Five Night High school Advent...

By FivenightProtector

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Fnaf Jeremy x reader your in fnaf Mikex Doll Vincent x Scott/ Pg More

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26 3 0
By FivenightProtector


"W-What..?" I said,

"Years ago," The chicken began "a pink man came here and stuffed Martha un the suit. Me and Foxy saw it, when y/n came here Martha remembered her but that's all she could remember, so Martha took care of y/n the best she could until one day TB placed a curse on her causing her to thrash out whenever TF told her to."

I looked confused at the chicken

"T-TF is Toy F-F-Freddy a-and TB is Toy B-Bonnie." Jeremy said

"W-What happened to her..?" I asked feeling the tears

"As far as I know she got scrapped after Toy Bonnie started attacking some of the kids. That's when we came back in."

I started to feel the tears come out of my eyes.

Chica walked away

"SWIGDY SWOOTY I'M COMING FOR THE BOOTY!" A pirates voice yelled

"Oh FUCK NO FOX!" Mike yelled hitting the door button angrily

"You guys cuss a lot?" I asked trying to chuckle

"Just Me and y/n." Mike said

Doll and Jeremy were discussing something quietly

"W-When c-can sh-she come b-back?" Jeremy asked

"If she doesn't get better in a month I get to take her, but if I do she won't be coming back!"

"WHAT!?" All three of the teens said

"WHY!?" They said again

"Because I'm her father and because she's gonna be sent to another school!"

"What sort of school?!" Mike demanded

"A special school for people with certain things." I said,

Jeremy ran up to me but I stood still

"You can't do that to her!" He said tears flooding his eyes, Mike and Doll were behind him

"I can actually. Me and Vincent agreed to it over the phone years ago." I said

The Bell rang. I took a few pictures of the teens and parts of the pizzeria and left.

your pov

Chad placed the cameras in front of me.

"It's not much but I'll leave you to watch them." he said patting the bed, he then went out the door

I slowly turned the camera on and watched the footage. It all seemed great, I hated seeing all of them cry though but wait hold on what the heck?!

"W-When c-can sh-she come b-back?" Jeremy asked

"If she doesn't get better in a month I get to take her, but if I do she won't be coming back!"

"WHAT!?" All three of the teens said

"WHY!?" They said again

"Because I'm her father and because she's gonna be sent to another school!"

"What sort of school?!" Mike demanded

"A special school for people with certain things." Chad said,

Jeremy ran up to Chad but he stood still

"You can't do that to her!" He said tears flooding his eyes, Mike and Doll were behind him.

"I can actually. Me and Vincent agreed to it over the phone years ago." Chad said

I gasped

No..No....I'm going through with this anymore.

I grabbed the bag from the other day and started placing things in it. I placed the gifts Chad gave me in there (including the cameras) Batterys, blankets and I grabbed a knife. I walked over to the window quickly. It wasn't to big of a drop just about two or three feet. I opened the window and ran out.

I can't go to my friends, they'll be in real danger. I need to get on my feet! I ran to the nearest town, there was a homeless shelter there. I can't speak that well and my mental abilities right now go everywhere.

I went in and saw a lot of bunk beds, soup, and a board with big bold letters "J O B S" It read

I walked over, I needed a good job that could get me hidden.

None of them were good. None I could really do at the moment. I kept looking at all the papers though until

"Changer." It read

"Be a test subject to try out our newest changing product. It can make you look like Ursula too Ariel." I grabbed the flyer, this will make sure that I can't be recognized.

Gift showed me another job

"Now hiring Freddy Fazbears Pizza." It read "Nightshift and Janitor."

With being a test subject and getting a job at Freddys it could work.

"Gift" showed me my video camera. I got it out and hit the record button. I turned it so it could see my face then I got the two flyers I placed them on the ground and slowly sat by them. I showed the cameras it. I blew a kiss too the camera and shut it off.

A teen was sitting not too far from me he looked filmier, he was looking at me trying to see if her knew me as well. I spelled my name in sign language, if this was who I thought it was he knew sign language. His eyes went wide and he singed back.

"Chris" My eyes went wide as I went to go sit by him

"What happened too you?!" He signed

"Long story." I signed back

we both hugged

"It's been six years how are you doing?" I asked

"I was doing great until some shark killed off my family and it was ether go into foster care or run."

I felt bad me and Chris knew each other from the streets and he'd be the one to help me get better whenever an asshole beat me up.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I began "Maybe we can stick together like old times." I said, he smiled

"That'd be fly." he said, I giggled

"So you gonna try and talk now or was it another hit to the throat?" Chris asked

I sighed and began to tell him what happened with each word his expression went to worry, fear, or shock.

Chris gave me another hug, we told each other what had been going on in the last six years luckily he didn't have as hard of a time as I feared he did. I told Chris that he could talk, so he started to I told him about my plans,he thought it was good idea except for one detail.

"If you're "dad" works there won't he figure it out?" I shook my head

"If I suspect anything then I'll just be careful, besides Gift will help."

Chris was some of the few people I knew that didn't think the "Gift" story was fake.

"Let's leave when the sun rises." Chris said,

It's still dark out at seven so we it might be better to wait.

I nodded and so we stayed and ate soup at the shelter. I wasn't hungry but I made an attempt to eat something.

"So you think Scott was in on it?" Chris asked

I shook my head he didn't seem like he was,

"I think he was trying to help me, along with Grandpa but for Grandpa he might be in danger of himself more than anything."

I said

Chris and I left as soon as we could see the sky starting to show a bit of pink. The first place we were going was that changer testing place. As we were walking Chris noticed my eye and asked what I was going to do about it

"I'll hide it with my hair." I said

he seemed worried but he went along with it, we walked into the adressed place. It was just another make-up place. I handed the lady at the desk the paper

"Are you both doing it or just you?" The woman asked

"She's just doing it." Chris said,

I realized that I honestly had no way of communicating with anyone who didn't know sign language.

The woman nodded and led me to the back, there were several hundred beauty items.

She motioned for the seat in the middle of the room I sat. Feeling myself beginning to slip away.

I had to keep staying, I remembered Jeremy that's when I was able to stay. The woman pulled my hair into a bun, she gasped and stepped back when she saw my eye.

"We'll cover that up don't worry." She said

I gave her a smirk, she seemed pleased with my response.

She told me that I'd be asleep for most of the process, nodding my head she put something over my nose and I drifted off too sleep.

Scott's pov

I walked into y/ns room she was gone. I started smiling happily

"You got em kid!" I said "Keep going get as far away from us as you can."

When I found out that y/n was alive I knew she'd be in danger because of Chad and Vincent. Chad lies like his life depends on us and Vincent snaps like twig every week. If I ever find her I need to tell her what I know and that i'm sorry.

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