Rich girls can fall in love w...

By Moniemone

318K 3K 383

This book is about a girl named Symone, shes 15 and she's a biracial child. She's use to being around Caucasi... More

Rich girls can fall in love with just a normal guy . . . <3
Chapter 2 <3
Chapter 3 <3
Chapter 4 <3
Chapter 5 <3
Chapter 6 <3
Chapter 8 <3
Chapter 9 <3
Chapter 10 <3
Chapter 11 <3
Chapter 12 <3
Chapter 13 <3
Chapter 14 <3
Chapter 15 <3
Chapter 16 <3
Chapter 17 <3
Chapter 18 <3
Chapter 19 <3
Chapter 20 <3
Chapter 21 <3
Chapter 22 <3
Chapter 23 <3
Chapter 24 <3
Chapter 25 <3 Part 1 .
Chapter 25 <3 Part 2 .
Chapter 26 <3
Chapter 27 <3
Chapter 28 <3
Chapter 29 <3
Chapter 30 <3
Chapter 31 <3
Chapter 32 <3
Chapter 33 <3
Chapter 34 <3
Chapter 35 <3
Chapter 36 <3
Chapter 37 <3
Chapter 38 <3
Chapter 39 <3
Chapter 40 <3
Chapter 41 <3
Chapter 42 <3
Chapter 43 <3
Chapter 44 <3
Chapter 45 <3
Chapter 46 <3
Chapter 47 <3
Chapter 48 <3
Chapter 49 <3
Chapter 50 <3
Chapter 51 <3
Chapter 52 <3
Chapter 53 <3
Chapter 54 <3
Chapter 55 <3 - The End

Chapter 7 <3

6.4K 75 4
By Moniemone

Chapter 7 <3

School is back (:

Monday morning.

(8) look at me now (8)

I jumped at my alarm and hopped in the shower. After my shower I wrapped my towel around me and went in my closet. I looked through everything and decided on wearing a black long sleeve shirt, pink under shirt, ripped skinny jeans with pink tights underneath and to top it off , I got my pink stud belt. For shoes um I put my black airforces 1's on. I got my hair done by my aunt. I got the nicki bangs and the rest curly. Just normal but I got bangs now. I put my black hoops on and went downstairs. My daddy was in his suit on his laptop. I smiled and said "good morning." my dad looked up and said "ah goodmorning hun. Do you have dance practice ?" I shrugged and said "I think. Umm yea ya I have it." he nodded and looked at his watch and said "alright get your stuff we can leave." I ran back upstairs and grabbed my dance bag and purse, phone, etc. I gone downstairs and my daddy was already in the car. I went in my moms room and said "bye mama" she waved under her cover and I chuckled and gone outside locking the door. I got in and plugged in my music seeing my dad listen to his country songs. Cordell and I are still going out but he said he doesn't want me to talk to him until I figure if I really want to be with him. So since he wants to play that , he's not getting talked too. I do want him I'm just making him suffer. I'm listening to celebration by tank ft. Chris brown. Finally we reached school and I got out. I went to the back door and grabbed my dance and school bag. I slammed the back door and opened the front door and said "bye" he smiled and handed me my daily 20$ which I keep. Well I use 5$ for lunch. I smiled and said "thanks. Umm who's picking me up ?" he shrugged and said "I'll text you when I find out." I nodded and closed the door walking off. It was kinda early till the bell ring so I get to socialize with people today. I gone in and Michelle ran to me and said "symone. I missed you." I smiled and said "yes I missed you too." I gone over to where everybody I talk to sat. I sat next to try'dale and took my winter coat off. Cordell was looking at me but I was playing games with him. I talked to everybody at that table except Cordell. Michelle nudged me and said "what's with the glares I see ?" I shrugged and said "nothing" she gave me that look and said "hm okay" she didn't believe me. The bell was soon getting ready to ring and so I got up and said "see you guys later." michelle got up with me and I said "no you stay. I need my alone time right now." she nodded and said "alright meet me in the gym for the assembly and to get schedules" I nodded and said "no we have to go to our first class then we go to gym." she nodded and said "alright bye boo" I waved and walked off. I was just walking playing on my phone and I bumped into someone making there phone drop. I stepped back and noticed it was pizza boy. His name is Ronzell. I swallowed and said "hey I'm so sorry," he chuckled and said "you good lil ma. Sorry I never text you. I lost your number." I chuckled and said "well there is my que to leave. Nice talking to you ronzell." he smiled and said "that's the bell. And bye symone." I waved and walked off. I reached my locker and put my stuff up grabbing a pencil and my purse and closed my locker. I saw korrie a few lockers down and he was looking at me. He started coming over and I just walked off, but I bumped into someone else. Ugh what's wrong with me. This time my pencil fell. I bent down to pick it up and it was Kevin. Oh snap oh snap. Cordell did say he transferred here. I snatched my pencil and just walked off. I reached science class and I sat down in my signed seat. I rested my head on the lab table and I felt someone near me. I peaked and saw it was Cordell. I got up and looked the other way. He sat down and was texting on his phone. I have to talk to him. But I dnt want to make the first move. My phone vibrated and I dig through my bag and got it. It was Marion:

I'm picking you up. (:

I chuckled reading it and text back:

Yay ! Can't wait (:

I put my phone on silent and put it in my bag. Korrie came in class and I forgot we have this class together. He looked at me and smiled. I didn't even smile back. Where he playing at ? I think Cordell saw and chuckled and mumbled something. I rolled my eyes feeling awkward. Finally the teacher came and said "sorry I'm late. Umm well to take up time. I need you to work with your partner and discuss what you did over the holidays. Then pick a word that described it." I sighed and got up going into the front of the class getting a piece of paper. I sat down and picked up my pencil and started writing:

My christmas break was okay, I had a wonderful Christmas.

It was great to be with family. New years came and my family had a party so I invited 3 of my friends. I got asked out which I totally thought was great but when you think about it, it was kinda pointless. I dont regret saying yes but umm yea. For the rest of the holidays I went to Tennessee to visit a cousin and my friend Michelle went with me. We had fun messing with boys well just joking with them. We came back from Tennessee and that's pretty much it.

I rested my pencil down and I felt Cordell reading it. He sighed and the bell rung. Quick right. Well I guess it's time for that boring assembly. I put that sheet in my purse and picked up my pencil. I rushed out class and saw Michelle at my locker. I waved and said "okay class was straight up boring. Let me just grab my lipgloss" she nodded and went texting on her phone. I closed my locker and seen Cordell leaning on the other locker. I fake smiled and took a deep breath and said "come on Michelle," but I looked and she was gone. I sighed and he grabbed my arm as I was walking off and said "symone." I stopped and he was still holding my hand. I jerked it away and he said "please. Just listen or we will be late for this assembly" I turned and said "well talk" he rubbed his chin and said "I'd be lying if you asked me if I missed you. It's killing me that your not talking to me cause what I said. I know what you doing too. You do want me but you just testing me I'm sorry and let's just start over" I shrugged and said "im not sure. Maybe we just need to be fri-" he kissed me. I backed up and said "Cordell." he smiled and said "come on we gonna start over." I sighed and said "I- I umm I will see" I walked off and he followed. He then said "atleast talk to me." I stopped and said "I did," he grabbed my waist and said " you gonna be mines by the end of the day" I chuckled and said "whatever you say." we reached the gym and I sat down beside Michelle and she said "so y'all cool." I shrugged and said "I want to be" she smiled and said "Cordell se said she wants to be" I pushed her arm and said "okay I got you" it was jarsell, michelle , me then cordell. That's how we was sitting. Cordell's hand snaked around my waist. I guess we back to normal ?.

After school.

I went to my locker and grabbed my dance bag. Dance was canceled. Whew. I took my phone out and called Marion.

Me: hey

Marion: what up.

Me: umm dance is cancelled.

Marion: I'm at work. Can you find a ride home or to a friends house ?

Me: umm yea if not ill walk.

Marion: if not I'll send Shawn.

Me: alright. Umm bye.

Hung up. Cordell was at my locker and I smiled and he said "you need a ride home ?" I nodded and said "yea" we walked outside and Cordell's mom was already here. He gone up to the window and said "can you take her home" she looked at her watch and said "I'm on my lunch break. Ima just drop you guys to her house and explain to sherry." I nodded and said "that's okay." I got in and she sped off. We reached my house and ms. Dana said "behave you guys." I nodded and said "my aunt is here." she nodded and drove off. I got my keys out and opened the door. My aunt was still with us. She has to stay till February. She's in college and she just staying till she gets her apartment. She's my mom youngest sister. She's 21. Crazy right ? My grandpa had her with a young women. Confusing. I rest my things at the door and she said "umm who's this cutie ?" I rolled my eyes and said "this is my boyfriend Cordell." she hmmm'd and said "hi, I'm shadaysha. But everybody calls me dayday." I smiled and said "you cook ?" she shook her head and said "no girl i was sleep then I watched me a couple of movies, here I'll order a pizza," I smiled and said "your the best dayday" i grabbed Cordell's hand and picked up my bags and we went upstairs. I closed my door and he was sitting my bed. I dropped my bags in my closet and jumped on Cordell making him fall back. I was on top. He looked at me and said "what's this for ?" I smiled and kissed him. I've been dying to do that. It was getting a little heated. So I backed up and he said "first make out session" I laughed and said "you kiss so good" he laughed and said "duh ima pro" I laid beside him playing on his phone when a text comes from aneisha:

Hey I'm so glad we talked. I hope we become more than what we are now. Anyways your probably with your slut so ima let you goo . Love you <3

I rest his phone down and said "umm you got a message" I got up and put my iPod on my dock and played 'bust the windows out your car' cordell was reading his phone and he said "symone that ain't even true. I haven't talked to her at all." I smiled and said "I know. It just bothers me cause girls really be texting you" he chuckled and said "and boys text you." I laughed and said "whatever" I opened up my room door and yelled "dayday , pizza here yet ?" no response then I hear "noo , they said maybe an hour cause snow still on roads." I groane and said "alright" I closed my door and Cordell said "here Michelle is calling you" I snatched my phone and said "thanks" then picked it up.

Me: talk to me (:

Michelle: so a bird told me that you rode home with Cordell.

Me: oh yea.

Michelle: hmm. I hear y'all home alone ?

Me: girl hush. I'm at my house. And no my auntie here.

Michelle: girl I was kidding, so whatcha doing boo ?

Me: nothing. Sitting on the bed with Cordell.

Michelle: oh interesting (:

Me: nothing bad Michelle.

Michelle: I know I know;

Me: better !

Michelle: yea yea. So umm you text me later we have to talk !

Me: alright b. I'll text ya later bruh.

Michelle: dnt do it and alright bye bishh !

Hung up.

I looked at cordell and he was on my Facebook. I grabbed my computer and said "move" he out his hands in the air and said "I didn't do nothing. I just logged on." I rolled my eyes and made a status:

I'm backkkk facebookerz ! Hehe :D soo ummm I'm chillen with my boo thang <3 blow up my phone ! ! Meaning hmu ! Buyeee !

Post. I haven't been on Facebook since I haven't spoke to Cordell this break. I logged out and Cordell logged on his snd said "I'm ya boo thang ?" I nodded and he said "why you telling people to text you ? Lame !" I laughed and said "cause you lame and I need someone to text." he laughed and made him a status:

School is back :( yuckkk ! Sitting with my monie (:

I laughed and said "that's cute" he nodded and said "yes. You know it" I gone in my closet and said "I just remembered your birthday is coming up !" he smiled and said "yea I'm gonna have a couple of friends over and just hang out." I smiled really big and said "am I invited ?" he shook his head as in no and said "only dudes." I made a sad face and said "I thought I was a girlfriend" he laughed and said "I'm kidding your invited" I jumped on the bed and said "thanks." he nodded and said "yea you welcome" I kissed his cheek and he chuckled and said "I'm hungry" I got up and said "me too." we went downstairs. Dayday was eating pizza. So greedy. I got me a slice and put it on a plate. Cordell was starring at me and said "you really hungry" I nodded and said "yes." I had 3 slices ! Now time to burn this off. I got up and said "alright dayday I'm goin to do my excersice" se looked at me and said "little girl you are boney. What you burning that off for?" I laughed and said "I'm captain of danceteam. I need to stay in shape" she laughed and said "that's the white in you" I rolled my eyes and said "whatever" me and Cordell went upstairs and I got my shorts out and my sports bra. I changed in my bathroom and then came out. Cordell looked and said "dang you gotta body more than me" I smiled and flexed reveling my 6 pack. He licked his lips and said "that belly button is sexy on you." I nodded and said "I know." I grabbed my iPod and headphones and said "you gonna excersice with me ?" he shook his head and said "ima lift weights that's all." I nodded and we walked to the excersice room. I set my iPod on my nike thing and started my stretches. After doing that I spent 20 mins on tread mill, 10 mins doing crutches, 5 mins lifting weights. Last thing I hung on the bar and did my lift ups. But i needed to run. Cordell was playing basketball at this time. I was gonna go running around the gym. I set my timer for 20 mins. I started running and Cordell was laughing. After shoot 10 mins I fell. I was tired. I squirt water in my mouth and cordell said "you over do your little self" I chuckled and said "I just want to have that perfect body." he smiled and said "you do" I nodded and said "yea almost there though." I grabbed the basketball and said "let's play a game " he chuckled and said "you can't play" I nodded and said "yes I can" I can't play no basketball. Everybody will laugh when they see play. Well if. I dribbled the ball and Cordell bust out laughing and said "wow." I smiled and said "check" umm I think I was suppose to say that. I got the ball back and started running to the goal but Cordell said "naw you holding the ball" I rolled my eyes and said "I was ballin and you messed me up." he chuckled and I shot the ball just for fun. It didn't go in. Blahh. I sat on the ground and said "wait I have an idea. I'll teach you a dance and you teach me basketball." he shook his head and said "dancing isn't my thing" I nodded and said "it will be though" I plugged up my iPod to the speakers in the gym and cut on boo thang. I went over to Cordell and said "alright come on dance with me" he laughed and said "no no I cant dance !" I got my serious face on and said "well to prom or a school dance your not going with me unless you learn" he is lying he can dance. I seen him duggie ! I rolled my eyes and he said "fine" I held his waist from the front and he said "okay so what ?" I rocked him and then I spin out from him and he had my hand. I spinned back into his arms and did my little dance and he finally caught on. He danced with me and let's just say he's a pretty good dance partner. After that we went upstairs,

I showered and wrapped my towel around me and gone in my room go get my clothes. I grabbed them and gone back in the bathroom. I put my clothes on and i came out. Cordell was laying on his stomach and I sat on his back and said "you sleepy ?" he nodded and said "yes." I smacked his butt and said "you know it's only 5 oclock. What time your mom get off ?" he shrugged and said "like 9 I think. Where your sisters at !" I shrugged and said "my cousins house." he nodded and said "oh cayla at my grandparents." I nodded and he sat up. I sighed and said "sing to me." he chuckled and said "what you want me to sing ?" I thought and said "umm sing favor by Lonny bereal and kelly Rowland." he chuckled and said "you a freak Foreal" I laughed and he said "alright. I'll sing: I want you to beg for me." he pointed to me to finish and I said "you feening cause you miss me" I pointed to him and he said "open up them legs for me . Let me in, I want in" I screamed and said "you killed that I part." oh lord he got boosted and said "well um you know how I do" rahhh ! I hugged him and said "your so cute" I pinched his cheeks. He rolled his eyes and got his phone out. He text someone then looked up at me and I said "what ?" he shook his head and said "nothing." I got my phone off the shelf and saw I had 3 texts . Michelle , ronzell , and shawn my cousin .

Michelle :

O M G ! Okay okay so guess what !,??????

Text back little girl.


Hey it's pizza boy what's up ?


Little girl. Who the f**k is your boo thang ? You so young to have a boyfriend.

I laughed at that text. Then I text Shawn back:

Shawn calm down. I'm 15 about to be 16 next month. My boo thang is Cordell. But I love you (:

Sent. He is so over protective and he's just my cousin. We are kinda close. I deleted the message from Ronzell. Then texted michelle back:

What ??????? !!!!!!!!!

Sent. That's how we are. She'e my other bestfriend . Well Cordell is but he's ok boyfriend duty right now. Haha. I looked up at Cordell and he said "you been in your own world for like a long time" I chuckled and said "oh my fault so what was you talking about ?" he shook his head and said "umm I was saying howon your profile you dnt have in a relationship with me" I rolled my eyes and said "you want me to change it? And you know I dnt like ppl in my relationship" he nodded and said "me neither but still" I sighed and said "alright I'll do it," I grabbed my laptop and logged on and he said "you dnt have to if you dnt want to" I looked at him and said "naw it's okay" I changed it and said "happy ?" he smiled and said "see now look everybody commenting on it and liking it" he was happy ? I rolled my eyes and said "great. This is exactly what I wanted" sarcasm. He smiled and said "I know right." I pushed his head and he said "bruh messing up my hair" I looked at him in shock and said "I'm a man to you ? Nigga you got me bent !" he turned his head and said "nigga ? You just called me a nigga . I should slap yo MIX ahhhhhz !" I pushed him and said "you called me a bruh. Do I look like jarsell and Bernard and them ? Huh ? Huh !" he got serious and said "I'm sorry." I smiled and said "yea you better be" he chuckled and said "hush playing hard." I rolled my eyes and said "I'm so bored. Cordell your lame" he chuckled and said "thats cause you lame" I rolled my eyes and said "let me call my girl over here" I got my phone and dialed Michelle. After 3 rings she picked up.


Me: hey what you doing ?

Michelle: Nothing at the house with this Nuckle head of a brother.

Me: oheeeee . Tell him I said hey. And ask if he can drop you here. It's lame with Cordell.

Cordell hit me with a pillow !

Me: awhhhhhhh . Hurry and ask.

Michelle: he said yes ! I'll be over in about 10 mins. Byeeee .

I hung up and got the pillow and hit him he got up from his laying down position and got on top of me and said "say sorry" I shook my head and said "no Cordell just move" he held his grip a little tighter and said "say sorry" I shook my head said "Cordell just move or I'll kick your penis" he laughed and said "try it" I brought my knee up and he said "stop symone. You can cause so much damage doing that." he was serious. I sighed and said "Cordell move" he kept shaking his head saying "no just say sorry" I rolled my eyes and said "omg , Kevin come on Foreal just let go" he moved and said "Kevin ?" haha I did that on purpose.

I got up and he had me against the wall and said "oh so you think that's funny ?" I tried to keep myself from laughing but failed and I heard the doorbell. I pushed him but he didn't move. I ughed and said "michelle is here move" he shook his head and said "I dnt care if beyonce is here. You thought that was funny calling me another dudes name ? Knowing we dont get along ?" he is serious. Michelle was knocking on the door. I swallowed and said "oh your serious cordellkie ? I'm sorry." I opened the door and Michelle said "finally. Was y'all tryna hide having sex ?" I shook my head and said "no Michelle. Cordell had me against the door" Cordell sat on the bed on my laptop. Michelle jumped on the bed and said "what's wrong little boy" he kissed his teeth and said "symone get your friend" I jumped on the bed and said "I just love y'all. My bestfriends" I did that to see what he would do.

4 hours later .

10pm .

Cordell just left . Michelle is gonna spend the night. We had our pajamas on downstairs messing with amari. I kissed her cheek and said "I missed you babe" she laughed and said "auntie please." I smiled and said "you so cute." I hugged her and she said "let go" I let her down and Marion said "come on amari, time to go to bed" my mom still wasn't home. She took dayday and the twins out. My dad was probably sleep or in his office working. That man just loves work. I gone in the kitchen and said "Michelle you want pizza rolls" she nodded like a little piggy she is and I put some in. Marion came in the kitchen topless holding amari and i said "ewe just go put on a shirt." he chuckled and said "I was I just came to get amari her milk" me and Michelle sat in the tv room and finally my mom came home. The twins looked more than tired. I hugged them and said "hi" my aunt dayday looked at me and said "dnt touch me." I wasn't anyways. She is like a cousin to me instead of an aunt. I rolled my eyes and my mom said "hey mone" I smiled and said "hey" Michelle was sitting on the couch texting. Probably jarsell. My mom slumped down and said "im so tired. Is your dad sleep ?" I shrugged and said "I'm not sure" I went to the kitchen and took the pizza rolls out. Michelle came rushing in and we sat down and ate. My dad came out the room and shirtless. He got a body for a white man. He came in the kitchen and said "y'all better go to sleep for y'all can't wake up in the morning" I nodded and said "we are we are" we finished up eating then we gone upstairs in my room. I cut the main light off but cut my lamp on. I tied my hair down and Michelle said "are you really tired ?" I shook my head and said "no, I'm wide awake." she put her finger up and said "hold on" I rolled my eyes she's talking to jarsell. I got my phone out and Cordell text me.

Hey you sleep ?

I smiled and then replied.

No, I'm bored . Sneak out and come over .

I sent it and then Michelle looked at me and said "jarsell asked if you miss your boo." I nodded and said "yea, I'm texting him right now" I looked at my phone and he texted back.

You bad . Lol. You wanna go to this party Bernard having ?

He's having a party ? Yay .

So I responded:

A party ? Waaaaa ? Ima ask my mama and you going ?

Sent. I cut the tv on and was flicking through channels. Nothing is on ! I need something to do . I got up and walked downstairs and the lights were off. I got me some warm milk. It helps me get sleepy. I drank it, then went upstairs. I laid down and put my headphones in listening to neyo.

Tuesday Morning.

5 am.

I woke up without my alarm and got up and showered. When I was finished I did my daily stuff and wrapped my towel around me and came out. Michelle was out the room so she must be in the other bathroom. I went in my closet and got a pink sweater that hangs off the shoulder, black thick leggings, with my pink converses. I put my diamond stud earrings on and my pink headband too. Michelle came in the room with jeans and a hoodie. We have dance after, it's our last practice. I smiled and said "should I keep the converses. I have pink ankle boots." she went in my closet and came back with grey ankle boots. I smiled and said "life savor." she smiled and said "whatever, I hope someone cooked breakfast cause a girl is hungry." I grabbed my dance bag, school bag and purse. We went downstairs and Michelle said "Goodmorning second family" my mom smiled and said "hurry and eat so we could leave. It's 6:30, and goodmorning sweetie" we dug into the food and my dad came in and said "here Michelle and symone. 10$ each." I smiled and said "thanks dad," Michelle smiled really big and said "oh why thanks, mr. Wilson." he nodded and said "sierra. Are you taking them ?" my mom nodded and said "yea. Marion left and can you please take amari to preschool. Dayday said she's taking the twins to school." he nodded and said "okay, I'll do that. Bye girls." I nodded and grabbed a pack of gummy's for later and we left the house.

When we pulled into school Michelle said "symone look who's waiting for you." I gave her that look as in shut up and she said "well then." we got out and I said "bye momma. Marion said he will pick me up," she nodded and said "if things change call me." I nodded and we walked inside the school. Cordell must have went inside. We walked to the cafeteria and Cordell was sitting with jardsell and them. We pulled up a chair and cordell said "you could have sat in my lap." I shook my head and said "no, I'm good" he chuckled and said "okay then I'm sorry I didn't text you back I fell asleep." I nodded and got up to go stop to the vending machine. Cordell was totally checking me out. I smiled and said "quit looking." he got up and said "I'm going with you" I nodded and Michelle looked at me and said "see you later in the next class." I nodded and remembered we got our new schedule and I'm in a dance/ performing arts class with Michelle for 1st, chemistry 2nd with jardsell, geometry 3rd with no one I know and my last class family and consumer science 4th with Michelle again. No classes with Cordell and I'm kinda sad. But we have lunch together. We walked to the vending machine room and I got me trail mix and a diet sprite, and a skittles. My snacks for the day. Cordell was holding my dance bag! I smiled and said "your so sweet." he chuckled and said "yea, so Cordell are you going to the party?" he shrugged and said "I want to, if you can't go then I wont go. If you do then I'll go." I nodded knowing he will end up going if I dnt get to go. He looked at me and said "what" I shook my head and said "nothing. But umm I need to put my book bag in my locker so I'll talk to you later." I hugged him and kissed his cheek and took my dance bag from him and walked off. The bell had rung so I'm glad I left. I went to my locker and put my back back up and closed my locker putting my dance back over my shoulder and my purse. I was just walking and I heard ronzell's voice "symone. Why you not texting me back." I just rolled my eyes and said "look, can you just leave me alone. I'm not interested in you. You only want to know me cause you know I have money. Leave me alone." with that said I walked off. I saw Michelle hugged up jardsell and I said "PDA, PDA." they laughed and michelle said "I'll meet you in that class symone." I nodded and continued walking. Some boy that looked very familiar was walking from the office. I couldn't put my finger on his name. He was mixed, and hair cut nicely. I walked a little faster to catch up with him but michelle started calling my name "symone, symone" I stopped and said "hurry. The late bell is gonna ring." we was almost there anyways. I just wanted to see who that boy was.

We finally reached class and I totally lost that boy due to me turning around to Michelle. I sat down on the ground where the other girls was and then I see a group of boys sat down and I spot him out. He is gorgeous. Wait symone remember that you have a boyfriend. I guess I was kind of starring cause Michelle said "symone. I'm telling Cordell." I snapped out and said "no, it's like I know that kid." we was all sitting down and the teacher came in and said "welcome. This is the performing arts class. This class is a dance class. You get invited in this class if your good." I looked at the boys to see if I recognized them. But nope. Michelle kept giving me these looks as in for me to stop looking. She passed out papers with a list of things we are suppose to do and stuff. I was reading them and Michelle said "this class is gonna be great." I nodded and put my papers up and opened my skittles eating some but the teacher ms. John said "umm little Wilson, rules dont change just cause your a lawyers child." i laughed and said "ms. John ? I know you didn't" I know ms. John. She's always picking on me. She's one of my dads friends and she just loves me. Mostly cause I use watch her kids. Michelle sighed and said "symone that was disrespectful" when ms. John left. I shook my head and said "I know her, she's my dads friend. Shes really sweet" she ohh'd.

For the rest of class ms. John cut her mixtape on. All these different genre songs came on. Me and Michelle started dancing all crazy it was cute in a way. Finally the bell rang and I had to stop to my dance team coach office to drop my bag off. I went in and she wasnt in so I just put my bag in there. I left but I bumped into someone. That boy. I my purse had fell and my stuff came out. I bent down and he did to and I said "I'm so sorry I wasnt paying attention. I pick up my stuff stuffing it in my purse and then I said "hey um do I know you from somewhere" he nodded and said "I'm surprised you even remembered." i looked at him and said "omg. I know you I know you. Your mom and my dad are friends. Lil Ron ?" he nodded and said "yes" I got up and said "I would love to talk but the late bell is about to ring" he got up and said "by any chance do you know where chemistry class is," I nodded and said "yea. We are going to be late but we will say I helped you find this class.

When we finally reached class. The teacher ms. Damson said

"why are you two late," I sighed and said "I had to talk to my dance team coach Luke a couple of mins before the bell rang and then he was lost and so I helped him find this class." Lord forgive me. It wasn't a total lie though. There was no more seats upfront so I sat in the back and lil Ron sat like two seats down. I was right behind jardsell and he turned and shook his head. I sighed and ms. Damson said "okay. I'm assigning books so come get them and Write your number down. I went up and got my book and ms. Damson said "Symone Wilson, that name sounds familiar." I nodded and said "I bet it does." I got my book and sat down. Jardsell turned around again and said "what you think Cordell have to say?" I shrugged and said "I really dnt know and I really don't care. It's not like I was doing nothing bad." im figuring jardsell told Cordell something.

When class was over, it was time for lunch. I sat down with my hamburger and salad. Michelle ran up to me and said "hmm." I rolled my eyesl annoyed and said "let me guess jardsell said something?" she nodded and I just shrugged. I started eating my salad and the boys came to the table. Cordell sat beside me and Michele crossed from me, then jardsell beside her and then the other boys. No one was sitting beside me so I had put my purse in that chair. We was all eating and Cordell wasnt talking to me. I had got up to go buy me a lemonade. When I went up to the cashiers I brought it and lil Ron said "aye. Symone right ? You mind if I eat with you ?" I shook my head said "oh um sure just follow me." we walked to the table and it got quiet. I sat down and said he sat beside me and I said "oh guys, this is lil Ron. And lil Ron, this is jardsell, Bernard, Cordell and Michelle." they all looked at him and Cordell looked and jardsell as in 'this that boy' snd jardsell nodded. I sighed and said "so lil Ron. Hows your dad ?" he nodded snd said "first. I'm not little nomore symone so call me Ron and my dad is fine." I nodded and said "sorry Ron. I'm just use to calling you that." you see me and Ron was super close when we was younger. My mom and he's dad was like real good friends. Ron and I had took dance classes and he was so good at dance from a child. That's how we connect as in friends. He smiled and said "so you looking foward for dance class?" I nodded and Michelle said "I'm gonna enjoy that class too." I nodded and said "I bet you will." Cordell looked at me and Whispered in his ear "are you mad at me" he shook his head and just continued talking to his friends. Jarsell looked me and shook his head and I just rolled my eyes. Why are they acting like this?

After school.

I put my stuff up in my locker and grabbed my backpack. I started making my way to gym for dance but lil Ron stopped me and said "aye. Umm can I have your number so my dad can call your mom I'm pretty sure they will like to know we meet again." I chuckled and nodded and said "yea. She's gonna be happy." I gave him my number and I continued my walk to gym. When I got there I grabbed my bag from coach's office and went to change.

After i changed, I started doing my stretches and Michelle came over and said "symone, I hope your not mad at me. I'm just tryna help you out." I nodded and said "I wasn't mad at nobody, I just didn't like how y'all started treating me like I was with him. That boy been through so much stuff when we was little. It's sad . He was a good friend of mines when we was younger" Michelle just sighed and said "I'm tryna save you from loosing Cordell but you letting the boy come in between y'all" i rolled my eyes and coach finally came out and talked to us. We didn't even have to dress out she said at the end. We got awards and I got 2 of them, best sportsmanship, and best dance team captain. After doing that award thing, she gave us each a candy basket. Yumm. We took pictures and then we was ready to leave. I changed back into my clothes then grabbed my bags and walked out. When I walked out Cordell was leaning against the gym wall. I stopped and gave him a fake smile and he said "you wanna talk ?" I shook my head and said "no why should we?" he shrugged and said "well we are. So tell me something, who is lil Ron ?" I chuckled and said "he's a friend I had when I was little. Get over it if your jealous." I just didn't feel hearing this. I walked out and Marion was already outside. I threw my stuff inside and I heard "hey hey watch out for me." it was a little boys voice. I looked and said "AWH. Bryan" it's my little cousin. I gone in the back seat and kissed his cheek and he said "yuck. Mone" he's only 3. I love him. I closed thee back door and hopped in the front seat and said "hey Marion. What's he doing up here !" he cut the music down and said "they in town. Even aunt Jamie." oh lord. Aunt jamie is the crazy aunt. Jealous one too. I smiled and said "wow. Can we stopped to mcdonalds ?" he nodded and said "yea." we was just listening to Beyonce's latest album 4. Then I remembered. "oh yea Marion, guess ego goes to my school ? Lil Ron" he looked at me and said "Foreal." I nodded and said "yea I gave him my number. He turned cute to" Marion chuckled and said "oh I really dnt care if the turn cute. I'm not gay." I laughed and said "well my bad."

We reached mcdonalds and I said "Marion I want a cheeseburger and fries. With a sprite." he ordered and when we reached the window that el was flirting. She looked and said "this meal is on me Hun." Marion licked his lips and said "thanks ma. What your fine self working here for?" she twirled her hair and said "well I need money and this jobs offering it." I tapped Marion and said "pay and let's go." he gave her the money and said "I can't let you pay. Here. And you keep the change ma" I smiled and we went to the pick up window. I got my food and I gave Bryan a fry. He smiled and said "thank you mone." I smiled and said

"your welcome Bryan." I closed it and we drove home.

When we reached home. I unstrapped Bryan and let him out and got my bags and leaded Bryan in front of me. He rang the doorbell and we waited and finally my dad opened the door and said "hey symone, what's up little man" he nodded and I gone inside and all my moms siblings was there. Lord. I dropped my bags my the door and said "hey guys." I hugged them and they was all saying how I look grown and stuff. I finally made it out and went in the kitchen and started eating my food. My cousins my age was in there and I said "hey you guys," they looked at me and one said "oh hi" ugh ! I finished up eating and cleaned my spot. I gave my drink to amari and then went in the living room to get my bags. I got them and aunt jamie said "Sierra. You let her go to school in that?" I rolled my eyes and just gone upstairs. I dropped my bags and took out my phone and saw missed calls from Michelle. I put my phone on my desk and got my laptop out. I went on Facebook and lil Ron sent me a friend request. I accepted it and then made a status:

Sometimes people are to over controlling that you can't even make or have friends. But I can care less. Either you want me to be happy or you just want to be selfish.


I smiled to myself and then I put some pictures up of me. I changed my profile and lil Ron commented on my pictures:

Your very beautiful (:

I blushed and said thanks. I noticed people liking my status and junk but I didn't see who did. I logged out and closed my laptop. I put it up and came out my room closing my door. Amari was coming up the stairs. I picked her up and said "hey boo. Where you going ?" she looked at me and said "put me down." I put her down and then she said "going to zeal's room" I let her go. Then I went in the kitchen. My girl cousins was still there. I just ignored them and went in the gym. That's where the boy cousins were. I waved and they stopped playing basketball and one said "damn, is she our cousin ?" I chuckled and Cameron said "she is. And you will leave her alone."

I was socializing with them and talked to everybody. Then I went upstairs, and the ladies was cooking. But my mom was sitting down. I sat beside her and said "momma guess who goes to my school" she looked and said "who ?" I smiled and said "lil Ron" she smiled and said "Awh girl tell him to tell his daddy to call me sometimes." I nodded and said "oh okay. And he's still dancing too. We are in the se class ." she nodded and said "wow. I use to love lil Ron. Y'all use to pretend y'all were married." I chuckled and said "wow."

End of this chapter (:

I hope you liked it.

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