The Betrayer || The Maze Runn...

By datcupcakethough

19.1K 371 137

The remaining Gladers went through the Flat Trans into the Paradise. What they didn't know was that Teresa wa... More

Thank You's + More !


397 12 5
By datcupcakethough

A/N: Sorry I didn't get to update!! My parents took away my laptop because I was binge watching Dan and Phil. I also won't be able to update because I'm going on another road trip!!

Teresa's POV

I woke up to the sound of screaming from outside. I looked at my surroundings, groaning when I stared right into the the sun. I was in my empty kitchen, lying on the cold, dusty floor. I got up, my back aching. Why did I fall asleep on the floor?

Once I swung my front door open, I could understand bits of what the person was saying. I walked a couple of meters until I heard them speak again.

"I swear it wasn't me!" the voice said.

As I got closer, I saw two men holding onto the shoulders of Gally. He was trying to get free, but it seemed like he was too tired. Minho and Tom were standing across from him. Both of their arms were crossed, and they looked into Gally's eyes. I hid behind a tree, making sure they couldn't see me.

"It was a girl! I saw her. She was coming out of the shack!" Gally screamed at them.

"Gally, the only girls left are Sonya, Harriet, Brenda, and Teresa. They would never kill the doctor," Tom explained.

He didn't look confident in his answer, though. Gally's whole body was shaking, and it looked like he was going to cry.

"Take him away," Minho told the guards.

They nodded in response, dragging Gally away. Gally screamed once more, and never stopped until he was too far away for us to hear him.

"As much as I hate to say this, Gally could be right. One of the girls could've killed the doctor," Tom said, facing Minho.

"I agree. He mentioned something about a grey hoodie. Let's look in their houses," Minho says.

Tom nods as they look at each other.

"I'll go to Harriet and Teresa's house, and you can go to Sonya's and Brenda's house," Tom says as he points to my house.

Oh shuck, I thought, slowly backing yo. When I was a good distance away from them, I started sprinting towards my house. I pushed the door open and shut it closed, looking for a hoodie that I hoped wasn't here. Unfortunately, I found it slung by my couch. I grabbed it, not knowing what to do.

Dispose of it, you stupid girl, Janson screamed in my head.

Where do I put it, I asked him, freaking out.

Go to someone's house and leave it at their trash can, Janson replied.

Well doesn't that mean that they're the suspect?

Yeah, but if you don't do this, you're gonna get me exposed, and you are going to get put in jail, Janson explained.

I thought about it for a second before I exited the house through the back door, and headed towards Harriet's house, with the hoodie in hand.

By the time I made it to Harriet's house, Tom was already inside. I could hear them talking when I snook around  the back.

Harriet, by far, had one of the biggest houses here. It was three stories high, and made of brick. There were huge windows, and a large balconies on the top floor. She had a deck made of wood, and a garden containing lilies, roses, and wildflowers. She had a small, white table in her backyard too, with four chairs around it.

I hung the hoodie on one of her chairs, before jogging over to the cafeteria. I sat on one of the tables, and I put my head on the table, waiting for Tom.

Once he arrived, he dragged a chair beside me and kept poking my back.

"What do you want Tom?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Where were you last night?" he asked.

"I was at my place, looking through my boxes. Then I fell asleep," I lied. "Why?"

"Dr. Stewart was murdered last night," Tom replied, sighing. "And I think I know who did it."

I put a worried look on my face. Did he find the hoodie at Harriet's?

"Listen," he said, inching closer and looking around. "I found the hoodie on Harriet's table outside her house. I don't think she did it though. She wouldn't just leave the hoodie lying there would she?"

I shrugged nervously, pretending to look scared and shocked. If Tom thought it wasn't Harriet, then I was in big trouble.

"Maybe she felt bad about it and wanted you to find it?" I replied.

"I really don't know," Tom said, looking me in the eyes. He seemed to be searching them, like I was holding a secret.

"You don't think it was me, do you?" I asked quietly.

"No! Of course not! Well, maybe. I don't know!" Tom replied, dropping his head.

"It's okay. Look, we'll confront her and if she does admit that she killed the doctor, then we have no choice," I said, trying to comfort Tom.

He looked back up at me and softly smiled.

"Okay," he replied, then stood up. "I've got to tell Minho. He'll be heartbroken," Tom says, walking away.

"Wait you know about him liking Harriet?" I called after him.

He stopped and looked back at me. "Yeah, it's kinda obvious."

I smiled at him, then walked back home. Just as I reached the door, Janson entered my head.

We need to find away to make her admit that it was her. Then kill her.

•• + •• + •• + •• + ••

Woah woah woah Teresa wyd?

Sorry for not updating!! I'm just rlly rlly busy and kinda feeling ugh this week.

Its April fools btw so ahavsgsuhagshsmshs im ready for y'all

i lava youu


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