My Student of the Year.

By TeamLeo4Life

54.9K 3.4K 1.3K

Elsa teaches high school. One big class 30 or more students in it. It was always her dream to teach. But the... More

<1> Dream Come True
<2> Arithmetic Class
<3> Glasses
<4> First Day. Check!✔
<5> I Am who I Aaam! I Don't Need a Maaan!
<6> Coffee or Tea?
<7> Severe Pumbling.
<8> Beach 4 Life.
<9> Blue Paint.
<10> Best Prank Ever!
<11> Saved by the-. Jack?
<12> ✔ Just Do It.
<13> 'Uncool'
<14> Ice Cold.
<15> Party Time!
<16> I Slap Myself.
<17> It's A Hate Relationship.
<18> You Mess With The Bull, You Get The Horns.
<19> Da Punishments.
<20> That Awkward Moment.
<21>Mr. CrankyPants.
<22> Anti-Social, Nerdy, Fangirl Teenagers.
<23> Mixed Signals.
<24> Queen Boss Mare Elsa.
<25> Stalker? Pssh! Not Me!
<26> 'Wee Giant'.
<27> Nothing Sweeter Than Morning Revenge.
<29> IHop.. Oh Look, A Frisbee.
<30> Inner Voice

<28> Church Clothes.

1K 73 12
By TeamLeo4Life

/Jack's Pov/

Once breakfast was over we all got dressed and drove the car I borrowed from Hiccup to drive over to Elsa and Anna's house which I knew the directions to since I kinda work there.

Emma had on her little tutu with leggings on under it and a long sleeved purple shirt that made her pink tutu stick out. Nico, he wore black jeans like usual. But he wore a brighter shirt instead of one with skulls on it because we were going to church.

I had on jeans and a white shirt and a blue hoodie to wear because it was starting to get cold outside.

Though the cold never bothered me.

We pulled into Elsa's driveway and waited there a moment in silence before the two girls walked out, Anna was in jeans and a fancy shirt that made her look even thinner than she already was. It made her look like she was starving.

But Elsa, Elsa she wore a blue shirt that was loose and the sleeves came down to her elbows. Her skirt was white and tighter but not too tight. Then I looked at her shoes. I remembered them.

They were the ones she had worn on a date with Hans when I had seen them after I broke up with my own girlfriend.

I sighed stiffening and getting defensive as Elsa walked over a smile on her face her curly platinum blonde hair cascading around her face making her look even more beautiful than she already was.

She tapped the window with her knuckles and I rolled it down before she leaned down looking in the back of the car at Emma who sat in the middle seat.

"So, uh. You guys follow us and we'll see you there." I nodded smiling a bit as she stood upright and walked back to her car before getting in the passenger's side.

Apparently Anna was learning how to drive.

They pulled out and I pulled out after them following them to where their church was as I watched Elsa through the back window of their car. Yep, I can multi-task.

"WATCH OUT FOR THE PERSON!" Nico yelled and I looked from starring at the back of Elsa to the road to see there was no one walking past making me groan and Emma laugh.

"He played you!" Emma yelled and the two fist bumped and I rolled my eyes.

"You won't get the girl by starring at her." Nico said and I sighed. "I know, I tried once." Nico looked down in shame and I contemplated if I should ask him about it. But I didn't need to when he spoke up. It was like he read my mind knowing what I as going to ask him.

"I always watched from afar, I mean we were friends but I wanted it to be more than a friendship. I of course chickened out from asking her out, or telling her how I felt about her. And because I waited her family moved to a different country." Nico looked on the brink of tears, "I dealt with it though. but it hurts when one bad thing after another happens to the people you love."

I nodded and somehow knee Nico had a dark past with family and people he loved. You could tell by the way he acted and his father kicked him out.

Then Elsa's car pulled into a parking lot with several cars in it so we followed and parked beside her before getting out of the car.

"Come on, church is this way." Elsa picked Emma up and I rolled my eyes at how much she spoiled my sister.

We all followed her and Anna into the church and found our seats to watch the service together in. 

Anna left us though and went to talk to other teens as the rest of us talked amongst ourselves playing with Emma and talking.

Nico and Elsa got to know each other, when they shook hands their skin tones were almost the same. The palest it could be.

"So, Elsa." I spoke up from my seat of silence I had been sitting in for about twenty minutes. "Is Hans coming?" After I asked the question Elsa glanced down at her purity ring I had once stolen from her which got me into the situation of being her personal slave.

"Uh, actually no. He said he had other business to attend to." Elsa looked ashamed and I wondered why. Had he done something to her. Maybe he was a thief. Well, I really couldn't condemn him there. I had stolen her ring soooo.

I was about to ask something els when they told the musicians to head to the stage so they could start worship.

I sighed and looked Past Nico and Emma as Elsa who sat on my left. So did Nico and Emma so I couldn't sit next to her. I was on the end and Elsa in the middle Anna on her left who had returned from the group of teens to our row.

After worship they let the kids go to their Sunday school so Elsa asked Emma if she wanted to go and she said yes so we sent her back with the other kids along with Anna so she could keep watch of Emma.

More people came in for service so we had to scoot closer putting only one person in between us.


He looked uncomfortable between us and I chuckled at him as the pastor started preaching on the book of James.

The book of James is awesome if you didn't know. It's very straightforward about what it's telling you. Though sometimes it's painful to read we still need to read it.

I glanced over at Elsa and Nico let out a small groan of annoyance before leaning in towards me and whispering in my ear.

"If you wanted to sit by her so bad, why didn't you just do it in the first place?" He asked and my ears turned red before pushing his face away getting a glance from Elsa and other people in our row.

After a minute Elsa caught me starring so she sent me a warm smile warming up my whole face.

Great, now I'm blushing 



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