BTS One Shots {Closed}

By stabiiboo

317K 9.3K 1.1K

Hello! Please read introduction! I hope you enjoy the scenarios! More

Please Read! Introduction:
7:00 pm | J-Hope
Basketball Accident | Suga
That Cold Rainy Day | Jungkook
Falling Badly | V
Curiously | Rap Monster
Don't Break Me | Jimin
Ripe | Jin
Wait I-I | J-Hope
Late Night Sleep | Suga
Little Secret | Jimin
You're the One for Me | V
My Model | Jin
Balcony Chat | Jungkook
Steal the K.I.S.S. | V
Pretty Nails | Suga
Jar of Lies | Jungkook
Promise? | V
Teddy Bear love | J-Hope
Prom | V
What a Bother | J-Hope
Practice Break | Jimin
Just Another Day | Rap Monster
Stranger to Friend | Jungkook
Why, Hello | Jungkook
Confidence | Jimin
Protector | V
Yes or No? | J-Hope
Two Beginnings | Jungkook
Found Him | Jungkook
Good Meets Bad | Jungkook
(Not a Scenario) 25 Things About Me
Turning Life Around | V
Author's Note!
Secret Santa | Jungkook
Back Again | Namjoon
Mistakes and Decisions | Jungkook
Late Pity Party | Rap Monster
Lucky Best Friend | V
At This Night | Jimin
Sentiments Pt.1 | Jin

A Broken Dream | Suga

6K 216 25
By stabiiboo

Requested by: Kpopismyhappiness

"Sooah!" My mom called me from downstairs.

"Yes, Mom?" I said when I got down.

"Can you run to the grocery store and grab some things?" My mom said giving me a list.

I bit my lip, "Um okay."

"Make sure you call me when you get there, okay?" My mom said giving me a kiss on the forehead, "and thank you."

I smiled a little and went the door. By the time I get there, the sun was already setting. The scene was pretty, but things that might happen at this time isn't.

Biting my lips nervously, I went to grab the things that my mom needed and quickly paid before it. Right when I went out the door, I looked to my right and made eye contact with a guy smoking outside.

He had dyed his hair minty green and gave off this weird aura that gave me chills. It just made me feel like I shouldn't mess with this guy at all.

I quickly looked away and continued to walk down the street, back to my house. I have already called my mom that I'll be back soon.

Suddenly, I felt someone grabbing my shoulder, causing me to scream. I pushed them and was to run before they grabbed my hand. "Calm down! You dropped something back at the grocery store and I just want to give it back to you!" I heard them yelled.

"Y-you're lying!" I said trying to free my hand from their grip without looking back at them.

Then I heard jingling sounds, like a pair of keys. Turning my head, I saw my house keys in his hands.

"Nice keychain by the way," he smirked as he examine it carefully in front of me.

I stopped and I felt his hand letting go of mine. I didn't know what to say and was too nervous to do anything but to stare at him fiddling with my keys and keychain.

He stopped and stared at me with cold eyes, his smirk gone. "You dropped these without even noticing," he said grabbing my hand and placing the keys on the palm of my hand. His cold hands holding onto my warm hands.

"T-Thank you," I said.

"Yeah," he said about to walk away in till a question popped into my mind. "W-Wait!" I said causing him to look back at me. "What's you're name?" I asked him.

"Min Yoongi."


Min Yoongi the kid who I meet in Junior high. Quiet, but yet a happy kid was what described him back then. Teachers and students had high expectations for him. They were looking forward to see what he will be doing in the future.

I didn't know what happened, but by the time we entered highschool. I heard some rumors about him, and they weren't good. It went from drug dealing to beating someone up.

We only talked a few times, but that was when he was the teachers pet. The last time I heard about him was when a student kept saying that he dropped out of high school when I was a Sophomore. Now I'm a Senior.

At that time, I wonder what had happened to the kid that was once happy and had a good reputation. The kid who won a competition for best poetry.

But as the years passed, no one seemed to care anymore. We've all forgotten about him. No longer wanting to see him what he'll be doing in the future.

He looked so different now. It's almost like he's a completly different person.

"Hey, are you okay?" My friend nudged me on the shoulder, trying to get my attention.

"Hmm?" I hummed and looked at her, "S-sorry, I was just thinking about something."

She raised her eyebrow at me, "About what?"

Biting my lips, I began to talk, "Remember Min Yoongi?"

She nodded. "Well I ran into him the other day," I slowly said.

She widened her eyes, "No way! What did he look like?! I bet he looks like a druggy now!"

I nodded, "N-No, he didn't look like that. He just looked cold and sad looking. He was smoking in front of the grocery store. I wasn't sure why, but he was there."

"What did you do?"

I exhaled and explained about me losing my keys and him returning them to me. "Wow, I wonder what he's been doing these days," she asked as I thought to myself.

I want to meet him again.

A week after meeting him, I was walking home late. Today I stayed at school to help the councilors and teachers set up an event that will take place at school.

Passing by the grocery store, I noticed that he was there. Smoking, staring at the pavement floor. It's like it's his usually thing.

How come I have never seen him around here at all? I go to that store almost every week, how come I just noticed him last week?

I didn't notice I was staring at him for quite a long time, that eventually he caught me. Quickly, I looked away and was blushing from getting caught while trying to walk away as soon as possible.

"Hey!" I heard him from behind.

I stopped walking and turned my head, to see him walking up to me. "Y-Yes?"

"You dropped this," he said handing me my keychain that had little cartoon characters on it.

"It was hanging from your backpack, but I guess it got too loose or something," he said.

"T-Thank you again, Yoongi," I said.

I don't even think you remember me, it's been such a long time since we've last talked.

"I do remember you," he said making my heart jump.

"I-I didn't mean t-to say that. I'm sorry," I stuttered, now wanting to walk away.

"It's okay, you were just thinking out loud," he said, sighing a little. I tilted my head slightly to the side.

The little Yoongi back at school was showing a little.

"Let's talk somewhere else, it's freaking cold out here," he said, making me snap out of my thoughts.

I nodded and we walked to a random Cafe that was near by. We both ordered coffee and sat on the booth.

"So... where have you been?" I asked.

"I've been around," he said trying to warm up his hands with the coffee, "You still go to school, huh?"

I nodded, wanting to ask him a personal question, but I wasn't too sure if it will offend him or not. I don't want to make him mad.

"You can ask me anything. I won't get mad," he said making me dart my eyes from my coffee to him.

"A-Are you sure?" I asked.

He nodded, as I sat up straight and think what I should ask him first.

"How come you don't come to school anymore?" I asked.

He sighed, "Because I gave up. After the shit I'm going though. I see no point at all."

"Then, what do you do now?"

"That's something I can't tell you," he said making me nod.

"It's okay," I said.

I smiled a little and looked at his features. "You look totally different since you last came to school," I said.

He chuckled, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Well, you look good, it's just you're totally different now," I said.

We talked for a few more minutes. Making me realise how he is still the same. He may look different on the outside, but in the inside he's still the same.

He smiled, as his eyes wondered around the Cafe. That's when the smile disappear. "I need to go, I'll see you around Sooah," he said nervously.

"How should I contact you?" I asked.

"Um, the usual place. You'll know," he quickly said as we both got up from the booth.

"I'll see you around," he quickly said as he ran out the door.

Raising my eyebrows for a second, I decided to brush it off. "He must be late for something," I mumbled to myself.

At the same night, my mom had gotten worry and scolded me for returning home this late. After apologizing, I went to bed and sighed tiredly.

My thoughts were clouded with Yoongi. The more I keep thinking about him, the more I want to meet him. Curiosity is beating me in this round. Eventually, I fell asleep in the process.


I bit my lips, trying to warm them up from the cold. The sun is setting and the night will get colder as I walk, hoping to bump into Yoongi again.

The usual place.

I'm guessing he means the grocery store. I mean, that's where we keep meeting each other.

I'm being a little obsessive, aren't I? I've only meet him twice and we barely talked, but everything about him was a mystery. All I want to do was solve it and maybe get to know him a little bit better.

When I got there, he was already there. Leaning against the wall, but he wasn't smoking, he was just staring at something.

I got closer and he noticed. Looking up, he smiled at me. Looking at his eyes, I noticed how weird they looked.

"A-Are you okay?" I asked him, seeing how his posture seemed weird.

"Of course I am, I'm fine. I mean, it's not like my life sucked ass anyways," he said chuckling. I furrowed my eyebrows together.

Please don't tell me he's...

"Hey, let's go somewhere, I don't want to stand here for too long," I said gently grabbing his wrist, but he pulled it away.

"Why? Are you going to take me back to my place or something?" He asked with an irritated tone.

I nodded, "No, I'm going to take you to my place. My mom is working late tonight, so nobody will bother us."

I don't want to leave you alone.

He looked at me worriedly, while seeing if I was lying. Soon he sighed and nodded, letting my hold his cold hand.

I bit my lips nervously as we began walking to my house. "Yoongi, have you been, um, you know," I said trying to hint something.

"Smoking weed? Come on Sooah, you're 18 and you can't even say the word weed? I bet you apologize to people who purposely trip you," he said.

"That only happened once," I mumbled to myself.

When we got there, we went to my room and sat on my bed. By that time, I could see his eyes getting droopy.

I went down to the kitchen and poured some warm water for him. Hoping it could sober him up a little.

"Yoongi, why are you like this?" I whispered to him as he started to lay his back on my bed when he finished drinking.

"Because it feels good," he answered.

"No, I mean. Why did you run away?" I asked.

He was silent for awhile, and I was about to tell him that he didn't need to answer, in till he sat back up suddenly, startling me .

"Because I thought I could. I thought I could just run away from my problems," he said, staring into my eyes.

"You have no idea how many times I wanted to come back. Have a normal life and go to school, like any regular teen. But it's not that simple," he said as he gradually get angry. I sat there silent, not knowing what to say.

"Having a dead beat father who doesn't care about you, will hold you back. You are the only one that can support yourself. If you don't, then you don't know how you will survive in this world. This stupid, stupid world," he said as tears starts to form in his eyes.

"And you try your best to stay happy. You try to give yourself a purpose to live, but you just can't see it at all. Then you start questioning yourself if you really are happy," he choked out.

I bit my lips and placed my hand on his shoulder, "I-I'm sorry."

"I need to go," Yoongi said as he got up and I followed him down to the front door.

"Will you be okay?" I asked and he nodded.

"Good night Sooah," He said as he put a strand of hair behind my ear before leaving. "Goodnight," I nearly whispered feeling my cheeks flush.


Few weeks later, I moved out and got my own apartment. I work at a bookstore, which is not too tiring. It will only get busy at the beginning of every semester. Plus I get to borrow some books from the store, it can help me with my studies.

After that night I haven't seen Yoongi at all. There was no guy smoking in front of the grocery store anymore. It worried me, but I put that aside and continued to live my own life. All I could do was hope he was alright.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell from behind me, causing me to jump a little. Then, someone came running into me as I try to turn around to see who was yelling.

"S-Sorry," I heard a familiar voice say as I try to get off the ground.

I quickly looked up at the familiar voice and to my surprise it was Yoongi. "Y-Yoongi, what are you doing?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Hey, come back here!" We both heard that same voice yelling.

Yoongi grabbed my wrist and started to run, dragging me to this alley way. We hid behind these stacked boxes, that had little room for both of us, but we some how squeezed in. Our bodies were really close to each other, making me want to back away from him, but the wall prevented me to do so.

"Yoongi, what did you-" he covered my mouth and placed his finger to his lips, telling me to stay quiet.

I slowly nodded and he uncovered my mouth. And all I could hear was our shaky breaths and pants from the running.

Suddenly Yoongi placed his chin on top of my head, so he could rest his head on. I wanted to protest, but I didn't want both of us to get caught.

That's when I noticed the bruise that was around his neck and collar bones. Almost like he got beaten up.

I frowned and wondered what sorta trouble he has gotten into for these past few weeks.

When we heared the group of guys running towards the alley we were in, I had started to hold my breath. My hands were in fists as they held on to the ends of my shirt. And I'm sure my lips will start to bleed if I bite hard enough.

I felt Yoongi placing his arms around me, while placing his forehead against mine, so all I could stare at was his eyes. He smiled with his lips that had a slight cut on it. I started to blush and hoped he couldn't hear my heart beating in a fast pace. Slowly I lifted my hand and brushed the pad of my thumb against it, causing him to wince a little.

"I don't think he's here!" I heard one of them yell, as they ran out of the alleyway.

We stayed like this for a while, in till I finally felt like the coast was clear. "Y-Yoongi?" I think you could let me go now," I whispered to him.

"What if I don't want to?" I can feel my cheeks heating up, if it weren't for the dark, he would be able to see how red they were.

He smirk and loosened his arms as he backed away from me. "Who were they?" I asked.

His smirk disappeared and he sighed, "Some guys I work with."

I furrowed my eyebrows worriedly, "Yoongi, were they hurting you?"

He looked at me and then at the ground, kicking something on the ground. "It was only a small beating. Nothing severe," he nearly mumbled.

"I'm worried about you," I said.

He looked at me and walked towards me, causing me to walk back into the wall. He placed both hands both against the wall, with my head right between them. The same feeling I felt a few minutes ago had returned again. This time, I think he noticed.

"Why do you care so much about?" He started, "We've only meet a few times."

"I-I don't know," I said, cursing at myself for letting him make me feels this way. He probably thinks I'm weird.

"But then again, why do I care so much about you?" He asked him himself making me look up at him.

"Sooah, you've been stuck in my mind for days," he said chuckling at himself, but stopped. "You're making me go crazy."

"When I was in my worst state, you tried to take care of me," he said as he started to lean in, "every since that day, I can't stop thinking about you."

Then, I felt his lips, slowly moving against mine. I slowly started to follows his, causing him to smile against the kiss.

He placed his hand against my cheek and slightly tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss. I felt his tongue swiping against my lips, cause me to pull away, but his hand kept me in place, kissing me even harder.

We pulled away, finally catching our breaths. Realising what we have done, I started to blush and felt my heart ache a little.

He smiled and asked, "Can I show you something?"

I nodded and he got a hold on my hand, and we began to walk.

He took us to this abandoned house that seemed like it haven't been touched for years. Things were covered with white sheets, and dust was everywhere. Because it was two in the morning, the house looked like something out of a horror movie.

"This is where I used to live, before my father lost my mother," he said as I looked around.

Then he showed me his old room, that was in the second floor. The only thing that was left was the faded wallpaper and his bed.

He sat on the bed and patted the space next to him, telling me to sit.

"Sometimes I go here to think about things," he said as I sat down making the bed creak a little.

"I bet your house was pretty," I said.

"It was."

Biting my lips nervously, I looked at him. "Yoongi, I don't want you to get hurt," I said.

He looked at his hands and nodded, "I know and I don't want you to get hurt either."

"I'll try to quit, okay? I'll try to go back to school and everything," he said making me smile. "I'm pretty sick of it anyways."

"I hope you're doing this for yourself and not me," I said.

He looked at me and cupped my cheeks with his hands. "I'm doing this for myself and for you. I don't want you to get hurt because of the business I'm in," he said before kissing my forehead and lips.

I smiled and kissed him back. "You want me to take you back to your place? It's getting really late," he said.

I nodded, "I'm too tired to move, we can sleep here."

He smiled and we both lay on the bed. His arms were wrapped around my body, giving me warmth.



"I think I'm happy."


Author's Note:

Do you guys ever check the message board? Because I decided to post about my whereabouts there and what I'm planning to do for my stories. I think it's better this way because I don't want the notifications say that I updated this book, but it's just a Author's Note.

The only time where I want to put a Author's Note in a story is when something happened to it. Like, it ended or I wanted an opinion on it.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! ^.^

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