Bruises (Being Re-written)

By puffdaisy

4.9K 71 26

"Mommy daddy isn't doing too good. He misses you. We both do. Help him please mommy." Tears streamed down my... More

Chapter 1: The New Kid
Chapter 2: The Plan!
Chapter 3: You Need A Ride?
Chapter 4: Understood
Chapter 5: Then He Kissed Me
Chapter 6: I am a skyscraper...
Chapter 7: Purple Gummy-Bears
Chapter 8: Jealous?
Chapter 9: Taken
Chapter 10: My Boo
Author's Note
Chapter 12 Moving Out
Chapter 13: Big Misunderstanding
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15: What Happened To You?
Brandon, Brilla, and The Dreaded Adrianna

Chapter 11: Smokey Kitchen

155 2 1
By puffdaisy

     I woke up the smell of smoke. What the- Oh my gosh! The girls! I jumped out of bed and ran across the hall to Maddie's room where the girls were asleep. "Come on guys we have to move!" I whispered, shaking them. "Tali, what’s wrong?" Maddie asked. "Sweetie I will tell you later we just need to get out of the house." I explain. Oh my gosh what about Jace and Tannor? The girls and I ran past the kitchen where smoke was drifting from beneath the door. I sat the girls on the porch with a blanket wrapped around them and ran back inside, bursting through the kitchen doors. I as instantly greeted with smoke in my face and I heard coughing and whisper/yelling. It was two men's voices. "What do we do? I can't get this window open!" One voice said. "I don’t know! Try the back door! We cannot have anyone wake up Especially Maddie! She's the biggest snitch on earth!" The other voice whispered. I grabbed a towel off the counter and wrapped it around my face to go to them. "Ahhhhhhh!" one of the voices yelled, I froze. "I-I just saw something move over there!" That was DEFIANTLY Tannor. So, the other guy must be Jace. Oh boy. What did they do this time? "Guys! It’s me! Calm down!" I whisper loudly. "Talia?" Jace asks. "Yeah."

  The room finally clears after about five minutes of constant fanning and opening windows and doors. The guys were trying to make breakfast and the toaster caught on fire. You cannot put butter on the bread before you put it in the toaster! I swear! Right now we were all sitting on the couch watching MTV while drinking hot cocoa with extra big marsh mellows! Mmmm! "TALIA! I Like It Like That is on!" Alivia yelled. Oh my gosh this is like our favorite song! Me and the girls set down our mugs, turned up the tv, and started dancing all around. "I like it like that! Hey! Windows down! Chillin with the radio on! I like it like that! Dang! Sun so hot make them girls take it all off! I like it like that! Yeah! One more time! I can never get enough! Oh everybody sing it right back! I like it like that!" We all start laughing as Tannor and Jace look at us like were crazy.

  We danced some more to a bunch of different songs. Even the guys joined in. I’m really surprised though! I guess the boys knew each other from dance competitions down in Miami, Florida. (The video for how the guys dance is right here:  these guys are AMAZING!!!)

  I think I can get used to this.


  It's Monday again! Ugh! I've been living with Jace for about a month. My dad was sent to jail a few weeks ago. I ended up having to go to court. The thing is, he was convicted for a whole nother reason than you would think.


  I can do this. I can do this. I breathed in and out. Today was the day I was going to court. I wore a black dress that went a little above my knees. It had a skinny black belt wrapped around the waits and flared out just a tiny bit at the bottom. I wore a pair of black pumps with straps around the ankles. (here's the dress:|cat:Hy3bqNL2jtQ )  I was ready. I grabbed my oversized gray purse and shoved my cell and leopard sequin wallet inside and walked out of Jace's house. Jace was at work and the girls were at a toy party.

  I arrived to the door of the court house. Oh my gosh! I can't do this!

Yes you can, just walk in there like you own the place!

Who the heck are you?

Shut up, I'm your conscience and you had BETTER listen to me!

Ok ok fine!

Now go in there and be boss!

  I slowly pushed open the giant double doors and walked down the carpeted isle. 'You can do this!' I thought to myself. I don't even know if I was ready for this. Heck, I don't even know what my father did! My lawyer came over a week ago to run it by me. Jace listened to the whole thing but all I could do is smile and rejoice over the fact he was going to jail! I probably should have listened though... “Will the defendant please rise.” the judge commanded. (I have no idea about all this court stuff so if I get stuff bad) My father rose. He shouldn't even have the right to be called my father. “Kenneth Allan Tamer, you are being convicted for raping and killing a thirty year old prostitute who would not sell herself for the amount of money you were offering.” The judge summarized. Oh my gosh! He-he killed someone? So this isn't about me? The door creaked open and Tannor and Jace walked in wearing suits. I turned to see them and they both smiled to me as they took a seat. No! Jace didn't know ANYTHING about what my father did to me and I don't want him to find out!

  They did the whole swearing on the bible thing but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy thinking about Jace finding out my secret! “Ms. Tamer! Ms. Tamer!” woopsie! I “Yes sir?” I asked. “Is this true? Did your father tend to beat and molest you?” my lawyer, Mr. Obliam asked. I gulped, “Yes sir.” I whispered. I could hear gasps coming from around the room. I looked back at Tannor and Jace. Tannor had an unreadable expression but Jace looked shocked and confused. Maybe even a little angry.


  Jace hasn’t talked to me since the trial. I don’t know why though I mean can you blame me?! I do NOT want anyone to know about my dad. The only reason Tannor knew was because he’s going through the same thing. I can’t believe that Jace is mad at me! It’s not my fault!

   Right now Alivia, Maddie, and I are at sweet scoops, the most amazing ice-cream place in the world. “…and then she told me I was mean! I didn’t even say anything to her! She had no right to do that! Right Tali?” Alivia asked. “Uh…what? Oh, yeah yeah, right…” I mumbled. I didn’t even know what they were talking about. Elementary drama... “Hey, Maddie. D-does Jace ever s-say anything about me?” I stuttered. This was a touchy subject for me, especially because he knows what I went through and won’t talk to me at all. “All he says is that he loves you but he wishes you would have told him sooner. Whatever that means.” Oh. I need to talk to him!

  We went back home and I HAD to talk to Jace. I walked quietly to Jace’s door and poked my head inside. He wasn’t there. I heard some noises coming out of the other guest bedroom. I opened the door and looked inside. What I saw was the worst thing a girl could ever see.

A/N Hey guys! I know it's kind of short but the next chapter should be up soon. I've already started writing it. Please keep reading and maybe criticize my work? I'm uploading Do Wo Have a Problem soon so you guys can look forward to that lol. Anyway, vote, comment, and fan if you haven't already! Thanks!

-Deebby_852- <33333

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