of cheese onto the box in my hands along with the glass bottle of milk.

"Woah, thank you. I'm Nat-"

My sentence was cut off when Inga brought both of her small hands to my face, going on her tiptoes and giving me a quick kiss to my lips.

"Muah!" She said, pulling back with a smile before clasping her hands together like a proud mother as Liam closed his eyes and took in a slow shakey breath of frustration while rubbing his face.

I blinked at her in shock, Liam still running his hand along his jaw looking desperate to say something as Inga's confused eyes darted between Liam and I.

"Did I not do traditional Amedeecan gdeeting right?" She whispered under her breath at Liam, her wide uncertain eyes trained on me as she leaned closer to his side so he would hear her better.

"She's friendly." I noted, a smile breaking across my face as Liam shook his head and laughed, slinging one arm around Inga's shoulder making the smile on her face come back.

"It's a long story with this one..." Liam mused, my eyes widening in realization when I saw the look on his face, the admiration on his features as he stared down at Inga with a longing and almost loving look.

I cleared my throat, wiggling my eyebrows at Liam as he blinked and immediatly let his arm on Inga's shoulder drop, shuffling back a bit to give her space.

"Well uh, I just wanted to drop that off for you, Inga and I have some other things to tend to." Liam coughed awkwardly, tugging gently on the hem of the wrap on top of her head, signalling her to come along with him as she nodded with a smile.

"You thrink llama milk and ju tell me if ju like it okeh! I squeeze dem sthraight prom llama titties!" She said, waving goodbye to me as Liam smiled at her while I nodded with a small laugh, waving goodbye as well before closing the door.

Well that was... random.

I took the cheese and milk with one hand, placing it on the kitchen counter before I went into my bedroom with the box.

Only one thing to do with it.

Burn it.

I placed the box onto my bed, opening it to find a bunch of X-rated equipments inside that made me want to just febreeze my whole place with holy water.

It was the outfit that really got my attention though, a familiar black leather get up folded neatly in a plastic bag in the box like it had just been retrieved from the cleaners.

I looked at the tag on the plastic bag.

Yup, it was straight from the cleaners.

"That must've been awk-ward..." I said under my breath, letting my voice trail off as I smiled to myself.

"Oh my god." I said out loud, taking the bathing suit like outfit out of the bag realizing it looked just like the one that porn star was wearing in Carlos' laptop.

"Wait till Harry gets a load of this." I laughed out, holding the clothing against me as my hand ran against the fish net along with it.

Harry and I always made fun of cheesy low budget porn, it was one of the many things that we questioned why it existed in life.

An idea suddenly popped into my head, making me snicker silently to myself as I took off my clothes, tossing my sweats and crop top to the floor before I put the leather skin tight outfit on, making me look like I was wearing a bathing suit with a fish net and a low dip in the front, exposing a lot of my cleavage and ass.

I then did a squat, making the leather against my skin make a squeaking sound.

I felt like a penguin.

A stripper penguin.

I started laughing, moving my body around a lot to hear the awkward squeaks it made and squatting in the middle of my bedroom.

I suddenly heard the sound of the front door open, knowing it was Harry since he was the only one who had the spare key to my apartment as his deep voice carried out through the hallways.

Knowing it would make him laugh, I got to my feet and grabbed one of the paddles from the boxes, hitting the palm of my hand with it just like the porn star in the video as I heard his footsteps near my room, my back facing the doorway.

I regret a lot of stuff in my life honestly, but I think in this moment, I knew I fucked up.

"Has someone been a bad boy?" I smiled, playing with the paddle in my hand at the same time I heard Harry's voice say "You'll love her mum" making me turn around to find Harry and a short familiar looking woman holding a pair of broken heels enter my room.

Harry's mom gasped in shock, her face mirroring Harry's shocked expression at my skimpy attire, making me almost choke on my spit when I realized that Harry's mom was the same woman I had fought with in the store earlier today over the bag of kale chips

I made eye contact with his mom, realizing why she had looked so familiar when I first saw her as she glared daggers at me, horror and disgust clear on her face before we snapped out of our staring contest at the sound of a loud thud on the floor.

To top everything off, Harry had fainted and was now face down on my carpet.

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