Stay with Me #Wattys2017

By whiteflags330

837 98 10

The girl is Eliza Kelman, she's a music producer in Los Angeles and takes pride in her job. She loves to part... More

Prolouge//Cover Cred
Spin Offs


32 7 2
By whiteflags330

I was going through my clothes trying to find something. I'm not sure if we're going to a fancy place or not. Instead of freaking myself out I called him. He said a fancy place. Great, now I need to find something that doesn't make me look like trash. So, I really can't wear anything. Going naked would make me look less of a slut. I called Chloe on video chat, but Gracie picked up instead. She said Chloe and Lewis went out on a date.

"A rich doctor asked me out, what should I wear? We're gong somewhere fancy." I was in a hurry. didn't want to spend all my time picking out an outfit.

"Lets see what you have so far."

I showed Gracie four outfits. The first one was a long sleeve, gold sequence dress with laced up nude stiletto heels and a cowboy charm bracelet.

"Okay, why would you even own something like that?" She questioned out of disgust.

I shrugged. The second one was a green strapless mini bandage dress with green and black lace shoes and a black lace necklace. The third outfit was a purple lace dress, with a brown belt, black heels with a tassel at the top part and a silver and brown, bulky ring. The last one was a batwing sleeve, swooping neck red body con dress with black pumps and black studded earrings.

"I like the green one. Sexy yet classy and that necklace is hot."

"Thanks, I actually got this necklace as a gift. So, I'm wearing an $80 outfit, when he's probably gonna be wearing a $5,000 dollar one."

"Just as long as you look hot, no one should care. Now about your make up."

My make up ended up being a dark red lipstick, black eyeliner and dark green eye shadow. I didn't put a lot on cause I didn't want to look like a whore. I waited a few minutes and then he arrived, he looked really good and I'm super nervous about this date. He was wearing a white button down shirt, with black slacks, black blazer, black dress shoes and a white with continents design on it. He reached into his glove department and pulled out a dark green tie. I gave him a weird look.

"What? I didn't know what color you would be wearing, so I brought one of each color ties." He smiled, putting on his tie.

Okay, this is going to sound super weird but I love ties. When guys wear them, when they loosing them, when they take them off and even put them on. Oh wow. We drove to the restaurant and got out of his fancy black car, I don't know anything about cars and will not research it. However, I will research his ex girlfriends. When we walked into the restaurant, everyone looked so rich and dressed up. Meanwhile, I'm wearing a dress I got off the clearance rack in Khole's. We got a seat in the front, by a window. Beautiful view of Beverly Hills. I wish I could afford to live here. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Okay, I didn't realize how cute he was. It felt like a classical awkward first date you would go on in high school. Our waitress came over and took our order. I know there's some kind of rule where girls have to order a salad on the first date, but fuck that, he's paying. I got soup and a salad. Just kidding, I got some kind of fancy chicken and a side salad. He got something that was in French. God, this place is fancy.

"So, where do you work?" He asked.

"A studio. Where singers and bands come in, record music for their new albums. I get paid quite a lot, but the real award is becoming friends with them." I replied.

"Really? That's awesome! I would love to have a job like that. Who are your friends?"

"Sabrina Carpenter, Katy Perry, Ana Kendrick, Ed Sheeran, Gavin Degraw, blink-182, Fight Like Apes and my best friend, Sam Smith."

"Wow, that's a lot, so you're like famous?"

I shook my head, "Paparazzi doesn't follow me taking random pictures of me."

"That sounds like a great life." He smiled.

I nodded, "But you got money. I bet you could run away and still be a billionaire."

"Money doesn't buy you happiness. Guess what the most expensive thing I'm wearing is." He looked at me.

"Uh, the watch?"

He shook his head, "Nope, that was only $14. The most expensive thing is my tie and I didn't even buy it."

I was in shock, "How much was the tie."

"90 something. Altogether this outfit is like," He stopped to do the math in his head, "$203."

"Wow, this outfit is was only $80." I replied.

"And yet you look stunning. See, money doesn't buy you happiness."

"But it can buy you kittens and those sure do bring a damn smile to my face." I smiled.

He laughed, "You're funny too."

I shrugged, "I don't really try, it just kind of happens."

He smiled and gazed into my eyes, "I'm really happy I asked you out."

"I'm like a broke college kid, although I did drop out, but you must've went through years of schooling and make more money than I ever will."

"My dad put way too much pressure on me when I was a kid and he still does. He said my hobbies were pointless and have to be a doctor."

"Seriously? And your mom?"

"Passed away when I was younger. How's your family life?"

"My dad owns the studio and gave me a full time job, he doesn't even care that I dropped out of uni, to become a music producer and my mom left when I was four." I replied.

"That's the life I've always wanted. You probably went to a public school."

I nodded, "Trust me private is like way better. Less scary."

"My senior year, a kid brought a gun to my private school." He pointed out.

I just nodded, so that never happened to me, but oh well. This date is actually going a lot nicer than expected. Sadly the date had to come to an end. He drove me to my apartment. I stopped before getting out.

"I honestly don't want this date to be over."

"Same here. But I do have to get up at 5 am tomorrow." He got out of his car and open my door. He walked me to my door and leaned in for a kiss.

The kiss was passionate and worth every second of it. It was perfect. He pulled away and we both smiled. I looked right into his eyes and he did the same with me. It felt like a movie.

"Oh, I don't even first name, Doctor Jockey."

"Haynes." He kissed my forehead and left.

Haynes. That name is weird. He seems like a weird guy, but it's all too perfect. Now I just need some sleep. Can't wait for tomorrow. I'm going to tell Sam and Sabrina everything.

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