A girl called A-18352: The St...

By HetaStuck_Is_Life

39.7K 1.4K 119

A young jewish girl promises to take care of her little sister in Auschwitz after their mother is murdered. T... More

Character Introduction
September 1st 1939
October 11 1939
Fur and hiding places.
The East
Out the chimney
Life and death
A new transport
The Nazis
Among the Free


1.1K 54 4
By HetaStuck_Is_Life

          As me and Ewa were heading back to our barracks it started to snow. Night was unbearably cold and my coarse wool blanket did not help much. My grey dress under my striped uniform helped some with the cold but I still shivered the entire night.
           Three women in our slot died during the night. While this is not uncommon here, they passed away due to the cold. Mamusiu and Anna, a woman in our slot. Striped the corpses and kept their clothes. Ewa and I both got and extra dress and uniform, but they are too big so we have to  tie string around our waists to hold them up. Mamusiu helps drag the bodies to appelletz to be counted.
              Nearly six inches of snow cover the ground, the wind whipping it up in a frenzied flurry. Snow stings my eyes as I struggle to keep them open. People are dropping like flies all around me. I have no idea how Ewa managed to survive.
             After that we get our ration then it's back to scrubbing pots. The warm water feeling wonderful on my nearly frozen hands. Ewa took one of the pots looked around, then scraped up they small amount of food stuck to the bottom and ate it. I glared at her "I was hungry and everyone else sneaks food," she said innocently. Words could not describe how terrified I was knowing that she does this, however she needs to eat,"Don't let the guards see," I whispered fiercely. "Don't worry they will never see," she stated giggling slightly. Then after looking over my shoulder without thinking I ate some food out of the next pot, swallowing it just as a guard marched in.
             I did this to all of the pots splitting the vegetable peels or bits of pudding at the bottom with my sister. At the end of the day we were proud that we fooled the nazis.

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