Did You Have To Be My Mate?

By kukudube

159K 1.3K 123

Carmen goes out of her way to stay away from the Los Lebos Feroz pack, even though she's a werewolf and a pac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4-Part 1
Chapter 4-Part 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8-Part 1
Chapter 8-Part 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 2

10.2K 102 8
By kukudube

Hi guys, here is the next chapter this one's a bit of a filler the next chapter is got some action in it, the book cover was made by Bridesmaid_BVB, so thank you to her and thank you for everyone who has fanned, voted and commented, I appreciate it!

P.S Sorry if the spacing is a bit wierd and mild swearing in this chapter :)

I hate walking home alone in the dark after work, I wouldn’t have to do it but both Isabella and Maria weren’t here and we’d normally walk together to avoid sticky situations. But here I was walking alone in a very, very dangerous Latino neighbourhood trying to get home quickly but I think fate had other ideas for me. A group of 5 Latino boys around the age of 18 were staggering towards me heavily intoxicated,

"Ay, ay, ay! Look at this sexy mama!” one of them cat called me making me freeze on the spot instantly, I was in deep shit right now and there was no way I could get out of it, I really didn’t want to resort to violence and kick their arses or turn wolf, I’d rather go home and do normal teenagery things. I was surprised to see I recognised a few of the faces from this afternoon in the diner,

“Oh look what we have here…. this is the bitch who was giving me mouth in the diner.” Carlos’s slurred words sent shivers down my spine, he stepped forward and ran his hand up and down my face, bile rose up my throat as my imagination ran wild, picturing all the possible outcomes of this situation.

"Don’t touch me!” I snarled, one of the boys stepped towards me and I instantly went into battle mode and in a few punches and kicks he was out cold. I did the same to the rest of the group; they had no technique and logic but just sent punches and kicks randomly. I straightened up when all but one of the group of boys were on the floor,

“Quite impressive bitch!” Carlos came from the shadows giving me a sarcastic clap.

“Thank you, asswipe.” I heard the slap before I felt it and I was sure that was going to leave a nasty bruise on the side of my face tomorrow morning, if I actually lived to see tomorrow I thought. The slap was followed by a punch, it sent me flying to the hard, cold ground effectively knocking my head on the concrete, stars appeared in front of my eyes but I pushed them away and took my battle stance once again.

"Lay a hand on her again and I will make sure you’re running on three legs,” Carlos and I whipped our heads to see Jay emerging from the depths of the alley, “Go on I dare you.” He growled, Carlos flinched and turned his attention towards Jay, I took advantage of that and took him out with a roundhouse kick. I spat on his face,

“Rule number one, never take your eyes off your opponent.” I straightened out and dusted myself off and started picking up my belongings,

“That was pretty impressive the way you managed those guys. A turn on if I say.” I turned towards him and all but screeched,

“So you’re telling me you just watched me take on those guys and all you could is watch and then tell me that it’s a turn on!” he simply shrugged and then said,

“You didn’t look like you needed help,” Did he have to answer everything in a cocky manner?

"Why don’t you come to me my house and clean up and we can talk.” I nearly jumped up and down and shouted yes but then I managed to keep my composure. I nodded once and started walking after him.

As we got closer to Jay’s house, I started regretting agreeing to go with him. What was I doing walking to the person’s house I’d been trying to avoid contact with? I was so into my thoughts I didn’t realise we’d reached his house.

“Are we just going to stand here all night, or are we going in?” I glared at Jay and waited for him to unlock the door. Jay’s house wasn’t some big mansion and it wasn’t too small-just perfect. Inside it looked like a typical bachelor pad, piles of paperwork were strewn carelessly across the room and a few used plates stacked in the sink. I smirked and turned to Jay,

“Nice place, really….homey!” I tried looking for a place to sit on the couch but was finding it extremely difficult, laundry- both dirty and clean were dumped onto the sofa,  I cringed away from the several aged stains on the sofa, God knows how they’d got there. I could feel his eyes watching me as I made an evaluation, when I finished he asked,

"Would you like a drink?” I narrowed my eyes at him, what if he tried to lace it with some drug?

“I’m not going to drug you!” he chuckled softly,

“In that case, I’ll have some water please.” It was quite funny actually, earlier on today I’d be the one asking him what he wanted to drink, while Jay went to get my drink, I decided to watch some TV. I snuggled into the couch, cautious to stay away from any noticeable stains, after flicking through the channels I decided nothing looked interesting. At this point I started thinking Jay probably went to collect the water in a well or something because he was taking such a long time. I yawned once and let my eyes droop closed.

 The sunlight seeped through the curtains, I tried to shield my eyes but something heavy was stopping me, I finally gave in and opened my eyes to see those brown eyes I could get used to, oh my gosh did I just say that!

“Oh, it’s you again.” My voice came out of hoarse to my embarrassment and my cheeks flushed red; I cleared my throat and tried to sit up, I then instantly realised that I was in a bed and not on the couch anymore,

“How did I get into a bed? Oh my God you probably drugged that water didn’t you? You stole my virginity!” I’d started panicking; I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to come here! But as usual all Jay could do was laugh, couldn’t he take anything seriously! There was nothing funny about this situation!

“Calm down! You fell asleep on the sofa after I went to get your water, so I just carried you up here and I can’t believe you’re a virgin!” he smirked at me again, was he only capable of one facial expression?

“That’s beside the point, why did you take so long getting a glass of water anyway?”

“I had an-“before he could give an answera sharp ring pierced through the air, he picked up the phone and gave me an apologetic look and left the room. After a few minutes of waiting patiently for Jay to come back, I decided to make an exit, I’d spent too much time with what I’d been trying to avoid all these years. I quickly grabbed my stuff and tip toed down the creaky stairs, damn Jay for having a creaky stairs; I finally got to the bottom of the stairs and all but sprinted all the way home. On the way home, I started thinking. I debated whether I should tell my mum or not, I wasn’t sure how she would react if she found out. I knew my best friends- Isabella and Marie would be happy for me no matter what my decision. I fumbled with the keys in the lock before pushing it open; I’d hardly taken one step before my frantic mum tackled me into a hug,

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you, I umm… stayed at my friend’s house.” Was my lame excuse, I really needed to work on lying. Maybe Alex and Gloria could help me; my mum seemed to buy it and left it,

“Next time call me Carmen, I get so worried about my babies!” I rolled my eyes at that and trudged up the stairs to take a needed shower.

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